Wavepool for Wiseman's Ferry

Balnce - has impressive list of investors
All approved and ready to go.....meanwhile in Orlando...

Wow, the pics look...pretty.
"With a 9-hole golf course, 54 suites, member clubhouse, restaurant, bar and activities for the entourage or family, Wisemans will be home for a new surf community to connect on the doorstep of classic Australian bushland."
Maybe I should take up golf too.
And start saving for what is bound to be financially challenging to justify.

Wow that seems like such a good idea! It looks like it would be very pricey but I guess if you factor in travel and accomodation costs for an upmarket os surf resort it might stack up.

We ran with these plans in January & it got plenty of Media back then & again now!
So what's goin' on with this backwater pool that gets the Media buzz.
No one thought it would get up nor reported on this all year....
Noosa North Shore Bain Manor $25,000 / night pool was knocked down in Aug!
Include similar "Detailed" Palm Springs Plans as they would shine some light.
It's the surfloch crew that tinker with Palm Springs (Ex Waco Freak Peak DJ)
They beef up an almighty Slab take off but then it fades fast to reform...
They say they can run it right thru...perhaps some ironing out to do!
This is the full width A Frame version....
Recall we noticed the High sides back then...but now see it resembles a Quarry.
Possibly the deepest Wave Pool since 1930's Portobello & Bladed WG/The Ranch
That's a lot of water to push about & a lot more options for wave power.
They claim it has a more open natural feel as to being cornered.
Note: How you step down into the Pool (Could be a safety issue here?)
Unsure if surrounds run off / flood into pool...Health Issue?
(No High Wall / Acid Drops > re: Waco / WaveGarden)
Yet water is still well below sides....(Massive Acid Sulphate issues digging that deep)
So how / why did they get Council approval where Noosa missed out?
Surf Lodge as shown above by crew is owned by WSL Pros + see below approvals.
(Cooly Kidz) Steph / Joel 'n' Bede / Josh / Jack / Alana
+ Balter Pocket Money.
Note Steph ever championed Olympics in a Wavepool
But has boycotted all Oz Wave-Garden Pools to date.
Steph only ever surfs WSL Wavepool even Kelly surfed Waco.
Think we now know why...However this pool is forbidden to host Comps.
Promos are another thing...
Queen Steph obviously knows the value of WSL Pro approved Wave Pool Promos!
Wouldn't surf in rival's pissy pool even if you paid me...sign of a dream tour Pro.
Gerry Lopez said similar of Early Tour... The Pipemaster ...surf that mush... C'mon!
With Joel & Steph at the Helm we're surely talking solid Wave Pool Barrels!
This will price closer to Kelly's than Urbnsurf...can drool, but not in the Pro's Pool.

Thanx to Chook's girlfriend...pays to shop around...some good dirt on this pool!
$75m Hawkesbury Wave Pool is 1hr from Sydney + 45m cruise from Palm Beach.
45 acre Wavepool / 9 hole Golf / Conferences / Restaurant / 54 suites -Tennis gone.
Council Conditions
Approval depending > ongoing Villas Stormwater Plan...
River Water Use (Approved) + Solar / Green Power solutions
No > Comps / Surf Schools / Community Events / Surf'n'Turf
Hours ( 7 days ) 7am - 8pm (Indicates low level support lighting)
Wavepool access by Guests & supporting Membership.
Wavepool stats
21,525 m2 - Pool (Complete)
13,735 m2- Wavepool / 30,000 m3 or 3.4 acre
189m x 78m - Wavepool Zone
28 Caissons (vs) 8 Cassions Test Facility (Does not indicate size but length)
Wave Machines in general are confined to universal power > 4-6 ft waves max!
However the placement & function of jets / Bathymetry can boost height,
Surfloch has a unique orbital thrust similar to natural surf power to ramp height.
Thanx to Raised Water research ....
One can see how the placement of the caissons push the waves along
75 - Max Surfers in 2 x L/R line-ups + surrounding Wave Zone.
12 secs -Ride Length x 2 L/R lineups (Backbreak & Shorebreak)
2.5m- Wave Height (Backbreak) > (Note : Fades to reform for Shorebreak)
(No middle break) Pro's kick out giving Groms a fair go on the reform shorie.
1m - Wave Height (Shorebreak) This is new wave of worth in it's own right!
17 second Wave Train affords all level access + ( Quality / safe clear wave zone)
Clearance Time replicates a WSL Pro Pipeline or Waterslide clearway.
You'll be surprised how many (2/3 ride) collisions & (halts) - even at that pace.
Thanx to WSL Pro crew & media for sharing so much info.
That's a healthy dose of insight into a New Tech Wave Pool!
Be cool is we knew the depth in order to gauge how these orbital caissons work.
If these sketches are right, then they work pretty good alright.
Work Starts 3rd quarter of 2021 & opens 2022

