
all our thoughts and news channels are with yous up in alfred's hood
(news updates on straddie/bribie erosion, catchment areas, etc. and all-time-karl-stefanovic putting a bit of gravel in his voice and whipping out the shaka lingo with tappa teece and on all our southern tellys.. )
hope the storm damage is minimal and people stay safe. amazing call from @thermalben re alfred hovering just off the coast till saturday.
NSW band The Dave Miller Set - 'Mr Guy Fawkes' (1969)

seems appropriate

Get outta town
Think I’ll get outta town
Think I’ll get outta town

Gurrier, noun - a tough or unruly young man.
"stay out of that place—the gurriers there would carve you up with knives"

Eshay - also a tough or unruly young man

Thrown in the riot van ,
And all the coppers kicked him in,
And there was no way he could win,
Just had to take it on the chin !

Richard Clapton enjoying the performance
and 17 years old Ben Butler debuts on
red guitar.

Continuing the theme of unruly youngsters
Somewhat ironic given the demographic...

Keeping it real.

Controversial but good song same album,

@mattlock, yep, I was standing between AP Street and Nazz (GGA) if you remember your 90s street press critics, and I think they both spontaneously jizzed their daks when 50ft queenie started up. PJs voice was awesome btw - she definitely still gives her all vocally..

just came on rage.. @blackers, how's the vibe re rum jungle live shows?
rum jungle - hi hello

basesix wrote:just came on rage.. @blackers, how's the vibe re rum jungle live shows?
rum jungle - hi hello
My lad is a big fan, haven't seen them myself. Not really my schtick. Hope you are mobile again.

yeh, cheers @blackers, staggering through mad march tourism..
the month where the city of churches is all about
making tourists do expensive mediterranean shits
palate cleanser

Awesome. Saw Poly Jean back in London at Finsbury Park. She's got some power in those pipes.

And at the other end of the vocal spectrum we have Lewsberg. Out of Rotterdam, out for milk, as you do.

Just when you're thinking everyone's gone Jatz crackers and the world is broken beyond repair you find out Buster Bloodvessel is coming to Australia.
Thank fuck for bald white men doing silly dances.

Qld Health mandated a shocking Psychlonic Irrigation upon cyclone ravaged tbb without consent...
Still not sure what it is or does but it requires an equally powerful old school Ben's Tunesmith remedy...
For those thinking tbb has lost the plot...Yeah Right...tbb's the crazy one...Huh! None here buy that...
[factcheck] Police State Blue Meanies get under Hodad punk's skin...(How to flush out Joh's Task Force)
Hodad tbb summons...
Ben's Tunesmiths think tank : Prescribe { Psychlona }
Gonna recommend the entire back catalogue to cure tbb...
Trax defy belief...just the tonic for damaged Old School Police State Punkz flying under the radar...
Yer not thinkin' of hivin' away yer PBS stash...C'mon tbb!
So the crew be sniffing about for some obscure under the counter stoner skeg brew...
Well not supposed to...U Know...mention that... even if Medicare were puttin' out...
However! This new Mussolini Head Kick Police State is bustin' tbb's arse...
Ya didn't get this shot of { Resin } from Public Enemy #1 Hodad Punk Basher
...never popped into Ben's Trippy Sound Lounge for a cuppa!
Time to slip back under the Qld Police State Banana 54321...Ya didn't see tbb...Ok!
Never spiked yer cuppa with any Stoner Skeg idea wot yer talkin' bout!

30 minutes of Neil Young and
Hurricane Alfred!

Then there was Neil Young

There is only so much Neil Young one can take. A song that brings to mind the tariff discussions.

And some more old is new again.

Last one didn't embed properly.

Diggin the groove man!

Banana Dakery please
Not joking.

^^King George’s head showed up for a few songs at their gig the other night.

Here’s to the Saintly Paddy, Ireland’s favourite Scottish born Roman. In today’s Trumpian world he’d be told to…

Happy Saint Patrick's Day
Ben's Tunesmiths rounded up a few roving Irish minstrels on their day off...
Sounds the same but different!

As Adam left the building he could be heard whistling this tune ...
Onya mate, keep fighting the good fight.

Interesting read this morning Adam. Travel well.
In response to the weeping massage therapist’s last post……

^ Nice work
& the planting continues…

Devendra liked the chuff I believe.

And some sitar

^^Old(ish) man head nodding and foot tapping to that one.

Friday Night Ben's Tunes digs up an Early '60's Feline Proto Punk Group...
( Ultra Rare Ben's Tunes Fresh Treat...on the prowl )...Yes Please!
Ok...dug up 2 top secret sites...but not sure how to source them as yet...
Kinda get bumped...not sure if they're for subscribers or tbb is hitting wrong links...
Will promise to get back to them & share if they put out...kinda hit'n'miss!
Early 1960's Punk Chix The Sanchers Party try and keep up crew!
Who did tbb say...
Honestly tbb can't find a thing about these Mystery Chix...Please Help!
So what tbb is sharing a part exclusive...continued with as many Clips...
Listen for the 1980 Punk/Ska Sound in these Trax...way ahead of it's time...
This sound never existed back in 1964...who is driving this Punk/Ska Sound in this Band...
Some indication of Chix playing in the band as a Girl Group...(Can't lock that in as yet!)
Ben's Tunes Proto Punk Chix
( The Sanchers / Sanshers Intro Site )
Contains Vid Views to share how rare this Chix Group is...
The Sanchers / Sanshers Discography (Comps)
1964 Gonna git that Man...(3,200 Views) from (1987/2018 Comp) Girls in the Garage Vol 2
He is the Boy (254 views) This track is Modern 1980 UK Ska Dub (re: New Age Steppers)
Insane how casually this cool futuristic lyric-track skips forward 15 years in time...It's not possible!
Chix never wrote trax like that back then...these be some Tripper Beat Chix Collective!
This is raw alt prog chix stuff like 1979 Polystyrene / Slits / Bow Wow Wow / Selecter
Pure Dope Track...needs a solid cone...that limits it is!
Swellnet drum circle goin' gaga over that stoner bongo down beat...way too cool!
Who the hell are these time travelling stoners...that fly under the radar with 254 views.
Kansas City ~ Raw (Switch Sex Lyrics) : No Vid (658 views) from (1990 Comp) Garage Zone
1964 Johnny B. Goode ~ Raw (1,900 views)
+ My Ideal ( Cover ) Can't be accessed...Bummer
Crew are begging for a Bonus Ultra Rare Raw '60's Chiko Chix Psych Surf Punk Party Track...
Don't ask for much do they....Bloody Tough DJ Gig...under the pump...Fark!
See wot tbb can dig outta the Sand Castle...before tide rushes in...
Well it just so happens tbb did trip over a real gem...just back up the beach...Happy to share!
Trudy Van and The Realm : Do the Surf (165 views) Top Shelf for the Wild Crew! Salute!

Funky TBB, nice screech..
A bit of atmosphere sans vocal for a glorious autumn afternoon.

And one for TBB.

^ structurally, a bit of influence from some LA godfathers in terms of the build-to-explosion, then post-armageddon outtro methinks.. (but da bags mit da extrrra gooda shiny punka rocka... ).. bags even covered this I think..
Love - '7 and 7 is' (1966)

Ya, is gut. Traffic management.

Plastic pool sturf

Fantastic w/e Party Crew + Love Love & [0:40] a brief pricey bash...yew!
Fantastic Plastic Machine Double Up...hold onto the rails & no one gets hurt...
1987 tbb bought this 1984 Plasticland LP in LA...(Way Way Underrated Psych pop Classic LP)
Load the whole LP for the crew...just set &'s that good...real rare treat promise!
This is track 1 just click on more > then click [plasticland] > should load Whole LP.
+ Load companion 1986 Premier Oz Psych Band of the day.
Tyrnaround / Colour your Mind (Record Sleeve appears at end of Vid...all 3 gems from tbb's Psych stash!)
Oz Premium Psych Bands Request :
Trying to find Church offshoot 1992 Bhagavad Guitars [ Romeo Error ]...Ultra rare split offset schizo Vocal/s
Apparently is a play on this poem. (Possible Copyright!)
Hypnotised LP has the cornflake Huey Collectable on the Cover...tbb has this gem also but wants to share!
No idea why the band/label bury this classic...reckon it's their best Psych LP by far!
Track also oddly appears on 1993 Juice Comp
[Romeo Error] is like 2 insane clean Addictive Stems tracks in one...freaks ya out & works a treat.
Stoked to finally find Hypnotise Me ...certified Psych treat that companions this quality sound.
You'll hear how these 3 Bands lock in high quality accessible Psych...(re: XTC / Dukes of Stratosphere!)
(Bhagavad Guitars is The Church's > side Psychedelic Project)
Alright, time for some discussion on what yr all listening too. My iTunes inventory is getting a little stale so I'm up for some inspiration.
Currently loving The Drones' album "Havilah".. incredible songwriting and some of the best recorded guitars and drum I've heard in a long time. I'm a little late to the party with this album but it's on high rotation at the moment and will probably stay there a while. I've seen these guys live once (Fowlers, Adelaide) and fortunately they're incredible on stage too. Can't wait to see them again.