Elon deserves his own thread

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming started the topic in Saturday, 15 Apr 2023 at 1:16pm

What you need to see

What the BBC want you to only see.

And everything

loungelizard's picture
loungelizard's picture
loungelizard Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 1:01pm
Roadkill wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

End of the day all your hate is just brain dead, i dont even think you know why you hate Elon, it make's no sense at all

The only reason you hate him is because he is Now on the opposite side of politics, if he was supporting the dems and doing DOGE for them he would be held on a pedestal.

And RK that was a predictable lame reply something that anyone can hide behind, we are talking real life measurable achievement's.

As for Old Dogs ridiculous comparisons to Hitler and Jack the Ripper, they are remembered for the worst crimes in history without those events they would not even be remembered unlike Elon that again will be remembered for advatacemrent of EV's and development of Rockets etc.

Yeah Trump is controversial and polarising but even without being President of the USA twice he would be remembered as a business man, but okay i get the hate for Trump, but the hate for Elon is just insane and beyond logic, worst still is those on the left trying to destroy an EV company, its like just completely brain dead.

The irony is the main winners for any loss of the EV market for Tesla is the Chinese EV companies and the losers the USA people.

But yeah some just thrive on hate for some reason, it's bizzare, anyway nice sunny Sunday, I better go do some shit with the kids, i think the beach and some beach combing is calling.

No hiding..just reality.

Funny that nearly everyone on SN gets it…you’re the exception.

I couldn’t care less that you are you.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 1:03pm
andy-mac wrote:

And as far as worst crimes in history.
For the 21st century,....
One is being played out right now in real time being telcasted daily.

It's just being ignored and misreported by most of the western media.

Hear hear. Not to indo though. Perfectly justifiable.

Moonah's picture
Moonah's picture
Moonah Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 1:10pm
Roadkill wrote:

It all comes down to what you call achievement. For some a legacy is based off business success and for others having a successful and loving family unit where every loves and respects each other is the greatest achievement. A teacher that has mentored kids that have gone on to contribute to society might be the ultimate achievement. I do love your shitty taxi driver put down. The small guy doing a shitty job to make ends meet is nothing to you?..says everything that you are as a person.

Just being the richest person that no one really likes doesn’t impress me..you I have no doubt would fall at his feet in a display of utter submission and admiration.

Well said @roadkill.

For a guy to belittle someone based on what their job is just shows the true character of this piece of bacteria @indodreaming.

You ruin this website, the day you fuck off out of here will be a terrific one.

Is it true you don’t even subscribe?

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 1:39pm
Moonah wrote:
Roadkill wrote:

It all comes down to what you call achievement. For some a legacy is based off business success and for others having a successful and loving family unit where every loves and respects each other is the greatest achievement. A teacher that has mentored kids that have gone on to contribute to society might be the ultimate achievement. I do love your shitty taxi driver put down. The small guy doing a shitty job to make ends meet is nothing to you?..says everything that you are as a person.

Just being the richest person that no one really likes doesn’t impress me..you I have no doubt would fall at his feet in a display of utter submission and admiration.

Well said @roadkill.

For a guy to belittle someone based on what their job is just shows the true character of this piece of bacteria @indodreaming.

You ruin this website, the day you fuck off out of here will be a terrific one.

Is it true you don’t even subscribe?

Moonah. It’s true. AW

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 2:18pm
andy-mac wrote:

And as far as worst crimes in history.
For the 21st century,....
One is being played out right now in real time being telcasted daily.

It's just being ignored and misreported by most of the western media.

Yes correct 7th of October based on population would be like thirteen 9/11's, but unlike 9/11 the terrorist/jihadist enemy isn't halfway across the globe but quite literally a few hundred metres away.

USA could have turned their back on things and just ramped up security they still didn't, Israel doesn't have that luxury of choice.

And then to make the event even worse unlike 9/11 two hundred and fifty one Israelis were kidnapped and held for randsom one of the biggest kidnappings of civilians in history.

But hey in your mind, Israelis should just say okay cool we will give up whatever you want for out hostage's, and we will just let you do 7th Oct all over again as you promise, and better still we will also just let Iran and it's other proxies wipe us out.

