Next Federal Election

I like Adam's passion, and he's generally very close to the money.
Although not sure about "moderating" shit opinions.
I often think about Brandis' infamous statement about having a right to be a bigot.
Moderating stupidity and ignorance is pretty fraught.

@adam12 speaks with refreshing and sometimes brutal honesty from his broad life experience and his expansive learning and that is why so many of us love his contributions here … as opposed to the mealy mouthed closed minded weasel commentators that inhabit the shallow end of the human gene pool!
Go well @adam12, hope your eyebrows remain salty!

AlfredWallace wrote:I admire all contributors who are passionate and stick to their guns when they have the knowledge base to reinforce their view or point of discussion, be it from past experiences or a very sound educational and or workplace environment.
Adam12 is one of those guys.
You simply cannot deny the quality of his irregular contributions that in most cases are sound in historical and well researched material.
You have to ask yourself, I do, why are we drawn to read and digest what he’s written, the fact is, it’s in most cases, interesting . This is validated by the amount of contributors who comment on the quality of the writings and the admissions by loads of us about the enjoyment we derive from it.
Like him or dislike him, that point is irrelevant , it’s the topic being discussed that’s the most important factor, after all it is a forum that discusses surf related topics and a vast range of topics related to our lives or others lives i.e war etc.
The more we interchange dialogue and knowledge, the smarter we all become.
In no way does this diminish all of the great contributions of all of us, that’s what makes this website great, its ok to disagree with others, gees, we can’t live in a generic world where the spoken word is stymied by others.
We should cherish and value free speech. All the best. AW
Well bugger me we agree on something AW!
Imagine trying to break up my mundane day of diagnosing heart defects in anyone from unborn babies to 100+ year old chargers only to log onto the Swellnet forums to find a labor supporters echo chamber! How boring!
So yes, call me the liberal torch bearer, flag waver whatever you want, I'll wear that badge with pride. This thing we call free speech allows me to pushback on Labor supporters views, of which this site is overwhelmingly full of.
I knock around with some of the smartest minds in fetal medicine in the country and you would be surprised at their political leanings, us Libs are not dummies or ignorant, sometimes we buy what Labor is selling, most of the time we don't.
Politics is something I find really interesting and enjoy the 30-45 minutes of time I have with a patient, after I get a firm grip on the problem with their ticker I attempt to get a gauge on their political bearings through some softly prodding questions, it's easy to spot a Labor supporter, and what I find so goddam interesting in this political cycle is the fervor and lengths for which labor supporters will go to prop up their messiah Albo, it's fascinating.
Most of the libs I know don't have that sort of passion for our leader past or present, we assess ideas presented to us on merit, not emotion.
Take for example my conversation yesterday with Stu, he's a smart cookie, I know that for a fact, I also would assume the idea of placing ADF soldiers boots on the ground in Ukraine Stu would find an abhorrent idea, yet he stood behind Albo and tried to defend the indefensible. It seems to me society has gotten to a stage where we have retreated into our political positions and have become entrenched in their ideas even if, on a subconscious level, we disagree with them.
What is it about Albo that glues you to him with tesla-type magnetic force? I'm genuinely curious.

@Peter Reynolds wrote "Most of the libs I know don't have that sort of passion for our leader past or present, we assess ideas presented to us on merit, not emotion.".
Maybe the funniest thing i've ever read on swellnet. Nearly choked on my pie!
Thanks for the lunchtime chuckle Pete.

@ Peter Reynolds said
“ I attempt to get a gauge on their political
bearings, with some soft prodding questions “
Is that a bit deceptive, invasion of privacy?

Peter Reynolds wrote:Take for example my conversation yesterday with Stu, he's a smart cookie, I know that for a fact, I also would assume the idea of placing ADF soldiers boots on the ground in Ukraine Stu would find an abhorrent idea, yet he stood behind Albo and tried to defend the indefensible.
Hangabout...who said I liked Albo?
Where have I ever written or implied that?
Fact is I dislike Albo and find him an ineffectual and uninspiring leader. What I dislike more, however, is hypocrisy and that's what inspired yesterday's little to and fro - noting also that it wasn't just us two, someone else was in there too, can't remember who.
The notion of boots on the ground in Ukraine is an admittedly fraught idea and would have to be war-gamed from every conceivable angle, but considering the moment we find ourselves in: America in retreat, Europe wondering who the captain is, it needs some serious thought.
It's just playground-level thinking to say, 'Albo suggested this therefore the idea is without merit.'
Globalism has its problems but the spread of trade and ideas has, for the last 70 years, suppressed the impulse for war. I'm fully aware that we're retreating from globalism but I'm not cheerleading it as I know enough about history to know what comes next.
That's why, if a coalition of willing peacekeepers were to police the ceasefire, I wouldn't have any ideological objection to Australians being part of that. As I said, we're not pulling kids off the street to go and fight in Vietnam, these are willing and paid forces and the rules of engagement aren't the same as for a war zone.
Also, your idea that libs don't deify past leaders. Fuck me, Pete.
I'm inclined to be a smart arse and say that's because they've never had any great leaders. But what about Menzies? Howard? Never heard a lib wantonly exalting them..?

@ Pete
Nice to see a LNP voter here, but Stu does have a point on Howard.
BTW. Im betting you can pick Greens voters within the first 60 seconds of a consultation :P

indo-dreaming wrote:@ Pete
Nice to see a LNP voter here, but Stu does have a point on Howard.
BTW. Im betting you can pick Greens voters within the first 60 seconds of a consultation :P
Good point
Sir Menzies definitely wasn’t a greeny
with his 8 years of Australia wide ,
nuclear fallout.

Very interested in which Labor supporters hold up Albo as their messiah . Most Labor supporters on here believe Albo & the party could & should do better. Some like myself would even prefer if he stepped aside but that’s unfortunately not going to happen . A good friend I’ve known for 40 + years well educated, successful , built and sold several businesses including the best boat in the mentawai’s has always supported the LNP. Not this coming election however , as he believes spud & co. have nothing to offer. He also believes Albo has done a good job since defeating Scomo . Still room for improvement but he’s not buying what spud is selling . Curious as to what attracts you to this current leader of the opposition ? Is it his policies ? If so , would you like to tell me what they are ?

Peter Reynolds wrote:AlfredWallace wrote:I admire all contributors who are passionate and stick to their guns when they have the knowledge base to reinforce their view or point of discussion, be it from past experiences or a very sound educational and or workplace environment.
Adam12 is one of those guys.
You simply cannot deny the quality of his irregular contributions that in most cases are sound in historical and well researched material.
You have to ask yourself, I do, why are we drawn to read and digest what he’s written, the fact is, it’s in most cases, interesting . This is validated by the amount of contributors who comment on the quality of the writings and the admissions by loads of us about the enjoyment we derive from it.
Like him or dislike him, that point is irrelevant , it’s the topic being discussed that’s the most important factor, after all it is a forum that discusses surf related topics and a vast range of topics related to our lives or others lives i.e war etc.
The more we interchange dialogue and knowledge, the smarter we all become.
In no way does this diminish all of the great contributions of all of us, that’s what makes this website great, its ok to disagree with others, gees, we can’t live in a generic world where the spoken word is stymied by others.
We should cherish and value free speech. All the best. AW
Well bugger me we agree on something AW!
Imagine trying to break up my mundane day of diagnosing heart defects in anyone from unborn babies to 100+ year old chargers only to log onto the Swellnet forums to find a labor supporters echo chamber! How boring!
So yes, call me the liberal torch bearer, flag waver whatever you want, I'll wear that badge with pride. This thing we call free speech allows me to pushback on Labor supporters views, of which this site is overwhelmingly full of.
I knock around with some of the smartest minds in fetal medicine in the country and you would be surprised at their political leanings, us Libs are not dummies or ignorant, sometimes we buy what Labor is selling, most of the time we don't.
Politics is something I find really interesting and enjoy the 30-45 minutes of time I have with a patient, after I get a firm grip on the problem with their ticker I attempt to get a gauge on their political bearings through some softly prodding questions, it's easy to spot a Labor supporter, and what I find so goddam interesting in this political cycle is the fervor and lengths for which labor supporters will go to prop up their messiah Albo, it's fascinating.
Most of the libs I know don't have that sort of passion for our leader past or present, we assess ideas presented to us on merit, not emotion.
Take for example my conversation yesterday with Stu, he's a smart cookie, I know that for a fact, I also would assume the idea of placing ADF soldiers boots on the ground in Ukraine Stu would find an abhorrent idea, yet he stood behind Albo and tried to defend the indefensible. It seems to me society has gotten to a stage where we have retreated into our political positions and have become entrenched in their ideas even if, on a subconscious level, we disagree with them.
What is it about Albo that glues you to him with tesla-type magnetic force? I'm genuinely curious.
Peter Reynolds. Hi mate, I hope you’re doing well.
Thanks for a great reply.
I’ll start with a story, I’ve got lots of them, I release them like a dam being relieved of its maximum water level during a cyclone.
I have a mate, he’s from Torquay, he lives in Beijing with his wife (a Chinese national who looks like a bloke but I’ve never had the conviction to say it to him, she’s female but geez she looks like a guy) .
Anyway, he’s been there almost 25 years, he’s an industrial designer, use to design and make a lot of bars for night clubs. He’s very clever at designing products and making them himself. For the last decade he’s been making bespoke bicycles, anybody and everybody from all over the globe purchases them, they are simply amazing, all hand made with a hefty price tag.
Late last year, another friend of his and their family went to Beijing and for a holiday for two months
This family, for no reason was followed for 35 days in a row whilst touring, they’d notice their internet activity was being monitored and were very much limited in what they could transmit and when. They felt like they were wearing a suspicious halo.
The husband has a small business that manufactures in China twice a year then a few containers get sent to Victoria, nothing more.
Point being, we don’t want to live in a society where spoken and written word and oral expression is compromised, nor the monitoring of our own personal communications .
Australia is a great country, the envy of the world and the older I get it resonates with me even more
Cherish what we have I say.
Peter, sorry for waiting in the back blocks.
I have no loyalty or allegiance to any political leader or politician, in fact , I would never bow or kneel down to any individual on this planet regardless of who they are.
My belief is no one human is any more important than the person standing next to you.
Power is in the people and then the movement thereafter.
I’ve not forgotten something that Stunet wrote mid to late last year.
It was something like, when labour is any power , the liberals are constantly trying to undermine the aforementioneds efforts to bring to fruition the things they promised the nation by ‘white-anting’ them etc.
They consistently are coming to the table with criticism and no resolution.
When the Liberals get into power they close, cease, shutdown or prevent anything that Labour started. Ultimately we get nowhere, two steps forward, three steps back, it’s been like this for decades.
The crux of the matter is give the party the time to implement sound and humane change.
John Howard’s reign scarred Australia for life. Yes, the economy was humming along, but at a cost, funds pulled from all aspects of life, education, hospitals, people, yep people in need.You name it, he cut it. I’ve still got the scars from his scolding of a nation
See, I vehemently disagree that Gross Domestic Product is the panacea of the success of a nation.
To me , the success of a nation is one that is at piece with all who occupy our land, no marginalised or worse off groups of people. Shared wealth derived from the biggest and oldest quarry on earth, the Australian Mining.
I think the measure of life and Gross Domestic Happiness is the true marker of the success of a nation, without happy, healthy and content occupants, what’s the point in belonging.
In my 60 years, I’ve seen nothing good come out of a society that’s always trying to live conservatively.
While I’m at it, for all those who think nuclear is the saviour of our energy systems, think again, who will deal with the waste, sequestration is just like a dog shitting In someone else’s backyard, you inadvertently end up cleaning up after others.
Think about it.
Long live free speech.
Peter, the floor is yours. AW

Peter Reynolds wrote:Politics is something I find really interesting and enjoy the 30-45 minutes of time I have with a patient, after I get a firm grip on the problem with their ticker I attempt to get a gauge on their political bearings through some softly prodding questions, it's easy to spot a Labor supporter, and what I find so goddam interesting in this political cycle is the fervor and lengths for which labor supporters will go to prop up their messiah Albo, it's fascinating.
Wow. I gotta say, Doc, if my specialist was asking me questions about politics or my values, I certainly wouldn't enjoy it, no matter how much they appeared to be and I reckon I'd go looking for a new doctor.
For starters, in this day and age it would make me trust them less. My opinions about anything shouldn't come into this interaction and I'd be suspicious of any doc who did that because I wouldn't be trusting them to treat me equally if that's at the forefront of their mind. Fortunately it's never happened to me.
But given your misinterpretation of Stu's point in yesterday's discussion, I also question your interpretation that people see Albo as a "messiah" and rally to defend the guy. Maybe I'm being harsh on you here because the whole notion seems pretty off to me.
The other thing is that really jives with my impression of conservatives being obsessed with politics and other people's beliefs. When I'm hanging out socially, with conservative friends or relatives, politics almost always comes up and it's always lame, snide remarks about "the left", "labour" or "the dems" (when I lived in the US). Conversely, hanging out with left leaning friends, it hardly ever does, and on the rare occasion something political does come up it's to have a sensible discussion about an issue. Even lefty friends who put signs out at election time don't go in for pointless jibes. I've sense checked it with a few others and found others have noticed similar patterns.

