COVID-19 Health System Overload Forecaster

"Science is questioned every other scientists, you know those people who have spent years studying their area of expertise. What we have here is wilfully ignorant random internet idiots repeatedly asserting bullshit that has been repeatedly disproved. But it's good for a laugh as they descend into outrage anger and insults when their fantasies are so thoroughly dismantled. Just watch here they come, more bullshit, more insults, more hysteria, you have to admit it's funnier than anything on TV!"
what like the scientists submitting at the lancet?
they've never been swayed by politics have they?
all those bogus studies, from both sides...
the lab leak 'conspiracy'...
formaldahyde... plate tectonics... and 'god doesn't play dice'...
yep scientists are beyond reproach and should never be questioned...
your smugness, dismissiveness, and absolute blind faith is astounding to say the least...
and, here's another thing... a smart cunt that may have studied the equivalent of half a science degree... might just be a better source than a dumb cunt that finished one...
just sayin...



qualified people designed the 737 8 MAX
just sayin'

If you want to question the integrity of the covid vaccines, have a discussion with a scientist or a medical specialist, not armchair experts on a surf forum.

blindboy wrote:Science is questioned every other scientists, you know those people who have spent years studying their area of expertise. What we have here is wilfully ignorant random internet idiots repeatedly asserting bullshit that has been repeatedly disproved. But it's good for a laugh as they descend into outrage anger and insults when their fantasies are so thoroughly dismantled. Just watch here they come, more bullshit, more insults, more hysteria, you have to admit it's funnier than anything on TV!
The last thing you said was a lie.
Forget science. It was without truth. No scientists have made the claim that Blindboy tried to pass as established fact.
It was something he made up on a whim.
He’s an ex-high school teacher,so it’s basically like an ex-high school teacher working on your Boeing jet liner.

overthefalls wrote:If you want to question the integrity of the covid vaccines, have a discussion with a scientist or a medical specialist, not armchair experts on a surf forum.
There’s not a non-Pfizer scientist or medical specialist in the world who will attest that there’s no long term side effects from the vaccines.
And if there is…they’re lying.
Just like Blindboy.

Roadkill wrote:But hey, ...that does not suit your bias.
You don't know my "bias".
Like I said way above, if someone questions things, a few on here automatically label and place you in the "anti-vaxxer/conspiracy/anti-science" sphere. Because their beliefs and ideals are above question, never wrong. Looks like you are one also hey Roadkill? Judgement automatically made with NFI.

"There’s not a non-Pfizer scientist or medical specialist in the world who will attest that there’s no long term side effects from the vaccines."
Of course you could be completely wrong, as usual.
"Experts believe there will be no long-term side effects to the mRNA vaccines."
Ha ha sit back and watch the venom spurt now. How dare you disagree with me you nasty type person! Grab a bag of popcorn folks and watch the angry man explode!

I want international flights to resume today so the whingers on here day in day out can just fuck off and hopefully to some area without internet connection. Hopefully they stay for a very long time.

Medical scientists didn't know the long-term effects of other vacccines when they were introduced. For example, when the polio vaccine was first rolled out, they didn't know what its long-term effects would be.

fitzroy-21 wrote:Roadkill wrote:But hey, ...that does not suit your bias.
You don't know my "bias".
Like I said way above, if someone questions things, a few on here automatically label and place you in the "anti-vaxxer/conspiracy/anti-science" sphere. Because their beliefs and ideals are above question, never wrong. Looks like you are one also hey Roadkill? Judgement automatically made with NFI.
Your bias is clear.
Nothing wrong with questioning....but you don't take advice from the small minority who are doing the questioning...and the scientists know better.

Roadkill wrote:Your bias is clear.
Clearly point it out, and in context of the whole page of discussion. Not some micro quote.

blindboy wrote:"There’s not a non-Pfizer scientist or medical specialist in the world who will attest that there’s no long term side effects from the vaccines."
Of course you could be completely wrong, as usual.
"Experts believe there will be no long-term side effects to the mRNA vaccines."
Ha ha sit back and watch the venom spurt now. How dare you disagree with me you nasty type person! Grab a bag of popcorn folks and watch the angry man explode!
There’s not a sot of evidence to support your fantasy Blindboy.
Show me the evidence. There is no evidence that long term effects don’t exist. None. They didn’t even know the efficacy of the vaccines would wane within weeks until recently but apparently a single tropical disease adviser in Israel “believing” something without evidence is now proof positive for an ex school teacher and that should be enough for everyone in the world to inject themselves with a dangerous substance.
Will this fact stop you from making up shit such as “ there is no long term side effects”? No…..because you’re a fucken liar.

Parking cops, used car salesmen, mainstream “journalists”, career politicians, school bullys, surf school owners…..and

I might start a thread just for you "Blowin Knows Best". Then you can just put all your incredible wisdom and vast experience in every scientific, economic and political field all in one place! But nah, better not encourage you! But I might start a list of people who you claim to know more than let's start with Tal Brosh, head of the infectious diseases department at a major Israeli hospital. Here's what he says:
“However, Tal Brosh, head of the Infectious Disease Unit at Samson Assuta Ashdod University Hospital, told The Jerusalem Post that while he cannot claim to know what is going to happen in 10 years, “there is no true reason to think there are any significant long-term effects” of the vaccine.
“There is more data on the adverse events of these vaccines than we have ever had on any other vaccine,” Brosh said, adding that no vaccine has ever been given to so many people so quickly.
Most adverse events were simple “reactogenicity” – reactions that occur soon after vaccination and that are a physical manifestation of the inflammatory response. These can include fever, muscle pain, swelling at the site of injection or swelling of the lymph nodes, for example – all symptoms that can generally be treated with paracetamol or the like.”
But hey who needs an expert? JUST ASK BLOWIN! Ha ha ha. You really couldn't make this up, the combination of arrogance and ignorance. It's theatre of the absurd stuff.

I'm not sure which is more entertaining: the vitriolic debates between Blowin and Blindboy or the acrimonious exchanges between Blowin and Viclocal. Reality is funnier than fiction!

overthefalls wrote:I'm not sure which is more entertaining: the vitriolic debates between Blowin and Blindboy or the acrimonious exchanges between Blowin and Viclocal. Reality is funnier than fiction!
I reckon I can take this out.
"I never lie". Oh please blowin, you've just added another one to your extensive tally.
Here's your top 5, and you've told some of them on multiple occasions.
1. Covid has a survival rate of 99.98%.
2. 50% of people living in Australia were born overseas.
3. 90% of international student in Australia are from China.
4. The bashing death in WA was a racially motivated attack on a white man by an indigenous person.
5. I never lie.
Proving that you do lie is like shooting fish in a barrel. The funniest thing is, when you get called out for being a bullshit artist on note, you get all salty. I shouldn't laugh, but fuck it is funny.

haha, gotta love a good battle.

The trouble with lying when you are a dumb arse is, you forget what you said. Princess snowflake forgets what he wrote an hour ago, and as such…

Gees my family's fully vaccinated....and I'm off to the U.S next week....

So our S.A. borders are now open and thousands of infected dirty stinking viccos are flooding in eager to leave their dirty nappies and shit paper strewn all over the coast. Oh well there goes xmas, it was good while it lasted. Should have followed W.A.s lead.

All this petty back and forth will still be going by the time I get back...I'm all for everyone doing their own thing...just suck it up and try to quietly stick to it...

old-dog wrote:So our S.A. borders are now open and thousands of infected dirty stinking viccos are flooding in eager to leave their dirty nappies and shit paper strewn all over the coast. Oh well there goes xmas, it was good
while it lasted. Should have followed W.A.s lead.
HAHA Christies has always had dirty nappies and dunnie paper before Covid....odd syringe too

Do your duty old dog (i'll buy you a beer or three) and keep them there, we don't want dirty stinking viccos, new south wankers and queerlanders over here in WA

Yew!!! Yeah we embrace our redneck brethren from W.A anytime in S.A

Yeah Fraser, most of you crow-eaters are a good mob, not like your neighbours to the east and north though hey

nearly 80% vaccination rate in South Korea (Australia at 71%). If the vaccine works, why doesn't it work?

burleigh wrote:nearly 80% vaccination rate in South Korea (Australia at 71%). If the vaccine works, why doesn't it work?
“ Despite the increase in hospitalisation rate, the country’s mortality rate remains relatively low at 0.79%.”
Were you too stupid to take note of this bit?

" If the vaccine works, why doesn't it work?"
Fair dinkum burleigh, this has got to be one of the stupidest things the anti-vaxxers say.
Vaccines do work very well, just not perfectly.
Do you take the same attitude to seatbelts?
"Yeah me mate Wayno was wearing a seatbelt when he slammed his car into a tree and he died. Fark me, why would I wear a seatbelt, they don't work ya know. Me mate died wearing one so fuck em."

Somebody recently asked about the rumours about the army in the NT:

Roadkill wrote:burleigh wrote:nearly 80% vaccination rate in South Korea (Australia at 71%). If the vaccine works, why doesn't it work?“ Despite the increase in hospitalisation rate, the country’s mortality rate remains relatively low at 0.79%.”
Were you too stupid to take note of this bit?
Show me the reduced death rates brains

Binjari and Rockhole community leaders hit back at social media claims in statement

Vic Local wrote:" If the vaccine works, why doesn't it work?"
Fair dinkum burleigh, this has got to be one of the stupidest things the anti-vaxxers say.
Vaccines do work very well, just not perfectly.
Do you take the same attitude to seatbelts?
"Yeah me mate Wayno was wearing a seatbelt when he slammed his car into a tree and he died. Fark me, why would I wear a seatbelt, they don't work ya know. Me mate died wearing one so fuck em."
Ahhh the seatbelt theory.
Let's try this. Your immune system is your seatbelt, however the government has said that seatbelt isn't good enough, so we want to give you an extra seatbelt with no safety data.
Turns out the seatbelt they have given you is sticky tape, and you must put this sticky tape over your current seat belt for extra protection.
Only problem is the sticky tape keeps unpeeling, so you have to keep putting on more sticky tape over the top.
Roadkill currently has three layers of tape, parading around like a fool, and morons like yourself Vic tell him he looks good,