2021 Wisemans Ferry ~ Floody Idiot.
WSL Wavepool pros had no time to rig up their CrabPots
Ultimate Floody Idiot can't be bothered waiting for our Pro's VIP Pool Party
1/100 Cleanup set sees this Bulky box like Wharfie takeout Wiseman's Car ferry.
Locals Only Houso's were sitting ducks...shittin' themselves in a line-up lull..
...just seconds to impact...Oh! No! The carnage! ...look away Gromz!
Total Disaster Area Wipe Out...you can feel their pain.
From outer left muddy bank this Punk Tinnie Rat swoops down & burns the Yuppie Wharfie.
Lines up the Bad-arse & takes him out as sweet as ya like bro!
Then grapples the unruly Blowin outta the Line Up back into the Grom'z wading pool.
Tells him not to come back 'till the Pro's Wavepool Disco ball gets up to speed!
WSL Pro's are left in his wake...Simon saves the Town & urban Legend thunder cracks overhead.
xxx Real Dirty Surf Vid..."Crunch Time"
Simon: "There's probably 1,000's of heroes around this community, you just don't see it!"
1829 Wisemans Ferry by { 2:00 PostCards } Real proper quickies with Cathy.
[ Wisemans Ferry ] (Floods)
(1) 1867 (Windsor 19-19.7m)
(2) 1961 (Windsor 14.5 -15.1m)
April 1988
July 1990 [ 4.30m ]
Feb 2020
(3) March 2021 [ 4.34m] (Windsor 13m) > (Note: Nepean River Penrith rose above 1961 height)

The luxury golf course would be under water but the wavepool would be high and, erm, dry.
By my reckoning the proposed wavepool is about 5m above the river height and the floods reached 4.91 at Wisemans Ferry.
Not a problem!

Wisemans ferry was mushrooms and killer swing ropes in the 70's...both free... but not real healthy.

Pro Surfing Olympians compete for [ Thor's Ultimate Cameo ]
God of Wave Pools now surfs in Sydney & Hawkesbury is awash with Movie Star Kooks
Pros have sourced Thor's A List Harvest to serve up Food for The Gods
Just gotta upgrade the Conference room to Pro / Movie theatre for the Star's Surf Flix.

Looks amazing ! Wind protection is important . Really affects the quality of Wavepool waves . Urban @ Tulla is off shore with a northerly . Not the prevailing wind here ( south east/west ) and off shore at most of the beach breaks .
Very strange decision .

How&why was that decision made? I think I read that the Mean Average Annual Wind Direction at Tulla is actually from the northern quadrant....yeah...maybe dusk to dawn...? Its been said that the wind "Doesnt really affect the waves that much" but please tell me it wasn't a colossal fuckup

How & Why?
Well crew, that's the money question & tbb thought the same about no Surf Park shuttle bus?
Couldn't see how they fail to share a Shuttle for boards to wave park from the Terminus.
All seems rather obvious doesn't it, just!
Original Urbnsurf Layouts
(1) Blade Lagoon breaks same direction with L/R faces peeling inward.
swellnet Wind Comments on Lagoon
(2.0) 90' Open A Frame Cove breaks same direction with L/R faces peeling "outward".
tbb trawled the net & plenty of links but no Local Wind reviews on this design ...Sorry!
(3) Narrow Arc Cove (Modern) breaks same direction with wave faces peeling inward.
All 3 Designs were roughly the same Position & direction...tbb checked on Various Precinct Docs.
There is an overriding construct that shapes the site.
Melbourne Airport Precinct Plan prioritizes minimum impact on Airport operation.
(Various Examples) High Flood Lights directed away from Runway & Footy ground.
Utilities pick up point minimizes #2 blockage backing up their Whazoo.
Main Stormwater supply flushes #1 in the Wave Pool.
[P] Shuttles Entry > Doesn't compete with Airport Feeders or private Operators...
Stage / Hoots diverted away from Airport & Footy...Wot! "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Coz of the Planes!
Whilst Developer can flick the neighbourly nosy Council, he can't bite the hand that feeds him.
Sydney Olympic Park / Jandakot/Cockburn Train Station are also fast track precincts.
Again the Utilities will Boss the Pool layout...less so the Trade Wind or Sun
Sunny Coast Wave pools are having a real hard time with Utilities / Transit drop off.
International Comp Transit compliance can be a larger undertaking than the Pool itself.
These alone will destroy any Offshore dreams the developer envisaged.
An international Wave park is governed by even more Precinct compliant costly utilities & surcharges.
Paddock pools also have a hard time gaining instant approval for makeshift international events.
With all that space they still struggle getting Spectator Views of any quality worth paying for!
Wiseman's Wave Pool does have a workable Entry Slip lane that could comply for International Events.
Sure! It would need an upgrade, but it does show able capacity for Shuttle / bus / taxi. (re: A > A)
Just saying that Posh VIP comps are very doable on a fair scale...One of the Pros was clever to spot that!
Even better that it has direct pool access + doesn't impose on private residences or Golf!
It's a compact site but very welcoming of Recreational Wave Pool & Facilities...Quite a surprise really!
Interesting to see if the tree screening rather than Netting complies for Stray golf ball Pool Safety
Reckon they'll shout a few Gromz a free ride if they can scoop out any unwelcome nasties. Ouch!

