The United States(!) of A

Supafreak wrote:Confusion wrote:And Tulsi never visited Syria either according to you , because you didn’t know about it.
@ super infoOh look it’s story time with jeffy . Who can’t produce my quote on tulsi so let’s just make shit up ……….again .
Yeah keep going with your little
Pedantic ,diversionary tactics to cover your low info status. Marky

Exxotixjeff wrote:Optimist wrote:Dear vexxedjeff….perhaps you should consider to….
1) wait until Trump and team take power…they aren’t in yet.
2) observe what and how they do things for at least 6 months…will the country be better or worse.?
3) then feel free to praise or condemn what they do.
Should be interesting to see which way the country goes….
To see the fruit of this new presidency (good or bad) and not the media and you tube dribble.Well optimistic optimist ,
Musk and Trump have already nearly shut down the government just before Christmas
To try and get the debt ceiling raised
$5 trillion,so Trump can give tax cuts to the billionaires oligarchy, , who helped him win the election.
Trump also picked an accused pedophile , no experience Matt Gaetz ,
Who pulled out because he realised the Republican senators, wouldn’t confirm him,
Not too mention the other picks
And Musk just fired 2000 Tea workers to replace them with h-b1 immigrants.
Not to mention Musk just referring to
Trump voters as retards ,
And Trump threatening to invade Panama, Canada , Greenland and Mexico
So how long do you need to wait to see there’s something unormal about this government to be?
If this is all wonderful For you
I don’t think you really get it
Maybe Musk was right, with his insults , but don’t take my word for it.
An example of the headless chooks “ high info “ unormal “

“ I think the biggest worry in Australia is this whole destroy and burn shit down thing has started here with vandalising of Teslas and the burning of a synagogue“
Nice blatant false projection there from @info

Supafreak wrote:Turns out the majority of the US are dumb and racist . What do our American commentators have to say about this perspective ?
American here. I only hold a few things against Australians, but Rupert Murdoch leads the way. As he has literally made billions from the US market, I'd say he knows a thing or two about Americans, generally speaking. As you may know, he said of one of his top money makers, Sean Hannity, "He's retarded, like most Americans." (I'd point out that I'm not a fan of that term, as I devote quite a bit of time to Special Olympics. I'm also not triggered by the term.)
Are Americans stupid? No. Are they, by and large, uncurious? Yes. Fixated on the trivial and mundane? Yes. Conspiritorial? Yep. Likely to believe that 4000 or so years ago, all animals and humans perished if they weren't on Noah's ark? Affirmative.
Racist? That's a tough one to answer. Many are, to be sure, but I know many Trump supporters who aren't.
IMO, Trump and Musk are sadists, first and foremost, but there are times that racism serves as a means to the end of inflicting as much pain as possible on as many as possible.

here y'go @mick66, the UK hates us for Rupert, too. This clip has been spirited away from youtube for quite some time. it's only 5 mins long, the end of the clip is just fluff..
^ Fry and Laurie - if Rupert Murdoch had never been Born
(cheers for the east coast perspective, I know westsi-iider @wax24 shares your views generally)

You’re pathetic Marky
I thought you were going fishing
I could find your Tulsi comment
I f it was so important to me.
You are stuck in the past
Maybe primary school or something?

No I wrote fishing was good this morning and that I was going for a surf. Again a perfect example of how you interpret what others have written . On the surf , the onshore has kicked right in so I decided to continue fishing . Hopefully Craig has some good news in his notes today as Wednesday Thursday could be good . I understand I’m a dummy and need Craigs help where as you simply look at the cams . Must be a real gift to look at cams and know what surf is doing in 7 days time , at a spot 1000 klms away .

mick66 wrote:Supafreak wrote:Turns out the majority of the US are dumb and racist . What do our American commentators have to say about this perspective ?
American here. I only hold a few things against Australians, but Rupert Murdoch leads the way. As he has literally made billions from the US market, I'd say he knows a thing or two about Americans, generally speaking. As you may know, he said of one of his top money makers, Sean Hannity, "He's retarded, like most Americans." (I'd point out that I'm not a fan of that term, as I devote quite a bit of time to Special Olympics. I'm also not triggered by the term.)
Are Americans stupid? No. Are they, by and large, uncurious? Yes. Fixated on the trivial and mundane? Yes. Conspiritorial? Yep. Likely to believe that 4000 or so years ago, all animals and humans perished if they weren't on Noah's ark? Affirmative.
Racist? That's a tough one to answer. Many are, to be sure, but I know many Trump supporters who aren't.
IMO, Trump and Musk are sadists, first and foremost, but there are times that racism serves as a means to the end of inflicting as much pain as possible on as many as possible.
Thanks for your reply mick66 , our resident headless chook on more than one occasion referred to the US as dumb . I don’t believe Americans are dumb, very tired of the shit from both sides of the political spectrum more likely .