Good analogy Burleigh

shortenism wrote:Good analogy Burleigh
Except it's a profoundly stupid analogy by a profoundly stupid person.
It's typical anti-vaxxer drivel, massively exaggerating the very rare problems with vaccines while completely ignoring the very real problems with unvaccinated people catching covid.
Have you idiots been paying attention to the situation in Europe? Covid is bloody rampant in children because they are mostly unvaccinated. Hospital systems are under severe stress and the WHO is predicting another 700,000 deaths by March 2022.
Pity being unvaccinated doesn't just impacts the anti-vax morons, You fucking idiots put other people's lives in danger. You're nothing but a bunch of selfish, stupid, chicken shit Karens who don't give a flying fuck about anyone but yourself.

Vic Local wrote:shortenism wrote:Good analogy Burleigh
Except it's a profoundly stupid analogy by a profoundly stupid person.
It's typical anti-vaxxer drivel, massively exaggerating the very rare problems with vaccines while completely ignoring the very real problems with unvaccinated people catching covid.
Have you idiots been paying attention to the situation in Europe? Covid is bloody rampant in children because they are mostly unvaccinated. Hospital systems are under severe stress and the WHO is predicting another 700,000 deaths by March 2022.
Pity being unvaccinated doesn't just impacts the anti-vax morons, You fucking idiots put other people's lives in danger. You're nothing but a bunch of selfish, stupid, chicken shit Karens who don't give a flying fuck about anyone but yourself.
Maybe instead of putting the next piece of sticky tape over your seatbelt they can put it over your mouth Vic. What absolute dribble.

Hey..Anyone know what's going on in the NT? I'm getting a heap of messages through friends on fb of indigenous communities under military control. They appear terrified and no one is communicating in or out for them. Anyone have more information on it? I can't share the fb links here. Staying impartial on this, just responding to a potential humanitarian crisis. Anyone have anything??

I have zerohedge...
but you know... that's all conspiracy shit or something...

bluediamond wrote:Hey..Anyone know what's going on in the NT? I'm getting a heap of messages through friends on fb of indigenous communities under military control. They appear terrified and no one is communicating in or out for them. Anyone have more information on it? I can't share the fb links here. Staying impartial on this, just responding to a potential humanitarian crisis. Anyone have anything??
All I’ve heard is anyone testing positive gets army escorted to howard springs

84 people in 7-day COVID lockdown in Byron Bay. Seems you don’t go home and isolate anymore , now you get police or army guards depending where you are

Gold Burleigh bravo!

Jeezus what the fark?? Cheers fellas. Appreciate it. Keep sharing what you've got. Something very eggy about this and I think they need our help, urgently. Again, impartial to this. Genuinely worried for crew under Marshall law we didn't even know was happening. Why? What the fk is going on?
Anyone up there close to it? (Unlikely on SN). My mums in Darwin and she said something about being locked down because of Katherine...which is 300 barren desert kilometres away. Why lock Darwin down? No one in, no one out if Katherine. No one sees?

here's one of those freewheelin livestreamin antivaxxin right wingin extremin 'white supremacist' sites giving a full rundown on the NT thingy...
haven't watched it yet, but they've got a blackfella a chattin...
which isn't very white supremacistin
in fact, it's actually quite left wingin...
ya know... indigenous voices and all that...

The vid I saw was a gathering of indigenous folk, with elders, women, young, pleading for help, saying they can't get their message out. Validity? I have no idea, but my gut instinct said real. I dunno, gotta be worth checking out? They said international armies were involved. Again impartial but surely if its even remotely possible this is true, we, as Australians need to look into it. Put the word out for more info crew. Ill try to find something from the ground to share.
Their general theme was, we are the test run for what's coming because they can get away with it here. Again, impartial, but please look into it crew.

About 20 Australian Defence Force Personnel and army trucks are expected to be on the ground today, helping deliver emergency food packages to the residents of Binjari and Rockhole, and to coordinate the removal of close contacts. Or there’s the Rebel news version What’s the real story ? Who knows for sure

Thanks Supa. Exactly, what's the real story? Without being there, who knows. That could be the whole point. None of us would be the wiser.
Full alert SN crew. Full alert.

“ An Aboriginal health worker infected in the Northern Territory's COVID-19 outbreak has slammed misinformation being spread online and defended the government's evacuations of positive cases and close contacts in remote communities.”
Hopefully there are no panic merchants spreading misinformation on Swellnet.
I've created a spreadsheet forecast which I'll update as we go..
There's also a website with live running data..