2nd Sept 2022 Wiseman's Ferry Wave Pool (Update)
Big changes...
Whitewater engineer C. Ginestet (Wave DJ) 8 yrs with AWM / Perfect Swell is now with Endless Surf
The Oz Pros then switched from SurfLoch to Endless Surf (See : Gold Coast Parkwood)
*Longer wave interval to minimize collisions
*Dedicated Beginners Zone
*No water immersed moving Mechanical Parts
*Olympic Grade Water Treatment
*2 Separate line-ups for all skill levels
Pool Dimensions 282m x 84.5m
Sydney's 1st Point break inspired by Snapper Rocks with 7 sections
Wave Period 12-15 secs > (L/R) 2.3m high waves x 150m / 25 sec long rides
Trestles Spit Peak 2x L/R waves (Constant height)
Wave period 12-15 secs > 2.3m high waves x 75m / 13 sec long rides
Note (Above!) original Wiseman's Surf Lodge Home Page has changed to Endless Surf format.
Info Site

Wisemans - No U.S. investors allowed ?

3 current Oz Pneumatic Wave Pools are proposing a Micro Brewery.
tbb thinks the Wave boffins are feeding wave pool exhaust into Beer Compression Chambers.
1. Wave Pool water cools the Units (Saving 10% Energy)
2. This cooled reverse flow air pressure then saves up to 50% of Micro Brewery Energy Costs
3. The Micro Brewery excess heat is then returned to heat the pool (Endless Summer Surfing)
4. Everything equals out saving on energy bills.
That's the Plan! Maybe...please don't quote tbb on that!
tbb only knows this should work in theory but can't find just one puny article on it. (Bummer!)
Wave Tech crews are real silent on this spin off as it's gaining a full head of steam.
The very fact these guys won't build a Wave Pool without brewing Beer speaks volumes!
We know Endless Surf Pneumatic Pools are mad keen to offset Micro Breweries.
All saw what happened when recent Sunny Wave Pool Developer spoke to soon!
swellnet are running news on another that kept too many secrets...now taking a cold shower!
Any loose Wave Pool language can sink a crew real deep before you learn to swim.
Banks throw money at Govt / Council endorsed micro brewery windfalls that waste our youth!
Kidz in turn line the pockets of the Mayor & Premiers ... Money for Jamz.
Govt's even help direct public transit & build a decent wheel barrow pick up / drop off...
Micro breweries bankroll every city & Govt / Council will rubber stamp whatever fad goes with it.
Mayor : "That's One Big Approval Tick for the Micro Brewery + that other really annoying thing!"
tbb thinks that these Micro Breweries are the Star & Wave Pools are just the froth & bubble.
So Yes! We're looking at the wave pool that spawns the best Micro Brewery wins Best Beer Medal.
Forget the Chix Tube Time (Those days are over!) More about the lads bringing their Air Game.
Here we see the Pros upgrade from Surfloch puny 28 Caissons > Endless Surf 48 macho Caissons.
Lets assume each original Caisson measured up in the Lab.
But! One expert said! Wot about off season when the Pool is only running on half or 14 caissons?
Low bar sales & Brewery Power bills will skyrocket with no income to pay the bills!
Let's also imagine the Experts only just informed the Pros of min offset air time for their micro brewery!
Lets say the minimum Power cost cover was based on former 28 Caisson output as standard base level?
Anyone for a top up?
Basically if tbb is getting warmer then 28 Caissons were never gonna cover the Wiseman's bar tab!
Once Endless Surf remodelled a new beaut 48 Caisson Brew House ... the drinks were on the house!
Let's wet the roof!
Important! tbb is not up with this tech...however!
There is a basic science driving the process to form these above assumptions!
Just no clear example to share with the crew!
This article is better than most...helps explain how a Wave Pool could cut primary Brewing costs!
Can spell it out to save time..(Just add any wild Hot Air Pneumatic Wave Pool vidz into the mix)
Electricity > Cooling & Air pressure are 45% costs for Brewing Beer!
(Offset) With one Massive Cool Pneumatic Pool that wastes a world record volume of "Super Cool Air pressure!"
Natural Gas > Heating / Brewing 55% costs
(Offset) With one Huge Cool Pneumatic Pool that should cold filter yer brewing costs to sub zero!
Recap! Pro Ladz are perfecting their Air Game for Pro Chix to sell by the Barrel....
Crew all know that makes sense...tbb best sums it up as just that!

