COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

You think reposting the inane and inaccurate opinions of others somehow bolsters your attempts to smear me and your ongoing project to get me banned?
You think San Guine’s completely false accusation of anti-semitism should be upheld because it aligns with your desperate desire to make me look bad? Mate ….it’s there for all to see as completely not anti-Semitic. Sometimes facts just get in the way of your petty cancel culture mentality.
How long do you think you can keep this attempt at character assassination going before it’s obvious to everyone* that it’s actually yourself who is the antagonistic serial pest who insults and harasses any posters you think might have a slight diversity of thought to yourself?
Should we start a special thread documenting your daily insults and hassles to other contributors?
Seriously bloke….you are virtually shouting your feelings of inadequacy from the rooftops. You can’t contribute to discussions in any meaningful sense and so you try to compensate by relentlessly and needlessly attacking others.
I’d accept your behaviour as just overflowing emotional dedication to any of the topics -be they house prices or covid or anything-if you actually contributed anything at all beyond snipes, insults and harassment, but you don’t . Do you mate? I, along with others, use harsh language when hashing out arguments over topics on which we disagree. But you don’t even worry about the topics do you? Look at this exchange. It started with you posting another antagonistic meme about my pseudonym in an attempt to fire me up. And it worked. Your pointless and needless antagonism of paying subscribers is working exactly as you intended. There is no hiding how much of a serial pest you are.
Aren’t you a bit old to be a mean girl cyber bully?
*Everyone apart from your pathetic little mob of 3 or 4 background mean girls.

Oh gawd.. the idiot will start up with calling everyone a c*** soon. Geeze, sn was calmer without this pos.

Maybe it’s time for you to take a time out Roadkill?

DudeSweetDudeSweet wrote:Maybe it’s time for you to take a time out Roadkill?
already reverting to hating and ranting and angry and just being the nasty prick.

The SN referendum is on. CBG v. Blowin.
Cast away.

Yeah. Sorry bout that.

I think this thread can be shot (sic.) down now. The health system is not overloaded and the restrictions are being wound back. Job done. Bye.

monkeyboy wrote:I think this thread can be shot (sic.) down now. The health system is not overloaded and the restrictions are being wound back. Job done. Bye.
Yep, it's been limping along for months.
Time to do it quickly, humanely.

Stok wrote:monkeyboy wrote:I think this thread can be shot (sic.) down now. The health system is not overloaded and the restrictions are being wound back. Job done. Bye.
Yep, it's been limping along for months.
Time to do it quickly, humanely.
Quick, get rid of the evidence of cok and roadkills brainwashing.

Salute Oz Health Workers
April 2022 Oz Vaxed Health Worker Crisis continues...
7th April First ever statewide open action of more than 20,000 NSW Health Workers.
Certainly sounds like biggest ever Oz Health Crisis.
Record 4,800 Qld Health Workers in Iso / Quarantine.
More than any time during the Pandemic...( Unvaxed may need to fill their Roles ).
NSW Health Workers > 4,270 in Iso / Quarantine
Record 5,352 Aged Care Health Workers [+] cases in Current Outbreak
If our Frontline are suffering their worst Health Crisis of's not job done.
Just another Hesitant spreading Misinformation...(or)
Uncaring brainless VIP Bully Breaky TV that still couldn't give a shit about Health Crisis, Vax or Covid!
Can lock in the later as from day one until whenever...
PM has budgeted $2.1b for Winter Covid wave.
Pensioner RATS were extended until 30th July...
Pensioners Test [+] then go the chemist & flash [+] Test
1st May Chemist checks [+] Hands over the Pfizer Paxlovid Anti Viral Script.
6 months PPE gear on order for Aged Care
tbb is just guessing that all this new 1m dose Covid DIY senior treatment plan is for 1m Covid cases.
Viruses are 30% more infectious in Winter > eg: Flu + Coronavirus = Flurona! (A Huge Fear!)
Collingon : "Recent natural infection may reduce Winter least equal to recent wave!"
Brainz : "You'll need a 4th dose before end of year & can be sped up if new Scary VOC emerges!"
PM has locked in Oz made Moderna & Pfizer Covid Vax 100m doses/year for 10 Years
Combo Covid / Flu Vax is ready in a few years..
NZ / Vic / NSW all tipped in plenty...
If crew reckon it's over then...tbb is all ready to pretend that as well.
Hopefully it's not too late to scrap multi $billion 10 year Covid Vax deals.
Here's some very simple insight into current BA.2 wave...
Testing rate is 39% or 61% less than Peak Omicron Testing.
Yet in just 1 week's time BA.2 will surpass > Omicron Case numbers( 2,848,761 cases)
BA.2 is currently troubling at (2,563,439 cases) Only 1 week shy of overtaking big sister!
That's not even relevant as half of BA.2 cases are still ahead of us.
Welcome to your new Peak Oz Covid't look like it...(Stealth Variant!)
Nope! Experts don't know shit about could they?
Experts are more likely to convince us that this wave is lesser of Omicron.
Promise, you won't hear about this outside of System Overload ( Fitting Name!)
Sure! It's the biggest Covid News of our Time...but few if none care for such! All say Aye!

Several commentators ask why some High Vaxed countries record low cases...(Latinos)
Contrary to other High Vaxed Countries recording record high again now!
78% Vax Taiwan (462% Record Case Rise) + 78% Finland recorded equal high deaths.
July 2020 Da Prez Trump : " If we did half the Testing we'd have half the Cases!"
Highly Vaxed Nations aren't too keen to count their mistakes.
Of interest is the varied reasons driving their rate...most are decidedly different.
COVIDSafe app = 0.0000001% efficacy (being kind) Locked in until mid May
Contact Tracing = Ended in 2021 (Now Event Planners, Weddings or track New VOC's)
Exposure Sites = Govts exempted Hot Vax Hubs / Chemists > Ended by Xmas 2021
QR codes = Most states no longer require check ins...Ended Easter 2022
Vax = 10%+ Variance- Delivery / Waste / Expired Vax has been accepted as norm.
Testing = Accuracy 10% Variance > [+] RAT 2days > PCR 3-4days > New VOC 5days
Test Rate = Peak 21st June 2021 running down to Current World Testing Rate 21.5%.
Weather can account for 30-50% variation...again has been measured.
Oz winter was rated at 30% extra infectious conditions just today (Very Real!)
Variation is 2-8 day combo accounting for VOC incubation (2-4 days) + testing (2-4 days)
One looks for offset Patterns in Weather < > Case rate to then formulate delay change.
Eg: (2d incubation)+Report = RATS 2+1 Day report ) > PCR (3+1d low cases > 4+1d Peak)
tbb's not making it up...there is base level test pattern before aligning Covid weather.
Cold dry / rain Offshore (more) (vs) Onshore sea breeze, mid Heat Humidity (less!)
Snow / Rain / Searing Heat drives crowds indoors to spread Covid faster. (All are in play!)
A keen eye can ignore rules & surf the wave together with cases.
You need to work thru all the Weather variants to then be able to slot the wave length.
Sure! Authorities decide to test way more or less but 50% Weather pattern as solid mover.
Cases = 50% (Oz) - 93% (US) undercount as reported by our lead Govt Health reps.
Oz Covid % eg : Vic 2% Youth 5% > NSW 4% > Qld 3rd Feb 'Random' Tests [+]16.5%.
Random tests showed [+] Test cases represented 1/6 Covid cases in the community.
Deaths = 66% Variance - Deaths are estimated by many to be 3x higher (6m > 18m)
tbb could share many nation by nation estimate charts...but it's still a bridge too far.
eg: Oz aged care has 3x 100's Mass body dumps & States mass dump bodies also?
Check yer data Spikes...those are withheld Body Dumps...not death outbreaks.
Oz > Only 50% wills > Bodies are Delayed long enough for State Trustee's fangs.
There is no near reliable death data...UK dumps 1,000's in their rear view mirror/s.
tbb means that UK forever reworks past data...they're open about it...2,000 / 3,000 Wot!
Knowing what we know...tbb thought to chart Vax % < > Testing%.
These being the most reliable Variations for Covid Policy or reliable Case formula.
We can better gauge why same Vax Nations either sit pretty while others drown in Covid.
Thereby reading the daily charts with a 3rd eye fixed on reality.
Also note that this data is being vacuumed up as fast as tbb can spit it out.
Hence the urgency to get this out while being frontline to these wild data shifts.
We know Highly Vaxed countries reduce test rates to ward off Vax hesitancy.
By lowering tests > lowers cases thereby scrubbing away yer Red Listed Travel stain.
(Several test rates checked out with National Data) OWID has Ok accuracy...Salute!
tbb calculated % rates from former Peak cap to recent / current Peak Test rates.
Peak 1 > Peak 2 gives us a reliable commitment to lock in decided or intended cap rate.
Less urgent recent Tests reveal a true Covid signature for each Nation...Very Telling!
EU nations are ending free Tests by October 2022.
tbb will add a guide explaining Highest / Lowest < > case / rate Anomalies
Readers can then get further insight behind these flipped out test rates.
Providing answers as to why some nations pretend to camp on low covid cases.
Vax%-Test% data set is exclusive to swellnet Overload Forecaster.
99% - 52.5% UAE (Low cases but Green Pass still requires 2wk testing)
93% - 48% Malta (Island nation...cautious on back of a high wave)
92% - 44% Chile (Still very strict on testing for arrivals)
Pause : Explaining why Highest Vax strict nations are unusually slow at ditching tests.
92% - 14% Portugal (Latin Nations Pact are all suppressing same % Covid cases)
88% - 100% Cuba (Home brews + Peak Testing = Low cases > Healthy Policy.
WHO ranks Cuba's Health System highly...Cuba is acting as a Covid Role Model..seriously!
One could say...Cuba is ticking all the boxes for WHO vax approval. ( Perfect Rollout )
87% - 12.5% Singapore (Visitor Policy geared to removing all Covid Tests)
87% - 57% Bhutan (World Bank Test Supply & Clinics...plenty of tests to run down!)
86% - 32% South Korea ( Recent High cases spiked again...keeping check of Covid.)
86% - 15% Spain (Latino Suppressed Test cases)
86% - 11.5% Cambodia ( see : Singapore! )
85% - 39% Australia (NSW 29% Qld 20% + Vic 10% suppression ) WA high
83% - 33% Canada
83% - 10% New Zealand ( Timed to ward off spike for NZ opening...File : Suppressed )
83% - 17.5% Argentina (Latino suppressed test cases)
83% - 32% Malaysia
83% - 35% Uruguay
83% - 11% Denmark (re: Links > Tests for Special Medical Reason Only!)
82% - 38% Ireland
81% - 33% Peru
80% - 32% Vietnam ( Unusual - Delta Peak steps Early Omicron steps BA.2 Peak )
Post Omicron (Premature Low 1% Testing) led to huge Case Spike & 32% catch up testing!
80% - 55% Costa Rica
......... - Selected Larger Nations
80% - 55% Japan (High > Case Spike)
80% - 32% Belgium
80% - 57% Italy (2nd Highest Case Spike + Unvaxed Tests for Green Access.
78% - 100% Taiwan (Current Mass Peak Cases)
78% - 37% Finland (Not travelling well > will need testing for longer yet!)
77% - 22.5% Brazil
77% - 74% Germany (Ongoing High testing > Ongoing High Case spike)
Textbook Trump > More we Test the more the cases rise ( Way to Honest for a Rollout )
76% - 9.5% Norway (Feb ending tests re: Sweden / Netherlands / Denmark )
75% - 23% UK also running down free tests alongside Northern Europe.
75% - 5% Sweden (Symptomatic No longer need to test or report!)
73% - 84% Thailand ( 8th April adopted No test entry...Test rate will soon drop)
72% - 8% Netherlands (23rd March dropped visitor Tests)
No self reporting > Only 70+ / Disabled / Medical Certificate need report!
71% - 45% Greece (Tests will back down from 2nd May)
68% - 11% Israel (1st March Green Pass + Visitor Tests ended)
67% -7% US (1st May 2021 Test Ban = 24% Cap > Current 21% is of 24% cap)
US : CDC Test Bans lowers Cases but high infection is ever there...just never dare show it!
tbb recently exampled ever rising cruise cases > CDC tore up Colour Chart...all sorted! Yep!
63% - 7% Mexico (No shortage of News Titles > "Lowest Test Rates in the World")
60% - 34% Indonesia
57% - 21.5% World
Lower / Lowest Vaxed Nations have no issue with testing outbreaks.
100% Peak Tests (Current) India (CBD Blitz) / Guinea / Namibia / Libya / Guinea Bissau
Note : Many Low Vaxed Nations reduce Testing but very few on the panic scale above.
Test boycotts are a side effect of corrupt Vaxed Nations distorting Vax failure.
Vaxed Nations increasingly ban & censor Vax tests & case data.
Vax was supposed to open the skies and Testing fast revealed their inconvenient truth.
Now we gotta bury the truth & listen to how experts slayed the beast..('It's Behind you!')
Fitting anniversary times UK / US / OZ Vax data the tests get a rest.

