Elon deserves his own thread

But also from Wiki's entry on the Frankfurt school:
"The works of the Frankfurt School are to be understood in the context of the intellectual and practical objectives of critical theory. In "Traditional and Critical Theory" (1937), Max Horkheimer defined critical theory as social critique meant to effect sociologic change and realize intellectual emancipation, by way of enlightenment that is not dogmatic in its assumptions.[10][11] Critical theory analyzes the true significance of the ruling understandings (the dominant ideology) generated in bourgeois society in order to show that the dominant ideology misrepresents how human relations occur in the real world and how capitalism justifies and legitimates the domination of people.
According to the theory of cultural hegemony, the dominant ideology is a ruling-class narrative that provides an explanatory justification of the current power-structure of society. Nonetheless, the story told through the ruling understandings conceals as much as it reveals about society. The task of the Frankfurt School was sociological analysis and interpretation of the areas of social-relation that Marx did not discuss in the 19th century – especially the base and superstructure aspects of a capitalist society.[12]"
The whole bit about setting up a view of dominant ideology and uncovering a differing view to struggle with sounds a lot like Marxism dressed up for social reasoning. That's my uni experience in one, tbh.

it's another strategy of the progressives to deny what they're doing and label any criticism of them and it as far right conspiracy theory. Again, straight out of Mao's playbook.

we wanna get sixes at pipeline (and watch skincare ads),,, sure wizz...

Critical theory is de facto marxism. And there's plenty of marxism around. You see it in uni posters, activists in the streets, politicians language and the choice of words etc.

flollo wrote:Critical theory is de facto marxism. And there's plenty of marxism around. You see it in uni posters, activists in the streets, politicians language and the choice of words etc.
umm.. so..?
you're scared of uni posters and *dangerous* words?

flollo wrote:Critical theory is de facto marxism. And there's plenty of marxism around. You see it in uni posters, activists in the streets, politicians language and the choice of words etc.
umm.. so..?
you're scared of uni posters and *dangerous* words?

No, just stating the facts.

not trying to have a go.. (and I've had '@burleigh's dance' for a few days, so brain not functioning..) but what's the problem with the duck and weave that capitalism and socialism have.. one's not preferable over the other, surely?

It's when those uni grads fill in positions in government & business later in life, and have power, if they are amenable to these views it's like conquering via the long march through the institutions... of course the material wealth of a successful career this way tends to insulate one from the results of these policies.
I kept all my best uni papers, I can go back now and look at terms like 'predatory dominant ideology' that the lecturers/tutors encouraged. It's all good, all learning and growth and life long progression.
As Trump tries to defenestrate this now-entrenched aspect of the US gov, it's going to be fascinating to watch...

you're clever, @vj.. can you explain it to a guy with flu head?
my understanding is that we create wealth, and absorb required resources,
the more one person has, the less another does.
if someone has less, you reach down, you don't punch down.

indo-dreaming wrote:The internet has so. much to answer for
Yeah, giving you a platform to spout your uneducated B.S for one.

basesix wrote:you're clever, @vj.. can you explain it to a guy with flu head?
my understanding is that we create wealth, and absorb required resources,
the more one person has, the less another does.
if someone has less, you reach down, you don't punch down.
deplorables much?