And yes the media is very bias towards Israel, reporting information as fact direct from terrorist the idea they would do this in another war with say ISIS is just ludicrous but in your mind they are trustworthy.

And no you dont just care about civilian deaths etc, you have ZERO interest in other conflicts like Sudan 61,000 dead just last year millions dead in the course of the conflict, Syria again no interest huge massacres of civilian's the other week, but not a peep from you,

We all know why.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 2:23pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

And as far as worst crimes in history.
For the 21st century,....
One is being played out right now in real time being telcasted daily.

It's just being ignored and misreported by most of the western media.

Yes correct 7th of October based on population would be like thirteen 9/11's, but unlike 9/11 the terrorist/jihadist enemy isn't halfway across the globe but quite literally a few hundred metres away.

USA could have turned their back on things and just ramped up security they still didn't, Israel doesn't have that luxury of choice.

And then to make the event even worse unlike 9/11 two hundred and fifty one Israelis were kidnapped and held for randsom one of the biggest kidnappings of civilians in history.

But hey in your mind, Israelis should just say okay cool we will give up whatever you want for out hostage's, and we will just let you do 7th Oct all over again as you promise, and better still we will also just let Iran and it's other proxies wipe us out.

And yes the media is very bias towards Israel, reporting information as fact direct from terrorist the idea they would do this in another war with say ISIS is just ludicrous but in your mind they are trustworthy.

And no you dont just care about civilian deaths etc, you have ZERO interest in other conflicts like Sudan 61,000 dead just last year millions dead in the course of the conflict, Syria again no interest huge massacres of civilian's the other week, but not a peep from you,

We all know why.

Yeah right on mate....

You really are a clueless fella ey..

Really is quite astonishing.

tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 2:25pm

You have a sick way of stimulating your senses eugenics dreaming.

But keep chewing your gum.


tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 2:25pm

Stay hard…

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 2:28pm
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

And as far as worst crimes in history.
For the 21st century,....
One is being played out right now in real time being telcasted daily.

It's just being ignored and misreported by most of the western media.

Yes correct 7th of October based on population would be like thirteen 9/11's, but unlike 9/11 the terrorist/jihadist enemy isn't halfway across the globe but quite literally a few hundred metres away.

USA could have turned their back on things and just ramped up security they still didn't, Israel doesn't have that luxury of choice.

And then to make the event even worse unlike 9/11 two hundred and fifty one Israelis were kidnapped and held for randsom one of the biggest kidnappings of civilians in history.

But hey in your mind, Israelis should just say okay cool we will give up whatever you want for out hostage's, and we will just let you do 7th Oct all over again as you promise, and better still we will also just let Iran and it's other proxies wipe us out.

And yes the media is very bias towards Israel, reporting information as fact direct from terrorist the idea they would do this in another war with say ISIS is just ludicrous but in your mind they are trustworthy.

And no you dont just care about civilian deaths etc, you have ZERO interest in other conflicts like Sudan 61,000 dead just last year millions dead in the course of the conflict, Syria again no interest huge massacres of civilian's the other week, but not a peep from you,

We all know why.

Yeah right on mate....

You really are a clueless fella ey..

Really is quite astonishing.

So what bit are you denying ?

tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 2:32pm

“ You ruin this website, the day you fuck off out of here will be a terrific one.”


tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 2:34pm


Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 2:46pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

And yes the media is very bias towards Israel, reporting information as fact direct from terrorist the idea they would do this in another war with say ISIS is just ludicrous but in your mind they are trustworthy.

Freudian slip there eugenicsdreaming, but you were accidentally right. The media IS very biased towards Israel. You can see that by the lack of real coverage about the levels of destruction and mass murder in Palestine by the msm. The only news regarding war in that area on the main pages of the Australian, the Herald Sun, the ABC, and the New York Times today is about Israhell striking Lebanon. You better fucken BELIEVE that if anyone had gone to fucken town on Israel like Israel have on Palestine that there'd be blanket coverage everyday until the US stepped in to stop it. Which, let's face it, would take about half a day.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 3:04pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

And as far as worst crimes in history.
For the 21st century,....
One is being played out right now in real time being telcasted daily.

It's just being ignored and misreported by most of the western media.

Yes correct 7th of October based on population would be like thirteen 9/11's, but unlike 9/11 the terrorist/jihadist enemy isn't halfway across the globe but quite literally a few hundred metres away.

USA could have turned their back on things and just ramped up security they still didn't, Israel doesn't have that luxury of choice.

And then to make the event even worse unlike 9/11 two hundred and fifty one Israelis were kidnapped and held for randsom one of the biggest kidnappings of civilians in history.

But hey in your mind, Israelis should just say okay cool we will give up whatever you want for out hostage's, and we will just let you do 7th Oct all over again as you promise, and better still we will also just let Iran and it's other proxies wipe us out.

And yes the media is very bias towards Israel, reporting information as fact direct from terrorist the idea they would do this in another war with say ISIS is just ludicrous but in your mind they are trustworthy.

And no you dont just care about civilian deaths etc, you have ZERO interest in other conflicts like Sudan 61,000 dead just last year millions dead in the course of the conflict, Syria again no interest huge massacres of civilian's the other week, but not a peep from you,

We all know why.

Yeah right on mate....

You really are a clueless fella ey..

Really is quite astonishing.

So what bit are you denying ?

This spells it out very clearly.....

Ignore title, it breaks it down...

Don't really give a shit if you watch it or not....


andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 3:23pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

And as far as worst crimes in history.
For the 21st century,....
One is being played out right now in real time being telcasted daily.

It's just being ignored and misreported by most of the western media.

Yes correct 7th of October based on population would be like thirteen 9/11's, but unlike 9/11 the terrorist/jihadist enemy isn't halfway across the globe but quite literally a few hundred metres away.

USA could have turned their back on things and just ramped up security they still didn't, Israel doesn't have that luxury of choice.

And then to make the event even worse unlike 9/11 two hundred and fifty one Israelis were kidnapped and held for randsom one of the biggest kidnappings of civilians in history.

But hey in your mind, Israelis should just say okay cool we will give up whatever you want for out hostage's, and we will just let you do 7th Oct all over again as you promise, and better still we will also just let Iran and it's other proxies wipe us out.

And yes the media is very bias towards Israel, reporting information as fact direct from terrorist the idea they would do this in another war with say ISIS is just ludicrous but in your mind they are trustworthy.

And no you dont just care about civilian deaths etc, you have ZERO interest in other conflicts like Sudan 61,000 dead just last year millions dead in the course of the conflict, Syria again no interest huge massacres of civilian's the other week, but not a peep from you,

We all know why.

Yeah right on mate....

You really are a clueless fella ey..

Really is quite astonishing.

So what bit are you denying ?

It's horrible what's happening in Sudan, but it is not being supported and enabled by the USA, the most powerful industrial killing machine on the planet being used on a locked in defenceless civilian population.
The genocide could stop tomorrow. Farkin false equivalence there indo....

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 3:54pm

My father was a cab driver

…. but before then he lied about his age and was in uniform in defence of his country just before his 17th birthday

… was in Darwin during the bombing and later spent 2.5 years straight in the jungle in New Guinea, Bougainville and the tiny islands of the Bismarck Sea … before being rushed back to Australia with a host of tropical diseases.

After 8 months in military hospital he was medically discharged from the Army and offered a full medical service pension for life such was the assessed damage to his health/body.

He told the Army to stick their pension and proceeded to work in various jobs until he drove cabs.

He raised 4 of us on his earnings plus mum and dad adopted a girl so makes 5 kids … who had 12 kids and who in turn had 16 kids …. That’s 33 kids, grandkids and great grandchildren from my parent’s life.

All of these kids are brilliant humans and successful in their own right, one flies fighter jets for the Australian air force, one a major in the army, 3 others served as peacekeepers in Timor, others run highly successful businesses here and overseas employing many, published authors, university professors, honours graduates and school principals.

You @info are a narrow minded cunt, don’t ever put down honest working people again, you are just beyond pathetic you fucking arse wipe piece of shot

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 4:53pm
Roadkill wrote:
andy-mac wrote:

No hate towards Elon.
Reckon the guy is very smart, but a dick. Not a very happy person.
At least Zuckerberg seems to enjoy his wealth hanging out with kai Lenny etc.

Indo for a self proclaimed conservative, you seem to be supporting the very opposite when Trump is attacking all the institutions that are the pillars of a liberal democracy.