We had ditched the more cumbersome N-95 masks for the surgical masks a coupla months ago here at the hospital. We had 3 staff members test positive this week. Now the N-95s are mandated again. We had closed the Covid unit and left it fallow. We are reopening on Monday. Your opinions aside, "we" are not outta the woods yet. "You" might be. "I" am not.

wax24 wrote:We had ditched the more cumbersome N-95 masks for the surgical masks a coupla months ago here at the hospital. We had 3 staff members test positive this week. Now the N-95s are mandated again. We had closed the Covid unit and left it fallow. We are reopening on Monday. Your opinions aside, "we" are not outta the woods yet. "You" might be. "I" am not.
100% and let's not forget ongoing morbidity and mortality

wax24 wrote:We had ditched the more cumbersome N-95 masks for the surgical masks a coupla months ago here at the hospital. We had 3 staff members test positive this week. Now the N-95s are mandated again. We had closed the Covid unit and left it fallow. We are reopening on Monday. Your opinions aside, "we" are not outta the woods yet. "You" might be. "I" am not.
Good luck mate. We have usually tracked about 3 - 6 months behind you guys, so I guess we will see.

wax24 wrote:We had ditched the more cumbersome N-95 masks for the surgical masks a coupla months ago here at the hospital. We had 3 staff members test positive this week. Now the N-95s are mandated again. We had closed the Covid unit and left it fallow. We are reopening on Monday. Your opinions aside, "we" are not outta the woods yet. "You" might be. "I" am not.
Good stuff wax24, us patients certainly appreciate your efforts. You are right, it's not over. People want it to be over and 2019 to return, but the reality is wave after wave after you let it go. I've heard from people it's done nothing to, and others that have had damaging complications.

velocityjohnno wrote:
This is nothing new. People lived in fear of viruses before covid.
However the government and msm did such a great job of scaring this shit out of people that they will be even more scared for years to come.
It’s really fucking sad.
What do you want out of sharing this?

Fuck off you tool Burley.

As in shark bait.

blackers wrote:Fuck off you tool Burley.
The only mandates that should be happening now are to guys going on a nice date together

Burleigh, if the men in your scenario are both wearing masks.... it'd be a mask mandate!
(imagine broadly smiling emoji and balloons being released gif here)

burleigh wrote:What do you want out of sharing this?
Fair question. Of all reports, this one is most close to the situation I find myself in. The sharing is to show the response of people who are immunocompromised. It's about 500,000 people, so it's significant.
I want for nothing sharing this. I have accepted that it is what it is, and that I can control my response. The people in the article have drastically reduced their exposure, which points to a common, logical response given the situation, rather than fear.
In some ways it's liberating. There is suddenly no pressure to go out and work or give myself for others in the community which I felt compelled to do. No pressure to be seen at the pub or cafe or whatever. Surf lots. Tinker and make shapes. I can still go out and travel, but it might be nature, and away from the times the crowds go out into the country (eg last 2 weekends). Tbh I find the nature stuff the best travel anyway.
There's a lot of ego in this thread either way, and I'm not taking a shot at you. Just saying the result we have is different for different people. Initially I wanted to tear it all down, but acceptance is the healthiest and most positive. Besides, interest rates are going to do that anyway.

State Govt (Unused) Quarantine Facilities...(Explained)
All are classified by Feds as "Centres for National Resilience." (Sounds Important)
They are also Oz Port's Multimodal Quarantine Hub's (Quarters) for Oz Cross / Inland Rail
To be precise...all are built within 5km on the fringe of future Massive Oz Trade Transit Hubs
Not all listed here are proposed ventures but Defence facilities anchor each site.
For obvious reason...Defence are absent in Multi Modal Plans, but all accommodate plug ins.
eg: Wellcamp Boeing weapons feed Submarine port at Pinkenba Wellcamp Concrete Plant.
This is not designed by accident but part of Qld's massive network of Defence privatisation.
All Inland rail Hubs are Defence Compliant for strategic protection of Frontline supplies.
eg: Silos / Quarries / Mines / Energy / Fuel / Sewage / Marshalling / Airfields / Munitions... etc
Each Hub or Station it must provide the basic needs...recall Sewage being paramount.
Quarantine facilities double as future Slave Accom to build adjacent Multimodal Hubs.
The idea being an Oz wide international Neutral Zone that exempts Slave labour during Crisis.
Firstly for National Party Palmy Slaves but also Lib Defence Stalwart's expandable armies.
24/7 International Exempt Emergency Route linking all Secure Ports thru War or Pandemic.
Not sure if that was the Plan ...but if not, it can be achieved by the flick of a switch by default.
Govt's have power & do use it, recent & often to procure rail lines during emergency or exercises.
Notably for Missile Trials and Naval supplies.
All Hubs are ADF compliant for transiting Arms within fastest time to any Oz port .
All are Quarantine Entry compliant for dangerous o/s Goods.
Think of these as cheap Non unionized labour Hubs cutting out Union Port Labour Logistics.
Quarantine facilities are funded by future nearby GM trials by CBD, Big Pharma, Uni, Military.
These Oz GM trials are the US link to smash thru backdoor of EU resistance to GM crops.
This is why "Emergency" (GM) in the form of Vax & medicine is vital to breach clean EU crops.
The bottom line being...EU swallows GM to Survive just not to live off...How backward!
tbb recently outed record "Emergency" GM crop trials in Oz off the back of Emergency GM Vax
Govts Part the Seas for Big Pharma State of Emergency long enough to wave thru Big Farmer!
US funds Oz Unis to trial GM grain seeds to export to EU...(Bingo! EU are hooked on GM)
MSM : "Wellcamp / Mickleham / Bullsbrook are a Waste of Money."
State : "Still good for Unvaxed Homeless & Battered Wives of Bushfires."
Feds : "Handy for Ukraine day...just you wait & see!"
It's all a load of shit...none could lie straight in bed...spoon feeding more misinformation
tbb knows so...have already written to Ed/s about this here contraption...all know it!
Q Hubs will house Palmy slaves to smuggle Oz made weapons & GM muck onto Ships.
Likely to pick up some Red Hot Russian Merch along the way...crew get the picture!
Sure! Outer town Aussie Covid Quarantine facilities to hide the fact...Good Plan!
PS: Howard Springs link to a Rail Port is thwart by Chinese Port ownership...
US & Oz couldn't terminate the lease so are now building a new $1.5b Port. (Very real alright)
Can't say if new Port Rail detours from Chinese Port or includes Howard Springs or compo.
Dutto said the motive was military...may include 'Original' Centre for National Resilience.
This original Howard Springs Rail Route (Trail) may spring back to life...(Interesting!)

udo wrote:
Proudly sponsored by Big Pharma.
It’s over Udo. Even my 80 year old grandma was so sick from her booster she’s said no more
This has been building for some time.
Agritech . Not just in Africa in India and other places. And certain people are becoming very very rich at the expense of biodiversity and natural organic practices.

saltyone wrote:
This has been building for some time.
Agritech . Not just in Africa in India and other places. And certain people are becoming very very rich at the expense of biodiversity and natural organic practices.
FFS!! Because ultra-processed foods, patents & monocrops so very healthy for us all… we should be heading in the complete opposite direction

WA boosters are still the #1 Health Crisis
WA Health Covid Ward Rounds > Top 39 Charts
tbb thanx the crew for rounding up previous 2nd dose (vs) Booster Battle
This week ... more of the same...all know that's not on, so we gotta go 'round again!
13th March 2nd Dose 39% patients > (Still falling) 17th April 24% Patients
13th March Booster 28% patients > (Still rising) 17th April 39% Patients
If there is a doctor in the house to explain super cool.
WA Waning Vaxerz clear 15% of the ward as WA Booster patients fill up 11% of beds in no time.
Waning Vax started 11% worse but now 15% better health efficacy than $Billion Prime Booster?
Crew can read that's a massive 26% turnaround in Hospital Patients of 2 vaxes in just 2 months.
Sure! Booster Rollout is Rockin' 26% / 2months...(Frayed'knot) > try 1.6% ... doh!
So not one Expert coughs? Nothing to see here. ( 26% efficacy flip of 2 TGA vaxes in same outbreak! )
Nah! Hospitalization is of no interest to us experts...everyone just carry on Vaxing to fill the Wards faster.
For the record, Kids / Non Vaxed are bound by mere mortal Covid rise of 8.3% max-patients / 2 months)
So what sorta 3x more horrific Mutant virus are these VIPs being treated for? Huh!
Also! Why the hell have 3x deadly infectious VIPs got passes if they they ramp our Oz Hospital Crisis.
(Note!) These are Hospital wonder all Oz states censored the red hot VIP infection rates
Q: How does a waning Vax improve past expiry date while Booster is #1 Heath Crisis of the Pandemic?
Again! tbb will double check with WA insider.
Ring Ring (Today!) Not making this Up...tbb just picked up the phone!
"Big Bro from WA...Got my Booster > Got My Cold'n'Covid > Gonna get me 4th all set!"
"Really wish younger bro 'd get his Vax...coz! You Know...less severe'n'all...
( err! Not sure if older bro has checked the WA Booster Ward Chart )
Kid you not...tbb was smart enough not to share these WA Health Charts with big bro!
Wouldn't be alive to tell this tale...all good bro! Get well soon..Love ya, Bye!
PS : Change from April into May marks BA.2 as new Oz record Peak Covid Wave & Period.
tbb has don't need to Spike'n'Drop & carry on like older sister.
Also reminded That Govt & 70% of People couldn't give a RATZ yet Stealth now owns big siss!
BA.2 Little Sister's Wave is broader / longer lasting & still putting out & she bites...keep well clear!
Just adding...Stealth variant hangs around in the charts & for Oz...most likely train into the Winter Wave. wouldn't read about it!
Check ABC Hospitalizations [ 6 month ] > Stealth Wave is only just peaking & looks ominous.
Reckon Stealth will also boss hospitalizations wave...
Can share a nerdy prediction model that fast forwards wot tbb is posting...just for effect.
Australia Hospital resource (click) [All beds] see: BA.2 Wave is much bulkier than upright Omicron.
So in the wash up ...looking at around 25% more BA.2 Covid infection / Hospitalization..
Repeating with 70% less Testing & Maximum Home Care treatment....( Kicked Omicron's arse )
Point is! Covid ain't going anywhere soon & is more prevalent now than at any time previous!
We just keep denying that we've gone nowhere fast...5/4/3/2/1...groundhog day! With extra grunt.

Bonus Double up Booster.
Switch back across the ditch to NZ as we're on a roll...
{ The Heavyweight Title Bout }
NZ Infection Rates ( 2nd Dose (vs) Booster)
2nd Dose (Go easy!) 7th March 35% > 13th April 31% > 26th April 29% (27% Vax pop)... Enough!
Booster (This time!) 7th March 42% > 13th April 47% > 26th April 55% (51% Vax pop) ... STFU!
VIP : "Ma! It's still happening...can't ya make it better...just do that thing ya normally do!"
Ma : "Think you broke yer thingy for good this time round son!"
For the record Unvaxed 7% Pop (Currently 3% infections) Not their fight...just keep out of it!

Thanks TBB. You’re ‘hypothesis’ of links between vaccines and infection rates has more holes in it than a shark net. Love you man, but please desist.

batfink wrote:Thanks TBB. You’re ‘hypothesis’ of links between vaccines and infection rates has more holes in it than a shark net. Love you man, but please desist.
Maybe its the first time, but i agree on this one Novak Djokovic can play at Wimbledon, no vaccination required

Supafreak wrote: Novak Djokovic can play at Wimbledon, no vaccination required
Australia again making a fool of themselves.

batfink wrote:Thanks TBB. You’re ‘hypothesis’ of links between vaccines and infection rates has more holes in it than a shark net. Love you man, but please desist.
You did well if you read the whole thing.
My eyes glaze over after the 3rd is complete jumble of words. meanwhile Fauci is still flip flopping ……. “ So if you're saying, 'Are we out of the pandemic phase in this country?' — we are," he said.
But in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday, Fauci said the pandemic isn't over. "We are in a different moment of the pandemic," he said. After a brutal winter surge, Fauci added, "we've now decelerated and transitioned into more of a controlled phase. By no means does that mean the pandemic is over."

udo wrote:
ALP at work..lmao

Roadkill wrote:udo wrote:
ALP at work..lmao
Compliant morons like yourself are to blame for this RK. Imagine if you had some balls and stood up against this bullshit.
You are part of this problem

And it’s beginning. They can’t hide the truth any longer

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:udo wrote:
ALP at work..lmao
Compliant morons like yourself are to blame for this RK. Imagine if you had some balls and stood up against this bullshit.
You are part of this problem

Malcolm Roberts can STFU.
That little ginger prick does nothing but cast costly doubt in the most excruciatingly stupid ways. Unfortunately the doubt is enough for the angry and dumb to listen to him.
Fark off already.

Stok wrote:Malcolm Roberts can STFU.
That little ginger prick does nothing but cast costly doubt in the most excruciatingly stupid ways. Unfortunately the doubt is enough for the angry and dumb to listen to him.
Fark off already.
Oh yeah, don’t question it hey cok. You’re a peanut too and also a big part of the problem we are currently in.
Why don’t you comment on the deaths instead of trying to shut down the man showing the problem?
What happened to the teachers that didn’t bend over and get a booster in Victoria today?

burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Malcolm Roberts can STFU.
That little ginger prick does nothing but cast costly doubt in the most excruciatingly stupid ways. Unfortunately the doubt is enough for the angry and dumb to listen to him.
Fark off already.
Oh yeah, don’t question it hey cok. You’re a peanut too and also a big part of the problem we are currently in.
Why don’t you comment on the deaths instead of trying to shut down the man showing the problem?
What happened to the teachers that didn’t bend over and get a booster in Victoria today?
I'm guessing burleigh uses both Clive and Malcolm as wank material.