green room wrote:velocityjohnno wrote:soggydog wrote:Once again you accuse others of a lack of education/knowledge. If you actually new what you where talking about you’d know the USA has done more to diminish the true left of politics worldwide than any other country in the world since WW2. And when they did get a President who saw there own hegemonic practices as detrimental to the sovereignty of developing nations they assassinated him. Civil rights leaders assassinated. When students rose up they bashed and shot them, supplied drugs and infiltrated organisations with agents provocateurs. Unions have been busted. The identity politics that yourself and the other retards engage in when you think your tackling the left are the construct of these same forces that would actually prevent the equitable division of wealth and resources between capital and labour world wide which is at the true heart of left politics. Not what your fucking pronouns are. That’s why we’re experiencing a political era where right wing ultra fascism is comfortable to rear it’s ugly head again.
That's a really good post. How did the left allow itself to be hoodwinked out of it's economic/class struggle roots and focus by the Frankfurt school of cultural marxism and all the insane rubbish they've produced?
It's a feature, not a bug. It's not some screw-up by the left, but a straight-up strategy.
It boils down to two main reasons.
First off, there's this hardcore belief in socialist/Marxist circles that the big reason why all previous attempts at socialism and communism failed in Western nations is 'cause most folks actually like the whole deal with material wealth, high living standards and prosperity, freedom, capitalism, Christianity, democracy, keeping power spread out, and sticking to traditional family and gender values and norms - you know, the American Dream and all that jazz. Once communism and socialism couldn't deliver the goods and the lifestyle got worse, people flipped on the socialist dictators.
So, the modern progressives, who are all about sneaking in socialism while acting as though they're not, have this major game plan to make people turn against, trash, and cut ties with their country's Western culture, lifestyle, wealth, prosperity, and values. They're out there undermining, bashing, and discrediting everything about Western society, culture and values, trying to make everyone hate and reject it.
This is where you get this whole mess of cultural Marxism, or what we call the "culture wars" or "identity politics". You see it in how progressives push and indoctrinate people into:
- Shoving Islam and other non-Christian religions down our throats.
- Glorifying indigenous cultures and traditions.
- Screaming about an imminent environmental doomsday.
- Pushing hardcore feminism.
- Going all in for the LGBTQ+ agenda, including the mutilation and castration of children
- Legalizing petty crime.
- Even trying to normalize pedophilia, which is just nuts.
- Telling white people to not have kids.
- Flooding the country with massive ethnic immigration.
- Clamping down on free speech, especially by bowing to the "experts".
And so on.All this is an attack on, and an attempt to wreck, the bond people have with Western culture, traditions, values, the good life - our way of life.
Second, the progressives have taken a page out of the Chinese Cultural Revolution playbook, where Mao turned China into a communist dictatorship (even if it turned out disastrously, leading to massive human suffering, and China had to pivot to state capitalism - which is basically fascism). The whole point of Mao's Cultural Revolution was to get the Chinese people to reject, attack, and sever their connection with China's history, culture, values, religions, and traditional philosophies, and instead buy into Mao's brand of communism.
These cultural Marxist or "identity politics" moves by the modern progressives in Western countries are intentionally a direct lift from Mao's playbook. Even the info-warfare tactics like cancel culture, public shaming, ruining people's careers, censorship, straight-up lying, rewriting history, infiltrating schools with their propaganda, and having a massive higher education system churning out cultural Marxist graduates and narratives - it's all what Mao did to brainwash the Chinese, enforce his cultural revolution, and convert China to communism.
It's all a very carefully thought out and long-term executed strategy.
This is such a wild and ignorant post that I don't even know where to start, so I'll just lol and go back to work.

Hi B6, are we talking a covidy flu? - that one brained my damage.
OK - you are thinking of a zero sum game. If I have a pool noodle, B6 doesn't get to have a pool noodle. There's only one noodle.
With creating wealth, yes, more gets created each year, it's a product of human effort. Resources are used. It's unequal who gets the wealth - do the owners, the creators, or the workers get it?
However, we live in a world of fiat (and crypto) money printing. It's not a zero sum game here, only an ever increasing expansionary (artificially human) world. There is a vast difference between this, how it's distributed, and the noble absorbing resources to create wealth. The more that gets printed, the more "wealth" there is (this is a furphy, but is happening: look at correlation between issue of new Tethers and rises in BTC pricing). So if you get yourself closer to the money printer, the closer you get, the more of the pie you get. Printocracy? Honestly mining gold out of the ground, well, that supply increases but only at 3% per year roughly.
So everyone jockeys to get closer to the pie, eg front running the Fed on bond purchasing, eg issuing a new cryptocurrency themselves, eg getting your social conscience lobby group to get a grant from your friendly side of politics, eg getting a cushy professional managerial class job with benefits.
There are those that can/do this, and those who miss out. THAT is the new class struggle. SPX to the moon.

"...Critical theory analyzes the true significance of the ruling understandings (the dominant ideology) generated in bourgeois society in order to show that the dominant ideology misrepresents how human relations occur in the real world and how capitalism justifies and legitimates the domination of people.
According to the theory of cultural hegemony, the dominant ideology is a ruling-class narrative that provides an explanatory justification of the current power-structure of society. Nonetheless, the story told through the ruling understandings conceals as much as it reveals about society. The task of the Frankfurt School was sociological analysis and interpretation of the areas of social-relation..."
they became that, that they despise...
in a nutshell

indo-dreaming wrote:Hiccups wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:The internet has so. much to answer for
Yeah, giving you a platform to spout your uneducated B.S for one.
Fuck off troll, and yes you are a troll, you aren't interested in the discussion going on here like everyone else above, you just jump into a conversation with some smart arse troll trying to stir up shit belittling others or their views, it's all you ever do, and then off you go.
I'll expect this same response to burleigh's next post, ya deadshit, ya.

indo-dreaming wrote:Agree or disagree with Burleigh on his views, and much i disagree with him on especially vaccination's. and aspects of Covid
He doesn't just randomly jump into a conversation dissing people then pissing off again, he engages in the conversation sharing his views and then disses people once he is engaged in the conversation.
Bro, he absolutely does

And that’s lunch from this morning’s session ^^ and now we cross back to the studio for some highlights of the test so far ….

basesix wrote:you're clever, @vj.. can you explain it to a guy with flu head?
my understanding is that we create wealth, and absorb required resources,
the more one person has, the less another does.
if someone has less, you reach down, you don't punch down.
I like your last sentence Basesix, that’s my philosophy too. All this cultural
Marxism isn’t what the original left was all about. It’s where we’ve been lead. By design by the nefarious forces I’ve described earlier. This is not some crazy hypothesis but continually supported with evidence when we look at geopolitics over the last 80+ years.
It aids the right because that class struggle never gets addressed because of the amplification of these fringe issues.
You only have to look on these very forums to see who uses identity politics to execute an argument. @mizinfo, burls Quadzilla, green room. Most of the true left leaning commentators from what I’ve seen seek to address that original left of idea of “ if we are all working towards a common profit then we should all share the wealth”. There’s no reason a CEO should be making 700 times the factory floor workers. One cannot exist without the other.
I’ve had the flu lately too, it belted me. Hope you get well soon.

indo-dreaming wrote:Hiccups wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:The internet has so. much to answer for
Yeah, giving you a platform to spout your uneducated B.S for one.
Fuck off troll, and yes you are a troll, you aren't interested in the discussion going on here like everyone else above, you just jump into a conversation with some smart arse troll trying to stir up shit belittling others or their views, it's all you ever do, and then off you go.
Says the self confessed SN shit stirer for kicks. Once again. You are one really dumb cunt!

cheers @soggy/@vj, love having food for thought. shout yourselves a pool noodle each, comrades (then take em to vinnies - either the dive venue or an op shop).

green room wrote:it's another strategy of the progressives to deny what they're doing and label any criticism of them and it as far right conspiracy theory. Again, straight out of Mao's playbook.
Well hello, ’Whack-a-Mole’ from your nearest Timezone amusement parlour has poked his/her head up, beware the mallet is overhead. Thump, too late.
What useless diatribe are you offering up today ? AW

Blessed is he who has more pool noodle than he needs.
Given the topic of the thread, & the wealth disparity, and that I like cars, it was insane what happened in the last decade, the legislation got to the stage that other automakers were paying Tesla millions while Tesla undermined their business models - driven by legislation and Elon probably enjoyed this, article from 2021:

indo-dreaming][quote=soggydog wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:Hiccups wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:The internet has so. much to answer for[/quote
Yeah, giving you a platform to spout your uneducated B.S for one.
Fuck off troll, and yes you are a troll, you aren't interested in the discussion going on here like everyone else above, you just jump into a conversation with some smart arse troll trying to stir up shit belittling others or their views, it's all you ever do, and then off you go.
Says the self confessed SN shit stirer for kicks. Once again. You are one really dumb cunt!
Ive never confessed to anything of that nature, because it's simply not true.
And a blatant bullshitter.

Tesla going down the gurgled ?

^^ yep

Going down the tubes , would that be YouTubes ? Tesla is up 11.9% since the beginning of the year, but at $424.57 per share, it is still trading 11.5% below its 52-week high of $479.86 from December 2024. Investors who bought $1,000 worth of Tesla’s shares 5 years ago would now be looking at an investment worth $11,638.
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-tesla-tsla-shares-falling-165703897.html I don’t care much for Trump or Musk , but come on jeffy a simple google tells a different story to your constant BS

Great to see you guys still showing your loyalty to them ,
The markets like nothing more than a
Sieg Heil salute to stabilise things though,
Great thinking by Elon,.!

Two other points I forgot to mention that are important prongs in the undermining of the values and culture of Western civilization by the progressives in their attempt to indoctrinate people into cultural Marxism and then accepting globalist WEF communism:
1. Their push for legalizing abortion at any trimester, including the final weeks of pregnancy, and even the selling and medical use of perfectly functioning body parts of the murdered baby.
2. Their advocacy for state-assisted suicide for mentally unwell people, including folks who just feel like they're a burden on society.
These are both particularly marketed at white people. Truely vile.

^^ (eye roll) Righteo champ.
What BS!!

Tesla sales tank 75% in Australia
tanking in Europe as well

Supafreak wrote:Going down the tubes , would that be YouTubes ? Tesla is up 11.9% since the beginning of the year, but at $424.57 per share, it is still trading 11.5% below its 52-week high of $479.86 from December 2024. Investors who bought $1,000 worth of Tesla’s shares 5 years ago would now be looking at an investment worth $11,638.
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-tesla-tsla-shares-falling-165703897.html I don’t care much for Trump or Musk , but come on jeffy a simple google tells a different story to your constant BS
You’d better work out what’s actually happening, before you call constant bullshit
Based on your constant ignorance.

indo-dreaming wrote:2022 Elon buys Twitter. Haters= Twitter will be dead by the end of the year
2023 Elon renames Twitter X. Haters= X wont last it will be dead by the end of the year
2024 Haters= Crickets while quietly re join X, Damn that kunt helped Trump become president...arrrghhhh
2025 Haters= Post via X, Tesla is going down the gurgle
Reality check:
Tesla share price just came off an all time high
Crickets again as Tesla crashes around
75 percent in Spain 63 percent in France, and seems like X must have left Germany out of the conversation, with around 57 percent.
Oh dear I wonder why that was
With Musks backing of Germanys Nazi wannabes .
Unlike X to mislead people with selective and missing information?
Seems like those 3 countries are the ones that were taken over by fascism
Once bitten, twice shy .
You guys salute Musk anyway.

Tesla is a meme coin of the share market. It’s completely detached from any fundamentals. I seriously don’t understand how this share price works. I wouldn’t be surprised if sales drop but price goes up or something bizarre like that. Anyway, it will be a volatile, wild ride.

@follo, I listen to people who spend a good deal of their waking life studying the markets and they all say most stocks here and overseas are hugely overpriced from a P:E point of view. Another spin off from central banks lowering interest rates. Would you agree?

Absolutely. Some valuations are crazy and they come with a lot of hype. If AI is to become what I believe it will a new industry, worth in trillions will be created. So you can understand some higher P/Es in that space. Market is betting on earnings 4,5+ years ahead of time. This is not standard and it comes with high risk and volatility.
Some prices are more reasonable. There is still some strong rationale associated with traditional companies.
Tesla is on the extreme end of it all. Especially if you look at it as a car manufacturer. No other car manufacturer is anywhere near as expensive as Tesla is when earnings are taken into consideration. Which is why Musk is saying that Tesla is not a car manufacturer anymore. And why he presented all those robots on stage last year. It’s all propaganda to be honest and a bit of bullshit. But this is Musk’s strategy to keep the hype going. Call Tesla something that doesn’t exist so you muddy the waters and distract investors from benchmarking its performance against other car manufacturers.

Thanks @flollo, perfect summary so much hype around stocks like Tesla. What's your take on Warren Buffett cashing out?
BTW: Those people I was referring to before started cashing out of individual stocks 2 + years ago and are now in EFTs

@Guy , have you looked at the forecast for tesla ? Predictions are it will continue to slide downhill up until august but by the end of year it will be around $700 a share & by the following years a steady increase into the thousands . Will it happen ? I wouldn’t know but more than one analyst is predicting this , maybe they are on Elon’s payroll .

G’day @SF, analysts you say? you mean the highly paid professional stock market experts who have an outstanding record of predicting the highs and lows of the market … always after the event! A pox on their house!

GuySmiley wrote:G’day @SF, analysts you say? you mean the highly paid professional stock market experts who have an outstanding record of predicting the highs and lows of the market … always after the event! A pox on their house!
Well it’s a wait and see I guess.

Yes it is @SF, apologies if I came across as a little smug ^^ but again I was quoting the people I know who have lived and breathed the market ;)

GuySmiley wrote:Yes it is @SF, apologies if I came across as a little smug ^^ but again I was quoting the attitude of those people I know who have lived and breathed the market ;)
You didn’t come across as smug , I couldn’t give 2 shits about his businesses. I think his cars will get priced out of the market but his robots will possibly take off . His obsession with Mars is just plain weird & a waste of money. He could do so much more for humanity with his $ but he sees that colonisation of Mars is what’s important, that’s what I find so weird .
What you need to see
What the BBC want you to only see.
And everything