Council Update on changes
6th Sept - 5th Oct 2022 (Public Exhibition + Submission Period) Development Expiry 24th Nov 2025
Files > Access via Development Application # 984/2020/HA/A
Might take a few goes but it comes good...(Try tbb's fast track link but Councils expire sessions upon leaving)
Anyhow! Just in case ya did break on thru to the other side...(Check out..)
19th Oct 2021 [Pool Plans "Original"]
16 Aug 2022
[Civil Plans + Flood Report] > New Pool Design Shape & depth
[Environmental Effects] Shows both pools side by side for footprint comparison.
For those that dudded out...we got this wrap.
Project Cost $ 51,660,962
(Endless Surf Steel Panel Tech) Save 50% build cost / time / recycle / Green Credits
can half on site concrete build Cost)
Pool Area 14,090 m2
Operation Water level 2.92m AHD (Oz mean Sea Level)
tbb did check on the plans & found similar...
re: Operational = (2.92m Wave Height) is also Waves breaking above AHD (static pool water level).
Original (Approved) Pool Wall height 5.2m
New Panel pool spins to sit 1-2.5m Higher than Concrete Pool + (Introduces a 6m perimeter mound)
Possibly the Panels can support above ground level fill line = less excavation = less cost?
tbb has not read this but Myrna Pools are notably approved above ground & overhead thru our cities.
These panels are treated to Water / Flood proof standard.
Naturally this 6m mound features in flood reports & likely local submissions.
This large Palm Shaded grassed 6m high mound is said to overview the pool as an amphitheatre.
Minimal Day [P] + No International / Interstate Coach Bays / Transit access (re: WA/Qld)
Indicates Boutique Conference Hotels / Surf Cabins with HPC Pro Hodad Surf Exhibitions
So yes! Star Power Comps but unlikely National or 5,000 crowds International Tour Events.

18 Jan 2023 Wisemans Surf Lodge
Waterfront Design and protection
Note : Warragamba Dam 14m Dam extension would reduce max water levels significantly!
3 Factors
* Hotel infrastructure is elevated above Max Levels.
Refers to the Property trading / servicing community thru previous Flood Events
* 6 metre Bund will Future Proof the Lagoon
Bund is higher than any recent recorded weather event
+ Diagrams of approved Mound / Shore / Lagoon / Wave Pool / Mechanics / Hotel
* Wavepools are designed to be underwater.
Deep Wave generating wall integration into highest gradient
Electromechanical Equipment sits above all max levels
Fans / Blowers are housed in accessible Bunkers
Lagoon can be cleaned & refilled within a few days
Read details here...
G B (Former site Owner)
* We had 2 major floods in 3 years >14" fast running water over the course
Council are stupid to allow any to build there...I feel sorry for the guys who are gutted with losses.
* G.B > Sold to T.R who built Motel (Above Floods)
TR sold to UK Topple UK > OS Chinese > Current Owners
11 May (Tracks)
Wiseman's Country Club Point Break set with Valet {P}
30 July swellnet ~ Wisemans Ferry Surf Lodge Scrapped
what the hell?...i had to find out about this from my GF...
Australia has another wave pool approved for construction, this time by the Hills Shire Council to be built in Wisemans Ferry on the Hawkesbury River....