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Malcolm Roberts can STFU.
That little ginger prick does nothing but cast costly doubt in the most excruciatingly stupid ways. Unfortunately the doubt is enough for the angry and dumb to listen to him.
Fark off already.
Oh yeah, don’t question it hey cok. You’re a peanut too and also a big part of the problem we are currently in.
Why don’t you comment on the deaths instead of trying to shut down the man showing the problem?
What happened to the teachers that didn’t bend over and get a booster in Victoria today?
I'm guessing burleigh uses both Clive and Malcolm as wank material.
What about the deaths RK? Did you read the post? 2443 deaths in January above baseline.
Don’t want to comment on that?

burleigh][quote=Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Malcolm Roberts can STFU.
That little ginger prick does nothing but cast costly doubt in the most excruciatingly stupid ways. Unfortunately the doubt is enough for the angry and dumb to listen to him.
Fark off already.
Oh yeah, don’t question it hey cok. You’re a peanut too and also a big part of the problem we are currently in.
Why don’t you comment on the deaths instead of trying to shut down the man showing the problem?
What happened to the teachers that didn’t bend over and get a booster in Victoria today?
I'm guessing burleigh uses both Clive and Malcolm as wank material.
Sometimes. I will be voting for both high and putting majors dead last.
What about the deaths RK? Did you read the post? 2443 deaths in January above baseline.
Don’t want to comment on that?

burleigh][quote=burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Malcolm Roberts can STFU.
That little ginger prick does nothing but cast costly doubt in the most excruciatingly stupid ways. Unfortunately the doubt is enough for the angry and dumb to listen to him.
Fark off already.
Oh yeah, don’t question it hey cok. You’re a peanut too and also a big part of the problem we are currently in.
Why don’t you comment on the deaths instead of trying to shut down the man showing the problem?
What happened to the teachers that didn’t bend over and get a booster in Victoria today?
I'm guessing burleigh uses both Clive and Malcolm as wank material.
Sometimes. I will be voting for both high and putting majors dead last.
What about the deaths RK? Did you read the post? 2443 deaths in January above baseline.
Don’t want to comment on that?
I don’t care about anything that clown posts. It’s completely irrelevant to me.

Roadkill][quote=burleigh wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Malcolm Roberts can STFU.
That little ginger prick does nothing but cast costly doubt in the most excruciatingly stupid ways. Unfortunately the doubt is enough for the angry and dumb to listen to him.
Fark off already.
Oh yeah, don’t question it hey cok. You’re a peanut too and also a big part of the problem we are currently in.
Why don’t you comment on the deaths instead of trying to shut down the man showing the problem?
What happened to the teachers that didn’t bend over and get a booster in Victoria today?
I'm guessing burleigh uses both Clive and Malcolm as wank material.
Sometimes. I will be voting for both high and putting majors dead last.
What about the deaths RK? Did you read the post? 2443 deaths in January above baseline.
Don’t want to comment on that?
I don’t care about anything that clown posts. It’s completely irrelevant to me.
You don’t care about 2000+ deaths in January because Malcolm Roberts has raised the issue?
Keep your head rammed deep in the ass toady.

Roadkill wrote:[quote=burleighwrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:Stok wrote:Malcolm Roberts can STFU.
That little ginger prick does nothing but cast costly doubt in the most excruciatingly stupid ways. Unfortunately the doubt is enough for the angry and dumb to listen to him.
Fark off already.
Oh yeah, don’t question it hey cok. You’re a peanut too and also a big part of the problem we are currently in.
Why don’t you comment on the deaths instead of trying to shut down the man showing the problem?
What happened to the teachers that didn’t bend over and get a booster in Victoria today?
I'm guessing burleigh uses both Clive and Malcolm as wank material.
Sometimes. I will be voting for both high and putting majors dead last.
What about the deaths RK? Did you read the post? 2443 deaths in January above baseline.
Don’t want to comment on that?
I don’t care about anything that clown posts. It’s completely irrelevant to me.
You don’t care about 2000+ deaths in January because Malcolm Roberts has raised the issue?
Keep your head rammed deep in the ass toady.
Yet you wanted to hold unvaccinated accountable if your mum caught covid from them and died. Lol

Burlsack will believe anything One Nation or UAP will conjure up.
But, it has to be true right? It's on instagram, full legit, no misrepresentation of data possible. Also, Malcolm is a straight shooter, why would he ever want to post doubt or misinformation? Not like he would benefit from a general distrust of major parties. He's just an Aussie Battler fighting for you. YOU!
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..