Supafreak wrote:Very interested in which Labor supporters hold up Albo as their messiah . Most Labor supporters on here believe Albo & the party could & should do better. Some like myself would even prefer if he stepped aside but that’s unfortunately not going to happen . A good friend I’ve known for 40 + years well educated, successful , built and sold several businesses including the best boat in the mentawai’s has always supported the LNP. Not this coming election however , as he believes spud & co. have nothing to offer. He also believes Albo has done a good job since defeating Scomo . Still room for improvement but he’s not buying what spud is selling . Curious as to what attracts you to this current leader of the opposition ? Is it his policies ? If so , would you like to tell me what they are ?
@suprafreak, I get why people say that about Albo but I see him in a different light, let me explain … if you consider the calibre of Labor’s current crop of ministers I see the PM more as a leader who can trust his ministers to represent the party’s position and therefore a leader who doesn’t need to be hands on like previous PMs, who doesn’t need to be on the TV every night, who is a consensus leader with his team/party. But I’m also a believer in policy over personality!!

@GuySmiley , I don’t see Albo as being very articulate when it comes to answering questions. He stumbles mumbles and slurs his words . It’s like he really has difficulty in explaining what he’s trying to say. I don’t see this as good leadership qualities . I believe he is much better at serving the party behind the scenes . His wealth of experience and organisation skills are valued by the party but his handling of the press & public speaking are in my opinion really frustrating to watch . Someone like Clare or Chalmers is better suited as the face that everyone sees in how they handle the press and how they answer the tough questions. Scomo was famous for his word salads and Albo is famous for struggling to spit out what he’s trying to say . Sure it’s policy over personalities but if you struggle to deliver what needs to be said then people tend to turn off & not bother listening . Albo is a good man but he’s not a great leader in my opinion .

Albo is as bad as Menzies and Howard …..sending our guys into a war which no one knows how it will end….a stupid and useless war…
….the locals say” quote…we don’t even know what this war is about”.
Menzies did it in Vietnam even though the Americans didn’t want us…but he wanted them to owe us something.
Howard did the same with the “ skull and bones” Mr bush……why?…so they would “owe us something”
Obama totally screwed up the Middle East with Hillary’s help….
Obama another “skull and bones “ fraternal….
I don’t know who Albo is bowing to but he must have some ridiculous motive.

Never used to lije Albo. Don't mind him now. He inherited the post covid tattered economy, he's banning kids under 16 from social first as far as i know and can only b a positive for children's growth, and he's not bent over to trump. He might have a funny voice amd look a bit awkward, but he's grown on me. He maintains strong working class ethos...but as w all politicians, hes gotta do deals w the devil sometimes. Thats 2 party politics

^^ massive false equivalence there @opti, and you would know it, so very cute petal …
Menzies did send troops to Vietnam, a war not agreed to by the UN
Howard’s a fucking war criminal sending troops to illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan both of which weren’t agreed to by the UN
If Australian peacekeepers do go to Ukraine they will be there with the agreement of the UN.

I'm voting Labor* immediately in this ugly climate.. and I don't think of Albo as anything much.. maybe as that funny guy in @quadzilla's Pauline Hanson cartoons.
(*simply because I don't believe that we help our most vulnerable and hard-working by first fighting to claim we are doing the best job at: building the economy through tax-cuts to big industry, stopping people ripping off the system, cutting waste and spending, deinstitutionalising people and cutting unemployment, welfare and social support in a vain attempt to 'give people incentive to get off their lazy arses', and THEN give generously [haha, yeh, right] to those in need. I believe you give to them today. Do that other shit tomorrow, Aussies are in need. Being alarmist is lame. Aus is doing OK. I'm doing OK. How 'bout you? If you ain't, I'm sorry, do whatever makes you feel better. If you are doing OK, think of others properly).

Thanks basesix.
It's all about the vibe.

it's so about the vibe. till it ain't, haha.
@mattlock, gonna head down to @Charlie Brown's moana sesh on sunday? he posted in the SA notes. I'd defs go for a splash if I was in town : )
Fuckenhell. How is this cunt?
Fucken gettem, Penny, although you suck too.
Penny Wong wrote:But in terms of Mr Dutton’s choice of language, what I would say is this is a bloke who opposed marriage equality, so it’s an unsurprising use of language from him.

mm, that's offensive in the old world @Hiccups. In the new world poofs can go get fucked and wowsers who get offended can go get fucked. The only people who matter are fanboys of teary billionaire princesses who's demagogue pivots aren't playing out quite right.

anyone got any cool independents in their electorate?

basesix wrote:anyone got any cool independents in their electorate?
Was just thinking the same thing.
I haven't checked yet, but I bloody hope so.

basesix wrote:anyone got any cool independents in their electorate?
Local and State levels. Unfortunately it’s still rusted on LNP federally.

Supafreak wrote:@GuySmiley , I don’t see Albo as being very articulate when it comes to answering questions. He stumbles mumbles and slurs his words . It’s like he really has difficulty in explaining what he’s trying to say. I don’t see this as good leadership qualities . I believe he is much better at serving the party behind the scenes . His wealth of experience and organisation skills are valued by the party but his handling of the press & public speaking are in my opinion really frustrating to watch . Someone like Clare or Chalmers is better suited as the face that everyone sees in how they handle the press and how they answer the tough questions. Scomo was famous for his word salads and Albo is famous for struggling to spit out what he’s trying to say . Sure it’s policy over personalities but if you struggle to deliver what needs to be said then people tend to turn off & not bother listening . Albo is a good man but he’s not a great leader in my opinion .
I was disappointed with a few things with Albo govt, especially the weak NACC...
But reckon he is a honest bloke with Australia's best intentions at heart.
Charisma should not be really that important although it is in this day and age.
Cannot say that about Spud the inside trader, multi miilion dollar grant giver to a shack in SA for Manus, etc etc.
Not a nice human... dog whistling stirring up division.
If only the msm had the same scrutiny for the lnp as they do the alp....

Before voting for either Labor or the LNP, it’s worth re-visiting Ken Henry’s speech from a couple of years ago.
‘Recent governments have carried out “wilful acts of bastardry” and created intergenerational inequality and environmental destruction that will leave younger voters worse off, the former Treasury secretary Ken Henry has said, urging tweaks to Australia’s tax system to bridge the growing divide.
Henry, who worked under both the Howard and Rudd governments, used a speech at the Per Capita tax summit in Melbourne on Thursday morning to argue the country’s tax settings since the Howard government have fuelled inequality and left further generations and young workers “to pick up the tab”.
“Young workers are being robbed by a tax system that relies increasingly upon fiscal drag,” he said.
“Fiscal drag forces them to pay higher and higher average tax rates, even if their real incomes are falling”.
He said young workers were being denied the “reasonable prospect of home ownership” are “burdened by the punishing costs of securing a tertiary education”, will have to handle catastrophic environment destruction and “deal with the increasing costs of carbon abatement and climate change adaptation”.
“You simply can’t achieve something like that by accident,” he said. “Reckless indifference, perhaps. Wilful acts of bastardry, more likely. Accident, no.’
We all know the LNP‘s story, but what about Labor?
Wilful acts of bastardry?
Reckless indifference?
Or politically wedged, and unable to create a narrative that would enable them to steer things in a different direction?
All of the above?

Supafreak wrote:@GuySmiley , I don’t see Albo as being very articulate when it comes to answering questions. He stumbles mumbles and slurs his words . It’s like he really has difficulty in explaining what he’s trying to say. I don’t see this as good leadership qualities . I believe he is much better at serving the party behind the scenes . His wealth of experience and organisation skills are valued by the party but his handling of the press & public speaking are in my opinion really frustrating to watch . Someone like Clare or Chalmers is better suited as the face that everyone sees in how they handle the press and how they answer the tough questions. Scomo was famous for his word salads and Albo is famous for struggling to spit out what he’s trying to say . Sure it’s policy over personalities but if you struggle to deliver what needs to be said then people tend to turn off & not bother listening . Albo is a good man but he’s not a great leader in my opinion .
Reality is that we are choosing between Albo or Dutton. The question is not if Albo is perfect but is he better than Dutton? And I reckon he is.
Same as the US, on the face value Trump looks like a ridiculous choice. It’s comical, it feels like something from dark comedy movies rather than the reality. But put him against a frail old man and a last minute rushed job to save some dignity and he looks like a strong candidate.

As an aside, why are we falling for this presidential style nonsense in Australian politics?
What about voting on party policies?

Oz is the only Defence unit capable of safely securing Ukraine / Russian frontline...
Bold comment is by a non voter...and despises Lead candidates for ever underselling Oz.
#1 World Mine Detection Crews with #1/2 mine proof Vehicles have no place in #1 Minefield.
Dutto : Our Miserable Middle Power should keep 1million miles from dangerous #1 mine field.
23% of Ukraine's regions - 40% Total Area of Europe's largest Country is mined.
Aug 2024 : 1,286 Ukraine Civilians killed by mines laid by 8 NATO nations & Russia.
12 regions larger than the size of Greece are Mined...
2022 Ukraine had 3.3m Mines to be destroyed since the start of war...2m mines more.
Nov 2024 US delivered 60,000 + 70,000 Mined Warhead Missiles.
Each scattering 36 x (4-48 hr) self destructing mines over 600m radius...some kinda crazy!
US + EU Arms mongers are scattering more mines not clearing them...
Currently 3-4,000 Men/Women equally de-mine 20-50 sqm / day
(Dogs clear 1,500 sqm /day)
Ukraine require 10,000 de miners over 10 years for 80% reclaim.
Australian Tech speeds up Landmine clearance by 30% > saving 10,000's lives worldwide!
World lead Anti Mine crew Oz addressed the UN & agreed to lead from the front 2024-2027.
Oz designs & builds World's best Mine Detection gear (Mread) donated & used in Ukraine.
2026 : Oz could sell these #1 Units for $30-40,000 each
Oz designs & builds World's best Land Mine protected Vehicles donated & used in Ukraine.
Japan is close to signing 1,000 franchised build of Oz 4wd Mine Proof Hawkeis
No other nation on Earth comes close to matching Oz Pro level commitment...
In fact the truth is US tried & failed then gave up as Oz continued to deliver best de-mine gear!
If a request is made...or not...
Aust Aid is obliged by default under Humanitarian Relief commitment.
Oz $85m Ukraine : Water / Food / Shelter are all entwined in $12m de-mining Package.
ADF Prioritize Ukraine with no adverse impact surplus relevant to Coalition stakeholders.
If Oz has surplus de-mining then by default will be obliged by stake holders.
Read above ...Japan have likewise been asked to de-mine > Likely in Oz Mine Proof Vehicles!
See how it works...Again read above > Halo are supplied with Oz Surplus [ Mread ] gear...
Recently on show in Melbourne Land Forces Expo Melbourne...(Protests)
Now to paint the picture...
Lithuania / Iceland / Estonia were heading Ukraine de-ming Group...but...
Poland / Lithuania / Latvia / Estonia + now Finland are pulling out of Anti Mine Group Accord.
Now recap US are not members + UK / France / Denmark / Germany / Sweden laid mines...etc..
Another fact being West Ukraine earn 40% more than Frontline East...
That's the reason Ukraine prefer Turkey to rebuild Eastern Front ahead of Yuppie Euro Trash...
Basically get 40% more bang for yer buck...
By default Oz with their Anti Mine 4WD customer Japan as Ukraine's best Hope to de-mine.
So it matters not if Oz is invited...Ukraine know Oz is their only committed Pro Frontline Unit.
Likely that Japan / Oz Armies will train Turkish to use de-mine gear to cut costs for Trump.
That should mean the World to Yank Arse licker Dutto...
Instead he says...(All Together) It's a #@!* Disaster! Oz Defence are fuckin' shit mate!
TRX Thales ADF 4wd Mread are the only crew qualified to taxi Dutto across frontline!
To clear Ukraine Frontline for UN Humanitarian Relief & Thales TRX Trump Red Carpet.
Dutto & his ABC Sky 7/9/10 Media Unit don't know shit about it!
Trump's Le TRX French Air Defence built & rolled out by Coalition of Willing UK / Brussels.
Wot tbb is saying is Yanks hire French to Whip UK & Brussels to rollout the TRX Porcupine.
Steel Porcupine is a Cheap EU Labour Air Defence Missile Drone Defence System.
Trump's indigestible Steel Porcupine to guard his precious Nuke Fuel / Rare Earth export.
Get's his TRX Willing Partners to meet Trump's Defence Quota...well durr! Tick & Tick!
Crew can see Thales / US (TRX) Shares skyrocketing with Trump's Coalition of the Willing!
Big in Texas Bonus > Q : Why is first open US LGBTQ Dem JJ so willing to invest?

AndyM wrote:As an aside, why are we falling for this presidential style nonsense in Australian politics?
What about voting on party policies?
Because those policies are high level wishlists. They’re not real plans or projects. You strip the ideology ones out and you’re not left with much. I know, it feels like we’re arguing over scraps. But to be honest, I feel like this is the current situation.

Quite amazing that USA need to safeguard Ukraine's Nukes for being #1 high Risk to Europe.
Trump say he needs to take control to halt strikes on Nuke Plants.
After 76 direct strikes > 42 malfunctions > 18 Global responses.
Trump says enough! He'll take control to stop Russia from striking Ukraine's Nuke Plants.
Trump says the Nuke Targets will facilitate Peace...(Correct! Nuke Power as Ransom!)
Meanwhile Dutto tries to Convince Oz that Nukes are safe...WTF....
Read Trump's Nuke Ransom Note people!
Nuke power is Voted as #1 Least Secure Power source on Earth right now...turn on yer telly!
Again Oz media forget to ask Dutto why Nuke Plants are #1 Target & need Global Defence!
Or why Da Prez of USA needs to fucking Ransom a Nation's Nuke Plants for his Peace Prize!
This is insane...
Trump is not interested in securing #1 ultra safe Power sources of Wind / Solar Plants...all fine!
Trump is only defending #1 Deadly Dutto Nuke Plants ....Wake the Fuck Up Oz!
USA : World Message : "Nuke Power is deadly & Kills! "...Trump is ransoming Nuke Power!
Oz media ...Just ask the Obvious question to the Crazy Person...poke the beast & run!
Why Nukes are so Deadly that ya need a Super Power to guard them or Europe Blows up!
Why does a Super Power confiscate a Coalition Partner's Nuke Power.
They'd do the same to Dutto's Deadly Hell Hole of Pacific Time Bombs!
So Dutto spends all our Money for next 50 Years & stands aside as Trump takes it...Huh!
What a fuckin' failed Power Supply dangerous USA must confiscate it off Oz! Huh!
Ask Dutto would he surrender our #1 South Pacific Deadly Nuke Targets to Trump...Huh!
Wot sorta sad joke is this...never let this suck hole coward near 'our' Gazillion power supply!
Pacific #1 Terrorist Ransom Thought Bubble a [L] $450b Energy gift to US! Begone beast!

Okay, let’s leave the media’s hard-on to reduce things in Australia to a presidential style election to one side.
If the political choice appears to be scraps, then why vote for them?
There are other choices and no, despite what the dullards and bullshit artists tell you it doesn’t mean you are wasting your vote.

“ … There are other choices and no, despite what the dullards and bullshit artists tell you it doesn’t mean you are wasting your vote.“
Agree and that inherent false equivalence argument they use drives me insane!!
(my phone flashed on with an extreme weather warning so up for a pee!)

adam12 wrote:@Optimist,
do you know anything about Insider Trading you fuckwit.
Peter Dutton used confidential information about Rudd backing the big four banks and bought huge $ amounts of shares before the market was informed. Sold for big profit.
Look up the law you fuckwit nutter.
Google it!
It's a criminal offence with big jail time.
You are such a dickhead.
He is a fucking criminal.
This website is full of fucking know it all fuckwits like you and @ Indo and fucking Confusion.
Sorry AW and some of my mates here but I wouldn't hang out in real life with these fuckwits.
@Stu, this is not balance, these people are what is wrong with this country.
Fuck off the lot of you.
Sort this shit out Stu and Ben!
Fuck me dead.
Ruining your website with toxic bullshit and fucking idiots.
Grow up you fucking uneducated cunts.
Learn something.
Same old fuckwits ruining threads.
Want me to moderate Ben?
This is fucking dribble.
Why we have a crim. running for PM.
Sort it out!
It's fucking useless.
Fucking kindergarten bullies.
Sort it out!!!!!
Much as I disagree with @ Indo and
@optimists Political opinions,
these forums are made up of people who post
comments ,
The people who sit back and make no comments are actually contributing nothing to the forums, except the occasional random rant.

AndyM wrote:As an aside, why are we falling for this presidential style nonsense in Australian politics?
What about voting on party policies?
Yes, this!
Look at the calibre of talent in the labor ranks compared to lnp.
Remember Morrison govt? Mostly the same. Let's not forget Nats and their talent....

indo-dreaming wrote:adam12 wrote:@Optimist,
do you know anything about Insider Trading you fuckwit.
Peter Dutton used confidential information about Rudd backing the big four banks and bought huge $ amounts of shares before the market was informed. Sold for big profit.
Look up the law you fuckwit nutter.
Google it!
It's a criminal offence with big jail time.
You are such a dickhead.
He is a fucking criminal.
This website is full of fucking know it all fuckwits like you and @ Indo and fucking Confusion.
Sorry AW and some of my mates here but I wouldn't hang out in real life with these fuckwits.
@Stu, this is not balance, these people are what is wrong with this country.
Fuck off the lot of you.
Sort this shit out Stu and Ben!
Fuck me dead.
Ruining your website with toxic bullshit and fucking idiots.
Grow up you fucking uneducated cunts.
Learn something.
Same old fuckwits ruining threads.
Want me to moderate Ben?
This is fucking dribble.
Why we have a crim. running for PM.
Sort it out!
It's fucking useless.
Fucking kindergarten bullies.
Sort it out!!!!!OMG there is a hell of a lot of projection there Adam, you are so far up your own arse it's not funny, and yes you are a bully,that even spent years picking on my spelling and grammar belittling me until you pulled your head in and actually realised how much of fuckwit your were being.
You ALWAYS look down on people THINKING you are better than others, and if your not doing that, you are telling stories name dropping trying to big name yourself.
You THINK you know better than everyone no matter the topic, and not just people here but people in the real world be it a politicians or just people you dont like, like Musk or Rogan or legal experts that dont agree with your views.
And you constantly show that you have no self control over your emotions, going on these unprovoked abusive rants.
By all means have your opinion like everyone else, but no dude you are NOT right on everything that you THINK you are, NONE of us are, it's a forum we share our views, people disagree, people agree, that's life, but i expect in real life you just speak above others and bully others into submission so yes i guess it gets under your skin that you cant do that here.
And no you would be a terrible mod, id be a terrible mod too, we would just both ban everyone we dont agree with, that's not moderating.
Go take a chill pill.
Don't you fucking talk to me like that ever again cunt.
You haven't earned the right.
You just shut your fucking mouth and shut your computer off after you read this and go create some wealth for your family. You've got little children to protect and a wife.
They need you.
I don't.
The world has heard enough from you dickhead.
Stupid little man.
You just go and look after your family.
Be a real man for once in your life.
For them.
@Stu, @Ben, you might have to get rid of this man from these threads or I won't be coming back here.
You two have been publishing the toxic musings of this little man for years.
His bullshit.
He doesn't even want to pay you for it.
$9 bucks a month.
You two need to take some responsibility for letting this boy/man spread his hate and stupidity here.
You publish it.
That needs to stop.
Or I won't be coming here any more.
@Stu and especially @Ben are doing what you should be doing mate, creating some wealth for their families, out of something they love, surfing.
How good is that!
You owe these men some money I think @Indo. $9 a month x too many years.
You should think about that.
Not about all the stupid shit rattling around in your head you think the world needs to learn from you, there's not much there, maybe a bit about Indonesia, and building, that's all, that's your only strong suit here at Swellnet, the rest is just the hate and lies you tell yourself, we don't need any more of that here, or I don't for sure. This country and this world is full of too many men like you already. So get off the soapbox and think about the kind of thing the men at Swellnet, all of them, Craig too now, he's just had a baby, are doing for their families.
You can do that yourself for yours.
It's not that hard really.
I know you can learn, it's just you are teaching yourself the wrong things IMO.
But that's the kind of man you are right now @Indo, or how you appear to me now, you can change that if you like, you think good men like those men that run SN don't deserve anything from you. You just take, and think you are so smart.
Nah, you're as dumb as a post mate. Fucking stupid really. Or you are acting that way. And you are wasting time trying to impress a bunch of strangers you have never met that you are something you are not.
That's wasting time in front of a screen you could be spending taking care of the people around you and those to come, creating some wealth for your family, like Stu and Ben and Craig are doing on Swellnet, but not on these threads, they barely come here, and it's their business. I imagine these threads mostly are a pain in the arse for them most of the time.
You need to learn how to be a man for the people around you that depend on you, and the ones to come. They need you to become a good man, a better man and forget about all the shit you spew out here. You need to just shut up and grow up a bit, that's all.
@Stu and @Ben,
Some of these guys here like me.
I like some of them.
I've got a lot more stories I'd like to tell them.
@Goofyfoot can't believe some of the people I have met.
I'd like to tell him about a few more.
I like talking to guys like @AW, and @Supa and @GuySmiley and the Andys and @etarip and @VJ and @soggydog and @base and sorry boys I don't have time, there are many more.
But not you @Indo.
I've heard enough from you.
Too much.
You spend way too much time in front of a screen thinking you know so much about the world,
You don't.
Shut it off and start thinking about how to create some wealth for your wife and children and your descendants.
Generational wealth.
That's not that hard, if you try.
That's what you need to start thinking about now.
Not me.
And don't you ever talk to me again like that cunt.
I'm a good man @Indo. I'd actually like to be your friend, a mate even, in spite of what you may think I think of you and what you think of me.
I've tried to be that sometimes here @Indo, even tried to teach you some of the things I know.
But you don't want that from me and I understand that, that's ok. I am actually trying to do it again now, but this is the last time I will.
Now I don't blame you for this @Indo, it's on me too, I do it myself and I don't want to with you, or anyone else either, I won't anymore, and it happens a lot on social media unfortunately, here too, there are a lot of posters here that do it but that doesn't concern me too much, I'm just replying to you here so I think I better explain this to you and why I get angry at you, like I am a little bit now.
@Indo, you have disrespected me here in a way that I don't let any man do in real life, in the flesh.
No matter who they are.
Ever. Full stop.
It's just my nature I'm afraid.
I don't let any man disrespect women in any way either in my presence, or be a bully.
No matter who they are either, big or tough or smart or dumb or even armed with a weapon.
I just can't let that happen. It often puts me in danger or I get injured. That has happened.
But I just don't abide that kind of thing from anyone, or any man at least, maybe a woman can do it but even then...anyway.
It is easy from behind a keyboard, a lot of things are, so I better say this now and then get on with the rest, it maybe the last time we speak, that's up to you.
I try hard to be a good man @Indo, and sometimes it is hard for me to be that.
But that is what my mother raised me to be and she thought I was, so that's proof enough for me.
But I can be a very bad man too.
I'd be willing to be that man again just for you.
If you ever disrespect me like that again.
So you just start thinking about how you can be a good man too.
Please try now, not for me, but for the people that love you and depend on you being that. I know you are loved and I know that you are needed. We all are, me too.
I just want to help you be that for them, not for me, and I will if you let me.
I am older than you and have done some hard things in life and had to learn many things to be able to succeed, we all fail at things and I have at many.
But I rarely fail or make mistakes more than once.
I just want you to learn and understand that I think you make a mistake coming here so often and spending, wasting your energy so much here, you have better things, more important things to do with your life than waste your time here.
That is just my opinion, my advice.
I'm actually qualified to give advice in law, I have an LLB(Hons) so this is free for you, but it's not about the law, just life. And I'm very busy ATM and can't get back to to sleep, so I'm doing this now late at night/ early in the morning, it's the only spare time I have right now, so please just take it on board and think about it for a bit. That's all I ask.
You can take it or leave it I don't care too much really.
Be a leader for your family.
A good one.
You have important responsibilities.
So do I.
Take care of those first.
Get away from the screen and go and learn a bit more about the real world and how you can make some real money, for your family.
And don't even think about writing some smart arse reply to me.
I won't even read it.
Nut up motherfucker.
Time's ticking.
I also have a bad man that lives in a cage inside me.
I once wanted you to meet him too.
You've earned that right already.
He wanted to drop down on you out of the clear blue sky one day and step on you like a bug.
He wanted you and I once to "talk" then.
But that cage only ever opens for bad and evil men @Indo, not stupid men like you.
And I wouldn't do that because you have a family that needs you.
They need a man.
A real man.
So you just try to be one of those, for them.
Forget about me, for now anyway.
You might have to nix this guy @Stu and @Ben from his addiction here, or I won't be coming back here again ever, maybe just to give my email to @AW, he's a good man I'd like to invite to my house one day, have a beer and a bit of a laugh with him, open up my vault and show him some pictures and some things in it. I think I will do that anyway soon, but not now @AW, I have some important family business of my own I am taking care of (it's not the old man mate, he's fine, he's happy as Larry right now, that man might just live forever, I can't believe it really), and sorry if you needed Adam the painter back whenever, he's had to go back into the box for a while, there's another Adam and my family, my two clans need him right now, so when that work is done I'll reach out for you then, might take a while but I'll try to for you @AW, you did one of the things in life for me that mean the most to me. The big things in life are mostly easy for a man like me now, they are very easy, I've done all the hard things, too many I reckon, but it's the little things that win me now, like expressing concern for my dear old dad and my blood brother a few times here, and your politeness and love of nature too (I've got a lot of brothers I'd like you to see, and meet, some scary ones in there too, and some great ones, and some of the truly great men and women that have been in my family and both my clans and some others great teachers and friends I have too, but this one you asked after is my only full blood one, his name is John but we all call him Jabe, he's in a lot of trouble right now, his world is about to blow up, he needs his little brother's help so I am getting ready to do that for him, and some other things I must do right now too. That kind gesture of yours is like gold to me mate . So I owe you a great debt for that, I'd like to try and repay you for that if I can, just by letting you into my little world and showing you some of the man I used to be once, and still am sometimes, and a few photos of some of my girlfriends and my French wife, you can see some photos from my wedding day, she's beautiful still, speaks five languages, probably more now, she has traveled the world, she's in Barcelona now, I haven't seen her in a long while, but we still speak often, she's waiting for me, she's bought me a little beach house in Lacanau, she's pretty successful, made a bit of money herself, she wants me to go and live there, be with her again, and the beachies there are epic too, I don't know if I will ever make it there though, I'm not quite sure I ever will, we'll see.
I've got some friends here I like talking to, I think they might like me too.
I'd like to keep talking to them.
I learn a lot here from some of those guys, I'd like to keep teaching them some of the things I know.
Tell some more stories I have.
It's a lot of fun sometimes talking here.
But it's up to you @Stu and @Ben, you are the publishers.
Help me stop @Indo spending so much time here, or I'm gone.
It's up to you. You don't need me or my $9/month.
I just like to chat here sometimes. I don't need to but I like to.
That's all.
I can't even look at this website these days, you still publish too much of the idiocy of the Emeritus Professor of Google University and his cherry picked nasty toxic hate and bullshit here (@Indo Dreaming), he's given himself his own PhD. A Doctor of Philosophy and fuck knows what from Google University, we all have one of those, they are easy to get, and free. I don't want to see any more of that, and he's been on your home page for years, I'll still pay my way for Craig's foreys and the articles, but the threads are too full of people with those degrees, I've got a few real ones from actual universities, one of them named after a man called John Monash, one of the greatest Australians who ever lived.
His brains and courage and the courage of some other great Australian men that fought along side him and some, too many, of those men died. They punched a hole in the Western Front just over a century ago and saved the world. Those Australians.
King George V went and knighted John Monash on the battlefield at a place called Chateau de Bertangles, the first time an English King had done that, knight a General on the battlefield, since the days of Cromwell, over 200 years before that day.
He was knighted a Knight Commander, the highest one they give.
"They" being the Windsors of England, hereditary Kings and Queens, the ones that stupid man, that sycophant idiot Tony Abbott thought he should give one to too on our behalf himself, he gave a knighthood to the family that gives out knighthoods, what a fucking idiot that man was and is still, thank Christ he did that too, it was his "last straw", only two years as a fuckup PM, that idiot of a man.
We could've had super fast downloads, a whole economy could have been built around that. But he was just another stupid dickhead like a lot o those fake "Liberals" up there now. Men that put themselves up for the role of selfless leadership in our fake democracy, and just make it all about themselves. That just sends this country backwards, to the place it is today. Tony now sits on the Board of Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch's publicly listed company here, shit always finds it's own level I reckon, he's at the right corporation to do that, it pays us no tax, it just spews out hate and lies and floods our zone with bullshit (like the recent set up of fake antisemitism), to protect that robber baron and his dickhead son's fossil fuel interests here, that's all it's for. His newspapers and his crappy nutters with their "opinions" on that shitbox network he runs here. His one in America has helped to absolutely fuck that once great democracy too. I would piss on his grave and will if I can. I'd love to gangster slap that old wrinkled MF into the afterlife myself if I could. Fkn blight on humanity. His mother was a good woman too, so I don't know what happened to him.
His other son James and his sisters are going to wipe that family's slate clean when the old lizard carks it, won't be too long now I hope, although those Murdochs tend to live forever, but he's going straight to Lucifer for a baking that man, just for trying to cheat his three children out of their inheritance like Gina Fatfuck in the mu mu did to her kids, she's going to get barbequed by Beelzebub one day down there too that greedy rich stupid woman, she will small like roast pork I reckon that one...but I digress.
My grandfather (not Tommy the Richmond Hall of Fame player, my other one, Sir John), got one of those rare knighthoods, like John Monash's for creating Yooralla, I'm sure some people here know of Yooralla and watched the telethon he also started to create some wealth for those disadvantaged disabled people who had nothing and no one to care for their special needs, some may have seen him in the days of black and white TV cracking a few jokes and saying some good words when he was picking up the big cheque at the end.
He died from a heart attack in 1966 aged just 62, I was only five years old, because his wife, my grandmother cooked everything in too much butter, but she didn't know that was wrong and never found out herself, fortunately.
His best mate was a famous man named Bob, and he was known for his great speeches and his wit, but he cried so much eulogising him that sad day, I was there crying my eyes out too, he couldn't finish that speech, his saddest he said, so my Dad had to get up and help him and finished it for him.
My grandad that we buried that sad day liked to volunteer and help people, his mate Bob liked that about him too, he did it, he put up his hand to do it because some people needed a man like him, a good man to take care of them, like your people @Indo, they need you to be just a bit like some of these men. You too can be a great man for your family, I'm sure you already are in your own way, they need you to be better now I think, it's really none of my business I know, but I tend to decide those things for myself these days.
That grandad of mine got two knighthoods, the one Monash got, a KC, a Knight Commander, the other was a KBE, a Knight of the British Empire, for the work he did for free for his best mate and for this country.You might have heard his mate Bob's name too, he was another great Australian a Knighted man himself. His name was Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, Australia's longest serving Prime Minister, these are the kind of men that men like Peter Dutton and Scomo and @Indo sometimes pretend they are and they are fucking kidding themselves. They are the opposite. Here's how I know that.
My Grandfather invented the Liberal Party @Indo, and he told his mate Bob that's what he had to call it, and for a reason. Bob was about to blow up worlds in Canberra and he needed his best man to come up with it for him, because he wasn't in party politics my grandad, he was great businessman and worked on his charity, but Bob was busy, and he was the best man he knew who could do it, that job was to create the Australian Liberal (Conservative) Party but they just called it "Liberal", for a reason mate. Look up what that word really means, you might learn something about that word yourself and what a fool you have been making of yourself here and right in front of me, every time you come on here and call yourself a "conservative", you can fool yourself but you can never fool me.
That's exactly what I actually am you dunce, not you.
They were conservative about many things, like the great institutions and conventions and things like the rule of law, but they were also very progressive those men, they wanted to create housing and health care and free education at schools and Universities, things like that, and wanted to help the poor and the working classes and the disadvantaged and people like that. To create some wealth for their families. So a child born in poverty or without wealth could, if they tried hard could make it from shitsville or struggletown to St. Georges road Toorak in one generation, and build wealth for all of us in Australia by paying their fair share back in taxes when they got there. They knew that the wealthy and the upper classes could always look after themselves, not like the lie you think is the LNP today, that only want to help themselves and the wealthy it seems. They are frauds and no one should vote for them ever.
The man that leads the LNP now is just a two bit criminal and not even a very smart one at that, he's way too rich to be a selfless leader and Albo is that way himself a bit too, and too weak, they all are not doing the things that are needed to help the people that need it so fuck the both of them. Like Scomo and Stuart Robert and Robodebt and fuck them all too. Bob Menzies would have the lot of them in the dock and in jail, and I'd have Albo and Penny Wong up to answer for their support of Zionist genocide and war crimes myself if I could, they changed their tune too late. (It's called the Statute of Rome, google it if you want. Dickhead fake Liberal Howard signed us in himself)
And that ex drug squad cop Dutton is so crooked that even the crooked cops he worked with called him a "dog", that takes some doing. He's getting our zone flooded with his bullshit by the people I hate like nothing else. The ones that call themselves Liberal Conservatives and control our MSM and now our ABC too, fuck them all, they have fucked this country and I'm sick of it, fucking sick of them all, and so would the man that invented what they are pretending they are Australian Liberal Conservatives and use Bob Menzies' and men like my grandfather's great achievements and names, to just help themselves and the wealthy that don't need help from anyone.
Stinking, lying motherfuckers the lot of them. This whole country is being lied to and it has been for a long time. It's fucked right now because of men like that, so please don't vote for them, or call yourself that lie too @Indo. You can be a better man than any of them, I know you can, but you seem to have fallen for their stupid trick too. Don't be fooled by men like them @Indo, I want to show you the real thing, I can help you learn that if you just do as I ask and meet me one day. I am at your disposal if you wish to let me do that, if you just believe what I say. And if you forget about posting here for a while and think about your family, not me or any other strangers you seem to want to impress for some reason.
But you can just ignore me if you wish. Your life and what you do with your time is none of my business I know. But this is social media and I'm behind a keyboard right now and that's how we talk to each other it seems these days.
So like anyone no one can stop me ( @Ben or @Stu can do that, it's their website, and I'm at their mercy but I'm happy with that).
I'm the real Australian Liberal Conservative here mate, a prince of it and I grew up in the Court of it's Kings. That's not you, that's me, you are just acting like a bit of a fool who's family needs them to get off the screen and stop pretending you are one. I got kissed on the face and held up like Kunta Kinte by the two men that invented it as a 9 month old baby when I first met them, they were both there together that day, when I first came to Melbourne from where I was born, Sydney, at my Grandad's house which was where I grew up after he died, aged 62, and I'm now aged 63. It was at 50 Rowland St. Kew in Melbourne in January 1962.
I'd like to take you to that street one day and show you that room, that house is not in my family anymore but you can see it from the street and I should be able to knock on that door and take you into the house where the Liberal Party was invented in about 1943, WW2 was still going, but not for much longer in Europe. Bob Menzies was just a back bencher then, in opposition, but he was making his plans, he was about to blow up a world of politics that gave him the shits, in our capital Canberra, but it was a secret then, and he needed a man he could trust with that job.
That was my grandfather @Indo, my other one, not the footballer, he was a famous man too, not me, it doesn't make me any better or worse, I'm not a boaster, just grew up in that world. That one and a few others in my life. I've done few things in life I'm proud of too, but plenty I'm not, it's just another one old mate @Goofyfoot will not believe either, so I'm providing some receipts here for you both, and there is another famous Australian politician that was born in that street so get ready @Goofy if you are reading, I never tell a lie, well not on SN anyway, you can check this out on the google machine too, and is just a pure coincidence because in those days there were no maternity hospitals, just private midwives to deliver babies, and the great Labor leader Gough Whitlam was born in that same street, just two doors down, at no 46 Rowland Street Kew, in a house they pulled down only recently to put up a Mc Mansion, it was called Ngara and his birth was attended to by the midwife that lived there in those days. I never knew it myself, no one in the family or street did either, until the day he and his wife Margaret turned up at the church hall down the street for his 60th birthday. He never went to the house that day, the family there then were named the Swinertons and they were Liberal bluebloods, the father was on the preselection committee for the Liberal Party and Mal Fraser had just got Kerr to do the dismissal the year before in 1975, (Our current fake King played a role in that, so good on that wildcat Lydia Thorpe for shouting our truth to the power that pretends it "rules" over us, it's all bullshit our democracy based on a lie, but I think I have covered that here somewhere else, so I digress, yet again, sorry about that.
So Gough wasn't allowed to visit the house where he was born that day, they refused him that, the family that owned it then, my Mum was pissed off about that and thought badly of them, the Swinertons after that. I just heard he was there and so were the TV cameras and thought I could get my head on TV. I never did, but I followed him around the hall full of old women mostly, I was 15 I think and wore long school pants and had long hair and must of been quite pretty, because he said "Oh, they let you wear long pants do they, that's nice, good for cold winters" after I shook his hand for about the fifth time, it had me confused for a while, but I'm pretty sure he thought I was a girl. Like I said I was quite a pretty boy back then, FMD I'm not that anymore. Fuck no.
So @Goofyfoot or any doubters, I never lie here, just google "house where Gough Whitlam was born" and you can stop doubting my words if you do. It's all nothing to do with me, just the world I lived in and through that's all. I'm nothing special really, just had a few things go on in my life and people around me. We all get that and them. No boast about me. Shit just happens or happened that's all it is.
Sir Bob and my grandfather Sir John even created their own club to keep fools and wannabe's out, it's called The West Brighton Club, you can google that club too I think, they were both Presidents there and so was my Dad and I made my first speeches there when I was a boy and as a young man, but I'm not a member there now, I could be, I could be President there myself. But I am just a surfer mate, and a few other things now, I don't need it, it's probably full of dickhead fake conservative Liberals now too. I had and made my own clubs, a few were on King Street and they were some pretty good ones too, but not now, not today, probably not ever, I'm retired, and not on King Street anyway,the OMC's like the Commancheros are in King Street now. That's where I used to have to squash some bugs like I wanted once to squash you @Indo, but you are safe from that man, well maybe, nah you are, but just you go and make some wealth for your family like I did for myself there, that's all I want you to do. We can probably be mates one day if you do that for them and I can tell you some more great men in my life, just let me know and if you apologise to me for the disrespect you show me and I will do likewise to you, then we will be even and I can tell you about Australian Liberal Conservatism, the real kind, and what it really is then if you like and you can learn what it really is and become one like I am if you like, and we can start a friendship then if you like, I'd like that @Indo, I think you would too.
But we have to raincheck that right now, we both have some family work to do.
So Mr.@IndoDreaming, Emeritus Professor of Google Uni here's some research you can do just for me,
google Sir William John Allison, that is my other famous grandad, you already met me and Tommy my grandad the Richmond FC footy player when I was riffing onstage at the Crown Casino ballroom accepting his Hall of Fame Induction trophy with my now great mate Kevin Bartlett, (another one of my heroes in life and a pretty good footballer himself. I still talk with his son Rhett on twitter), the other one you can read about online now if you like there is a bibliography of Sir John (we called him "J" he didn't like being called "Sir" much, it didn't mean all that much to him and he got two of them. Yooralla was what he wanted to be remembered for, just that would do, his proudest work and he did that for free because those poor kids needed him and he could do it and could help them not at all like ,but a bitlike your family needs you to do now him there, but it is wrong and the man that wrote it needs that man's grandson, me, to find him and correct his record. He wrote it in 2006, but he never met him and he is has made a mistake that needs correcting and I will tell you what that is, he gets his Knighthoods wrong, he was a KC and a KBE, not a CBE so I need to find out his sources, they may be wrong too, and it doesn't even mention Yooralla and I know that would piss him off, as it would his best mate Bob, the longest serving Australian Liberal, Conservative, Prime Minister.
And I need to get his portrait to Yooralla, there is a replica one too, it is at the Melbourne Uni School of Business, where you get an MBA, so you might want to google that you might see him and his medals, not sure, you can let me know later if so. I was there the day they put it up so I don't need to see him, I've got the original. So that is just some of my great Scottish clan's work that I need to do, ("Allison" means "Son of McAllister") I have to do that for my family and there is even some needed for my Irish clan too, and for my other grandad Tommy who's photos I have to collect and give to the Richmond FC Museum, the originals to replace the replicas in there right now.
Now @Indo, here is my olive branch to you, and I stand by what I said to you when I opened this post if you don't accept it, but I don't want that, I prefer to make friends not enemies, so take it or leave it, up to you. I'm good either way but only do these things once.
I would be delighted to meet you and your wife and kids there, at Tigerland, it's at Punt Road Oval, and we can have a look through it if you like, as mates, and men. My shout. We can go and have a beer and a meal if you like on me, it would be my pleasure and I think you would love it, so would your family I reckon, there's a lot of Collingwood history there too. I've got some sitting on the couch beside me right now. I want to share it with you, you can have it as my penance for all I have said to you in the past.
And something I should tell you now, many of my great mates in my life started out acrimoniously like we are now, so it's no big deal that I don't like you much now to me really, I'm hoping that you are like that one day too. We can flip this shit between us easy if you just take my advice. The invite is always open to you, but just not right now, I'm busy and so should you be, working on my family's business, but just a simple sorry from you and that you will try for me not for me but the ones I think really need you, just that will do, and we can meet one day at Punt Road oval and I can give you and your family what I am looking at right now, as a gift, as our retribution, mine too and we can start being mates then.
I'm a good mate you will see.
It's a copy of the front page of The Sun on Grand Final Day in 1927, Collingwood won that day, it's a famous Grand Final, you should google it, an October one. There's four men's headshots on that front page and a crowd shot of the MCG where all the men are wearing hats, two of the men are Collingwood legends, brothers called Syd and Gordon Coventry, I think you should know who they are.
Syd was the Collingwood Captain and Gordon his brother was and still is I think the 'Woods leading goal scorer. Both are Collingwood Hall of Fame themselves I think @Indo.
The other two are of Tigers, Allan Geddes the Richmond Captain, a man I knew well, he lived a long life, he was Uncle Allan to my family, he died in 1987. My Mum went to his funeral, I was up at Yamba surfing Angourie that day I think, so I didn't make it myself.
The other is my grandad Tom O'Halloran it says "Ruckman & High Mark Richmond" under his headshot.
I'd like to meet you there at Tiger HQ and give you that, it's a photocopy, and give your family a tour.
It's a piece of Collingwood history too, something you can frame and put on your wall and keep forever in your family, but you can only meet me and have it there if you only do as I ask, and stop coming here and wasting your family's time on these threads with your bullshit, you do that too much.
And I can take you to see the house that the Liberal Party, the real one was invented in, the house I grew up in, it's not in my family any more but you can see the room my grandad worked on it in, his sunroom study. And you can spend a day with me and meet a real Australian Liberal Conservative, me, it's not you. But that's cool, you can become a real one yourself that day if you like.
Or just keep on bullshitting yourself and the world here on SN and never grow up, and never have that piece of Magpie history in your house. I will know what your answer is just by coming here once to see if you are still carrying on then I'm gone and I will stand by what I said above.
Up to you.
Anyway, some of the family business I have right now to do is for my grandad J, as I said, because a man put up his bibliography on the internet in 2006 and I only just recently read it and it is wrong, so I have to find that man and get it corrected because he was my grandfather and I knew him and he didn't, and my Grandad would want me to do that. I can do it, it should be easy.
But I have more work than that to do for my own family and for my two great clans. I need to be one of their leaders and clansman now and do that work before I die, for them. For my great families.
I come from two great clans and it's work I am proud and able and willing to do.
One is the great ancient Scottish clan called Mc Allister, and the other are an old Irish clan from County Clare on the west coast of the island called Ireland, the O'Hallorans I think Donald Trump has one of his golf courses there, where he will probably bury Melania if she predeceases him and he can get some kind of financial advantage, he has a habit of burying his wives on golf courses.
Some of my Irish clan are still there I believe, and I heard they don't like him much either.
I hope Melania or someone gets to bury him first though, and soon too, because that vain stupid man could bury us all any day now. (He even cheats at golf that man, FMD.) So think about what I am offering you and your own clan, and what I have said before you respond, you can do it through @Stu by email if you want to, I give him my authority for that now. One chance and one only and you have plenty of time, no rush or hurry required so think about it for a while if you want. I'm not bothered if you don't want to. I'll understand if you don't.
@Confusion, that's a good handle for you mate, just stick with that one OK. You've had so many fkn names here I think we are all a bit confused by now. I bet @Stu and @Ben are, they've been trying to put out your little candle for a while now buddy but you're like one of those trick birthday cake ones, you just keep on re-igniting on them. But good on you little fella, youtube is a pretty easy way of learning, but you can forget it all pretty quick though, too easy really. I'm on your side mate, you are fighting the good fight, I'm in your corner, I'm your cornerman, and he's telling you for fuck's sake stop throwing those youtube haymakers, work on your words, use them, they can be uppercuts and right hooks mate, knockout power and footwork when you need it. @Stu has some good skills with that himself, and he hates it when people express themselves in youtube, I agree, we can all do better than that.
That fkn mad King cucking for Elon Musk another drug addled shyster, in the oval office over there is my enemy too. Jeffy. His stupidity is only matched by his vanity that man, but we are all safer just letting him think he is "great" and hoping a massive vascular explosion hits his heart or his drug addled brain before he discovers what a loser he has always been. Men like him when they find that out want the Earth to be scorched unfortunately, and he can just do that by pressing a button and FMD no one could stop him.
We are all in danger of being scorched by that man right now, the whole Earth, all the animal kingdom and nature too.
We live in very dangerous times, right now. All of us.
A man as vain as Donald Trump, probably vainer, but not as stupid, he was more of a blunderer, who drenched himself in similar greatness less than a hundred years ago found out one day what a loser he was and always was in a bunker below Berlin one day and he ordered the Earth be scorched too.
His name was Adolf Hitler, he was a fascist, just like Trump is, but not a stupid one, well, not as stupid really, that kind of Hall of Fame stupidity is kind of rare in such men, Scomo was that kind of stupid, Tony Abbott too, but not as dangerous. Hitler had already killed 50 million people when he ordered another Nazi, a man named Albert Speer to scorch the Earth for him because his people apparently "didn't deserve greatness like his", no one did, so he wished to let them all starve and die. Hitler had decided to kill himself, and his new bride and his favorite dog, an Alsatian he called "Blondie".
What kind of man murders his wife and his own beloved dog and all of his people because he is a loser, and finds that out in reality himself,a man like Adolf Hitler does it.
Donald Trump doesn't even own a dog, probably never has.
That's something we all need to think about.
We better hope doesn't find out he's a loser, all of us,
Albert Speer couldn't and didn't do it, and he was one of the few men Hitler thought of as a friend.
He was the only captured Nazi leader they didn't string up and kill on the gallows at Nuremberg after the war ended.
Maybe because of that very decision, I don't know for sure myself.
We all won't have a man like Speer if Donald gets that way.
No one can stop him.
@AW and @Supa, you boys are meeting for real over in @Supa's little corner inside paradise on that island just off Bali and maybe next time I will come with you @AW. I'd like that, I reckon we would have some fun, we'll see if that happens. But just in case just leave a nice one unridden just for me if you can, a set wave, and a right hander would be good, and think of me because I'm on that one, I just can't ride it right now and I wish I could but you can give me a hoot if you like, I would like that. Have a great time you two boys and maybe I will meet you there one day over there myself soon. @Supa, we share a brotherhood, as one time doormen, you look like a pretty good one and I consider myself that too so if you see a man coming toward you in a lighthorseman's hat with a feather one day don't be too surprised, it's just me your brother doorman and it'll be a gift for you, (but I won't be wearing any dandy red outfit , too humid for that anyway and no spooning will be necessary mate, I was just joking as you know, I'll be happy just to sleep on the floor away from you somewhere.) Show my mate @AW a good time for me, I know you will anyway, that's what us doormen do. We meet and greet and show them into a good time.
Oh well, this might be my last post on SN so I've tried to make it a good one.
I've said that before here a few times so who knows.
But if so I'll catch up with you blokes if it is, the good ones, at the Crossroads one day I hope.
I'm just too busy right now to worry about it anyway.
Please think about what I have said here @Indo, this reply was addressed to you and I was angry at first but I always calm down quick, as you can see. I'd like to meet you one day at Punt Road Oval and give you a tour and that piece of Woodsman's history so you can hang it on the wall at home.
Up to you.
Adam12 out.

andy-mac wrote:AndyM wrote:As an aside, why are we falling for this presidential style nonsense in Australian politics?
What about voting on party policies?Yes, this!
Look at the calibre of talent in the labor ranks compared to lnp.
Remember Morrison govt? Mostly the same. Let's not forget Nats and their talent....
In a race of Thorobreds ,WHY do we have all these DONKEYS?....I'm referring to BOTH sides.

Adam the king wanker……don’t go away angry ….just go away.

OMFG Adam i just quickly skim read that but are you for real?...
Im not your enemy, im just some guy on a forum that has different views to you, let's just avoid each other and try not to interact.

That was a wild read A12 and I read it all . Hope you get the family commitments sorted and then take the time out to give to yourself . Always welcome here mate . Edit ……. Maybe read it all @indo and consider the offer.

Supafreak wrote:That was a wild read A12 and I read it all . Hope you get the family commitments sorted and then take the time out to give to yourself . Always welcome here mate . Edit ……. Maybe read it all @indo and consider the offer.
Agreed and I’d love to hear you taking up @supa’s offer @adam12.
amazing you still here @opti having twice now saying you were leaving for good!

GuySmiley wrote:Supafreak wrote:That was a wild read A12 and I read it all . Hope you get the family commitments sorted and then take the time out to give to yourself . Always welcome here mate . Edit ……. Maybe read it all @indo and consider the offer.
Agreed and I’d love to hear you taking up @supa’s offer @adam12.
amazing you still here @opti having twice now saying you were leaving for good!
Opti not sounding very Christian like, someone once said the hardest thing about christianity is that nobody’s really tried it .

Supafreak wrote:That was a wild read A12 and I read it all . Hope you get the family commitments sorted and then take the time out to give to yourself . Always welcome here mate . Edit ……. Maybe read it all @indo and consider the offer.
+1, all the way to the end. Was epic.
Definitely agree.
@adam12, you're a swellnet treasure mate.

Supafreak wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Supafreak wrote:That was a wild read A12 and I read it all . Hope you get the family commitments sorted and then take the time out to give to yourself . Always welcome here mate . Edit ……. Maybe read it all @indo and consider the offer.
Agreed and I’d love to hear you taking up @supa’s offer @adam12.
amazing you still here @opti having twice now saying you were leaving for good!
Opti not sounding very Christian like, someone once said the hardest thing about christianity is that nobody’s really tried it .

Hiccups][quote=Supafreak wrote:GuySmiley wrote:Supafreak wrote:That was a wild read A12 and I read it all . Hope you get the family commitments sorted and then take the time out to give to yourself . Always welcome here mate . Edit ……. Maybe read it all @indo and consider the offer.
Agreed and I’d love to hear you taking up @supa’s offer @adam12.
amazing you still here @opti having twice now saying you were leaving for good!
Opti not sounding very Christian like, someone once said the hardest thing about christianity is that nobody’s really tried it .

semua yang terbaik A12

Geez that was a great read.
I'd take up the offer @indo.

More Victorian music

adam12 wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:adam12 wrote:@Optimist,
do you know anything about Insider Trading you fuckwit.
Peter Dutton used confidential information about Rudd backing the big four banks and bought huge $ amounts of shares before the market was informed. Sold for big profit.
Look up the law you fuckwit nutter.
Google it!
It's a criminal offence with big jail time.
You are such a dickhead.
He is a fucking criminal.
This website is full of fucking know it all fuckwits like you and @ Indo and fucking Confusion.
Sorry AW and some of my mates here but I wouldn't hang out in real life with these fuckwits.
@Stu, this is not balance, these people are what is wrong with this country.
Fuck off the lot of you.
Sort this shit out Stu and Ben!
Fuck me dead.
Ruining your website with toxic bullshit and fucking idiots.
Grow up you fucking uneducated cunts.
Learn something.
Same old fuckwits ruining threads.
Want me to moderate Ben?
This is fucking dribble.
Why we have a crim. running for PM.
Sort it out!
It's fucking useless.
Fucking kindergarten bullies.
Sort it out!!!!!OMG there is a hell of a lot of projection there Adam, you are so far up your own arse it's not funny, and yes you are a bully,that even spent years picking on my spelling and grammar belittling me until you pulled your head in and actually realised how much of fuckwit your were being.
You ALWAYS look down on people THINKING you are better than others, and if your not doing that, you are telling stories name dropping trying to big name yourself.
You THINK you know better than everyone no matter the topic, and not just people here but people in the real world be it a politicians or just people you dont like, like Musk or Rogan or legal experts that dont agree with your views.
And you constantly show that you have no self control over your emotions, going on these unprovoked abusive rants.
By all means have your opinion like everyone else, but no dude you are NOT right on everything that you THINK you are, NONE of us are, it's a forum we share our views, people disagree, people agree, that's life, but i expect in real life you just speak above others and bully others into submission so yes i guess it gets under your skin that you cant do that here.
And no you would be a terrible mod, id be a terrible mod too, we would just both ban everyone we dont agree with, that's not moderating.
Go take a chill pill.
Don't you fucking talk to me like that ever again cunt.
You haven't earned the right.
You just shut your fucking mouth and shut your computer off after you read this and go create some wealth for your family. You've got little children to protect and a wife.
They need you.
I don't.
The world has heard enough from you dickhead.
Stupid little man.
You just go and look after your family.
Be a real man for once in your life.
For them.@Stu, @Ben, you might have to get rid of this man from these threads or I won't be coming back here.
You two have been publishing the toxic musings of this little man for years.
His bullshit.
He doesn't even want to pay you for it.
$9 bucks a month.
You two need to take some responsibility for letting this boy/man spread his hate and stupidity here.
You publish it.
That needs to stop.
Or I won't be coming here any more.@Indo,
@Stu and especially @Ben are doing what you should be doing mate, creating some wealth for their families, out of something they love, surfing.
How good is that!
You owe these men some money I think @Indo. $9 a month x too many years.
You should think about that.
Not about all the stupid shit rattling around in your head you think the world needs to learn from you, there's not much there, maybe a bit about Indonesia, and building, that's all, that's your only strong suit here at Swellnet, the rest is just the hate and lies you tell yourself, we don't need any more of that here, or I don't for sure. This country and this world is full of too many men like you already. So get off the soapbox and think about the kind of thing the men at Swellnet, all of them, Craig too now, he's just had a baby, are doing for their families.
You can do that yourself for yours.
It's not that hard really.
I know you can learn, it's just you are teaching yourself the wrong things IMO.
But that's the kind of man you are right now @Indo, or how you appear to me now, you can change that if you like, you think good men like those men that run SN don't deserve anything from you. You just take, and think you are so smart.Nah, you're as dumb as a post mate. Fucking stupid really. Or you are acting that way. And you are wasting time trying to impress a bunch of strangers you have never met that you are something you are not.
That's wasting time in front of a screen you could be spending taking care of the people around you and those to come, creating some wealth for your family, like Stu and Ben and Craig are doing on Swellnet, but not on these threads, they barely come here, and it's their business. I imagine these threads mostly are a pain in the arse for them most of the time.You need to learn how to be a man for the people around you that depend on you, and the ones to come. They need you to become a good man, a better man and forget about all the shit you spew out here. You need to just shut up and grow up a bit, that's all.
@Stu and @Ben,
Some of these guys here like me.
I like some of them.
I've got a lot more stories I'd like to tell them.
@Goofyfoot can't believe some of the people I have met.
I'd like to tell him about a few more.
I like talking to guys like @AW, and @Supa and @GuySmiley and the Andys and @etarip and @VJ and @soggydog and @base and sorry boys I don't have time, there are many more.But not you @Indo.
I've heard enough from you.
Too much.
You spend way too much time in front of a screen thinking you know so much about the world,
You don't.
Shut it off and start thinking about how to create some wealth for your wife and children and your descendants.
Generational wealth.
That's not that hard, if you try.
That's what you need to start thinking about now.
Not me.
And don't you ever talk to me again like that cunt.
I'm a good man @Indo. I'd actually like to be your friend, a mate even, in spite of what you may think I think of you and what you think of me.I've tried to be that sometimes here @Indo, even tried to teach you some of the things I know.
But you don't want that from me and I understand that, that's ok. I am actually trying to do it again now, but this is the last time I will.Now I don't blame you for this @Indo, it's on me too, I do it myself and I don't want to with you, or anyone else either, I won't anymore, and it happens a lot on social media unfortunately, here too, there are a lot of posters here that do it but that doesn't concern me too much, I'm just replying to you here so I think I better explain this to you and why I get angry at you, like I am a little bit now.
@Indo, you have disrespected me here in a way that I don't let any man do in real life, in the flesh.
No matter who they are.
Ever. Full stop.
It's just my nature I'm afraid.
I don't let any man disrespect women in any way either in my presence, or be a bully.
No matter who they are either, big or tough or smart or dumb or even armed with a weapon.
I just can't let that happen. It often puts me in danger or I get injured. That has happened.
But I just don't abide that kind of thing from anyone, or any man at least, maybe a woman can do it but even then...anyway.It is easy from behind a keyboard, a lot of things are, so I better say this now and then get on with the rest, it maybe the last time we speak, that's up to you.
I try hard to be a good man @Indo, and sometimes it is hard for me to be that.
But that is what my mother raised me to be and she thought I was, so that's proof enough for me.
But I can be a very bad man too.
I'd be willing to be that man again just for you.
If you ever disrespect me like that again.
So you just start thinking about how you can be a good man too.
Please try now, not for me, but for the people that love you and depend on you being that. I know you are loved and I know that you are needed. We all are, me too.
I just want to help you be that for them, not for me, and I will if you let me.
I am older than you and have done some hard things in life and had to learn many things to be able to succeed, we all fail at things and I have at many.
But I rarely fail or make mistakes more than once.I just want you to learn and understand that I think you make a mistake coming here so often and spending, wasting your energy so much here, you have better things, more important things to do with your life than waste your time here.
That is just my opinion, my advice.
I'm actually qualified to give advice in law, I have an LLB(Hons) so this is free for you, but it's not about the law, just life. And I'm very busy ATM and can't get back to to sleep, so I'm doing this now late at night/ early in the morning, it's the only spare time I have right now, so please just take it on board and think about it for a bit. That's all I ask.
You can take it or leave it I don't care too much really.Be a leader for your family.
A good one.
You have important responsibilities.
So do I.
Take care of those first.
Get away from the screen and go and learn a bit more about the real world and how you can make some real money, for your family.And don't even think about writing some smart arse reply to me.
I won't even read it.
Nut up motherfucker.
Time's ticking.I also have a bad man that lives in a cage inside me.
I once wanted you to meet him too.
You've earned that right already.
He wanted to drop down on you out of the clear blue sky one day and step on you like a bug.
He wanted you and I once to "talk" then.
But that cage only ever opens for bad and evil men @Indo, not stupid men like you.
And I wouldn't do that because you have a family that needs you.
They need a man.
A real man.
So you just try to be one of those, for them.
Forget about me, for now anyway.You might have to nix this guy @Stu and @Ben from his addiction here, or I won't be coming back here again ever, maybe just to give my email to @AW, he's a good man I'd like to invite to my house one day, have a beer and a bit of a laugh with him, open up my vault and show him some pictures and some things in it. I think I will do that anyway soon, but not now @AW, I have some important family business of my own I am taking care of (it's not the old man mate, he's fine, he's happy as Larry right now, that man might just live forever, I can't believe it really), and sorry if you needed Adam the painter back whenever, he's had to go back into the box for a while, there's another Adam and my family, my two clans need him right now, so when that work is done I'll reach out for you then, might take a while but I'll try to for you @AW, you did one of the things in life for me that mean the most to me. The big things in life are mostly easy for a man like me now, they are very easy, I've done all the hard things, too many I reckon, but it's the little things that win me now, like expressing concern for my dear old dad and my blood brother a few times here, and your politeness and love of nature too (I've got a lot of brothers I'd like you to see, and meet, some scary ones in there too, and some great ones, and some of the truly great men and women that have been in my family and both my clans and some others great teachers and friends I have too, but this one you asked after is my only full blood one, his name is John but we all call him Jabe, he's in a lot of trouble right now, his world is about to blow up, he needs his little brother's help so I am getting ready to do that for him, and some other things I must do right now too. That kind gesture of yours is like gold to me mate . So I owe you a great debt for that, I'd like to try and repay you for that if I can, just by letting you into my little world and showing you some of the man I used to be once, and still am sometimes, and a few photos of some of my girlfriends and my French wife, you can see some photos from my wedding day, she's beautiful still, speaks five languages, probably more now, she has traveled the world, she's in Barcelona now, I haven't seen her in a long while, but we still speak often, she's waiting for me, she's bought me a little beach house in Lacanau, she's pretty successful, made a bit of money herself, she wants me to go and live there, be with her again, and the beachies there are epic too, I don't know if I will ever make it there though, I'm not quite sure I ever will, we'll see.
I've got some friends here I like talking to, I think they might like me too.
I'd like to keep talking to them.
I learn a lot here from some of those guys, I'd like to keep teaching them some of the things I know.
Tell some more stories I have.
It's a lot of fun sometimes talking here.But it's up to you @Stu and @Ben, you are the publishers.
Help me stop @Indo spending so much time here, or I'm gone.
It's up to you. You don't need me or my $9/month.
I just like to chat here sometimes. I don't need to but I like to.
That's all.I can't even look at this website these days, you still publish too much of the idiocy of the Emeritus Professor of Google University and his cherry picked nasty toxic hate and bullshit here (@Indo Dreaming), he's given himself his own PhD. A Doctor of Philosophy and fuck knows what from Google University, we all have one of those, they are easy to get, and free. I don't want to see any more of that, and he's been on your home page for years, I'll still pay my way for Craig's foreys and the articles, but the threads are too full of people with those degrees, I've got a few real ones from actual universities, one of them named after a man called John Monash, one of the greatest Australians who ever lived.
His brains and courage and the courage of some other great Australian men that fought along side him and some, too many, of those men died. They punched a hole in the Western Front just over a century ago and saved the world. Those Australians.
King George V went and knighted John Monash on the battlefield at a place called Chateau de Bertangles, the first time an English King had done that, knight a General on the battlefield, since the days of Cromwell, over 200 years before that day.
He was knighted a Knight Commander, the highest one they give."They" being the Windsors of England, hereditary Kings and Queens, the ones that stupid man, that sycophant idiot Tony Abbott thought he should give one to too on our behalf himself, he gave a knighthood to the family that gives out knighthoods, what a fucking idiot that man was and is still, thank Christ he did that too, it was his "last straw", only two years as a fuckup PM, that idiot of a man.
We could've had super fast downloads, a whole economy could have been built around that. But he was just another stupid dickhead like a lot o those fake "Liberals" up there now. Men that put themselves up for the role of selfless leadership in our fake democracy, and just make it all about themselves. That just sends this country backwards, to the place it is today. Tony now sits on the Board of Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch's publicly listed company here, shit always finds it's own level I reckon, he's at the right corporation to do that, it pays us no tax, it just spews out hate and lies and floods our zone with bullshit (like the recent set up of fake antisemitism), to protect that robber baron and his dickhead son's fossil fuel interests here, that's all it's for. His newspapers and his crappy nutters with their "opinions" on that shitbox network he runs here. His one in America has helped to absolutely fuck that once great democracy too. I would piss on his grave and will if I can. I'd love to gangster slap that old wrinkled MF into the afterlife myself if I could. Fkn blight on humanity. His mother was a good woman too, so I don't know what happened to him.
His other son James and his sisters are going to wipe that family's slate clean when the old lizard carks it, won't be too long now I hope, although those Murdochs tend to live forever, but he's going straight to Lucifer for a baking that man, just for trying to cheat his three children out of their inheritance like Gina Fatfuck in the mu mu did to her kids, she's going to get barbequed by Beelzebub one day down there too that greedy rich stupid woman, she will small like roast pork I reckon that one...but I digress.
My grandfather (not Tommy the Richmond Hall of Fame player, my other one, Sir John), got one of those rare knighthoods, like John Monash's for creating Yooralla, I'm sure some people here know of Yooralla and watched the telethon he also started to create some wealth for those disadvantaged disabled people who had nothing and no one to care for their special needs, some may have seen him in the days of black and white TV cracking a few jokes and saying some good words when he was picking up the big cheque at the end.
He died from a heart attack in 1966 aged just 62, I was only five years old, because his wife, my grandmother cooked everything in too much butter, but she didn't know that was wrong and never found out herself, fortunately.
His best mate was a famous man named Bob, and he was known for his great speeches and his wit, but he cried so much eulogising him that sad day, I was there crying my eyes out too, he couldn't finish that speech, his saddest he said, so my Dad had to get up and help him and finished it for him.
My grandad that we buried that sad day liked to volunteer and help people, his mate Bob liked that about him too, he did it, he put up his hand to do it because some people needed a man like him, a good man to take care of them, like your people @Indo, they need you to be just a bit like some of these men. You too can be a great man for your family, I'm sure you already are in your own way, they need you to be better now I think, it's really none of my business I know, but I tend to decide those things for myself these days.
That grandad of mine got two knighthoods, the one Monash got, a KC, a Knight Commander, the other was a KBE, a Knight of the British Empire, for the work he did for free for his best mate and for this country.You might have heard his mate Bob's name too, he was another great Australian a Knighted man himself. His name was Sir Robert Gordon Menzies, Australia's longest serving Prime Minister, these are the kind of men that men like Peter Dutton and Scomo and @Indo sometimes pretend they are and they are fucking kidding themselves. They are the opposite. Here's how I know that.
My Grandfather invented the Liberal Party @Indo, and he told his mate Bob that's what he had to call it, and for a reason. Bob was about to blow up worlds in Canberra and he needed his best man to come up with it for him, because he wasn't in party politics my grandad, he was great businessman and worked on his charity, but Bob was busy, and he was the best man he knew who could do it, that job was to create the Australian Liberal (Conservative) Party but they just called it "Liberal", for a reason mate. Look up what that word really means, you might learn something about that word yourself and what a fool you have been making of yourself here and right in front of me, every time you come on here and call yourself a "conservative", you can fool yourself but you can never fool me.
That's exactly what I actually am you dunce, not you.They were conservative about many things, like the great institutions and conventions and things like the rule of law, but they were also very progressive those men, they wanted to create housing and health care and free education at schools and Universities, things like that, and wanted to help the poor and the working classes and the disadvantaged and people like that. To create some wealth for their families. So a child born in poverty or without wealth could, if they tried hard could make it from shitsville or struggletown to St. Georges road Toorak in one generation, and build wealth for all of us in Australia by paying their fair share back in taxes when they got there. They knew that the wealthy and the upper classes could always look after themselves, not like the lie you think is the LNP today, that only want to help themselves and the wealthy it seems. They are frauds and no one should vote for them ever.
The man that leads the LNP now is just a two bit criminal and not even a very smart one at that, he's way too rich to be a selfless leader and Albo is that way himself a bit too, and too weak, they all are not doing the things that are needed to help the people that need it so fuck the both of them. Like Scomo and Stuart Robert and Robodebt and fuck them all too. Bob Menzies would have the lot of them in the dock and in jail, and I'd have Albo and Penny Wong up to answer for their support of Zionist genocide and war crimes myself if I could, they changed their tune too late. (It's called the Statute of Rome, google it if you want. Dickhead fake Liberal Howard signed us in himself)
And that ex drug squad cop Dutton is so crooked that even the crooked cops he worked with called him a "dog", that takes some doing. He's getting our zone flooded with his bullshit by the people I hate like nothing else. The ones that call themselves Liberal Conservatives and control our MSM and now our ABC too, fuck them all, they have fucked this country and I'm sick of it, fucking sick of them all, and so would the man that invented what they are pretending they are Australian Liberal Conservatives and use Bob Menzies' and men like my grandfather's great achievements and names, to just help themselves and the wealthy that don't need help from anyone.
Stinking, lying motherfuckers the lot of them. This whole country is being lied to and it has been for a long time. It's fucked right now because of men like that, so please don't vote for them, or call yourself that lie too @Indo. You can be a better man than any of them, I know you can, but you seem to have fallen for their stupid trick too. Don't be fooled by men like them @Indo, I want to show you the real thing, I can help you learn that if you just do as I ask and meet me one day. I am at your disposal if you wish to let me do that, if you just believe what I say. And if you forget about posting here for a while and think about your family, not me or any other strangers you seem to want to impress for some reason.
But you can just ignore me if you wish. Your life and what you do with your time is none of my business I know. But this is social media and I'm behind a keyboard right now and that's how we talk to each other it seems these days.
So like anyone no one can stop me ( @Ben or @Stu can do that, it's their website, and I'm at their mercy but I'm happy with that).I'm the real Australian Liberal Conservative here mate, a prince of it and I grew up in the Court of it's Kings. That's not you, that's me, you are just acting like a bit of a fool who's family needs them to get off the screen and stop pretending you are one. I got kissed on the face and held up like Kunta Kinte by the two men that invented it as a 9 month old baby when I first met them, they were both there together that day, when I first came to Melbourne from where I was born, Sydney, at my Grandad's house which was where I grew up after he died, aged 62, and I'm now aged 63. It was at 50 Rowland St. Kew in Melbourne in January 1962.
I'd like to take you to that street one day and show you that room, that house is not in my family anymore but you can see it from the street and I should be able to knock on that door and take you into the house where the Liberal Party was invented in about 1943, WW2 was still going, but not for much longer in Europe. Bob Menzies was just a back bencher then, in opposition, but he was making his plans, he was about to blow up a world of politics that gave him the shits, in our capital Canberra, but it was a secret then, and he needed a man he could trust with that job.
That was my grandfather @Indo, my other one, not the footballer, he was a famous man too, not me, it doesn't make me any better or worse, I'm not a boaster, just grew up in that world. That one and a few others in my life. I've done few things in life I'm proud of too, but plenty I'm not, it's just another one old mate @Goofyfoot will not believe either, so I'm providing some receipts here for you both, and there is another famous Australian politician that was born in that street so get ready @Goofy if you are reading, I never tell a lie, well not on SN anyway, you can check this out on the google machine too, and is just a pure coincidence because in those days there were no maternity hospitals, just private midwives to deliver babies, and the great Labor leader Gough Whitlam was born in that same street, just two doors down, at no 46 Rowland Street Kew, in a house they pulled down only recently to put up a Mc Mansion, it was called Ngara and his birth was attended to by the midwife that lived there in those days. I never knew it myself, no one in the family or street did either, until the day he and his wife Margaret turned up at the church hall down the street for his 60th birthday. He never went to the house that day, the family there then were named the Swinertons and they were Liberal bluebloods, the father was on the preselection committee for the Liberal Party and Mal Fraser had just got Kerr to do the dismissal the year before in 1975, (Our current fake King played a role in that, so good on that wildcat Lydia Thorpe for shouting our truth to the power that pretends it "rules" over us, it's all bullshit our democracy based on a lie, but I think I have covered that here somewhere else, so I digress, yet again, sorry about that.
So Gough wasn't allowed to visit the house where he was born that day, they refused him that, the family that owned it then, my Mum was pissed off about that and thought badly of them, the Swinertons after that. I just heard he was there and so were the TV cameras and thought I could get my head on TV. I never did, but I followed him around the hall full of old women mostly, I was 15 I think and wore long school pants and had long hair and must of been quite pretty, because he said "Oh, they let you wear long pants do they, that's nice, good for cold winters" after I shook his hand for about the fifth time, it had me confused for a while, but I'm pretty sure he thought I was a girl. Like I said I was quite a pretty boy back then, FMD I'm not that anymore. Fuck no.
So @Goofyfoot or any doubters, I never lie here, just google "house where Gough Whitlam was born" and you can stop doubting my words if you do. It's all nothing to do with me, just the world I lived in and through that's all. I'm nothing special really, just had a few things go on in my life and people around me. We all get that and them. No boast about me. Shit just happens or happened that's all it is.
Sir Bob and my grandfather Sir John even created their own club to keep fools and wannabe's out, it's called The West Brighton Club, you can google that club too I think, they were both Presidents there and so was my Dad and I made my first speeches there when I was a boy and as a young man, but I'm not a member there now, I could be, I could be President there myself. But I am just a surfer mate, and a few other things now, I don't need it, it's probably full of dickhead fake conservative Liberals now too. I had and made my own clubs, a few were on King Street and they were some pretty good ones too, but not now, not today, probably not ever, I'm retired, and not on King Street anyway,the OMC's like the Commancheros are in King Street now. That's where I used to have to squash some bugs like I wanted once to squash you @Indo, but you are safe from that man, well maybe, nah you are, but just you go and make some wealth for your family like I did for myself there, that's all I want you to do. We can probably be mates one day if you do that for them and I can tell you some more great men in my life, just let me know and if you apologise to me for the disrespect you show me and I will do likewise to you, then we will be even and I can tell you about Australian Liberal Conservatism, the real kind, and what it really is then if you like and you can learn what it really is and become one like I am if you like, and we can start a friendship then if you like, I'd like that @Indo, I think you would too.
But we have to raincheck that right now, we both have some family work to do.
So Mr.@IndoDreaming, Emeritus Professor of Google Uni here's some research you can do just for me,
google Sir William John Allison, that is my other famous grandad, you already met me and Tommy my grandad the Richmond FC footy player when I was riffing onstage at the Crown Casino ballroom accepting his Hall of Fame Induction trophy with my now great mate Kevin Bartlett, (another one of my heroes in life and a pretty good footballer himself. I still talk with his son Rhett on twitter), the other one you can read about online now if you like there is a bibliography of Sir John (we called him "J" he didn't like being called "Sir" much, it didn't mean all that much to him and he got two of them. Yooralla was what he wanted to be remembered for, just that would do, his proudest work and he did that for free because those poor kids needed him and he could do it and could help them not at all like ,but a bitlike your family needs you to do now him there, but it is wrong and the man that wrote it needs that man's grandson, me, to find him and correct his record. He wrote it in 2006, but he never met him and he is has made a mistake that needs correcting and I will tell you what that is, he gets his Knighthoods wrong, he was a KC and a KBE, not a CBE so I need to find out his sources, they may be wrong too, and it doesn't even mention Yooralla and I know that would piss him off, as it would his best mate Bob, the longest serving Australian Liberal, Conservative, Prime Minister.And I need to get his portrait to Yooralla, there is a replica one too, it is at the Melbourne Uni School of Business, where you get an MBA, so you might want to google that you might see him and his medals, not sure, you can let me know later if so. I was there the day they put it up so I don't need to see him, I've got the original. So that is just some of my great Scottish clan's work that I need to do, ("Allison" means "Son of McAllister") I have to do that for my family and there is even some needed for my Irish clan too, and for my other grandad Tommy who's photos I have to collect and give to the Richmond FC Museum, the originals to replace the replicas in there right now.
Now @Indo, here is my olive branch to you, and I stand by what I said to you when I opened this post if you don't accept it, but I don't want that, I prefer to make friends not enemies, so take it or leave it, up to you. I'm good either way but only do these things once.
I would be delighted to meet you and your wife and kids there, at Tigerland, it's at Punt Road Oval, and we can have a look through it if you like, as mates, and men. My shout. We can go and have a beer and a meal if you like on me, it would be my pleasure and I think you would love it, so would your family I reckon, there's a lot of Collingwood history there too. I've got some sitting on the couch beside me right now. I want to share it with you, you can have it as my penance for all I have said to you in the past.And something I should tell you now, many of my great mates in my life started out acrimoniously like we are now, so it's no big deal that I don't like you much now to me really, I'm hoping that you are like that one day too. We can flip this shit between us easy if you just take my advice. The invite is always open to you, but just not right now, I'm busy and so should you be, working on my family's business, but just a simple sorry from you and that you will try for me not for me but the ones I think really need you, just that will do, and we can meet one day at Punt Road oval and I can give you and your family what I am looking at right now, as a gift, as our retribution, mine too and we can start being mates then.
I'm a good mate you will see.It's a copy of the front page of The Sun on Grand Final Day in 1927, Collingwood won that day, it's a famous Grand Final, you should google it, an October one. There's four men's headshots on that front page and a crowd shot of the MCG where all the men are wearing hats, two of the men are Collingwood legends, brothers called Syd and Gordon Coventry, I think you should know who they are.
Syd was the Collingwood Captain and Gordon his brother was and still is I think the 'Woods leading goal scorer. Both are Collingwood Hall of Fame themselves I think @Indo.
The other two are of Tigers, Allan Geddes the Richmond Captain, a man I knew well, he lived a long life, he was Uncle Allan to my family, he died in 1987. My Mum went to his funeral, I was up at Yamba surfing Angourie that day I think, so I didn't make it myself.
The other is my grandad Tom O'Halloran it says "Ruckman & High Mark Richmond" under his headshot.
I'd like to meet you there at Tiger HQ and give you that, it's a photocopy, and give your family a tour.
It's a piece of Collingwood history too, something you can frame and put on your wall and keep forever in your family, but you can only meet me and have it there if you only do as I ask, and stop coming here and wasting your family's time on these threads with your bullshit, you do that too much.And I can take you to see the house that the Liberal Party, the real one was invented in, the house I grew up in, it's not in my family any more but you can see the room my grandad worked on it in, his sunroom study. And you can spend a day with me and meet a real Australian Liberal Conservative, me, it's not you. But that's cool, you can become a real one yourself that day if you like.
Or just keep on bullshitting yourself and the world here on SN and never grow up, and never have that piece of Magpie history in your house. I will know what your answer is just by coming here once to see if you are still carrying on then I'm gone and I will stand by what I said above.
Up to you.Anyway, some of the family business I have right now to do is for my grandad J, as I said, because a man put up his bibliography on the internet in 2006 and I only just recently read it and it is wrong, so I have to find that man and get it corrected because he was my grandfather and I knew him and he didn't, and my Grandad would want me to do that. I can do it, it should be easy.
But I have more work than that to do for my own family and for my two great clans. I need to be one of their leaders and clansman now and do that work before I die, for them. For my great families.
I come from two great clans and it's work I am proud and able and willing to do.One is the great ancient Scottish clan called Mc Allister, and the other are an old Irish clan from County Clare on the west coast of the island called Ireland, the O'Hallorans I think Donald Trump has one of his golf courses there, where he will probably bury Melania if she predeceases him and he can get some kind of financial advantage, he has a habit of burying his wives on golf courses.
Some of my Irish clan are still there I believe, and I heard they don't like him much either.
I hope Melania or someone gets to bury him first though, and soon too, because that vain stupid man could bury us all any day now. (He even cheats at golf that man, FMD.) So think about what I am offering you and your own clan, and what I have said before you respond, you can do it through @Stu by email if you want to, I give him my authority for that now. One chance and one only and you have plenty of time, no rush or hurry required so think about it for a while if you want. I'm not bothered if you don't want to. I'll understand if you don't.@Confusion, that's a good handle for you mate, just stick with that one OK. You've had so many fkn names here I think we are all a bit confused by now. I bet @Stu and @Ben are, they've been trying to put out your little candle for a while now buddy but you're like one of those trick birthday cake ones, you just keep on re-igniting on them. But good on you little fella, youtube is a pretty easy way of learning, but you can forget it all pretty quick though, too easy really. I'm on your side mate, you are fighting the good fight, I'm in your corner, I'm your cornerman, and he's telling you for fuck's sake stop throwing those youtube haymakers, work on your words, use them, they can be uppercuts and right hooks mate, knockout power and footwork when you need it. @Stu has some good skills with that himself, and he hates it when people express themselves in youtube, I agree, we can all do better than that.
That fkn mad King cucking for Elon Musk another drug addled shyster, in the oval office over there is my enemy too. Jeffy. His stupidity is only matched by his vanity that man, but we are all safer just letting him think he is "great" and hoping a massive vascular explosion hits his heart or his drug addled brain before he discovers what a loser he has always been. Men like him when they find that out want the Earth to be scorched unfortunately, and he can just do that by pressing a button and FMD no one could stop him.
We are all in danger of being scorched by that man right now, the whole Earth, all the animal kingdom and nature too.
We live in very dangerous times, right now. All of us.A man as vain as Donald Trump, probably vainer, but not as stupid, he was more of a blunderer, who drenched himself in similar greatness less than a hundred years ago found out one day what a loser he was and always was in a bunker below Berlin one day and he ordered the Earth be scorched too.
His name was Adolf Hitler, he was a fascist, just like Trump is, but not a stupid one, well, not as stupid really, that kind of Hall of Fame stupidity is kind of rare in such men, Scomo was that kind of stupid, Tony Abbott too, but not as dangerous. Hitler had already killed 50 million people when he ordered another Nazi, a man named Albert Speer to scorch the Earth for him because his people apparently "didn't deserve greatness like his", no one did, so he wished to let them all starve and die. Hitler had decided to kill himself, and his new bride and his favorite dog, an Alsatian he called "Blondie".
What kind of man murders his wife and his own beloved dog and all of his people because he is a loser, and finds that out in reality himself,a man like Adolf Hitler does it.
Donald Trump doesn't even own a dog, probably never has.
That's something we all need to think about.
We better hope doesn't find out he's a loser, all of us,
Albert Speer couldn't and didn't do it, and he was one of the few men Hitler thought of as a friend.
He was the only captured Nazi leader they didn't string up and kill on the gallows at Nuremberg after the war ended.
Maybe because of that very decision, I don't know for sure myself.
We all won't have a man like Speer if Donald gets that way.
No one can stop him.@AW and @Supa, you boys are meeting for real over in @Supa's little corner inside paradise on that island just off Bali and maybe next time I will come with you @AW. I'd like that, I reckon we would have some fun, we'll see if that happens. But just in case just leave a nice one unridden just for me if you can, a set wave, and a right hander would be good, and think of me because I'm on that one, I just can't ride it right now and I wish I could but you can give me a hoot if you like, I would like that. Have a great time you two boys and maybe I will meet you there one day over there myself soon. @Supa, we share a brotherhood, as one time doormen, you look like a pretty good one and I consider myself that too so if you see a man coming toward you in a lighthorseman's hat with a feather one day don't be too surprised, it's just me your brother doorman and it'll be a gift for you, (but I won't be wearing any dandy red outfit , too humid for that anyway and no spooning will be necessary mate, I was just joking as you know, I'll be happy just to sleep on the floor away from you somewhere.) Show my mate @AW a good time for me, I know you will anyway, that's what us doormen do. We meet and greet and show them into a good time.
Oh well, this might be my last post on SN so I've tried to make it a good one.
I've said that before here a few times so who knows.
But if so I'll catch up with you blokes if it is, the good ones, at the Crossroads one day I hope.
I'm just too busy right now to worry about it anyway.Please think about what I have said here @Indo, this reply was addressed to you and I was angry at first but I always calm down quick, as you can see. I'd like to meet you one day at Punt Road Oval and give you a tour and that piece of Woodsman's history so you can hang it on the wall at home.
Up to you.Adam12 out.
Adam12 . Hi fella.
You’re not out, your 2nd innings has just begun .
The truth will always set you free.
Honesty and loyalty are forever enduring traits.
If Swellnet Management reads this reply.
I hereby give you permission to forward my email address to Adam12.
Converse to that, Adam12 has requested and given permission for me to receive his email address from your data bank. Thank you
P.S Adam, I have lived and surfed in Lacanau, I can think of worst places to settle.
Go ride a wave.
Talk soon, open all hours. AW

You're all right AW, you too Adam.
All the best.
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: