Next Federal Election

I concur ^^, that sought of sentiment is mostly why I bother to come here, cheers lads

@Adam 12,
Entertaining read there. You certainly have a way with words!!
An extraordinary existence, punctuated by the occasional mundane, boring day.
You really deserve an extended break away from all the crap which pollutes our daily lives.
Good luck to you.

Adam sounds like a good fella who's been pushed to the edge by the continuing plummet into idiocracy, and who could blame him. Arguing with a willfully ignorant bloke who is more than fine with the mass murder of children amongst other egregious views on world events and social issues will do that to a person.

@ Adam 12
Don’t hold your breath
Some people are unchangable , as frustrating as it might be

AndyM wrote:You're all right AW, you too Adam.
All the best.
AndyM . Hi mate, hope you’re well.
Thanks brother.
We all hit bumps in the road, it’s how you smooth them out along the way
that counts.
There’s a great mouth wash, it’s called endorphins, go for a surf , at least you’ll brush today’s cobwebs away.
Tomorrow, be careful not to end up back in that web. AW

But then again

Cota-livin Cruise beached by record Aussie Cash Splash-back pissed up against the Wall.
2024 Oz Major Economic Records Smashed by Dutto's Disastrous [L] Media Accolades
Dedicated to Andy-mac's series...{ALP are just quietly doing some good stuff!}
Ok...every minute force fed of Cost of Living Crisis stamped on our foreheads...
Imagine if Oz economy certifiably ranks higher
Everyday Cost of Living Stats showing Aussies were living high off the Hog!
Imagine the shock of any record high sales & service uptake!
Imagine if Oz was deemed more safe & secure & even judged way less Corrupt...
Could ya bottle & sell that & would Media buy it or pour it out like a [L] Police State Cop!
[Factcheck] Much open Data seems to back that up and on almost every common level...Shh!
[L] Fox infused Oz Media stand accused of playing down record Oz record prosperity period.
Albo's half decent Oz Ward Chart...for half pissed off Voters sayin' told ya so...say wot!
*Oz security / Corruption Rank
World Corruption Oz Rank Slips 18% > 10% (Dutto Cries!) [L] Media Darlings : It's not fair!
Terrorism Index halved (So Dutto raises Fear Factor)[L] Media Darlings fuel Race Hate Wars
*Oz economy
2016-20 AAA [-] Rating up 2025 AAA [=] (Dutto : Disaster) [L] Media Darlings say nothing!
Oz 30yr Record Inflation Drop (Dutto: Albo is Weak)+[L] Media Darlings :Cost of Living Crisis.
Oz 50yr record Employment (Dutto : Albo not doing his Job!) + [L] Media Units Close up Shop
Too many Oz kids working (Dutto : It's a disaster) + [L] Media Expert CEO : 'Slave wage Crisis'
*Record Sales quietly power on...year after year thru Albo's Term
2nd Oz Record Car$ (Dutto : Peak Hour Crisis) + [L] Media Darlings : Red Light Cam Crisis!
Oz Record Transit Uptake with 50 cent fares (Dutto : Disaster) +[L] Eye in the Sky blindsided
2nd Oz Record Caravan$ (Dutto: It's a Disaster)+ [L] Media Darlings : Grey Army Bomb Squad
3rd Oz Record Truck$ (Dutto: Overshadowed) +[L] Media : Trucks squash Kindergarten Kids
Oz Record Boat Sales (Dutto : A Disaster)+[L] Media : GWS refuses to bite Super Yacht Fleet
Oz Record $ports / Goods (Dutto : Albo is Lazy)+[L] Media Darlings : Back Track Sports Rortz.
Oz Record Private Health uptake (Dutto : Health Crisis) +[L] Media Darlings : Getting Sick of it!
Oz record Chix Health Spend (Dutto : Disaster!)+[L] Media Campaign aboard Trump Gyno Bus.
*Visitors / Migration
Oz Record o/s Tourism (Dutto KILL!)+ [L] Media: We'll fight to sell our Scarped Escarpments!
Oz Record Peak [L] migration Drop (Dutto : Blame ALP) + [L] Media we blamed ALP also!
*Education breakthrus
Oz Record o/s Uni Enrolment (Dutto : A Disaster!) + [L] Media Darlings : Rent +Trade + ? Wars
Oz Record Grade 12 attendance (Dutto : A Disaster!)+ [L] Media Unit : Albo's Bigger Bullies
Oz record Male Student Rates (Dutto : A disaster)+[L] Media Darlings get their heads flushed!
Oz Teacher relief / Student Ratio drop : (Dutto : A disaster) + [L] Media aren't on board
Oz Record Aboriginal Attendance (Dutto : Pathetic!)+ [L] Media : Vote VIP Jacinta 4 PM Poll!
WR private school enrolment (Dutto: Fuck gay Lapland)+[L] Media: Parents can't afford bibles
Oz Civil Build @10 year High (Dutto : I'll tear it down!)+[L] Media CFMEU Bully us off site!
Oz Livestock Trade / Prices booming : (Dutto : It's a Disgrace) + [L] Media live high off the Hog
*Enough money to burn
WR Oz Gaming Spend : (Dutto : Don't gamble with Albo)+[L] Media gamble on Gaming Crisis
*State of Economy...
Oz record VIP Luxury Goods & services boom wipes out Oz Cost of living crisis! (Bummer...Shh!)
[L] Media Darlings ensure ya all live in fear under Dutto's Toadstool...'nother spoonful of shit!
tbb is 100% 62 year neutral non voter...
Simply sharing the truth about a record amount of Aussies doing quite well apparently...
Albo is running a stronger safer more secure less corrupt record service level economy!
Aussies voted with their Purse Strings...
No one mandated or forced these record Private - Med/Ed/Vehicles/Visitors/Gaming/Goods
Media would have ya believe this economic service boom is a Cost of Livin Crisis...Huh!
Feel Free to check on any Record Oz Economic Ward Chart...on display for all to see!
[Disclaimer] Dutto's Fake Power Grab
Scomo Election Cycle / tbb's Power Bills = $2,435
Albo Election Cycle / tbb's Power Bills = $2,419 (- $1,300 ALP Rebates) = $1,119
tbb's brother doubling power use for 6 months 2022/23 prior to & excluding 23/24 rebates.
Power Bills without rebates for tbb + Bro (6 months) are still lower under Albo's term.
Can detail each Bill for same residence / provider if ya like...
Just saying not to buy into Dutto's [L] Media's Lies...full of shit...without receipt.
[Factcheck] You'll be worse off under Dutto [L] Power...100% True & Itemized & shared.

truebluebasher wrote:Cota-livin Cruise beached by record Aussie Cash Splash-back pissed up against the Wall.
2024 Oz Major Economic Records Smashed by Dutto's Disastrous [L] Media AccoladesDedicated to Andy-mac's series...{ALP are just quietly doing some good stuff!}
Ok...every minute force fed of Cost of Living Crisis stamped on our foreheads...Imagine if Oz economy certifiably ranks higher
Everyday Cost of Living Stats showing Aussies were living high off the Hog!
Imagine the shock of any record high sales & service uptake!
Imagine if Oz was deemed more safe & secure & even judged way less Corrupt...
Could ya bottle & sell that & would Media buy it or pour it out like a [L] Police State Cop![Factcheck] Much open Data seems to back that up and on almost every common level...Shh!
[L] Fox infused Oz Media stand accused of playing down record Oz record prosperity period.Albo's half decent Oz Ward Chart...for half pissed off Voters sayin' told ya so...say wot!
*Oz security / Corruption Rank
World Corruption Oz Rank Slips 18% > 10% (Dutto Cries!) [L] Media Darlings : It's not fair!
Terrorism Index halved (So Dutto raises Fear Factor)[L] Media Darlings fuel Race Hate Wars*Oz economy
2016-20 AAA [-] Rating up 2025 AAA [=] (Dutto : Disaster) [L] Media Darlings say nothing!
Oz 30yr Record Inflation Drop (Dutto: Albo is Weak)+[L] Media Darlings :Cost of Living Crisis.
Oz 50yr record Employment (Dutto : Albo not doing his Job!) + [L] Media Units Close up Shop
Too many Oz kids working (Dutto : It's a disaster) + [L] Media Expert CEO : 'Slave wage Crisis'*Record Sales quietly power on...year after year thru Albo's Term
2nd Oz Record Car$ (Dutto : Peak Hour Crisis) + [L] Media Darlings : Red Light Cam Crisis!
Oz Record Transit Uptake with 50 cent fares (Dutto : Disaster) +[L] Eye in the Sky blindsided
2nd Oz Record Caravan$ (Dutto: It's a Disaster)+ [L] Media Darlings : Grey Army Bomb Squad
3rd Oz Record Truck$ (Dutto: Overshadowed) +[L] Media : Trucks squash Kindergarten Kids
Oz Record Boat Sales (Dutto : A Disaster)+[L] Media : GWS refuses to bite Super Yacht Fleet*Health
Oz Record $ports / Goods (Dutto : Albo is Lazy)+[L] Media Darlings : Back Track Sports Rortz.
Oz Record Private Health uptake (Dutto : Health Crisis) +[L] Media Darlings : Getting Sick of it!
Oz record Chix Health Spend (Dutto : Disaster!)+[L] Media Campaign aboard Trump Gyno Bus.*Visitors / Migration
Oz Record o/s Tourism (Dutto KILL!)+ [L] Media: We'll fight to sell our Scarped Escarpments!
Oz Record Peak [L] migration Drop (Dutto : Blame ALP) + [L] Media we blamed ALP also!*Education breakthrus
Oz Record o/s Uni Enrolment (Dutto : A Disaster!) + [L] Media Darlings : Rent +Trade + ? Wars
Oz Record Grade 12 attendance (Dutto : A Disaster!)+ [L] Media Unit : Albo's Bigger Bullies
Oz record Male Student Rates (Dutto : A disaster)+[L] Media Darlings get their heads flushed!
Oz Teacher relief / Student Ratio drop : (Dutto : A disaster) + [L] Media aren't on board
Oz Record Aboriginal Attendance (Dutto : Pathetic!)+ [L] Media : Vote VIP Jacinta 4 PM Poll!
WR private school enrolment (Dutto: Fuck gay Lapland)+[L] Media: Parents can't afford bibles*Production
Oz Civil Build @10 year High (Dutto : I'll tear it down!)+[L] Media CFMEU Bully us off site!
Oz Livestock Trade / Prices booming : (Dutto : It's a Disgrace) + [L] Media live high off the Hog*Enough money to burn
WR Oz Gaming Spend : (Dutto : Don't gamble with Albo)+[L] Media gamble on Gaming Crisis*State of Economy...
Oz record VIP Luxury Goods & services boom wipes out Oz Cost of living crisis! (Bummer...Shh!)
[L] Media Darlings ensure ya all live in fear under Dutto's Toadstool...'nother spoonful of shit!tbb is 100% 62 year neutral non voter...
Simply sharing the truth about a record amount of Aussies doing quite well apparently...
Albo is running a stronger safer more secure less corrupt record service level economy!
Aussies voted with their Purse Strings...
No one mandated or forced these record Private - Med/Ed/Vehicles/Visitors/Gaming/Goods
Media would have ya believe this economic service boom is a Cost of Livin Crisis...Huh!
Feel Free to check on any Record Oz Economic Ward Chart...on display for all to see![Disclaimer] Dutto's Fake Power Grab
Scomo Election Cycle / tbb's Power Bills = $2,435
Albo Election Cycle / tbb's Power Bills = $2,419 (- $1,300 ALP Rebates) = $1,119
tbb's brother doubling power use for 6 months 2022/23 prior to & excluding 23/24 rebates.
Power Bills without rebates for tbb + Bro (6 months) are still lower under Albo's term.
Can detail each Bill for same residence / provider if ya like...
Just saying not to buy into Dutto's [L] Media's Lies...full of shit...without receipt.
[Factcheck] You'll be worse off under Dutto [L] Power...100% True & Itemized & shared.
Cheers for mention @tbb :)
I hope you are doing well!
Yeah you won't hear the successes of any policy from the MSM.
Labor have been disappointing in some areas, but I don't think you can knock their economic credentials, especially with what they inherited. People expecting them to turn everything around in 3 years.
Little article below, using data, admittedly by a pro Labor economists.

Confusion wrote:@ Adam 12
Don’t hold your breath
Some people are unchangable , as frustrating as it might be
Yep even when they change user names every few weeks.

indo-dreaming wrote:Confusion wrote:@ Adam 12
Don’t hold your breath
Some people are unchangable , as frustrating as it might be
CheersYep even when they change user names every few weeks.
Even when they support Jews and Nazis at the same time?

andy-mac wrote:truebluebasher wrote:Cota-livin Cruise beached by record Aussie Cash Splash-back pissed up against the Wall.
2024 Oz Major Economic Records Smashed by Dutto's Disastrous [L] Media AccoladesDedicated to Andy-mac's series...{ALP are just quietly doing some good stuff!}
Ok...every minute force fed of Cost of Living Crisis stamped on our foreheads...Imagine if Oz economy certifiably ranks higher
Everyday Cost of Living Stats showing Aussies were living high off the Hog!
Imagine the shock of any record high sales & service uptake!
Imagine if Oz was deemed more safe & secure & even judged way less Corrupt...
Could ya bottle & sell that & would Media buy it or pour it out like a [L] Police State Cop![Factcheck] Much open Data seems to back that up and on almost every common level...Shh!
[L] Fox infused Oz Media stand accused of playing down record Oz record prosperity period.Albo's half decent Oz Ward Chart...for half pissed off Voters sayin' told ya so...say wot!
*Oz security / Corruption Rank
World Corruption Oz Rank Slips 18% > 10% (Dutto Cries!) [L] Media Darlings : It's not fair!
Terrorism Index halved (So Dutto raises Fear Factor)[L] Media Darlings fuel Race Hate Wars*Oz economy
2016-20 AAA [-] Rating up 2025 AAA [=] (Dutto : Disaster) [L] Media Darlings say nothing!
Oz 30yr Record Inflation Drop (Dutto: Albo is Weak)+[L] Media Darlings :Cost of Living Crisis.
Oz 50yr record Employment (Dutto : Albo not doing his Job!) + [L] Media Units Close up Shop
Too many Oz kids working (Dutto : It's a disaster) + [L] Media Expert CEO : 'Slave wage Crisis'*Record Sales quietly power on...year after year thru Albo's Term
2nd Oz Record Car$ (Dutto : Peak Hour Crisis) + [L] Media Darlings : Red Light Cam Crisis!
Oz Record Transit Uptake with 50 cent fares (Dutto : Disaster) +[L] Eye in the Sky blindsided
2nd Oz Record Caravan$ (Dutto: It's a Disaster)+ [L] Media Darlings : Grey Army Bomb Squad
3rd Oz Record Truck$ (Dutto: Overshadowed) +[L] Media : Trucks squash Kindergarten Kids
Oz Record Boat Sales (Dutto : A Disaster)+[L] Media : GWS refuses to bite Super Yacht Fleet*Health
Oz Record $ports / Goods (Dutto : Albo is Lazy)+[L] Media Darlings : Back Track Sports Rortz.
Oz Record Private Health uptake (Dutto : Health Crisis) +[L] Media Darlings : Getting Sick of it!
Oz record Chix Health Spend (Dutto : Disaster!)+[L] Media Campaign aboard Trump Gyno Bus.*Visitors / Migration
Oz Record o/s Tourism (Dutto KILL!)+ [L] Media: We'll fight to sell our Scarped Escarpments!
Oz Record Peak [L] migration Drop (Dutto : Blame ALP) + [L] Media we blamed ALP also!*Education breakthrus
Oz Record o/s Uni Enrolment (Dutto : A Disaster!) + [L] Media Darlings : Rent +Trade + ? Wars
Oz Record Grade 12 attendance (Dutto : A Disaster!)+ [L] Media Unit : Albo's Bigger Bullies
Oz record Male Student Rates (Dutto : A disaster)+[L] Media Darlings get their heads flushed!
Oz Teacher relief / Student Ratio drop : (Dutto : A disaster) + [L] Media aren't on board
Oz Record Aboriginal Attendance (Dutto : Pathetic!)+ [L] Media : Vote VIP Jacinta 4 PM Poll!
WR private school enrolment (Dutto: Fuck gay Lapland)+[L] Media: Parents can't afford bibles*Production
Oz Civil Build @10 year High (Dutto : I'll tear it down!)+[L] Media CFMEU Bully us off site!
Oz Livestock Trade / Prices booming : (Dutto : It's a Disgrace) + [L] Media live high off the Hog*Enough money to burn
WR Oz Gaming Spend : (Dutto : Don't gamble with Albo)+[L] Media gamble on Gaming Crisis*State of Economy...
Oz record VIP Luxury Goods & services boom wipes out Oz Cost of living crisis! (Bummer...Shh!)
[L] Media Darlings ensure ya all live in fear under Dutto's Toadstool...'nother spoonful of shit!tbb is 100% 62 year neutral non voter...
Simply sharing the truth about a record amount of Aussies doing quite well apparently...
Albo is running a stronger safer more secure less corrupt record service level economy!
Aussies voted with their Purse Strings...
No one mandated or forced these record Private - Med/Ed/Vehicles/Visitors/Gaming/Goods
Media would have ya believe this economic service boom is a Cost of Livin Crisis...Huh!
Feel Free to check on any Record Oz Economic Ward Chart...on display for all to see![Disclaimer] Dutto's Fake Power Grab
Scomo Election Cycle / tbb's Power Bills = $2,435
Albo Election Cycle / tbb's Power Bills = $2,419 (- $1,300 ALP Rebates) = $1,119
tbb's brother doubling power use for 6 months 2022/23 prior to & excluding 23/24 rebates.
Power Bills without rebates for tbb + Bro (6 months) are still lower under Albo's term.
Can detail each Bill for same residence / provider if ya like...
Just saying not to buy into Dutto's [L] Media's Lies...full of shit...without receipt.
[Factcheck] You'll be worse off under Dutto [L] Power...100% True & Itemized & shared.Cheers for mention @tbb :)
I hope you are doing well!
Yeah you won't hear the successes of any policy from the MSM.
Labor have been disappointing in some areas, but I don't think you can knock their economic credentials, especially with what they inherited. People expecting them to turn everything around in 3 years.
Little article below, using data, admittedly by a pro Labor economists.
@tbb and andy-mac
Friendlyjordies has put together some factual information which shows we are doing reasonably well all things considered, and compares that with what probably would have been under the LNP.
It reinforces my view that Albo & Co have done a good job, but the "media" are a little reluctant to spread the word.
You can also go back 70 odd years and try to find any nation building and ground breaking policy initiatives from the LNP, but the list is empty.
As for electricity prices, in Jan 2020 we were paying 31c kwh, Jan 2025 we are paying 25c kwh. Supply charge has dropped as well. That works out at much more that $275 a year.
I just wish Albo was more assertive in his presentations.

Confusion wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Confusion wrote:@ Adam 12
Don’t hold your breath
Some people are unchangable , as frustrating as it might be
CheersYep even when they change user names every few weeks.
Even when they support Jews and Nazis at the same time?
Mate your continually miss use of the word Nazi is an insult to the millions that died under the Nazis and million more that suffered under them..
Including my dutch grandfather that was randomly picked up from the street's one day and forced to labour for them, he said he was always one of the lucky ones but he still suffered severe PTSD from what he saw.

indo-dreaming wrote:Confusion wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Confusion wrote:@ Adam 12
Don’t hold your breath
Some people are unchangable , as frustrating as it might be
CheersYep even when they change user names every few weeks.
Even when they support Jews and Nazis at the same time?
Mate your continually miss use of the word Nazi is an insult to the millions that died under the Nazis and million more that suffered under them..
Including my dutch grandfather that was randomly picked up from the street's one day and forced to labour for them, he said he was always one of the lucky ones but he still suffered severe PTSD from what he saw.
This doesn't really line up with your support of the sieg heiling billionaire.

A Salty Dog wrote:andy-mac wrote:truebluebasher wrote:Cota-livin Cruise beached by record Aussie Cash Splash-back pissed up against the Wall.
2024 Oz Major Economic Records Smashed by Dutto's Disastrous [L] Media AccoladesDedicated to Andy-mac's series...{ALP are just quietly doing some good stuff!}
Ok...every minute force fed of Cost of Living Crisis stamped on our foreheads...Imagine if Oz economy certifiably ranks higher
Everyday Cost of Living Stats showing Aussies were living high off the Hog!
Imagine the shock of any record high sales & service uptake!
Imagine if Oz was deemed more safe & secure & even judged way less Corrupt...
Could ya bottle & sell that & would Media buy it or pour it out like a [L] Police State Cop![Factcheck] Much open Data seems to back that up and on almost every common level...Shh!
[L] Fox infused Oz Media stand accused of playing down record Oz record prosperity period.Albo's half decent Oz Ward Chart...for half pissed off Voters sayin' told ya so...say wot!
*Oz security / Corruption Rank
World Corruption Oz Rank Slips 18% > 10% (Dutto Cries!) [L] Media Darlings : It's not fair!
Terrorism Index halved (So Dutto raises Fear Factor)[L] Media Darlings fuel Race Hate Wars*Oz economy
2016-20 AAA [-] Rating up 2025 AAA [=] (Dutto : Disaster) [L] Media Darlings say nothing!
Oz 30yr Record Inflation Drop (Dutto: Albo is Weak)+[L] Media Darlings :Cost of Living Crisis.
Oz 50yr record Employment (Dutto : Albo not doing his Job!) + [L] Media Units Close up Shop
Too many Oz kids working (Dutto : It's a disaster) + [L] Media Expert CEO : 'Slave wage Crisis'*Record Sales quietly power on...year after year thru Albo's Term
2nd Oz Record Car$ (Dutto : Peak Hour Crisis) + [L] Media Darlings : Red Light Cam Crisis!
Oz Record Transit Uptake with 50 cent fares (Dutto : Disaster) +[L] Eye in the Sky blindsided
2nd Oz Record Caravan$ (Dutto: It's a Disaster)+ [L] Media Darlings : Grey Army Bomb Squad
3rd Oz Record Truck$ (Dutto: Overshadowed) +[L] Media : Trucks squash Kindergarten Kids
Oz Record Boat Sales (Dutto : A Disaster)+[L] Media : GWS refuses to bite Super Yacht Fleet*Health
Oz Record $ports / Goods (Dutto : Albo is Lazy)+[L] Media Darlings : Back Track Sports Rortz.
Oz Record Private Health uptake (Dutto : Health Crisis) +[L] Media Darlings : Getting Sick of it!
Oz record Chix Health Spend (Dutto : Disaster!)+[L] Media Campaign aboard Trump Gyno Bus.*Visitors / Migration
Oz Record o/s Tourism (Dutto KILL!)+ [L] Media: We'll fight to sell our Scarped Escarpments!
Oz Record Peak [L] migration Drop (Dutto : Blame ALP) + [L] Media we blamed ALP also!*Education breakthrus
Oz Record o/s Uni Enrolment (Dutto : A Disaster!) + [L] Media Darlings : Rent +Trade + ? Wars
Oz Record Grade 12 attendance (Dutto : A Disaster!)+ [L] Media Unit : Albo's Bigger Bullies
Oz record Male Student Rates (Dutto : A disaster)+[L] Media Darlings get their heads flushed!
Oz Teacher relief / Student Ratio drop : (Dutto : A disaster) + [L] Media aren't on board
Oz Record Aboriginal Attendance (Dutto : Pathetic!)+ [L] Media : Vote VIP Jacinta 4 PM Poll!
WR private school enrolment (Dutto: Fuck gay Lapland)+[L] Media: Parents can't afford bibles*Production
Oz Civil Build @10 year High (Dutto : I'll tear it down!)+[L] Media CFMEU Bully us off site!
Oz Livestock Trade / Prices booming : (Dutto : It's a Disgrace) + [L] Media live high off the Hog*Enough money to burn
WR Oz Gaming Spend : (Dutto : Don't gamble with Albo)+[L] Media gamble on Gaming Crisis*State of Economy...
Oz record VIP Luxury Goods & services boom wipes out Oz Cost of living crisis! (Bummer...Shh!)
[L] Media Darlings ensure ya all live in fear under Dutto's Toadstool...'nother spoonful of shit!tbb is 100% 62 year neutral non voter...
Simply sharing the truth about a record amount of Aussies doing quite well apparently...
Albo is running a stronger safer more secure less corrupt record service level economy!
Aussies voted with their Purse Strings...
No one mandated or forced these record Private - Med/Ed/Vehicles/Visitors/Gaming/Goods
Media would have ya believe this economic service boom is a Cost of Livin Crisis...Huh!
Feel Free to check on any Record Oz Economic Ward Chart...on display for all to see![Disclaimer] Dutto's Fake Power Grab
Scomo Election Cycle / tbb's Power Bills = $2,435
Albo Election Cycle / tbb's Power Bills = $2,419 (- $1,300 ALP Rebates) = $1,119
tbb's brother doubling power use for 6 months 2022/23 prior to & excluding 23/24 rebates.
Power Bills without rebates for tbb + Bro (6 months) are still lower under Albo's term.
Can detail each Bill for same residence / provider if ya like...
Just saying not to buy into Dutto's [L] Media's Lies...full of shit...without receipt.
[Factcheck] You'll be worse off under Dutto [L] Power...100% True & Itemized & shared.Cheers for mention @tbb :)
I hope you are doing well!
Yeah you won't hear the successes of any policy from the MSM.
Labor have been disappointing in some areas, but I don't think you can knock their economic credentials, especially with what they inherited. People expecting them to turn everything around in 3 years.
Little article below, using data, admittedly by a pro Labor economists.
@tbb and andy-mac
Friendlyjordies has put together some factual information which shows we are doing reasonably well all things considered, and compares that with what probably would have been under the LNP.
It reinforces my view that Albo & Co have done a good job, but the "media" are a little reluctant to spread the word.
You can also go back 70 odd years and try to find any nation building and ground breaking policy initiatives from the LNP, but the list is empty.
As for electricity prices, in Jan 2020 we were paying 31c kwh, Jan 2025 we are paying 25c kwh. Supply charge has dropped as well. That works out at much more that $275 a year.
I just wish Albo was more assertive in his presentations.
Yep Jordon nails it.
Some don't like his humour, but could be argued most courageous journo in Oz atm.
House fire bombed, and still going.
He pisses some off with his truths, if they were not true he would have been taken to court and beaten, which he hasn't.
His vid on Dutton is damning.
Esp when Dutton took a bloke to court over an unkind tweet....
Cheers @salty

indo-dreaming wrote:Confusion wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Confusion wrote:@ Adam 12
Don’t hold your breath
Some people are unchangable , as frustrating as it might be
CheersYep even when they change user names every few weeks.
Even when they support Jews and Nazis at the same time?
Mate your continually miss use of the word Nazi is an insult to the millions that died under the Nazis and million more that suffered under them..
Including my dutch grandfather that was randomly picked up from the street's one day and forced to labour for them, he said he was always one of the lucky ones but he still suffered severe PTSD from what he saw.
Oh we’re still debating about Musks
Seig Hiel and whether it was a Nazi Salute or something else that wasn’t a Nazi Salute.
Well the far far right in the US were quite happy with it.
I heard that @ Burleigh was a North Korean citizen, whose visa expired so he had to go home
I suppose your going to claim that is more fake news?

Supafreak wrote:@GuySmiley , I don’t see Albo as being very articulate when it comes to answering questions. He stumbles mumbles and slurs his words . It’s like he really has difficulty in explaining what he’s trying to say. I don’t see this as good leadership qualities . I believe he is much better at serving the party behind the scenes . His wealth of experience and organisation skills are valued by the party but his handling of the press & public speaking are in my opinion really frustrating to watch . Someone like Clare or Chalmers is better suited as the face that everyone sees in how they handle the press and how they answer the tough questions. Scomo was famous for his word salads and Albo is famous for struggling to spit out what he’s trying to say . Sure it’s policy over personalities but if you struggle to deliver what needs to be said then people tend to turn off & not bother listening . Albo is a good man but he’s not a great leader in my opinion .
yep, he's a media mess, simply not engaging, or convincing...
and, if someone could teach him how to actually say 'australia' that would be very much appreciated thanks...
I know it's aussie culcha to say australya and stuff
but he doesn't even do this, he butchers in a way all of his own, and it's grating, sorry
seems he's got a little speech impediment, so perhaps should focus on more serious things...
like the convincing bit
which he totally ain't, because his answers are shit, and his answers are shit, because they're generally bullshit, calculated misleading lies...
the talking point game
modern politics 101
and he's not good at it
I don't despise the guy, it's just that his unconvincing bit runs much much deeper
it reveals the shadow of a man, representing the shadow of a party
a professional class - and system - caught up in the business of selling their souls...
and albo is clearly shit scared of his own shadow
the peak unconvincing-ness of don watson's 'weasel words' hypothesis
maybe if he didn't sell out so much to the lobby... the gas cartels... and the globalist and their mass immigration scam... he wouldn't come across as so compromised...
but he did
they did...
so he does...

all I can say is, lucky dutton and libs have revealed their complete uselessness and irrelevance with a convincing display of nothing
had the the election handed to em on a platter 12 months ago
and spent 12 months destroying any chance they had to a win, by achieving absolutely nothing...
12 months to prove, most convincingly, they have done absolutely nothing with the 2 years prior
they are, the party of nothing

I still reckon Dutton needs to answer to that insider trading allegation. Fucking coincidence my arse- pure criminality in my eyes. How the hell can a cop amass a quarter of a billion through 'shrewd' real estate investments? Bollocks.
I'm wondering why nobody is touching this? Maybe a few other pollies jumped in and made a nice little bit of folding themselves?

Yes sykpan.
It's a sliding scale of worthiness.

zenagain wrote:I still reckon Dutton needs to answer to that insider trading allegation. Fucking coincidence my arse- pure criminality in my eyes. How the hell can a cop amass a quarter of a billion through 'shrewd' real estate investments? Bollocks.
I'm wondering why nobody is touching this? Maybe a few other pollies jumped in and made a nice little bit of folding themselves?
Here ya go Zen..

zenagain wrote:I still reckon Dutton needs to answer to that insider trading allegation. Fucking coincidence my arse- pure criminality in my eyes. How the hell can a cop amass a quarter of a billion through 'shrewd' real estate investments? Bollocks.
I'm wondering why nobody is touching this? Maybe a few other pollies jumped in and made a nice little bit of folding themselves?
it's the nancy pelosi conundrum...
they're all fucken in on it
and your right, if they weren't... more could / should / would be done about it...
it's labor's icac and covid inquiry all over again
yep yep yep, this stinks and we need to fix it!
post election - ok, let's gut this baby and toothless it up...
and we all go around again

and I just saw Big Clive’s ad on the telly. What a bunch of fluff! Here’s a compilation of what we’re in for.

seeds wrote:and I just saw Big Clive’s ad on the telly. What a bunch of fluff! Here’s a compilation of what we’re in for.
Haha Fatty McFuckhead.....
That's all I see. :)

Imagine someone voting for this turd and not realising you’re voting for Dutton and his cohort.
Fatty Mcfuckhead gives up the jig though when he mentions nuclear.

Did the BFC just say 3.7 million Australian families go to bed hungry each night ? Shit things have really gone downhill since I left.

Yeah not quite. Some that might have…
his ex workers in Townsville or those poor sods that owned residences at his Coolum golf resort that stood their ground. Fuck, the latter he cut off their water and power.
He really cares. Imagine voting for this shit stain.

Seen it Andy but worth a re-watch.
It's incomprehensible that nothing has ever come of that video.
Where's all the hard hitting Walkley award winning journalists? Every day they're ripping Albo and arse kissing a crook.

Cost of living?
Theepa erectwicity....AlBos BS caused this!

zenagain wrote:Seen it Andy but worth a re-watch.
It's incomprehensible that nothing has ever come of that video.
Where's all the hard hitting Walkley award winning journalists? Every day they're ripping Albo and arse kissing a crook.
It seems that the MSM along with the ABC is just now and have been for a long time the media arm of lnp.
Newscorpe always were obvious about it, but now all are on board.
Killer of democracy that Murdoch. Look what he has contributed to in the USA.
You get people blaming Albo for electricity prices ffs. .. moronic.
As pointed out in earlier post by Salty, Labor have helped with bringing down prices and improving the economic situation.
Sky news is a joke, not even pretending to be news service.

Australian media, all round normalisation of Trump .

quadzilla wrote:Cost of living?
Theepa erectwicity....AlBos BS caused this!
Juth thurviving …thumbwun elth cauthed it blah fuckn blah

AndyM wrote:Before voting for either Labor or the LNP, it’s worth re-visiting Ken Henry’s speech from a couple of years ago.
‘Recent governments have carried out “wilful acts of bastardry” and created intergenerational inequality and environmental destruction that will leave younger voters worse off, the former Treasury secretary Ken Henry has said, urging tweaks to Australia’s tax system to bridge the growing divide.
Henry, who worked under both the Howard and Rudd governments, used a speech at the Per Capita tax summit in Melbourne on Thursday morning to argue the country’s tax settings since the Howard government have fuelled inequality and left further generations and young workers “to pick up the tab”.
“Young workers are being robbed by a tax system that relies increasingly upon fiscal drag,” he said.
“Fiscal drag forces them to pay higher and higher average tax rates, even if their real incomes are falling”.
He said young workers were being denied the “reasonable prospect of home ownership” are “burdened by the punishing costs of securing a tertiary education”, will have to handle catastrophic environment destruction and “deal with the increasing costs of carbon abatement and climate change adaptation”.
“You simply can’t achieve something like that by accident,” he said. “Reckless indifference, perhaps. Wilful acts of bastardry, more likely. Accident, no.’
We all know the LNP‘s story, but what about Labor?
Wilful acts of bastardry?
Reckless indifference?
Or politically wedged, and unable to create a narrative that would enable them to steer things in a different direction?
All of the above?
Yes, all of the above. A hostile Murdoch media in the east and Kerry Stokes in the West.

Don’t forget the 2 gluttonous billionaire backers that don’t know when they’ve eaten too many pies .

Reckon this should be an election issue..
Don't send them another cent. Pfft.

Green Ant Bully's Cost Neutral Party
Fence Sitter Series NFE exclusive (Part 1)
No Donations + (Free Membership)
Socialist A... Free Membership + Shop Cart $2 Book (Trotsky's first 5 years)
Indig' Party.. Free Membership to ALL (Indig' Only Candidates / Execs) Cut price T's $22.36
No Donations (Members Only...Please Hurry!)
Oz Christian $25/yr ..................
People First ........$50 $100 (Couple)
Trumpets of Patriots..$100
Open sliding scale electoral bribes (Extra mates rates Favours aside Donations)
Shooters FF : $5 Sticker $10 Sign $50 Shirt $200 Radio $500 News AD
Pocock.............$20 Sign $25 Whistleblower $50 Housing $50 Duty of Care....
$75 Minority Gov $100 Nature $1,000 (50 signs)...
Says : "No Fluff!" Possibly a Posh in house Bald Joke?
2025 Political Donations
Key : (AEC $2 base entry level Tax Deduction Donations is the Costalivin' low bar)
Let's see how many Pollies care about Keeping Donations relative to Cost of Living?
Wot! #~@* Oh! Alright then....we can just humour them & pretend they care!
*150% AEC Cost of Living Tariff (Dole Bludgers Entry Level)
Greens..........$5 $10 $25 $50 $100......................... (Shop Cart = cheap pen $3)
*400% AEC Cost of Living Tariff (Working Class Scum)
Democrats.........$10 $25 $50 $100 $250 (Honest Bastards Pricing)
( Remote Bully Trolls )
CLP.....................$10 $25 $50 $100 ............$500
Shooters FF......$10 $25 ........ $100 ............$500
( Low - Middle price bang for yer buck...nuthin' too flash! )
ALP.....................$10 $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 $1000 $1500
Sustainable.......$10 $25 $50 $100 ...........$500 .............$1500
*800% AEC Cost of Living Tariff (Low level Bully / Whingers) [ Average Donation ]
JLP ......................$18 [$36] $54 $90 $180 $270 $540 $1060
88% AEC Tariff on mildly funny $15 Stubbie Coolers (Strewth Mate...FU!)
*900% AEC Cost of Living Tariff (Up tight Civics that deliver good value practical merch)
Animal Party......$20 $40 $90 [$150] $300 $500 + (Shop Cart 49c Quality Face Masks)
Citizen Party .....$20 $50[$100]....$250....... $500 $1000 $1500
Best Value Shop Cart by a mile...some real quality merch goin' cheap!
($2) Stickers / Anti War - Posh Pens / Bottle Openers + $5 Lapel Pins
(Pause)...Settle down...tbb will run a companion AEC Part 2 Shop Cart Review.
*1150% AEC Cost of Living Tariff (Hicks / Bogan Trolls)
NP....................$25 $50 [$100] $250 $500
KAP .................$25 $50 $100 > Cheap Shitty Stubbie Coolers $8
*1150% AEC Cost of Living Tariff (Day Dreamers / Bully Footy Execs)
Cannabis.........$25 $50 $100 $250 $1000 $2500 (No merch ...well durr!)
Pocock ............$25 $50 $100 $250 $1000 $2500 + 100% Tariff - On Posh Dog Scarf
[L]Democrats $25 $50 $100 $500 $1000 $5000 $10,000 $16,900 WTF.
*1400% AEC Cost of Living Tariff (The Media Darlings)
Liberals............$30 $60 $120 $500 $1000 $2000
ONP .................$30 $60 $120 $500 $1000 $2000 + ($150 XXXX brews)
*1400% AEC Cost of Living Tariff (Untouchable Reo Speedwagon Supreme Beings)
Teals ................$30 $50 $200 $500 $2500 $10,000 $20,000 $ 50,000 Sky Rocketing *****
*1400% Cost of Living minimum Political Party Donation mark up...fark...Poor Trump will look the fool!
Still reckon the crew were expecting it to be much higher...Not a Bad deal for Aussie Voters...Huh!
tbb can't afford to enroll but them $2 Anti War Pens sure look like good value!
Part 2 will check out the quality of them Pens + their companion Posh $2 Anti War Bottle Openers
Pauline will be reluctant to declare her 168% Tariff Moonshine State Cartoon Rum Distillery!
Pack of Bastards...Wotz wrong with a Gal runnin' an interstate AEC Moonshine racket!
tbb again apologizes for more Qld Dictators exploiting wot precious little Electoral process!

Interesting times...

Green Ant Bully Cost Neutral Party
Fence Sitter Series NFE Exclusive (Part 2)
Cost Of Living Party Shop Cart
(Part 1) Addendum (ALP Fatima Payman) > [Australia's Voice]
650% AEC C of L Tariff = Donations $15 $35 $50 $100 $250 $500
Notes : Many Aussies will be surprised with lowest 1-5 donation Parties
One could also argue a $2 Donation Entry / Golden Opportunity missed.
Australia's Voice does offer a unique new $4/month Silver Membership
That right there represents Oz lowest AEC 2025 participant offering!
A clever campaigner will sell Fatima's Cost of Living...compliance!
Flexi $4 Founder Member Club Plans to Lock in funds / Candidates.
Part 2 Shop Cart (Australia's Voice offers Cap/Cups/Tees when ready!)
*Key : Exclusive swellnet costalivin' Party Shop Cart savings
Freebies (Yes! tbb sourced some free AEC 2025 Party Favours!)
Sustainable Party :
20x Free Flyers
Free Stickers
Free Badge
*Key : Exclusive costalivin' Party Shop Cart
Price > Party > Shop Cart Merch {Saving}
49c Animal Justice Party (Triple layer Face Mask {Save $7}
$1 AJP Vote for Kindness Sticker {Save $2} + (Greens 5 Stickers/$5)
$1 Greens ( 5x Bookmarks pack )
$2 ACA Velvet Touch Anti War / No Aukus Gold Pens
$2 ACP Anti War / No Aukus Bottle Opener Key Rings
$2 One Nation ~ Remove Beer Tax Coasters (Pack of 10)
$2 Socialist Alliance Book (1st 5 yrs of The Communist International Vol2)
$3/$4/$5 One Nation - Various Sized Pads/Pen
$5 ACP / AJP Lapel Pins
$6 AJP Doggie Bandana {Save $3}
$7 AJP 'Recycled' Note Pad + Click Pen/Pouch {Save $4}
$8 KAP Stubbie Cooler {Save $2} see Tees
$11 AJP Singlet {Save $16}
$12 KAP Tees {Save $3}
$12.50 AJP Tote Bags (Ban Duck Shooting)
$15 (Postage) Sustainable Party A4 Corflute / 500 Flyers
$15 AJP Fitted Tank Tops {Save $12}
$25 Sustainable Tees (Includes Postage)
$39 AJP Hoodie {Save $24}
*Steep Tariff Rip Off Range
$7 JLN Stickers
$25 JLN Stubbie Coolers
$30 ALP ALBO Tote Bag
$30 Pocock Umbrella
$34.95 Greens Cushion Cover
$35 [L] World's most expensive Boring Mug
$39 AJP Cap
$39 AJP Beanie
$39 AJP Bucket Hat
$40 ALP Tea Towel
$40 Pocock World's most expensive Boring Cup / Ash Tray?
$45 [L] 75 yr Posters (Your Choice of Scomo/Scomo/Scomo > No Dutto)
$50 Pocock Tees
$70 Greens Sweat Shirt
Party Prank Gifts...
$10 ALP Cost of Living Suicide Mints
$25 JLN AUKUS Sub on a Rope {Save $10}
$30 Greens Man Boobs Breastfeeding Tees
$35 [L] Voldemort's Cloak of Invisibility // Dutto's Beach Bully Towel
$37.50 [L]ibertarians US DOGE Muskrat Tees
$150 One Nation Aust Flag Dish Rag Poster
$150 One Nation Rum Rebellion
Ok! Crew may recall Qld [L] Sugar Plantation Premier Martini Mussolini!
Toured & served cocktails in Qld Pub Crawl during electoral Campaign.
Grog / Sugar [L]icensed contracts for Every Beach > Civic Utility > NP...
Now Qld Pauline running her AEC Distillery to extort electoral funding!
Grog in lead up to 2025 election...
Only about 14% of Donations can be tracked...
168% mark up on Pauline's Rum Rebellion AEC Distillery!
Cartoon franchised Electoral Distillery without AEC declaration...Huh!
Obvious to all that AEC rubber stamp 'Pollies in the Pub' Aboriginal Bans.
Conservative Media Darlings serve & sell Grog 24/7 & lock out Debate!
FARE + AGR calls for Grog & Gaming to stop buying & rorting elections.
2023/24 Grog & Gaming bankrolled Major Parties $2.5m

for those that like to dismiss any labor criticisms as 'just sky news' talking...
here's a shining example of just how sad and desperate the labor party are
or willing to be...
you could come at this from the left, the right, and everything in between, and all you get is desperately out of touch
both in terms of their tactic, and the cynical scathing view they obvously hold of the australian people
all just a bit depressing actually

and, once again...
who the hell approves these strategies?
is there no vetting process whatsoever?
inconceivable that something like this could slip through the net...
even without the historical context, is just shit

I'm around at sexyjef's, we're trying a lichen/seaweed combo, and that gave us a good giggle... what a depressing climate - racist aussie losers, major party social media, naive content maintainers of that social media, a stupid error on a site for a day causing head shaking and rankling among the Eeyores..
the winner here is museums victoria.. keep up the good work!
'Instagram'... sad and desperate indeed, haha, farknell..

Whats a PIECOST?
In 15 months 12 million taxpayers can afford one!

basesix wrote:I'm around at sexyjef's, we're trying a lichen/seaweed combo, and that gave us a good giggle... what a depressing climate - racist aussie losers, major party social media, naive content maintainers of that social media, a stupid error on a site for a day causing head shaking and rankling among the Eeyores..
the winner here is museums victoria.. keep up the good work!
'Instagram'... sad and desperate indeed, haha, farknell..
Must have been another Jeff ,
Doesn’t live in South Australia
And he checked the security cameras and everything , couldn’t see any old punks anywhere?
Having said that, when are you heading up to Adelaide for the Sheffield Shield final?

sypkan wrote:for those that like to dismiss any labor criticisms as 'just sky news' talking...
here's a shining example of just how sad and desperate the labor party are
or willing to be...
you could come at this from the left, the right, and everything in between, and all you get is desperately out of touch
both in terms of their tactic, and the cynical scathing view they obvously hold of the australian people
all just a bit depressing actually
Absolutely wild that this got past the idea in embryo stage. However, the image alone may have induced a Pavlovian response in Australian rednecks who are now ready to march to the polls, only to accidently vote for "socialism". Crafty work, ALP. Well played.

ALDI Classic 150gm Aussie Beef Pies 6 Pack / $5.69 ( Still under $1 each ) Anyone Vouch for these?
Load the product review comments ...these are a scream! Luv this shit!
Like a UFC cage fight...Dead set Oz most funniest reviews...die laughing...Stop! yer killing me tbb...
Seriously...ya want some more of that too...pissing myself ***** Reviews!
Please Oh Dear Lord allow these Oz Pie Tasters to Enrol...another Dic Pic...& another... & another!
.................................................Proper Posh Heritage Listed Aussie Pie .......................................................................
1882 Scotts 150gm of 100% Great Aussie Meat Pies 6 Pack / $6.00
( tbb grabs these posh pies for Special when Matilda's lose...say wot #!%* )

quadzilla wrote:Whats a PIECOST?
In 15 months 12 million taxpayers can afford one!
""delulu with no solulu""

a tax cut
absolute pathetic substance aside...
where the fuck did that come from?

keep the pie
(the 2026-27 pie...)
buy some gaddam missiles ffs!

velocityjohnno wrote:Sportsbet election odds have flipped
ALP 1.72
LIb 2.10
Miracle of any sort 81
Hows the house looking quadzilla ?
Might as well put this up in the politics subforum, to spare the front page. It's 18 months away or so, but here we go.
This is how Dutton wins: