Next Federal Election

For all those that are thinking of voting for spud in upcoming election , if you believe the cost of living will be reduced by the LNP you are dreaming . As far as nuclear energy goes it will never happen , it’s just Spud rambling nonsense so as the coal will keep on burning. He knows it’s unrealistic but many voters will believe whatever spin he puts on it . Australia will go backwards under the LNP . #bettermoneymanagers ….. when spud grows wings & flys .

We should absolutely do whatever it takes not to vote Dutton in. Australia will go backwards with Dutton in charge.

Unlike Albo, spud will not send Australian soldiers to Ukraine…’s only one positive….but it is a good one…..I’m sure everyone has at least a few positives….
…he certainly makes a good guard dog…..and we do need one right now.
Ukraine will continue to be a people mincing machine unless they do a deal…..
Jim chalmers would be a better choice of labor leader.

We don't need a change of government right now. We need stability.

Optimist wrote:Unlike Albo, spud will not send Australian soldiers to Ukraine…’s only one positive….but it is a good one…..I’m sure everyone has at least a few positives….
…he certainly makes a good guard dog…..and we do need one right now.
Ukraine will continue to be a people mincing machine unless they do a deal…..
Jim chalmers would be a better choice of labor leader.
Reckon Dutton would be more likely to send troops anywhere than Albo, not just Ukraine.

He won't send them to Ukraine but he'll send them to Gaza.

Tax cuts for everyone, no tax on tips, overtime and social security, interest on US made cars to be tax deductible...Cut taxes for local manufacturing, 100% deductions, back dated to Jan 20th...I just watched 5 mins of Trump's speech in front of Congress and the amount of promises is next level unbelievable.

flollo wrote:We don't need a change of government right now. We need stability.
We need continuing pressure to bring Australia back towards the political centre.

I reckon some of those soldier boys would be itchen to go to Ukraine.
Imagine the penalty rates.

We need Dutton to stay visible in the public eye.
This way he comes under greater scrutiny and we can all see how much of a tool he really is.
The more he speaks and dribbles the better, what comes out of his mouth is unhinged , lacks credibility and foresight.
Let’s face it, he use to be a QLD drug cop, say no more.
I like a slow roasting, just let us keep applying the marinade and he’ll slow cook to one of the toughest turkeys you’d ever try to put your fork in, bit like the one on the Griswalds Xmas table. How do these morons get into these positions? Fair dinkum. AW

^^ I see @opti’s always right wing ideological petticoat is showing again!

Optimist wrote:Unlike Albo, spud will not send Australian soldiers to Ukraine…’s only one positive….but it is a good one…..I’m sure everyone has at least a few positives….
…he certainly makes a good guard dog…..and we do need one right now.
Ukraine will continue to be a people mincing machine unless they do a deal…..
Jim chalmers would be a better choice of labor leader.
Optimist. Hi.
It’s not about the leader or leaders, I certainly don’t vote for the individual, I vote for the party and their policies, as far as I can see or interpret, the LNP policies mirror that of a cells vacuole, nothing home or present.
They’ve become a total retaliatory comment club, no new ideas backed by anything with substance and worth for our nation, let’s let our current party leading this nation do what they think is right, errors will be made, all parties make them, ultimately we have faith and hope for Australia to prosper, as Flollo stated, which was good, quick turnaround governments are shit for society, give em a go I say.
I think I can see either soiled undies or incontinence huggies behind that petticoat GuySmiley. AW

WTF is $Gazillion AUKUS
tbb continues with ADF Election Series
(Part 1 ) Oz / China / US Naval / Defence Exercises + Ports + Incidents
(Part 2)Oz / China / US Airforce / Antarctica / Ports (Recap)
( Addendum > Undersea Cables / Emergency Ship Sabotage)
tbb has loosely covered these Cross / Strategic Interventions
Silent parallel timeline of Shipping incidents-Delayed Responses-Cables
tbb don't say that lightly...(eg: Timely Ship mishaps preventing Supplies!)
Plenty more plays out between Oz /US / China "Missions" on high seas!
(Part 3) AUKUS > AUKMIN ( 2024-2025) Continues here...
Australia Institute Polling (2,009 Respondents)
Q : Who is the greatest Threat to World Peace
Oz All : 31% Trump > 27% Putin > 27% Xi Ping > 15% Dunno
Oz Chix : 34% Trump > 26% Putin > 23% Xi Ping
#1 Trump 33% WA > 31% Qld > Vic 30% > NSW 30%
#1 Trump 51% Green 37% ALP 31% all 27% Indies(vs) 23% [L] 10% onp
ONP & LNP thought Xi Ping & Putin were greater threats
Q : Do you feel more or less secure "In Australia" since US Election
ALL 49% Less Secure (= 29%) 17% More Secure
Men 41% Less secure (= 33%) 22% More Secure
chix 56% Less Secure (= 25%) 13% More Secure
Feel Less secure was majority % in these parties
68%Greens > 54% ALP > 49% Indies > 41% [LNP]
Feel more secure only in one Party 35% ONP (vs) Less secure 22%
(Majority) Feel Less secure > response by Demographic
56% Interwar / 53% Boomers / 51% GenX / 45% GenZ / 44% Millennials
Feel more Secure with Prez Trump (No Surprises with low responses!)
21% Millennials >19% Genz >16% GenX >16% Interwar >12% Boomers
Trump Good or Bad
For World
Very Bad 30% Bad 21% Not Sure 5% (= 19%) Good 13% VG 11%
For US
Very Bad 28% Bad 18% Not Sure 4% (=13%) Good 21% VG 16%
For Oz
Very Bad 20% Bad 20% Not Sure 5% (=27%) Good 14% VG 11%
Oz interests are better served by...
ALL : 44% More Independent > 35% Closer US Ties > 22% Not Sure
( Strong Independent Oz Anzac Spirit)
61% Greens 51% Indies 48% ALP (vs) Cowards 34% [LNP] 24% ONP
Closer US Ties (Lazy Cowards licking US arse > #1 Traitors hate Oz Spirit)
56% ONP 49% LNP (vs) 35% All 30% ALP 16% Other 13% Greens
Q : Would Prez Trump come to Aussie's aid if threatened
48% No > 26% Perhaps > 16% Yes > 11% Not Sure
July/Aug 2024 Australia NATO
17 Dec 2024 Aussies Stand with UK / NATO UN Blue Beret Peacekeepers
AUKMIN ( Coalition of the Willing) Non EU > NATO fans.
6th Feb 2025 Creating a Pacific NATO (IP4)
Mid Feb UK Dumps AUKUS for NATO
7th Feb EU > Tweaks NATO 2% > 5% US WMD Min Spend obligation
13th Feb " Trump demands 5% NATO entry fee" NOW!
14th Feb New NATO boss bullies NZ (IP4) to Boost Defence Spend
23rd Feb South China Seas
*Chinese Breach Meetings > retaliation Visits 2019/2022/2025
*Chinese Ships send Warning of OZ/NZ (IP4) not to join NATO
PM Keating had warned of further NATO expansion > s/e Asia.
*Conducting Sea bed Aviation Sonar Tests in #1 Flight Zone Ditch!
Media still avoid reporting on #1 #2 #3 reasons for Test Warnings!
Choose any or all of above > Oz media avoid all #1/2/3 Reasons Why?
25th Feb Trump's Turbulence > Oz shifts Focus to Europe
26th Feb Golf of America Score Card (5% NATO Greenkeeper Fee)
#1 Greece 3.54% #2 UK 3.49 #6 France 2.63% #10 Oz 2.06%
#13 Germany 1.93% #21 NZ 1.69% #22 Canada 1.65% #23 Spain 1.62%
2nd March : South Korea (IP4) > New NATO Science Tech Partner!
3rd March Oz needs a Plan B
3rd March NATO Foundation > Oz Concluding Remarks [2:30:00]
3rd March Oz should look to join Coalition of the Willing (re: 17 Dec)
4th March We need to Join NATO
4th March Oz needs to Join NATO
5th March Trump tells Oz to double defence spend to 3% min.
5th March US to leave NATO
That brings us to here & now!

I like both Labor and liberal treasurers better as leaders…..and the leader does have a lot to do with steering the party.
Not a fan of Albo or Dutton.
Not a fan of offshore wind or nuclear.
Not a fan of soldiers in Europe.
Not a fan of nuclear subs when we have missiles and planes and little drone subs.
Not a fan of no one giving cheap land to the masses of homeless people.
Not a fan of pumping money into Medicare but not spending any on training smart young Australian GP’s for free.
Not a fan of clueless greens and teals and their magic money trees,
Just not a fan of anything lately…..a few good ideas around but nothing impressive and life changing….yawn.

Optimist wrote:I like both Labor and liberal treasurers better as leaders…..and the leader does have a lot to do with steering the party.
Not a fan of Albo or Dutton.
Not a fan of offshore wind or nuclear.
Not a fan of soldiers in Europe.
Not a fan of nuclear subs when we have missiles and planes and little drone subs.
Not a fan of no one giving cheap land to the masses of homeless people.
Not a fan of pumping money into Medicare but not spending any on training smart young Australian GP’s for free.
Not a fan of clueless greens and teals and their magic money trees,
Just not a fan of anything lately…..a few good ideas around but nothing impressive and life changing….yawn.
Optimist. Hi mate. Hope you and your family are well.
Nice reply, opinions are what gets free speech underway.
Not a fan of Dutton but I don’t mind Albo, at least he’s having a crack
Not a fan of nuclear anywhere but I’m a fan boy of solar, wind etc.
Not a fan of coal power stations, Queensland has 8 of the dirty bastards, Stanwell is the king.
Big fan of thermonuclear power, greatest unit is above our heads on a daily basis.
Not a fan of soldiers in Europe or anywhere to be honest, killing innocent people achieves nothing.
Not a fan of nuclear subs or agreements with other countries to make them.
Not a fan of the denigration of the globes First Nation peoples.
Not a fan of surfers who don’t wear leg ropes.
Big fan of enacting better caretaker roles that protects all living natural systems on Earth, without them, we are doomed.
Have a good day. AW

The incredible thing is that Angus is still in parliament... Yep trustworthy treasurer material.
Actually him and Dutts would make a great team, Dutton with his shrewd stock market bank buys.
Couple of good successful businessmen.

andy-mac wrote:The incredible thing is that Angus is still in parliament... Yep trustworthy treasurer material.
Actually him and Dutts would make a great team, Dutton with his shrewd stock market bank buys.
Couple of good successful businessmen.
Andy-Mac. Hi fella. Hope ya well mate.
Well, he’s quite the charming man. pppfff !!!
These clowns just bounce off the walls of political uterus’s, never seeing light of day for fear of being found out for what they really are, leeches on the system.
We , collectively have been paying these dickheads for years, for what, doing nothing that benefits society. Exterminate vermin I say. AW

Angus Taylor is a good read on wikipedia….i think he’s an interesting guy and a big fan of using natural gas as am I.
Good agri business character.
Definitely no bludger and a go getter….he hates “ fart arseing about “ and wants things done now complaining about how slow all govt moves on both sides.
Definitely prime minister material as is Jim chalmers.
No one’s perfect but ‘get up and go guys’ are what we need instead of snails…
PS we have to train smart Aussie kids as doctors for free…..lots of them.

You serious Opti? Have you not read anything about Watergate, or Jam Land?

I have now Ben…cheers.

Optimist wrote:I have now Ben…cheers.
So still ok with the possibility of this guy who is blatantly corrupt being Treasurer?
With a blatantly corrupt PM, or do u believe Dutton just got lucky/ smart buying bank shares the day before the bank bail out was announced.
He had not bought any shares for 3 years previously.
Insider trading is breaking the law.

the current climate, @a-m, people are just as likely to say 'good on him. that's clever business.'
: /

the current climate, @a-m, people are just as likely to say 'good on him. that's clever business.'
: /

basesix wrote:the current climate, @a-m, people are just as likely to say 'good on him. that's clever business.'
: /
It is if you get away with it.
If he doesn't, he'll still get away with it!!

velocityjohnno wrote:It's that time again, sportsbet election odds
Lib 1.53
Alp 2.50
Other 81
An update (from above 17th Feb odds)
LNP: $1,50
Labor: $2,62
Other: $81,00
Im surprised i thought maybe the latest interest rate cut might have helped Labor but seems not, maybe the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine evened thing's out.

basesix wrote:the current climate, @a-m, people are just as likely to say 'good on him. that's clever business.'
: /

indo-dreaming wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:It's that time again, sportsbet election odds
Lib 1.53
Alp 2.50
Other 81An update (from above 17th Feb odds)
LNP: $1,50
Labor: $2,62
Other: $81,00Im surprised i thought maybe the latest interest rate cut might have helped Labor but seems not, maybe the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine evened thing's out.
@indo , quadzilla is putting his house on spud , how about you ? Might pay for your indo trip this year.

If i was going to bet id be throwing $500 on a Labor win, that way if Labor get back in there's a silver lining.
Im skeptical on the odds they seem out to me, yeah sure Albo has been a terrible leader, but Dutton isn't exactly a shining light.
Plus we havent a had a one term government in almost 100 years, if it happened it would be huge.
I dont think it will happen, but still very hopefully it will happen.

indo-dreaming wrote:If i was going to bet id be throwing $500 on a Labor win, that way if Labor get back in there's a silver lining.
Im skeptical on the odds they seem out to me, yeah sure Albo has been a terrible leader, but Dutton isn't exactly a shining light.
Plus we havent a had a one term government in almost 100 years, if it happened it would be huge.
I dont think it will happen, but still very hopefully it will happen.
QLD had CampbellNewman for one term, he did such a shit job they threw him out when the term as up.Mind you he did a better job at state level than Sleeeezy has done at federal level.Campbell learnt to run a chook raffle in a day,AlboS is a slow learner like Jeffy!

indo-dreaming wrote:If i was going to bet id be throwing $500 on a Labor win, that way if Labor get back in there's a silver lining.
Im skeptical on the odds they seem out to me, yeah sure Albo has been a terrible leader, but Dutton isn't exactly a shining light.
Plus we havent a had a one term government in almost 100 years, if it happened it would be huge.
I dont think it will happen, but still very hopefully it will happen.
I'm really surprised that LNP is on 1.50!? I feel like it's a draw at 2.50 to 2.50 let's say but this surprised me.

Decent Qldurr Pollie : Yet Another piss poor [L] Capt Rat Dutto fleeing his own sinking Ship.
Dutto : Let the dying Qldurrz Drown...they mean nuthin' to me...pieces of #@!* they are > Fuck them!
Mid Record Mass Climate Disaster Catastrophe...
Voldemort : "I don't hold yer sandbag open mate!"
Dutto's back on track to Scomo's April Sun Harbour Cruise...
Lunch with Panama Papers Leb' Developer
Cocktails on The Harbour with Hottest Hotelier Billionaire Yuppie...
Another tone deaf [L] Coward...licking on Leb' Loin Chops > Gold Ticket Chinese Take Away.
Luv multi cultural Sydney > Fuck Cyclone Anthony...could not give a shit about My [L] Voters drowning!
Why is it huh...everytime [L] gotta stand up they Cower out with VIPs & shit all over us Dying Aussies.
Licking Foreign Masters arses is Anti Oz > This cowardly [L] shit has gotta stop...
Stand Up with Oz you miserable [L] cowards...
Dutto is dead to us...lock him out of Qld...don't want Howard Traitor coward Yuppies here...
Just like Trump ... biggest loser ever...Kill the Poor!
Take yer Pick...of Headlines > Volde's "Cloak of Cowardice!" > Polls Skyrocket!
[L] Voters > He's so Brave to save himself > Albo's too woke for caring too much.
Dutto : "Albo is pathetic > Helping People when they need help...sign of weakness, makes me sick!"
"Should just let them a fortune!"
Dutto flees Qldurrz in hour of need > Back Tracks to licking Gazillionaire arses on Harbour Cruise
Ya had one job mate & ya fucking shit on our heads you coward...just like coward Howard / Scomo!
Gold Star [L] Creep...lowest scum on Earth...
Not fit & proper to represent the Electorate >
AEC have no choice but to pull Dutto out of Election for Desertion of his Post & Dereliction of Duty.
Not a fit & proper candidate...shows complete disregard to his electorate...
...ban him from participating in AEC democracy!
This guy ran a False AEC Reffo > Demands an election & Reffo every other week...
And now bails on Electorate in State of Emergency...that is treasonous!
Worst Pollie Ever...his own party refuse to elect him as leader!
3x 1,000 strikes > Gone mate! Fuck off you pathetic whinging miserable coward!
No serving the electorate = No retirement pay > Just go live in Golf in America mate!

^^ Jacinta Price who has long criticised others for wasting government money and who would be charged with the task of cutting so called government waste in a Dutton government (Christ save us) has now been caught 14 times misusing government money to the point where it needed to be repaid.
Just a whole lot hypocritical by the senator who!

I don’t know how some of these people get selected. They have no skill or experience. You would never give them a solid job in private sector.

It’s good to see JP setting an example and taking her new role seriously . I wonder if spud puts in claims for haircuts .

ABC news this morning….
Albo sending a delegation to Europe to discuss our contribution to the Ukraine war.
We are committing our soldiers to a “peace keeping” force.
Can anyone tell me why albanese is getting involved in European wars.
They already have lots of soldiers in their part of the world.
What’s next?

Optimist wrote:ABC news this morning….
Albo sending a delegation to Europe to discuss our contribution to the Ukraine war.
We are committing our soldiers to a “peace keeping” force.
Can anyone tell me why albanese is getting involved in European wars.
They already have lots of soldiers in their part of the world.
What’s next?
You believe the ABC 's spin on things?
There is no peace until the Russians stop.Ukraines agreed to a 30 day ceasefire to enable negotiations to begin.
I saw AlboSleezy;s interview, he said no request has been made for participation for being a part of peacekeeping at this point in time(yesterday).

ooooh.. are you experienced... mr palmerrr..?
Jabba the Slut: 0:43 - 1:07
("While Palmer has both male and female reproductive organs in the Legends continuity, he is still considered male, and his gender description reflects that. Therefore, Palmer can be considered a bisexual character").

I don’t understand this? Foreign influence by asking questions while working on that foreign ‘influencer’ funded projects?
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: