AI Surfing Videos

Wanker. ;)

haha, gold.


Silly Season Opening Ceremony @ Talle Creek Tinnie wrecked on Burley Point
Crew are saved & Boat usually gets hammered > Days later they remove the wreckage..
Like this...
And this...same every year...either Chopper / IRB / Jet Ski Rescue from Burley /Talle Clubbies.
Only today / yesterday was a little different & one commentator called it Bullshit...VDI ( ai ... if ya like!)
Said the rescue Helicopter can't Pick up a Boat like this...
What is amazing is for any Chopper pulling this stunt after recent run of Shoreline Chopper Accidents.
One would think this risk of empty vessel is not worth risking a Chopper Pilot's life!
Meaning ....It is possible this was an Exercise...for this exact scenario...
tbb has seen several similar / Drone- Chopper exercises branded as Rescues.
Usually taking off > leaving clearly more vulnerable victims behind in higher "Risk setting!" Huh.
Like Oh! It was a mock rescue...that's the whole present the risk as real as possible!
Many Authorities conduct several exercises thru Seaways as this...many recent Qld/NSW 'spills' etc.
Not saying it is...but explains any anomaly or weird arse trials as bizarre as claw crabbing a tinnie.
Also explains why any "On notice" Goldie Chopper Pilot would risk his life for a Tinnie...(He Wouldn't)
Not unless this was well coordinated in a Trial Rescue!
Anyhow, it fooled someone into thinking it's some ai trickery...
Perhaps the crew agree...exact reason for is a curious risk exercise either way.
Any can see this ending in disaster...takes some bottle to pull off this stunt...Agree!
tbb believes if we were tricked...then that was the's all under control!

burleighSUNDAY, 2 MAR 2025 at 11:23AM
Confusion wrote:
800 staff just fired from the NOAA
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Good luck with your surf forecasting in the future.
Sure forecasting will be just fine. Have you heard of AI?
Gutted swellnet AI department...recorded a blip...crew are registering that as a Pro AI stoked!
Seemingly innocuous AI Comment impossibly generates a controversial thread that blows up the internet...well durr!

2032 Olympic Venues AI Image Gallery
2024 Paris AI appears strictly clean Iconic Olympus soft Gold / Ice Blue Humanoids
2028 LA appears Gold Light with Orange (Fires) Transit > Purple Sunsets Light Blue Humanoids
2032 Brisbane Rainbow-Worldly (moving Tourist Transit) Mass Bare Flesh Tanned Spectators
Bronze Utilities + Yellow/Green Belts > Blue Sky/Water/Towers
Small : Surfing / Stadium / Beach Volleyball / Swimming
Notes : Stadium is based on soft Gold Glow > Ice Blue Paris palate as default Iconic structure
That image typifies 'Paris' clinical Gold Mount Olympus NATO elite humanoid uniformity.
Feel free to check on that...Stark/Cold no compromise > most assured! (Utopian Olympic Ideal)
1/4 : Surfing / Stadium / Beach Volleyball / Swimming
River Swim looks most realistic but in reality presents as most there ya go!
White Water Stadium
Triathlon > Sunny
Decathlon > North Qld Backdrop
Surfing > The Spit (Note surfers racing out to sea as Clubbies + Judge Tower)
Montage : Netball / BMX / Surfing
I've seen a few stories on AI in surfing, none of which have any real appeal. As AI works on existing knowledge, it may be great for hindcasts but is useless for forecasts. Computer processing power is the key there.
Where surfers will cross paths with AI is online content.
Recently I stumbled on a YouTube channel that is using AI to generate surf content and it was an inkling of what's to come. The channel is called Conversations With Strangers and is from S California and is eight years old. They've posted nearly 6,000 videos, and from what I can gather the majority were uploaded in the past year. It's not unusual to see ten or more videos posted on the same day, and this goes on every single day.
A few months back they started posting surf content, and it's gussied up like lots of other content on YouTube: bold yellow font on the thumbnail, preoccupations with the longest waves, the largest waves, the most dangerous waves, on each of the continents. Jaws, The Right, Shippies, Chicama yada yada yada.
The thing is, all the content - the accompanying videos and photos, and the info in the narrated text - is all gathered from prior online content. The account holder has either dropped select videos and articles into a language model, or directed the model to make a video by trawling online content.
It doesn't cost anything and is quick to do - hence the ten or more vids per day.
Once you're aware it's AI-generated it becomes laughable, yet judging by comments not that many people realise they're interacting with AI. At present, there ain't that many comments or views but considering ChatGPT launched less than two years ago, and the software capable of creating AI videos was only made public this year, Conversations With Strangers is a harbinger of what's to come.
Already Facebook is flooded with AI content - all those history pages for music, surfing, soccer, or whatever else has latched onto your algo, they're largely AI. The number of likes and comments on those FB pages can go into the tens of thousands. The people engaging are either not aware of the origins, or just happy to distract themselves with machine-made info.
Videos are a bit more complex, as are podcasts where two or more people speak 'scripted lines', but if they can come that far, and fool that many people, in one year, then imagine the social media experience in, say, ten years.