
Pesonally,I enjoy well designed,well placed quality ink work,have a couple myself. But when I see someone with many tattoos that all blend into each other, I describe it as graffiti. A friend has a tattoo parlour and laser removal,he makes a fortune from the removal part of the business,much more lucrative than tattooing.

Remember from skool King Harold II died at the battle of Hastings in 1066 and could only be identified by a tattoo on his chest saying England, true blue mate.

The funny thing is Udo, he thought he was in Indo getting the tattoo, Norchock discovered when he woke up, he was in India..:(

Well......... There goes my appetite......

hahahahhhhaaaa what the fuk is that,hilarious.

if your going to do something stupid like getting a tattoo do it properly like Steve o from jackass

You rock rule303.

“We have art in order not to die of the truth.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Damn hippys

Quote from India leg tattoo guy - "I should not have to apologise for what is on my skin and be put in a traumatising situation".
Good luck with that.....

A lesson in maybe thinking a bit about what you are getting tattooed on yourself ? How many "japanese symbols of love" ,tribal arm rings or arabic script tattoos do you see out there? Getting threatened with being skinned by the Hindu mob would have been a bit of a wake up for old mate. The above elephant penis guy better watch himself ha ha

Five years on and this tatt thing has got out of control everywhere i seem too look now there is chicks with nasty looking sleeve tatt's, or those random sailor tatt's with crappy little drawing of anything or everything, and neck tatt's and hand tatts.
Still no regrets NOT getting this as a tatt when i was young(only was going to be the inner stoner dude in the circle)

And when you get old they go all blurry.....lots of blurry old ladies walkin around the town to look forward to in the future.

I can’t believe that crew are still getting them. Walked past a big glass fronted tattoo parlour in Bali the other day and this is what I saw :

(hope this image works...)
Edit: it didn't... was meant to be Life of Brian "Yes, We Are All Individuals"

udo wrote:
Tail has a stringer, nose no stringer, and the middle has 5 stringers. MR, truly a magician.
Do you have any.......wish you didn't ?