It’s funny how Indo immediately thinks hate is the main emotion most on SN have towards Musk. I would think hate doesn’t really come into it.

He is as described above. Just a dick that is so self absorbed he is unable to offer basic human traits like empathy, understanding, compassion…the same traits Indo is unable to offer or understand.

Having said that, why wouldn’t you hate someone who wants to dismantle your democracy for the sake of a few greedy,
megalomaniacs , who get their enjoyment by controlling people and being cruel.
If your way of life is threatened it would be fight or flight.

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 4:46pm
GuySmiley wrote:

My father was a cab driver

…. but before then he lied about his age and was in uniform in defence of his country just before his 17th birthday

… was in Darwin during the bombing and later spent 2.5 years straight in the jungle in New Guinea, Bougainville and the tiny islands of the Bismarck Sea … before being rushed back to Australia with a host of tropical diseases.

After 8 months in military hospital he was medically discharged from the Army and offered a full medical service pension for life such was the assessed damage to his health/body.

He told the Army to stick their pension and proceeded to work in various jobs until he drove cabs.

He raised 4 of us on his earnings plus mum and dad adopted a girl so makes 5 kids … who had 12 kids and who in turn had 16 kids …. That’s 33 kids, grandkids and great grandchildren from my parent’s life.

All of these kids are brilliant humans and successful in their own right, one flies fighter jets for the Australian air force, one a major in the army, 3 others served as peacekeepers in Timor, others run highly successful businesses here and overseas employing many, published authors, university professors, honours graduates and school principals.

You @info are a narrow minded cunt, don’t ever put down honest working people again, you are just beyond pathetic you fucking arse wipe piece of shot

Would upvote on reddit

Roadkill's picture
Roadkill's picture
Roadkill Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 5:02pm

I actually think Indo brings a lot to SN. We can all be tools.

It is simply a different opinion.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 5:13pm
Roadkill wrote:

I actually think Indo brings a lot to SN. We can all be tools.

It is simply a different opinion.


But there can be ill informed opinion.
I have in the past had my views changed with posters liked flollo and etarip.

Indo just sounds like Sky news...

Each to their own.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 5:15pm

Maybe, but when that opinion lacks understanding, nuance and empathy, it can be a problem.

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 5:34pm
Hiccups wrote:
GuySmiley wrote:

My father was a cab driver

…. but before then he lied about his age and was in uniform in defence of his country just before his 17th birthday

… was in Darwin during the bombing and later spent 2.5 years straight in the jungle in New Guinea, Bougainville and the tiny islands of the Bismarck Sea … before being rushed back to Australia with a host of tropical diseases.

After 8 months in military hospital he was medically discharged from the Army and offered a full medical service pension for life such was the assessed damage to his health/body.

He told the Army to stick their pension and proceeded to work in various jobs until he drove cabs.

He raised 4 of us on his earnings plus mum and dad adopted a girl so makes 5 kids … who had 12 kids and who in turn had 16 kids …. That’s 33 kids, grandkids and great grandchildren from my parent’s life.

All of these kids are brilliant humans and successful in their own right, one flies fighter jets for the Australian air force, one a major in the army, 3 others served as peacekeepers in Timor, others run highly successful businesses here and overseas employing many, published authors, university professors, honours graduates and school principals.

You @info are a narrow minded cunt, don’t ever put down honest working people again, you are just beyond pathetic you fucking arse wipe piece of shot

Would upvote on reddit

Well I used to be a cab driver but Indos ignorance doesn’t bother me,
because you actually need a good memory and good spatial awareness, and a ratings system in your head about which rank is closest and which ranks are generally busier and how many taxis there are on each rank and in each area and what the traffic is like at what time of day , and what flights are coming in, and how close you are to the airport, and what time certain jobs come up and where, and calculating whether it’s worth hanging around an area or going back to the city . etc
So while the pay was never great, a lot of cabbies enjoyed the freedom of going where you want, and meeting many different people,and the complete unpredictability,and any cabbie who was making money over long term was probably more intelligent than Indo anyway,
The famous scientist Dr Carl Kruszelnicki used to drive cabs and he isn’t that dumb.

mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207's picture
mikehunt207 Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 5:20pm

And having a commentator who can happily put up justification for the Israeli/ American genocide in the middle east is quite interesting to read (in a fucked up kind of way)

tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 5:31pm
tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 5:34pm

The cleanser


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 6:41pm
tearymasseuse wrote:

“ You ruin this website, the day you fuck off out of here will be a terrific one.”


I think that's pretty deniable

the guy puts the bait in debate...

which is good, teasing out dogmatic opinion, that is seen and presented as 'fact' by some is a great contribution

and, love or hate his contributions, his views are pretty mild in the bigger scheme of things. his supposed 'conservatism' or 'far right' (-ness) is actually pretty mainstream and very left in some regards...

hearing 'normal' opinion, as opposed to the left wing nuttery often passed off as 'accepted truth' on here is refreshing and valuable

if you actually believe in debate and democracy that is....

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 6:40pm
AndyM wrote:

Maybe, but when that opinion lacks understanding, nuance and empathy, it can be a problem.

Anyone gung-ho about ethnic cleansing doesn't deserve to have their opinions considered and should be howled down at every opportunity.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:02pm


burn a fucken tesla!

a byd, and the supporting of real racial supremacists (china) will fix stuff...

does my head in this current narrative

the perpetually outraged are all fired up (literally) about some possibly possible racist shit and dictators...


all the whilst, never ever ever, ever even acknowledging, the real murdering, internment camping, real dictatoring, real slave labouring, real racial supremacisting ideology endeavoring to dominate the world

carry on...

enjoy your byd's australia

(I'll take a toyota thanks)

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:00pm
sypkan wrote:
tearymasseuse wrote:

“ You ruin this website, the day you fuck off out of here will be a terrific one.”


I think that's pretty deniable

the guy puts the bait in debate...

which is good, teasing out dogmatic opinion, that is seen and presented as 'fact' by some is a great contribution

and, love or hate his contributions, his views are pretty mild in the bigger scheme of things. his supposed 'conservatism' or 'far right' (-ness) is actually pretty mainstream and very left in some regards...

hearing 'normal' opinion, as opposed to the left wing nuttery often passed off as 'accepted truth' on here is refreshing and valuable

if you actually believe in debate and democracy that is....

If you actually believe in democracy, you wouldn’t be cheering on Trumps grovelling to Putin and Viktor Orban and any other dictator in Asia or Latin America.
And his attacks on al the previous US democratic allies
When you say hearing” normal “ opinions you really mean “ normal Fox opinions “
I think with your ability to twist reality around a few times, could almost get you a job somewhere with Rupert Murdoch .

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:01pm
sypkan wrote:


burn ya fucken tesla!

a byd and the supporting of real racial supremacists (china) will fix stuff...

does my head in this current narrative

the perpetually outraged are all fired up (litrrally) about some possibly possible racist shit and dictators...


all the whilst, never ever ever, ever acknowledging the real murdering, internment camping, real dictatoring, real slave labouring, racial supremacisting ideology endeavoring to dominate the world

carry on...

enjoy your byd's australia

I'll take a toyota thanks

Nice whataboutism from the guy that shits on everything yet stands for nothing.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:23pm

I stand for lots of things hiccups

and I'd bet if I was with you in a pub, or a polling booth, I'd probably side with you more than I dont

I just think this current 'narrative' is batshit crazy

and unhelpful...

it's plain bloody irrational

hyperbolic and hysterical...


anyone who thinks burning tesla's... anyone who thinks buying a byd over just about anything... is an answer to anything, or 'saving the world'....well they're plain bloody delusional...

just seems the world is willfully willing on the take over, enabling their own submission, and obliteration...

a bunch of pig iron bob's, so caught up in the wins of today, tomorrow doesn't matter... void of enough foresight to gain perspective enough to see through the daily outrage machine...

turkeys, voting for a species change at kfc

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:22pm

I could bother Jeffy

but I won't...

Hiccups's picture
Hiccups's picture
Hiccups Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:23pm

If you think blowing up Teslas is bad, wait until you hear about how many hospitals Israel blew up in Gaza.

"a bunch of pig iron bob's, so caught up in the wins of today, tomorrow doesn't matter... void of enough foresight to see through the daily outrage machine..."

Shit, man. You honestly think that you're the only one that can "see through the daily outrage machine", don't ya. I hope your farts smell good, cos fuck knows you inhale them with stunning regularity.

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:36pm
sypkan wrote:

I could bother Jeffy

but I won't...

When you stand for everything and nothing,
What an amazing person you must be,
Perfect for Rupert
Is that like your 6 months old BBC article saying that Project 2025was nothing more than a transient thought bubble, and your X snippet saying Mexicos President
folded like a deck chair when she actually told Trump to go jump,
Your not as great as you think you are and your deceptive flip flopping doesn’t hide your right wing bent ,which keeps resurfacing.unavoidably .

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:31pm
sypkan wrote:


burn a fucken tesla!

a byd, and the supporting of real racial supremacists (china) will fix stuff...

does my head in this current narrative

the perpetually outraged are all fired up (literally) about some possibly possible racist shit and dictators...


all the whilst, never ever ever, ever even acknowledging, the real murdering, internment camping, real dictatoring, real slave labouring, real racial supremacisting ideology endeavoring to dominate the world

carry on...

enjoy your byd's australia

(I'll take a toyota thanks)

The very radical elements of this that getting a lot of media attention burning Telsa's or just vandalising them does the Dems no favours at all.

That large middle of the road voter base aren't thinking yay great you go guys you burn them down lets destroy Tesla, they are thinking OMFG these people are insane extremist, it's no different to the BLM riots it saw BLM lose support, not gain support.

Sane every day people dont care if its left or right they see it for what it is violent extremist behaviour.

Even just celebrating a USA company getting hit isn't going to win voter's that are in the middle, its only going to put them off.

"Tim Walz cheers Tesla stock tumble, but Minnesota state employees' pension owns over 1M shares"


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:35pm


they don't smell good at all

except this one time, on acid...

anyway, it's about priorities hiccups

and, if ya really wanna be about 'saving democracy' and shit...

(which I don't believe for a minute considering the track record of those saying it... (not you in particular))

well fuck me, get some perspective people

there's a war going on ya know?

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:37pm

I’m on my way home from celebrating my 16 year olds Birthday. Fat Freddy’s Drop at Fremantle arts Centre. Pretty sure the Groms got stoned for the first time through sheer proximity ( gotta love a Fat Freddy’s gig).
This threads so amusing. People have an opinion on Musk and the resident cockhead races around with rebuttals and defences like he’s heavily invested.
Elon Musk is very similar to Gina, another of Indo’s defendants, born into excessive wealth. Unlike Gina it would appear that he also has a teenager like eagerness to appear cool. Zuckerberg seems to suffer this too, the difference being that Zuck actually created something. Elon buys in, then positions himself to take the accolades for the achievements of others. He may be the face of Space X, yet with DOGE , Tesla, Whitehouse press conferences, the worlds best computer gamer etc. how could he possibly be involved in the mechanics of anything he claims as personal achievements.
DOGE, besides the gross conflicts of interest why would anyone want this emotionally unstable, lying entitled crackpot in charge of the purse strings is beyond me. Get a real economist or accountant maybe? One not already on the tax payers teat.
Everything on Indo has already been said and my opinion of his cretinous character is well known.

Defending Gina, Bibi and Musk and cheer leading DOGE. Hates Musies( but not as much as his wife he’s told us). Loves Israel no matter how much turmoil they stir up for their neighbours and how many civilians they kill. Thinks sophisticated terror attacks on civilians are awesome feats as long as they’re perpetrated by the IDF. Believes people fighting for freedom and sovereignty are terrorists.
Bleats about anti semitism in Oz, one of the few brain dead units who believed the bullshit that have lead to all of us living under more draconian laws, only to be found that it was “organised crime” (Mossad or something similar would be closer to the mark).
Believes the 40 beheaded babies BS. Never Walks Any of this shit back when it’s revealed as bullshit and continues doubling down on being an absolute cunt to anyone who has an opposing view point.

Indo, I hope all your surfs are shit, I hope you miss flights your car breaks down you get stooged on jobs and your kid gets an arse whipping by the local bully for repeating the ignorant shit he hears at home.

Punching down on people because of their efforts to make an honest living. You truly are a cunt. My opinion of you remains steadfast.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:40pm


update ya material mate

you're fighting a 2016 battle

that was somewhat (totally) dated even then...

but you rage against the machine buddy

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:44pm

@Sypkan. “ all the whilst, never ever ever, ever even acknowledging, the real murdering, internment camping, real dictatoring, real slave labouring, real racial supremacisting ideology endeavoring to dominate the world”

Great description of the US prison system Syp. You’re a “Better the Devil Know”. Position in the US v China debate?

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 7:50pm

I did get a chuckle out of this.

"Indo, I hope all your surfs are shit, I hope you miss flights your car breaks down you get stooged on jobs and your kid gets an arse whipping by the local bully for repeating the ignorant shit he hears at home.

Punching down on people because of their efforts to make an honest living. You truly are a cunt. My opinion of you remains steadfast."

Confusion's picture
Confusion's picture
Confusion Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:14pm
sypkan wrote:


they don't smell good at all

except this one time, on acid...

anyway, it's about priorities hiccups

and, if ya really wanna be about 'saving democracy' and shit...

(which I don't believe for a minute considering the track record of those saying it... (not you in particular))

well fuck me, get some perspective people

there's a war going on ya know?

I think Sypkan just gave us the answer as to why he is such an unpredictable rotating
Hills hoist of an hallucinating ,
. politically aware / unaware champion of all things that don’t mean anything, yet at the same time mean everything.type/ of activist / dude/ guy / individual.
He only posts when he is on that synthetic hallucinogenic , that he mentioned .
In fact spykans political opinions do actually change, depending on the dosage and how long it goes on for.
He’s brain is constantly correcting and recorrecting itself depending on the long and short term memories that he is experiencing.
Not to mention the hallucinations of Sir Menzies and John Howard chasing each other around the barnyard. !

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:16pm

BTW Soggy dog speaking of Israel and big business and success in general, i saw this good news story today.

Google made their biggest purchase ever this week acquiring Israeli's start up company Wiz for 32 billion USD, Wiz's Background:
Wiz is an Israeli-founded cybersecurity company, founded by former members of Unit 8200, the Israeli military's intelligence unit

"The Wiz effect: How a $32 billion exit could reshape Israel’s fiscal plans

A major tax windfall gives the government financial breathing room—but will it be used to cut the deficit or expand spending?

The acquisition of Wiz by one of the world's five largest companies is far more than just another event for the Israeli high-tech community—it is a macroeconomic event. The reason lies in the scale of the deal: $32 billion, or roughly 120 billion shekels.

While it is already clear that not all of this amount will reach Israel, as the company is registered abroad, a significant portion is expected to enter the country since the founders and many employees are Israeli."


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:09pm

fuck me, a 16th in a dutched up freo arts centre with funky NZ dub-doofers...

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:18pm
indo-dreaming wrote:

BTW Soggy dog speaking of Israel and big business and success in general, i saw this good news story today.

Google made their biggest purchase ever this week acquiring Israeli's start up company Wiz for 32 billion USD, Wiz's Background:
Wiz is an Israeli-founded cybersecurity company, founded by former members of Unit 8200, the Israeli military's intelligence unit

"The Wiz effect: How a $32 billion exit could reshape Israel’s fiscal plans

A major tax windfall gives the government financial breathing room—but will it be used to cut the deficit or expand spending?

The acquisition of Wiz by one of the world's five largest companies is far more than just another event for the Israeli high-tech community—it is a macroeconomic event. The reason lies in the scale of the deal: $32 billion, or roughly 120 billion shekels.

While it is already clear that not all of this amount will reach Israel, as the company is registered abroad, a significant portion is expected to enter the country since the founders and many employees are Israeli."


Well go spank your self into a frenzy then. Another win for Israel would be getting you hard as a rock eh’? Doesn’t change how much of a cunt I think you are. A sick twisted cunt. I’d also like to add I don’t by your self diagnosis of autism in previous posts.
You are just a completely ignorant cunt who continually punches down on the less fortunate and revealing your self as a boot licker to the most egregious of the power elite.
Hope you ding your favourite board and cop a fin up your arse.

Moonah's picture
Moonah's picture
Moonah Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:17pm
basesix wrote:

fuck me, a 16th in a dutched up freo arts centre with funky NZ dub-doofers...

‘Ow goods that!

tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse's picture
tearymasseuse Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:18pm

“ Hope you ding your favourite board and cop a fin up your arse.”



soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:19pm

Hey Jelly, good to see you’re back.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:20pm
soggydog wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

BTW Soggy dog speaking of Israel and big business and success in general, i saw this good news story today.

Google made their biggest purchase ever this week acquiring Israeli's start up company Wiz for 32 billion USD, Wiz's Background:
Wiz is an Israeli-founded cybersecurity company, founded by former members of Unit 8200, the Israeli military's intelligence unit

"The Wiz effect: How a $32 billion exit could reshape Israel’s fiscal plans

A major tax windfall gives the government financial breathing room—but will it be used to cut the deficit or expand spending?

The acquisition of Wiz by one of the world's five largest companies is far more than just another event for the Israeli high-tech community—it is a macroeconomic event. The reason lies in the scale of the deal: $32 billion, or roughly 120 billion shekels.

While it is already clear that not all of this amount will reach Israel, as the company is registered abroad, a significant portion is expected to enter the country since the founders and many employees are Israeli."


Well go spank your self into a frenzy then. Another win for Israel would be getting you hard as a rock eh’? Doesn’t change how much of a cunt I think you are. A sick twisted cunt. I’d also like to add I don’t by your self diagnosis of autism in previous posts.
You are just a completely ignorant cunt who continually punches down on the less fortunate and reveals your self as a boot licker to the most egregious of the power elite.
Hope you ding your favourite board and cop a fin up your arse.

BTW, that Caravan plot thing was some dodgy criminal gang lead by some Turkish guy with antisemitic social media post, it was still aimed at instilling fear in the Jewish community

And calling jihadist terrorist that rape, murder, and kidnap freedom fighters shows how sick you are in the head.

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:27pm

":BTW, that Caravan plot thing was some dodgy criminal gang lead by some Turkish guy with antisemitic social media post, it was still aimed at instilling fear in the Jewish community""

Let's see if comes out who was actually paying him ey.
If we never find out. I guess you could safely say it starts with Mo and finishes sad...

Will be happy to be proved incorrect...

soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:32pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
soggydog wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:

BTW Soggy dog speaking of Israel and big business and success in general, i saw this good news story today.

Google made their biggest purchase ever this week acquiring Israeli's start up company Wiz for 32 billion USD, Wiz's Background:
Wiz is an Israeli-founded cybersecurity company, founded by former members of Unit 8200, the Israeli military's intelligence unit

"The Wiz effect: How a $32 billion exit could reshape Israel’s fiscal plans

A major tax windfall gives the government financial breathing room—but will it be used to cut the deficit or expand spending?

The acquisition of Wiz by one of the world's five largest companies is far more than just another event for the Israeli high-tech community—it is a macroeconomic event. The reason lies in the scale of the deal: $32 billion, or roughly 120 billion shekels.

While it is already clear that not all of this amount will reach Israel, as the company is registered abroad, a significant portion is expected to enter the country since the founders and many employees are Israeli."


Well go spank your self into a frenzy then. Another win for Israel would be getting you hard as a rock eh’? Doesn’t change how much of a cunt I think you are. A sick twisted cunt. I’d also like to add I don’t by your self diagnosis of autism in previous posts.
You are just a completely ignorant cunt who continually punches down on the less fortunate and reveals your self as a boot licker to the most egregious of the power elite.
Hope you ding your favourite board and cop a fin up your arse.

BTW, that Caravan plot thing was some dodgy criminal gang lead by some Turkish guy with antisemitic social media post, it was still aimed at instilling fear in the Jewish community

And calling jihadist terrorist that rape, murder, and kidnap freedom fighters shows how sick you are in the head.

Go fuck your self, it was still pearl clutchers like yourself that lead to laws we all have to live with. Now we’re paying 30 mill for something they probably burnt down themselves. Because they’ve got a whole heap of brain dead cunts like your self fooled.
May your next ments trip involve a head first swan dive into a reef with multiple travel delays to medical attention and maybe a dose of staph. Namaste cunt.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Sunday, 23 Mar 2025 at 8:46pm
soggydog wrote:

Hey Jelly, good to see you’re back.

I was wondering if it was , welcome back if true .