jokes aside @Confusion, if you want to find it, you were arguing on this thread about Syria and someone called Tulsi on Boxing Day morning 2024. And, astonishingly again on Valentine's Day, when a line was drawn from above under @Exxotixjeff and @Dazzza.

basesix wrote:jokes aside @Confusion, if you want to find it, you were arguing on this thread about Syria and someone called Tulsi on Boxing Day morning 2024. And, astonishingly again on Valentine's Day, when a line was drawn from above under @Exxotixjeff and @Dazzza.
The conversation ( I use that word loosely ) starts on the bottom of page 331 and continues into 332 , go ahead jeffy have a look . Then put up a quote of what your interpretation/imagination has you believing what I wrote . I know you won’t because you are simply a delusional liar .

(good brainbreak @Supa, the below sums equate to a love-letter of sorts to the land of wax & mick, from us uber-interested upside-down people).
pp 331 (25th Dec) to pp 415 (25th March) = 84 pages in 3 months
50 posts per page. 91 days... = 46!!
SHIT! we're SHY of a page per day at 46 posts per day!
c'mon people, simply not enough interest in the thread,
a page a day, we can do it, LET'S GO !!!

basesix wrote:jokes aside @Confusion, if you want to find it, you were arguing on this thread about Syria and someone called Tulsi on Boxing Day morning 2024. And, astonishingly again on Valentine's Day, when a line was drawn from above under @Exxotixjeff and @Dazzza.
No I think it’s probably easier just to send the trophy in the mail,
One of those plastic cups or a surfboard or a car that you put on top of the birthday cake, rather than scroll back through all that.
I just need an address.

Exxotixjeff wrote:Supafreak wrote:You’re not making any sense again jeffy , time for a nap ?
Ok you win if you have to always have your own way,
Gabbard didn’t go to Syria to visit Assad in 2017 .
And an interview with a Republican senator is still left wing propaganda, even if you were too scared to watch it .
Feel better now, ? no more foot stamping tantrums .
I found what jeffy’s on about and turns out it was actually him that wrote it and now believes I did , but hey when you live a breathe Trump & Musk 24/7 , you are bound to tip over the edge .

Supafreak wrote:basesix wrote:jokes aside @Confusion, if you want to find it, you were arguing on this thread about Syria and someone called Tulsi on Boxing Day morning 2024. And, astonishingly again on Valentine's Day, when a line was drawn from above under @Exxotixjeff and @Dazzza.
The conversation ( I use that word loosely ) starts on the bottom of page 331 and continues into 332 , go ahead jeffy have a look . Then put up a quote of what your interpretation/imagination has you believing what I wrote . I know you won’t because you are simply a delusional liar .
Get fucked loser
Anyone who has months of trauma because someone used the wrong word ,months ago really does need their head read.
Commentors make mistakes all the time, but they don’t hound people like a dimented scotch terrier ,
TBH what you or me said months ago doesn’t affect my life at all,
You’re the delusional one.

Hahaha , that’s a very poor attempt at deflecting from your constant lies , you are nothing but a grub . You kept on “ using the wrong word “ repeatedly, grub . Calling someone a loser is something Trump would say , TDS is real .

mick66 wrote:Supafreak wrote:Turns out the majority of the US are dumb and racist . What do our American commentators have to say about this perspective ?
American here. I only hold a few things against Australians, but Rupert Murdoch leads the way. As he has literally made billions from the US market, I'd say he knows a thing or two about Americans, generally speaking. As you may know, he said of one of his top money makers, Sean Hannity, "He's retarded, like most Americans." (I'd point out that I'm not a fan of that term, as I devote quite a bit of time to Special Olympics. I'm also not triggered by the term.)
Are Americans stupid? No. Are they, by and large, uncurious? Yes. Fixated on the trivial and mundane? Yes. Conspiritorial? Yep. Likely to believe that 4000 or so years ago, all animals and humans perished if they weren't on Noah's ark? Affirmative.
Racist? That's a tough one to answer. Many are, to be sure, but I know many Trump supporters who aren't.
IMO, Trump and Musk are sadists, first and foremost, but there are times that racism serves as a means to the end of inflicting as much pain as possible on as many as possible.
Thanks for insight Mick
Rupert Murdoch really is a twisted evil cancer on humanity who will hopefully leave this planet soon. He has caused so much damage to you guys, here in Oz and the UK.
Feel we would be living in a lot better world if it was not for him and his media empire.
Granted he doesn't have the power he once did, but I would argue MAGA, Tea Party etc, never mind a number of ME wars, would never have happened if not for FOX news and his papers.
He has done horrible damage to Australia, but not the place or time to go into that here.
Most Americans I have met and been mates with are super generous great people. Not racist generally, no more than Australians anyway. Worked for company dealing primarily with Americans so met many over the years. Granted most were from the West or East Coast.
I have even a couple of pretty good mates who are Jewish seppos from my Bali days which @indo would point out is impossible as he continually infers I am antisemitic.
It's like the USA is now one of those cartoons with a devil at one shoulder and an angel on the other, but unfortunately the devil is presently winning.
All the best..

Supafreak wrote:Hahaha , that’s a very poor attempt at deflecting from your constant lies , you are nothing but a grub . You kept on “ using the wrong word “ repeatedly, grub . Calling someone a loser is something Trump would say , TDS is real .
Get fucked delusional liar
You’re the one that thinks it’s so important ,
Get a life you pathetic hanger oner ,
You think everyone is as pathetic as you
Traumatised by one word months ago ,
Your hurt by your low info comprehension
I get it now
Go back to working out how to read a swell chart dumbo .
I know how to read a swell chart, so I’m
the self proclaimed winner,
No more correspondence entered into,

Wake up jeff, try not to blow a gasket.

& something for mick66…

Confusion wrote:Supafreak wrote:Hahaha , that’s a very poor attempt at deflecting from your constant lies , you are nothing but a grub . You kept on “ using the wrong word “ repeatedly, grub . Calling someone a loser is something Trump would say , TDS is real .
Get fucked delusional liar
You’re the one that thinks it’s so important ,
Get a life you pathetic hanger oner ,
You think everyone is as pathetic as you
Traumatised by one word months ago ,
Your hurt by your low info comprehension
I get it now
Go back to working out how to read a swell chart dumbo .
I know how to read a swell chart, so I’m
the self proclaimed winner,
No more correspondence entered into,
Breathe jeffy

andy-mac wrote:Most Americans I have met and been mates with are super generous great people.
the problem with Americans is they all stereotype people and make sweeping generalisations.

Now to equal out the dastardly islamic extremist threat that the peace loving western military complex faces…
*more war = peace ?
(aka fight fire with fire)

andy-mac wrote:Whoops...

No one has mentioned this major dangerous ,security breach, by Hegseth and the other incompetent inexperienced, members .

Confusion wrote:No one has mentioned this major dangerous ,security breach, by Hegseth and the other incompetent inexperienced, members .
A couple of maga mouthpieces in here hyped him.. said he was a great pick. Lol.
They will of course look the other way now. Nothing to see here.

He does deny it
"Hegseth accuses journalist of 'peddling hoaxes' after secret Yemen war plans shared on app – video"
But who knows, it could be true, im sure it wont happen again if it is.
Dont forget there was also leaks under Biden about Israel war plans.
Both those things should never happen, but one was an intentional leak, while the other if true is a fuck up.

FFS Indo
‘He does deny it’
Of course he does. If he admitted it, that would be self-incrimination.
“There were leaks under Biden”. Yes. That’s inexcusable. More malfeasance than mediocrity. A hallmark of the Sullivan NSA ‘too-clever-by-half’ style.
But this is an entirely different level of arse-clownery.
This is fucking loose shit. I’m genuinely concerned about the amateur hour shit going on at the top in this admin.

indo-dreaming wrote:He does deny it
"Hegseth accuses journalist of 'peddling hoaxes' after secret Yemen war plans shared on app – video"
But who knows, it could be true, im sure it wont happen again if it is.
Dont forget there was also leaks under Biden about Israel war plans.
Both those things should never happen, but one was an intentional leak, while the other if true is a fuck up.
Except that the White House already confirmed the security breach happened , before Hegseth decided to deny it,
Even Foxes Chief Political Analyst Brett Humes said
“Oh for gods sake , the administration has already confirmed the authenticity of the message.”
Hegseth can’t even lie properly.
Can’t understand why everyone doesn’t love a good security breach?

He does deny it. But who knows…

etarip wrote:FFS Indo
‘He does deny it’Of course he does. If he admitted it, that would be self-incrimination.
“There were leaks under Biden”. Yes. That’s inexcusable. More malfeasance than mediocrity. A hallmark of the Sullivan NSA ‘too-clever-by-half’ style.
But this is an entirely different level of arse-clownery.
This is fucking loose shit. I’m genuinely concerned about the amateur hour shit going on at the top in this admin.
If it happened then yeah it's very unprofessional and not excusable, but its very different than having intentional leaked an allies war plans.
One's a major fuck up the other is closer to treason.

Hard to watch!

indo-dreaming wrote:etarip wrote:FFS Indo
‘He does deny it’Of course he does. If he admitted it, that would be self-incrimination.
“There were leaks under Biden”. Yes. That’s inexcusable. More malfeasance than mediocrity. A hallmark of the Sullivan NSA ‘too-clever-by-half’ style.
But this is an entirely different level of arse-clownery.
This is fucking loose shit. I’m genuinely concerned about the amateur hour shit going on at the top in this admin.
If it happened then yeah it's very unprofessional and not excusable, but its very different than having intentional leaked an allies war plans.
One's a major fuck up the other is closer to treason.
Except the communication system they were using was completely unsecured,
They should have been using the pentagons security system.

If it happened…

50 posts today !! from @Opti at 5:23am, to @JF at 5:36pm...
a full page in a little over 12 hours !! yeeeeeeeeww!
(I knew we could do it).

Confusion wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:etarip wrote:FFS Indo
‘He does deny it’Of course he does. If he admitted it, that would be self-incrimination.
“There were leaks under Biden”. Yes. That’s inexcusable. More malfeasance than mediocrity. A hallmark of the Sullivan NSA ‘too-clever-by-half’ style.
But this is an entirely different level of arse-clownery.
This is fucking loose shit. I’m genuinely concerned about the amateur hour shit going on at the top in this admin.
If it happened then yeah it's very unprofessional and not excusable, but its very different than having intentional leaked an allies war plans.
One's a major fuck up the other is closer to treason.
Except the communication system they were using was completely unsecured,
They should have been using the pentagons security system.
Maybe this is the first time ive ever agreed with you.

indo-dreaming wrote:He does deny it
"Hegseth accuses journalist of 'peddling hoaxes' after secret Yemen war plans shared on app – video"
But who knows, it could be true, im sure it wont happen again if it is.
Dont forget there was also leaks under Biden about Israel war plans.
Both those things should never happen, but one was an intentional leak, while the other if true is a fuck up.
Ok..I guess that’s it.
Pete says it didn’t happen so it couldn’t have happened. Fake media again.

indo-dreaming wrote:etarip wrote:FFS Indo
‘He does deny it’Of course he does. If he admitted it, that would be self-incrimination.
“There were leaks under Biden”. Yes. That’s inexcusable. More malfeasance than mediocrity. A hallmark of the Sullivan NSA ‘too-clever-by-half’ style.
But this is an entirely different level of arse-clownery.
This is fucking loose shit. I’m genuinely concerned about the amateur hour shit going on at the top in this admin.
If it happened then yeah it's very unprofessional and not excusable, but its very different than having intentional leaked an allies war plans.
One's a major fuck up the other is closer to treason.
“Treason”, you say?
It’s deeply disturbing to consider, as a US ally, that an administration might leak details of your operational plans. Yes. The previous admin had done this with both Israel and Ukraine. The current admin has almost definitely done it with Ukraine, to Russia.
But it’s not treason.
Sharing operational plans via mobile app to a group that hasn’t been validated isn’t treason either. It’s just fucking stupid.
“Treason” is refusing to accept the results of an election and inciting a violent mob to attempt to prevent the certification of said outcome.
You’ve got your nouns mixed up Indo. Definitely one-eyed commentary.

“If Pete Hegseth had any honour he would resign “
This breach is many times worse than the Hilary Clinton leak ,as the hypocrisy is highlighted.

Yes, why would you?

All part of Trump’s great plan..along with Musk. 2 of the greatest businesses minds ever.
I still don’t get this plan.
There is no way there isn’t a plan.

The worst of the worst
Tulsy Gabbard lies through her back teeth , at the senate enquire into the major security leak
at the group chat , to try to hide her dangerous incompetence,. Claiming that the detailed operation plan , including timing . the weapons to be used ,targets and attack sequences, were not classified information,
but refused to discuss this information.
The dangerous incompetence of Hegseth as secretary of defence ,
and the whole Trump regime is exposed.

That should be Tulsi with an I
Oh well we all make mistakes, some more consequential than others.

Roadkill wrote:All part of Trump’s great plan..along with Musk. 2 of the greatest businesses minds ever.
I still don’t get this plan.
There is no way there isn’t a plan.
The plan is Americas isolationism, and maybe
the authorities assume that overseas visitors aren’t glued to Fox News like half of American dumbos , and therefore have more accurate information. ?
Therefore discouraging over seas visitors .
None of this has anything to do with business or “ looking after the tourism industry “
It’s about a selfish power and money grab,
Which is what authoritarianism is about.

I’m planning on going to the US for holiday next year. It might be a good time with cheaper air fares and prices. Smaller crowds too would be cool. Last year was ridiculous in some places. Hopefully this deters some people so I get a better deal out of it.

flollo wrote:I’m planning on going to the US for holiday next year. It might be a good time with cheaper air fares and prices. Smaller crowds too would be cool. Last year was ridiculous in some places. Hopefully this deters some people so I get a better deal out of it.
Just make sure your visa is in order,and don’t over stay, or you might end up with a free trip to El Salvador, unlikely though.
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank