Shark Stories

Bronzie ? I Doubt it.

Already up. Was just about to post it Udo.
Very believable down here.

Nice clean bite there- got a great wall hanger now.
Glad the bloke is ok.

"The board will be tested by authorities..."
While all the boards in our test had their strengths, we found that the Dylan Shapes was really sticky on the rail. Not recommended.
(Stoked for the guy)

stick the foam chunk on eBay, Dale!
(for a bidding war, all you'd need is half a dozen superstitious watermen/women after a talisman)..
how close was your encounter, AW?

If this croc , attacks someone, will it be hunted & killed ? Not a fun place to surf , sharks , crocs & jellyfish , plus generally rubbish surf .

Supafreak wrote:If this croc , attacks someone, will it be hunted & killed ? Not a fun place to surf , sharks , crocs & jellyfish , plus generally rubbish surf .
Supafreak. Good post mate.
It’s inevitable, water is warming further south than ever before, we’ve already seen fish species from up north passing south of South Solitary Island, crocs will arrive on the steps off the Opera House in 5 decades if we keep heating the joint.
Basesix, no close encounter, a local standing on top of the troglodyte surf spot saw the big swishing tail sweep back and forth whilst a small seal was seen packing bricks.
Four guys sitting way out in the line up hurriedly paddled in from the waving guy up top. Then an arm waving process went into full swing and all surfers in the water right across all breaks including my two mates surfing the fortified break got out, I’d just got out ten minutes earlier. Nobody surfed from 4pm til dark.
Only person stayed in the water was a Laird Hamilton looking kind of guy on a SUP with his paddle. Not phased apparently.
Whilst there, in 18 days two bronzies made an appearance, one swimming through guys in the line up, one seen in the channel.
Two guys from the Limestone Coast SA were in chest deep water fishing on Long Beach when a bronzie nonchalantly swam between them both no harm to all parties.
Next morning, business as usual. AW

In 1905 locals shot a croc in Logan river in Brisbane, thats the furthest south they have been recorded.
So since 1905 we have had global cooling and now its a bit further north.

There was one at Straddie 2 years ago apparently.

Terrible news- RIP to the poor girl.

udo wrote:
RIP to the little girl, horrible...

bloody sad for the family and friends
was legit bodysurfing there yesterday , mid morning ,
there been plenty of marine activity around over that side ,

Fucken media
It has been confirmed she was swimming about 500 metres from the patrolled beach when she was bitten and was not swimming between the flags.
Ridiculous cunts.
Rest In Peace young lady!

Terrible, RIP.

Terrible news, that’s almost Brisbanes closest surf beach, virtually in Moretone Bay .
I think it’s close to the shipping channel, so could be deep water off there .
I heard a report she was 100 meters out .
Not sure how accurate.

flippin heck! nothing spookier than zoning your fish 'size scale' down to plate size for a few hours, then seeing a friggin shark (when spearing, be the same in a kayak). If he hadn't caught that first bit on camera, I would have suspected he was towing a fin! that's some persistent territory protecting..

Yeah, that would have gotten the heart racing.
Big bugger. Would have been a gnarly paddle.

suchas wrote:Yummy yellow!
wtf?? shoulda gone to nineveh..

anyone else think there's something a bit fishy about the Chilean Patagonia whale kayak thing? Can't put my finger on it, but what's going on with the camera at 1:20, some auto-pan function?

Yep...Bit Suss- 5 Secs is Dodgy

I'm going to say the whale footage is real.
There is precedent for such a freaky event like that. (actually another yellow kayak)
And how the hell could the bloke submerge an inflatable kayak that far underwater for that long? It's physically impossible.

To quote the Great One” The sea was angry that day my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli.”

Surely just a wobbegong

Almost certainly.

Gawd - Consumed Poor Bugger

Turns out the bloke that went overboard was caught up in fishing gear while they were hooked up to a large mako. He was subsequently pulled over and dragged under.

tubeshooter wrote:Turns out the bloke that went overboard was caught up in fishing gear while they were hooked up to a large mako. He was subsequently pulled over and dragged under.
So you reckon he would have been tangled and pulled under and drowned as the shark took off?
Fark that’d be terrifying. Poor guy.

That seems to be the case GF. Not a lot of details on what exactly occurred after that.
I imagine it happened pretty quickly though.
Terrible way to go.
Edit just came across this vid.

Breakthru moment in the recent Bribie Island Shark that come in close to shore on that fatal day.
tbb like many here was also a fellow nipper / daily beach goer / basher / Pickerupperer.
Happy to inform that Charlize passed on her insightful patrol ethic to go on saving more beachgoers.
Charlize local hang knowledge unlocked why the sea took her that day...sounds impossible but true!
It comes natural for tbb to give his all to unlock this mystery as we are all here of the same world.
Not just saying that...we must & should know enough of what went down here...if not us then who!
Sure tbb has held his peace but promises he has been researching every possible angle on this day.
This is gonna take a while to unpack & present...
Because it involves Massive critters + seasonal happenings + mankind's greatest interventions.
tbb needed to establish then rule out 50% > 60% > 70 % > 80% > 90% cross referenced variables.
If ya wanna know what level never made the grade...Well! That Gold Standard & almost defeated tbb!
Like Damn...totally exhausted & I almost got this...just gotta suck it up & push on mate...the holy grail!
Tip! Local knowledge + Seasons + BOM + Timetables = 100% Answers
Blowin Media Uni Shark Experts exploiting the Tragedy = Zero ...Waste of Time...being serious here!
Example : Media convinced all that Charlize was swimming 100m from shore...
tbb lost weeks of time with 95% of Media repeating that locked in lie...actually got really furious!
Yet even after a witness > no media adjusted their mistaken distance...This changes everything!
"Yes! Charlize & we all surf & swim here every day & we see & know there are lot's of sharks about!"
"But Charlize was only 25m out...just there & it's rare to see a Shark come in so close to shore! (Bingo!)
That + precisely where & when this Old Beach Lady said that solved the Mystery...Everything lit up!
tbb needed Charlize's old Chiko Chook gang & local hang knowledge to do our local hero proud! Salute!
* Indicates high involvement in several [5] recent Moreton Bay Shark attacks upon Swimmers / Craft.
* 3:00-5:00pm Timetable * Higher / faster tides * Heavy Rain 1-2ks prior * Flooded = Soaked shoreline run off *Main channel Dredging * Record Bio Chemical Run Off * Record prior inshore M Bay Whales Season * Afternoon Bay Cruise / Ferries Timetables * Isolated often re/entry Ocean goers
* Rough Bay Surface * Wind 15kts + * Overcast or Rain Clouds * High # caught/tagged Bull Sharks *
* Indicates extra isolated high level involvement events for recent Bribie Attacks + All of Above!
* Somerset / Wivenhoe / North Pine Dam Releases *Island Breakthru * Flooding of Island * Sand Pump pipe removal * Whale Beach Burial * Turtle Hatcheries * Above normal Creek -Dunes Run Off * Signage
Ok...crew can imagine that tbb never stopped with this list...goes on & on & on...let's push on...
Point of interest being no expert ever explores half of these major interventions on record scale.
Yes! It's bloody well exhausting but equally rewarding working freely towards a just cause.
All these above scenarios are ruled in together for all attacks but to certain degrees...
Not being picky but which of these experts should tbb consult...just keep moving on tbb!
Just the Dams flushed 2x volume thru Brisbane River +10x volume thru Pine River in no time & more.
Fishos tell ya that's a Fuckin' major Resource Shift of the Ages ...Shh! Don't tell Bribie SLSC.
Taking just 1 > 2 > 3 days max to Totally swamp Bribie without any chalk on the Daily Beach Patrol Sign.
Ya know wot tbb's not saying...None of their Business...Not a Frontline Emergency Service according to SEQ Water.
All say Aye...crew can see tbb is on the right path & all is #1 Frontline but buried by Qld Govt Experts.
#1 Dam releases is Priority to any swimming in River Mouth > Fucking Evacuate Now...Got it!
How many Bribie breakthrus ya want...5 or 6 Huh! Say when...
Qldurr : Say Wot...Never mind...See Ya Mate!
Just humour these experts...FFS...get tbb outta here! Drowning not waving!
Ya see it means nothing without local knowledge to interplay all these timely Mega in play variables...
Yes! That drives ya mad...all of these perfectly time with Charlize Attack...but which one's isolate it...
Ok! This is hard work but rewarding to tribute a like dedicated Eco Surfer...not gonna give up here...
Only this afternoon & tonight did tbb go over the landscape...ruling out herbicide runoff...not totally...
Meaning tbb noticed adjacent poisoned landscape > assumed this runoff could attract Sharks...
tbb knows it's gotta be runoff coz Govts / Developers have released dams & weirs = Flooding tides!
But which flooded tide to which events happen to draw in a shark to meet Charlize near this fatal shore!
Well it takes a Village...keep touring the Village & read every beach sign for a clue...too many...C'mon!
Oz day w/e rumbled the Shoreline from right here at Charlize's end of town Hang > Northbound.
So wotz special or different about runoff near this Boring Beach [P] > The Toilet Block runoff?
Nope! There it is there...[ Keep off the Dunes Signs ] Plenty of them this a thing...on Bribie!
Pause...back up...that one last sign there is odd...[ Turtle Hatchery Dunes ] You little ripper...Right Here!
Ya see why here...Coz South of here is Lights...this Turtle Hatchery starts here @ Charlize Fav Beach...
Well durr! tbb...this is a Surf Chix Turtle / Swim / Surf Hang + Entry to Wild Bribie...All starts here! Yes!
Govt record Dam releases flooded already Flooded Buried Whale / Sand Back Pass / Turtle Hatchery.
Now the first turtles were not only hatching but Big Wet Flooded runoff was now drawing in visitors.
Soon as that Turtle Goop met the Bay the Shark was now for the first time ever invited in closer.
Sure! Don't forget the Whale 1.3kms up the beach buried in Oct 2024 now soup in half a dam of water.
Who so ever stood on Dam flooded Bribie sponge between Shark & Whale-Turtle Soup was toast!
Soon as the turtles hatched...crew know the rest but just know Charlize life opened her untold Majesty.
If crew think this is epic...this is just the many more exclusives did Charlize Share...
Here's a taste...of Charlize Chronicles ( tbb would never have uncovered this without our Hero!)
Ya see Charlize invited her surfie crew into her World of how special is it...
Let's just wade in a little...cause this is Massive Majesty of Untold & Unheralded Wonder!
Tangalooma was #1 Oz Whale Slaughter House with 600 Whales / year...sounds tragic! Agree!
Tangalooma is now #1 World Beauty Parlour + #1 Designer Drug Dispensary for 1342 Whales / year!
tbb can list Top 10 perfectly dosed measures of cross purpose drugs that Whales indulge in...
Their Medicare suites (Clinics) are better designed than any 62 y'o tbb has visited...
Before ya say ...hang up tbb...are we poisoning whales with Toxic soup ...Yes! But they wish it...
Ya see the deeper these Continental Toll canals the deeper our Ports, Channels = Whale Troughs
So until we get our experts up to speed the Whales are more than happy to indulge! Fucking Stoked!
PTSD Treatment for Mums missing their Calves / Facials / Massage Nodules / Deluxe Skin care Powder Puffs & Healing Clays + Ointments Brushes for Pest Repellent applicators...on & on & on...same as us!
Think that's weird...these designer Drugs are more perfectly prescribed than any race on earth...FACT!
Whales are that better believe it...this is Heaven on Earth & Whales have the last laugh...
Pretty much all our Waste Plant Drug Nasties are exactly what Whales want to scratch their itch!
But only here in the Whole world as other Nations / States ban these Drugs from Ocean Outfalls!
Think tbb is joking...they are the World's Biggest Happiest Stoners tripping thru The Bay.
Sure all of Charlize Chronicles are next level Majestic...and exclusive to #1 swellnet.
Happy to share fellow Nipper / Basher / Pickerupperer...Chiko Chix Maritime Marvels...
Charlize has just opened the gateway to a whole new world...please don't let the Experts ruin it!
Of course this is only the beginning to a brave new world...happy to share!
Like it or not SEQ is running the world's largest Medicare Clinic for Whales & they're Queuing up!
tbb is no drug expert on what doses they take...only know they'll need rehab if they go cold turkey!
So just advising we're gonna need some pretty plush Whale size injecting rooms before ya cut supply.
Are we really gonna shut down their Giant Drug Clinic...might wanna remove all the boats from SEQ...
Albo : "Hello...Is this Godzilla...bring Kong...please hurry!" They did the Monsta Mash!
We're all the better for Charlize sharing her epic World sized frontyard...Salute!

You got a TL:DR on that tbb?

I read through all of that TBB and thanks for all that research.
Agree some of those factors could be pertinent.

Moreton Bay Whale Therapy Clinic...World's biggest ever #1 Swellnet exclusive...shh!
Intro : #1swellnet crew are first exclusive clients to tour Blue Planet's #1 Intergalactic Therapy Clinic.
Your host is Bodysurfer tbb who will chalm the Whales wants & needs for the first time.
You'll journey thru Moreton Bay as VIP Clientele again for the first tour...a exciting mega theme park.
Any drug Euphoria experienced is considered healthy & within world health guidelines.
Here's the Medicare Bulky Build PBS Services & Treatments available at #1 Blue Planet Whale Clinic
tbb's certifiably mental Whale Triage...
All you Big Basherz just follow yer micro basher guide...Ouch! Can't breathe...Oopsie! Sorry mate!
Surf Safari to supa squelchy scratch my itch @ The Goldie Lox Patch...
Why not shout the Lil women to a day spa at our deluxe doped out Bay of Pleasure...
You know...get 'em in the mood!
We wild Marine Critters don't need that tbb...Right! So it's just a human problem then...(Cough!)
Seasonal Variations of Therapeutic Powder Puff Quality by Preferred Treatment Bay.
Basically comes down to personal choice of Silica / Earthy Minerals / Healing Clay blends.
Sick Bays Tour :
Bait Trail Mix funneled into the matrix...can dine all day at our Bait Fish or Squid cafe.
Orgasmic Hot Coffee Rock Massage with Naughty Nodules ribbed for her pleasure Sensual Studios.
Private Powder Rooms for the Big Chix.
Therapy Bays...Hypno Drugs & Healing Drugs.
[000] Psych Bay
Venlafaxine treats Mothers who recently lost Calves (Don't worry -Be Happy)
Triage Bay...
Anesthetic (Tramadol) Dulls the pain so ya can now dig out that deepest Bastard Barnacle...Please!
Nerve Pain : (Gabapentin) treats the Nerve Pain after a good Scratch & heals yer wounds in no time.
STD Clinic : (Carbamazepine) After a good bashing this drug will cure yer Cyamid Mouth & Gut Ulcers
Post treatment
Spray Tanning Bays to get yer on ya way...brush up on the basics
Follow our Fluro Sea Grass Trail for Herbicidal Pest Spray Coat to keep the Coronulidae at Bay.
The herbicide embeds into the sea grass shoots to Glow...ya brush this over yer treated healing flesh.
Long Lasting barnacle protection for 170-570 days Ok! We got Extra strength brews for Bigger Mamas
Yer Chix can choose from several posh Contraband floral flagrant vagrant fragrances...
Sensual Eau de Bay Toiltte outfall Herbicide / Pesticide Parfums :
Yer Chix can choose from latest Insta brews...Altrazine / Diuron / Metolachor / Simazine.
tbb : Just fancy names for Whale Pimple (Barnacle repellent) Lotion...
Netted Child Care Scratch'n'Itch Pinger Play Precincts...just follow the Beeps...Oh! That simple huh!
State Govt install Scratch Post Nets to descale yer Whale Bratz Pimples.
Under strict supervision of Mum...(Of Course!)
We don't wanna get all tangled up & trapped in there ...that's not gonna happen to us Beasties Mum!
5 minutes later...Sirens Blaring Amber Alert on the Telly...Wot...What?
Dad : "WTF Grom...Where's ya Mum...She just popped into the Bay of Pleasure Salon for a quickie!"
Family : This Goldie Holiday is so fucked up...never comin' back here again...they're all sex mad...
See ya next if! FU.
Welcome back Sexy Whale Family...Same squelchy scratchy suites! err...but we won't enjoy it...Ok!
But swear this is our last trip to yer Tacky Doped out Sexy Sick Bays...
It's a fuckin' Rip Off...(Precisely what it is sir!)
Enjoy Blue Planet's Intergalactic orgasmic Bay of Pleasure.
As said...all this research is dedicated to Charlize & her Family's dedication to us!
Thanx for the hours of looking after us Co Captain Charlize...
Least we here #1 swellnet crew can do is reward yer Ocean spirit in kind!

Yes! All times / Dates to the Year / Season / Months / Weeks / Days / Hours within 5-10 mins!
Any can log check as tbb has...need a whole new site to lay it though...tbb counts about 30 sheets!
Hands aren't real flash to type this much to GP 10 mins ago...Later!

There is a very important background Timetable [ Blackwaters of Bribie Island ]
(Upwelling of Bribie Island Blackwater after Heavy Rain)
Following Heavy Rains the Groundwater Table on the Island can Rise and Remain Very High, so that drains continue to discharge stained groundwater for "Some Time" at a Considerable Rate & Pressure.
Meaning roughly a fortnight after heavy rain the Island & Sea are of one Fluidity (Land > Unity < sea)
What's unusual is less Tides or Water but still more leaching of deeper reserve...
We'll take that to mean there is continual delayed groundwater tide leaching out beneath Dunes.
Any heavy rains of Weeks ago will & should pump release more ongoing heavier nutrient fish stock.
So Heavy Rain releases deeper buried Whale and Turtle Eggs run off later at considerable richer rate.
So we can timetable any recent heavy rain with any Dune base buried Tips / Pipes / Carcasses / Eggs.
Actually a weird definite anomaly with small creeks / stormwater runoff on Woorim Beach (see here!)
This tiny nameless gully is almost too small to track on google earth...just a shallow stop start runoff ditch.
So it's obviously fed by Groundwater springs oozing out whatever sub dune flora / fauna resource.
tbb is exampling how a shark can be lured by sub dune rich groundwater tailings without tides.
So we need to timetable recent past Heavy Rain if we're to associate Animal residue attracting Sharks.
Research uncovered peak strike conditions within period of busy arvo Moreton Bay Transit Timetables.
Times busy afternoon Ship departures + work knock off recreation + choppy cloudy swim sessions
M Bay Timetables are a Guide > can add 5 mins Ferries > 10-15 mins Cruises
These are the above described timetables for ALL recent Moreton Bay Attacks!
If Sharks have a Prime Attack Time...then any researcher should lay out connections as exampled here.
tbb is not about proving any expert wrong...each to their own...only wish to add or broaden research!
Only that here-say repeated wrongs of exacting nature or measure stifle research...not cool!
Charts guide us towards timetables for Preservation / Mitigation / Prime Patrol Season resourcing.
Here's a sample of tbb's concise Peak Moreton Bay Attack Timetable.
tbb is not authorised or qualified to inform beachgoers to avoid swimming or surfing at said times!
Proud to share a rare & exclusive guide that can inform or assist Patrols with any Peak Attack Periods.
Naturally this guide is dedicated to Charlize & her fellow Moreton Bay Attack Victims / Responders.
Recent 'spate' of Moreton Bay Shark Attacks
Dec 2016 [ Heavy Rain ]
1st 16mm 4th 21mm 6th 3mm 7th 11mm 8th 20mm 19th 12mm 26th 6mm + Jan 3rd *98mm
*w/e Jan 2017 4:00pm Shark attacks "New" Racing Scull @ Kurilpa Bridge (Rough / Cloudy)
Rising to High Tide Sat 8th 4:33pm 2.01m > Sun 9th 5:43pm 1.96m
Notes : Hard to track this account & the date even more so...mentioned as back story!
March 2017 [ Heavy Rain ] Cyclone Debbie Wash Up.
5th *66mm 15th 22mm 19th 13mm 21st 20mm 22nd 30mm 26th 19mm 30th 31mm 31st 40mm
*2nd April 2017 High Tide was at 1:30pm 1.86m
Moreton Ferries depart 2:30/3:00pm Intersects...
3:20pm Shark Attacks Lead "New" Kayak Mid Pass > Mud Is. (Rough / Cloudy)
Oct 2019 [ Heavy Rain ]
Oct 1st *73.6mm 2nd 9.4mm 12th 9.6mm 13th 4.6mm
*17th Oct 2019 High Tide was at 11:28am 2:21m (Local Surfers say a Classic Devil North Wind)
Sun Princess Departs CBD 4:00pm (Up river Hamilton / Port Side) Intersects...
5:30pm Shark bites Central / upper board twice in 'Surf' @ 8th Ave Bribie (Rough / Cloudy)
Possible that shark intended to bite leg then also Chest area.
New Breakthru adds 300mm tide to Pumicestone Pass Bribie Island
Nov 2024 [ Heavy Rain Period ] Begins...
Nov = 246 mm > Dec 2024 = 339 mm Flooding & Maintainance results in 2x near Dam Releases
15th Dec 2024 Wivenhoe Released (25,000ML) > 4th Jan 2025 ( 10x / Double Bne River Cap')
Jan 2025 [ Heavy Rain ]
9th 19mm 10th 14mm 11th 18mm 12th *66mm 13th 9mm 19th *39mm 25th 5mm
16 Dec > 1st Feb 2025 North Pine Released 31,500ML ( Lake Burley Griffin = 33,000ML )
*3rd Feb 2025 High Tide was 12:54 2:36m (Slightly Rough / Overcast)
Quantum of the Seas Cruise departs POB 4:30 pm (From new River Mouth Terminal) Intersects...
4:47pm Shark Fatally Attacks Swimmer Arm/Chest 25m off 5th Ave Bribie Island
Several buried sub dune Back Pipes Removal + Beach Storage Run Off.
Beach Bull Shark Baiting by Govt / Beach Bull Shark Fishers + Recent Tagging of 100 Bull Sharks along here.
Oz day 1,000 4wds varied rich Island resource hosed off right here between Turtle Hatchery & Buried Whale!
Crew can see Whale / Hatching Turtles were leaching to sea beneath Charlize's Bowl of Shark Soup.
Consider when Bribie is this saturated it's more a submerged swamp than Island > upping Shark Risk.
So large was SEQ Water Flushing on top of floods warranted a Warning to River Mouth Beachgoers.
Old school Local Lady : " She was close in...heard her scream, never seen a Shark come in that close!"
Motion to inform Down River Bathing Reserves & SLSC of Massive Dam Releases during floods.
If only to better sign of Peak Buried Fauna & Peak Human Wildlife interaction at head of Dam Waters!
Like ya might wanna Caution of Flooded Critters...includes the starving roos hopping about..peak flood season.
Perhaps a SEQ Water / Island Wildlife / Beach Patrol Officer like in Skippy! Here comes a wall of Water...Duck!
Jan 2025 Notes (Reef Shark swims thru Tangalooma Wreck Crowds Late Jan arvo)
Jan (Rain See Above)
Feb 2025 [ Heavy Rain ] 3rd 6.6mm 10th Feb *22.4mm
*22nd Feb 2025 Moreton Ferries depart 2:30pm + 3:00pm then an Attack near Island Jetty
3:30pm Shark attacks Swimmer Leg/Chest 5 metres from shore (Rough/Cloudy)
Rising to High Tide 4:37pm 1:52m
What's important here is Tourism Promoters were quick to own this & shut this shark talk down...
Crew may recall Tangalooma > Dolphin fish feeding > Private VIP Bully security beach etc...shh!
Bulwer Ferry departs Moreton 3:45pm + 5:00pm daily
Qldurrz [L] Channel 9 News / Courier Mail POLL (Taking on WOKE NT News!)
Subscribe to VOTE : 1 SPATE 2 CULL 3 KILL
VOTE : "Should Maneaters do their time circling St Helena Island!"
Extra notes : Above charts share many similarities but more within' sub sets...
Moon cycle was checked but varied too much...loosely associate either-way near a half moon pops up.
Bull sharks feature as well highest 50-60%+ catch nearest all these Attack sites.
Even the taggers say they seldom if ever catch one of 100 tagged sharks...but stress numbers haven't ramped.
Also said they'd swim off Bribie without fear factor...
Needing to read back history of Canal / River / Bay Shark Attacks to verify anomaly.
Sharks seem to viciously attack inshore ocean goers twice or by limb then 2nd bite is a central Kill.
As opposed to a single bite on 4x Racing Rowers Craft from Goldie to Bne Rivers & still not a scratch
Also Brisbane Sharks targeting "New" Racing Hulls (Same as 1936 Evening River Training Attack)
Are the Sharks Apex Bullying a New Predator...The Scull is the heavy hit target...never the Rower?
Ok! Pause...this opens up another Chapter...tbb has part researched...update on this anomaly soon.

Thanks TBB, never thought about water table leaching on big rain events. So much detail.

mate was having a late arvo swim down the south end of bribie monday, knee/waist deep water ,
2 m + bully about 15 m further out , on the hunt, reckons he shit bricks. big fat head on it he said.
couple of old fisherman in his street saying they are seeing plenty ATM

"The shark then circled around and bit her thigh. Not satisfied, the shark came back again and when she put both hands in front of her to protect herself, the shark cut off both of her hands, one at mid forearm and the other at the wrist"

Big thanx to crew with following the latest #1swellnet shark research...
Crew can read tbb has stepped up a few gears and narrowing down several anomalies...
Stoked to say there are more breakthru revelations regarding types of surfcraft & perhaps oceangoers.
The surf-racing craft merch links can be measured & verified but the oceangoer link is more personal.
But...if the Surfcraft links are proven which they will be...we can cross reference with Swimmers...Cool!
All in good time...very soon tbb will share...just running thru some ultra detailed personal checks...
These will be industrial strength breakthru recommendations...just hang in there...we got this!
tbb has got yer back...basherz / Boogerz / Skegz are all trending in the same new pro active direction.
The more YouTube sensations & the faster we spew them out then expect more Shark interactions.
And that there is precisely the heart of the problem...but we can adapt to minimize the risk...All Good!
Back soon enough...days...weeks...hopefully not months..whatever it takes...
Nope! Not raising false hope...this is very real & said...we needed to examine sub sets.
Each attack is presenting more connection & each year it ramps but also hides the reason more so...Ok!
Sorry if this sounds like a riddle but tbb is not gonna add fuel to CULL with half backed theories...
If tbb is ready to say it then it will out itself with tbb as the conduit for critters ...plain & simple.
Nope...get no say in that...if tbb can translate for our critters...we'll speak as one Majestic Blue Planet.
Promise any recommendation will be Humans following their own advice that will benefit all life!
The secret is to keep isolating the common connect with as many attacks...not easy, but it's there...
The fact that none of us can see this unravelling unnatural connection makes it near impossible to track.
Can verify it was first shared (above) back in 1936 but tbb believes earlier to 1880's or much sooner!
Sure tbb will share an update or progress report into this anomaly that continues thru the ages...
tbb will share 2 attacks
1936 Brisbane River + 2011 Crowdy Head (Completely opposite : See if crew can pick up the theme!)
Ok! So ya think ya got that...(Pause! Yer think again...but along same lines...Ok)
It's not what ya think...Huh!
Ok! So not the Brand New Craft...then what's the active response that the Shark is targeting!
tbb has shared Saltwater crews knew of this & fashioned similar as Shark Repellent...all got that!
The surf-row craft is not as innocent as it seems > it goes on tormenting the sealife around it.
This will explain why Shark will expand it's energy to isolate a target amongst a crowd...Why me! Yikes!
Precisely! That's what we all wanna know...Correct! Ok...lets get onto that!
It's the very reason Sharks hit that craft hard & smash it > often leaving it's pilot / pass' flounder.
It matters not who or wot limbs are aboard that's that Craft that is killing the Shark...Huh!
Now having said does this relate to innocent swimmers...that's the meat in the Sanga! Gawd!
Well tbb is following the very same lead to out why one Swimmer / Diver or none are prey...
Same principle should apply...not exactly new gear but any reactive process tormenting said marine life!
Read here to inform yerselves...tbb don't wanna spoil the reveal...stoked to share secrets with crew!
You will stumble upon boardriders in Sharky waters ya have no choice but to solve this...correct!
The bigger revelation being if tbb can link this to all ocean merch to save (Alert) all oceangoers as one!
Don't wish to involve crew any deeper & stoke false hope...until this can be proven by consensus.
When we reach the next stage...sure...crew can go nuts to solve this faster...but not just yet! Ok!
Right this minute...tbb has in hand secreted Science backing up tbb's's ticking boxes...
Stoked to share that each new level check this is proving true...but it flies against market forces Ok!
So expect some resistance from Surf Merch Commercial Deadlines > But not on Industrial front.
Say it clearly...tbb ain't recommending shutting down Surfboard industry...that's tbb's side hobby!
Ain't no hero claims here...not now, not ever...this is dedicated devoted research seeking results.
All in this together...all in good's exhausting but rewarding next level research!
Crew have put in equal or more hours research & all here respect results are hard fought...have hope!

Tip : Sprout was interested in tbb detailing (Sharing) the Rainfall delayed sand dune Island leaching.
Now tbb reaffirms just how important that level of research is...that's gotta be our starting point...Ok!
Why so tbb...
Because that level mindset just exposed a greater delayed > ongoing live inshore interaction.
Now apply that same leaching theory to what it is you boardriders are sitting on...catch my drift.
Or what protection that irritates or stings yer Eyes...Here's what ya get...
Human hand increases rainfall leaching longer & stronger natural toxins to bring Sharks closer & often.
Increased Human Chems leaching longer & stronger toxins poisoning our crowded inshore Sharks
Sharks 'Can't Breathe' so defensively take out the nearest Source of Lethal Chem leaching...
You'll be surprised...a lot flies under the radar...onto that right now!
We don't see it...but have a good idea on what it might be, as Moreton Bay leaches record Bio Chems!
Read #1swellnet exclusive above for detail...We know for sure we are fast intoxicating Marine Habitat.
Qld was even first to legislate against Toxins to protect other endangered WH marine critters.
This being along the lines of tbb's research...Wot is a bit harmful to us may prove fatal to Sharks...
Shark's Self Defence mechanism kicks in!
So if this research yields results, tbb promises it won't shock as we have guidelines in place to respond!
If we follow our own guidelines tbb believes we can reverse the escalating interactive heightened risk!
This following the Guidelines caper lies at the heart of the problem...
Draft Rules to Protect & Avoid Sharks...Doable!
Getting Shop Cart to follow industry standard guidelines to save ourselves...that's a bit more tricky!
Good luck with selling that...coz there ain't no buyers for woke Shark policy...tbb can't work miracles.
Fuck yer Shark Guidelines! KILL KILL KILL...
Choose: [ Repeatedly thump ALL the Buttons at once ] for Chief Brody ...was just another tbb prank call!

A Horrid Update
A few interesting stories on shark attacks and near misses on the Shark Shield report so I thought I would start this thread. Don't want to trivialize the subject as people have had their lives taken or changed forever by what can happen. I thought it might serve as an educational purpose by hearing others experiences so we may all learn from them and hopefully avoid it happening to us.
One of them was a mate of mine named Hazey.
He had been surfing at Castles, a notoriously sharky wave in the bay at Cactus.
Several hundred metres offshore the wave breaks before reforming into Inside Castles making a long left with several sections. The wave has been the scene of several attacks and near misses over the years including the local known as "Sharkbait" who had been attacked more than once.
Gerry Lopez is another who came very close to being attacked out there and vowed to never surf Cactus again after his near miss.
Well Hazey was surfing out the back with another bloke named Steve when out of the blue he was launched into the air still on his board by a huge force from below.
A shark had rammed him with a direct hit straight up into the air! In a moment it was gone but soon returned to the stunned Hazey and started biting him and his board. Hazey instinctively put his arms out to protect himself but both his arms ended up in its mouth. As the jaws closed down his arms could have easily been severed, but several teeth on the sharks lower jaw had become dislodged and imbedded in the board leaving his upper arms with massive injuries, but the vital inner arms where major arteries run were not majorly damaged. This probably saved his life.
By this time Steve had reacted and in a rush of adrenalin and pure ballsy courage he threw himself onto the sharks back and started gouging at the sharks eyeballs, eventually feeling one pop and the shark departed.
Steve got the two surfboards together and got himself and Hazey on and started the long paddle to shore.
Then they were both thrown into the air as the shark rammed them a third time before disappearing again. They continued to make their way closer to shore and the shark nudged them again. Steve told me he thought he really must of pissed it off when he popped its eye.
Finally they we're just a metre from shore when the shark made its fifth and final appearance. It beelined towards them and the shore while they stood in waist deep water with their boards. The sharks mouth was just rapidly opening and closing like one of those wind up sets of false teeth. The boys separated and put their hands on either side of it's body and held it on a 90 degree angle to the beach as they made the final steps to the safety of the sand.
Hazey was rushed to Ceduna hospital and then flown to Adelaide for micro surgery on his shredded arms.
Steve ended up receiving a bravery award and they both sold their story to 60 minutes and made $50,000 each out of it!
It was quite a story!