ShitShine Coast - Your shitting on it!

Melburnian moves to the sunshine coast, sits at a table for 10 minutes. No one comes over. Walks up to the counter and asks the server to come to their table and proceeds to order a double ristretto piccolo latte.
All hell breaks loose.

Melburnian goes to Carnarvon and orders a double ristretto piccolo latte, gets told to firk off ya tool and run out of town, last seen heading for the sunshine coast

Sprout wrote:Spot on lads. And how's this as a perfect example of a complete and utter wanker fucking blowin that doesn't get it and never will. Fuuuck right offf.
how's the attitude in that article?
that dude is such a wanker it read like a parody of a melbourne wanker...
I'd be dropping a turd in his letter box, not a doggy one

Pretty sure it's a troll letter by "Mr Johnson".

spookypt wrote:Sprout wrote:Spot on lads. And how's this as a perfect example of a complete and utter wanker fucking blowin that doesn't get it and never will. Fuuuck right offf.! Saw him walking one of those rat dogs down at stumers after coming out of the dunes naked. Says it’s all. I liked the 80’s. Surf Air was the only 4 level high rise east of the airport. Safety Danced rocked the airwaves and Jim Pollard was my Neighbour and hero. Roll it back and this dicktogged muppet can piss off back to little Collins st.
Didn’t take him long to find the beat

Without knowing all the facts, I’m tipping that bloke within the banana hammock won’t be taking too many waves of anyone with half a clue. Maybe a car park space at the IGA?
I watch the crew bike peddle around the Bellarine and surf coast etc and smile. Good on them for having a go at something and if they don’t add to the crowds in the water then that’s a plus.And if you forget your sunscreen you can always ask for a loan of what’s in the hidden tube. Cue Garry or whatever the double entendre guy is. Where has he gone ? I miss him and wish he would post instead of some of the boring f heads who basically shit me to tears. Regards Nick Callan

Only thing wrong with the article is referring to Australian citizens as
migrants that deserves a straight up punch in the face. I wouldnt for
the life of me want to live there or even visit there way to inconsistent.

That article has to be a beat up to get comments on their social media feed. Seriously....
Sure, there are some (many ?) boofheads, there are everywhere in the world, some "locals" some not. I dislike the way this country thinks of itself as Queenslanders, Victorians etc etc - we are all Australians (well thats what Qantas says anyway).

Unfortunately you are 100% correct.

Every time i see this thread tittle on the main page, i think it's a thread about how shit the Sunny coast surf is, and im thinking great i will have a whinge and release about the years i spent there surfing 1ft grovel (Caloundra area) yeah yeah i know the north end gets more swell 2ft grovel for most of the year up Sunshine beach way.

lol - yes, it is mostly. Still, you wouldnt know it with a few dozen out at the points when its flat; I must be missing something.

Place was absolute paradise as a little kid around 1980, it was magical.
It still must have some appeal though.

I pretty much learnt to surf on the Sunny Coast. Great memories and great waves.
And yes VJ, back in the early 80's it was a magical place. I felt my first naked booby in a tent at the old Seabreeze caravan park at Maroochydore. That 15 year old boy at the time couldn't believe his luck.

Is that the one at Cotton Tree? Ah yes, sunny coast romance. When I was 6 my 1st girlfriend and I decided to hide under an overturned dinghy on Dalby St and everyone was out looking for us and that was pretty mint.

Cotton Tree caravan park was further north on the bank of the Maroochy river VJ. Seabreeze was across the road from the old Neil Pryde sailboard shop. Surf was straight out the front.

OK Zen, yep I know the one. Nan's flat was up in Cotton tree so that's where we ran amok. The rocks at that time were not on the north side of the river so our mates & cousins used to run up and play on the rocks from Cotton Tree.

I think with the Sunny Coast one just needs to appreciate the whole package of living here, with surfing just being one aspect of it along with the environment, lifestyle, outdoors, climate, community, family and friends, etc.
A pic I took after surfing moffs all Saturday morning and was just about to drive off (yes I should have waited until a set came through...):

Gooday spookypt, did you get any traction with your complaint. Is it worth getting the council involved, this issue has skyrocketed, since C19 and man and his dog has another dog ! So, we are trying to promote the turtle habitat yet yobs let there hunting dogs run riot, shit and dig up the dunes. If a human did it there would be a coup from the Greenies. If we ban em that will just encourage em to do it more, cause they are so "what's your problem man", fine em bigtime, or just do the right thing. Putting shit into a plastic bag and then leaving it is actually worse than just leaving it au natural.

swellnet Poop Scoop!
Timeline was surprisingly hard to research...speaks volumes about modern Society!
Very few tackle this subject & only ever break it down to void any association.
Dare say this topic best unravels the core of modern day dark side mandated censorship.
Oh Please! Let's not go there...All Say Aye! We can do without a Dog Poop Timeline?
Exactly why this drew tbb's attention...just how does society hide dog poop in plain sight!
And...still manage to laugh it off a century or so later...that's some lazy arse shit right there!
Foreward starts with a Nursery Rhyme & reveals 2 main background issues regarding canine diet.
Gruesome Greul!
Jack and the Beanstalk (Giant) : "I'll grind his Bones to make my bread!"
1653 : Amassing Animal / Human (Soldier's) Bones for Fertilizing Grain Crops
1800's -1900's : Bone Meal (Calcium) for Animal Feed + Soldier's Soldier Flavoured Dietary Drink!
1800's-1900's : 10kg / White Calcium Dog Poo > Tanned 12,000 Sheep Skins alongside rivers!
1811 : NY Dog Rego to collect Tax
1920's : Horse Drawn Drop offs were scooped from Sealed Roads > Dog Poo now stood out!
1935 : New UK Footpath Droppings attract Fines 40 shillings
1937: Paris ( Joke about Calling Cards )
1937 : Curb your Dog > Streetscape now affords Curb Walkies + Gutters for Dog Droppings
1960's : MBM supplements for Canned Puppy Food > After a day or two Poo turns White & hard.
1970's : Kidz before Dogz (Kidz would eat the White Nuggets > Round / Hook Worm etc...)
1970's : Many types of Parasitic worms were common amongst Kidz
1970's : Bulking Bone Meal in Pet Food + Fertilized Lawns = (Glowing White nuggets on Fluro Green Lawns)
1975 > NY Village + City $250 and WA began fines for Dog Poo.
1970's-80's MBM (Mould in Powdered Form) leads to Mad Cow Disease > Killing Livestock & Humans!
Also consideration given to mixed Bones (Like for Like Zomboid stem treatments!) In news recently!
Billion-heiress Rocket Scientist Oil Tycoon SciFi Actress is poisoned by medicinal MBM Supplement
Eerie Vid should play alright...just click thru...
1980's-90's : Due to Mad Cow Disease > MBM is slowly cut back in Pet Food
Less Bones & More Veges / Grains are added & Doggy Do starts turning Stinky Brown & Squishy
MBM has recently made a comeback under more heated sterile conditions!
(Pause) Many Hodads reporting online are forgetting clean up process of pre Poop Bag era.
tbb feels he can recall enough to set the record straight....
o/s Story...
1987 tbb visits Paris & was shocked at sport of Dog Poop Skating thru Cobbled Squares.(A minefield!)
Pedestrians must detour onto Roads to avoid Poop mined Paths & Dogs Dinning on laps at Sidewalk Tables!
30 years on, now detour thru rain in traffic spray in puddles to avoid Oz Sidewalk Dog Poop & Dinning!
Lawful Years
1960's onward > Outdoor Poop Scoops :
1960's : Voluntary Bark flick Poop into Empty Brown Paper Pie Bag with Sauce
1970's : Waxed Milk / Chip Carton was common & perfect to scoop > fold top over > bin (Sorted)
1970's : White Pellets were toe flicked into gardens > weeks on resembled Coral lumps.
1980's : Worn edge of Rubber Thong heel > flick onto roadside Free Newspaper > Fold'n'bin!
1990's : Grab poop thru Free Newspaper Rain Bags
2000's : Grey Plastic Grocery Bags tucked in behind a fence corner or hedge...but not quite outta sight!
2010's : Doggie Bags > 2x arm twirl toss about 6m onto Dog Poo Pile just behind the bushes.
Strange as it may seem > Park Taps were more centrally accessible & used much more than now!
Global Poop Fine Laws
1994 Oz > 1996 UK > 2002 Paris > 2005 LA
Anyhow! After researching tbb felt this was a no go zone...few tackle this subject & skirt over it real fast!
Swear this is most concise shitty timeline & was much needed at that...Happy to share!
Still find it impossible not to find more recollections on such common level debate!
Many sites will strictly segregate this timeline which in hindsight does none any favours.
There is a definite reciprocal progression thru the timeline...hence why tbb went about sharing such!
Strange how by breaking up the timeline > Folks sooner forget or make up neglect as being default!
tbb never recalled a period of neglect by owners at large...reason for putting the record straight!
Mostly coz us kids played outdoors in neighbourhoods & dealt first hand with doggie do or no play!
Be hard to recall such but it is a core kid rolled in shit unless Bullies rolled you in it!
Recall bullies holding my face or others close above Dog Shit...Go it I said...or else!
tbb recommends 'or else'...never eat dog shit, better to cop a flogging, that's how we rolled in dog shit!
Not so much a Dog lover, nor dislike Dog Owners, best friends / family all got dogs & are responsible!
tbb grew up in 2x Dog / pets Family but dog free from 80's onward.
Often attacked on my legs during paper round as dogs went the Bike wheels...lost trust after that!
Still wary of known dogs that bite my hand on welcome or snap my arse upon leaving...not cool!
Mostly sheep dogs doin' that...cheeky mutts...can live without being a snack thanx!
Anyhow...crew can better relate to Hodad's more lax but differing attitude of earlier eras!
For sure...tbb can confirm a different weaponized dog poo back then...big surprise to all...huh!

How’s this SpookyPt. Pigs with dogs.

Not a Dog Poo Story but this is Ridiculous
And Violet the Pooch was actually on Sitting Private Property

I hope she gets the fine waived.
What a bunch of revenue raising scumbags. Poor lady.

Draft dogs plan includes 17 new parks but reduced beach access.

Good. This joint is home to the highest concentration of entitled cavoodle-owning fuckwits in the world. Technically no off lead at my local but they still come in droves, so I don’t see much hope for enforcement.
Sprout wrote:Draft dogs plan includes 17 new parks but reduced beach access.

durutti wrote:Good. This joint is home to the highest concentration of entitled cavoodle-owning fuckwits in the world.
Are they fuckwits because they own cavoodles, or were they fuckwits before the cavoodles came along?
Asking because our labradoodle is on his last legs and we're considering other breeds.

It’s almost always the owner’s fault, so put it down as the latter I guess.
To be fair there are lots of other dumb breeds/owners too but the type of person to drop a few grand on a designer -oodle is a special case.
Adopt a greyhound is my advice, though preferably one that hasn’t raced or the vet bills will be like a second mortgage.

stunet wrote:durutti wrote:Good. This joint is home to the highest concentration of entitled cavoodle-owning fuckwits in the world.
Are they fuckwits because they own cavoodles, or were they fuckwits before the cavoodles came along?
Asking because our labradoodle is on his last legs and we're considering other breeds.
Kind Charles Cavalier... Beautiful natured mutts....

stunet wrote:durutti wrote:Good. This joint is home to the highest concentration of entitled cavoodle-owning fuckwits in the world.
Are they fuckwits because they own cavoodles, or were they fuckwits before the cavoodles came along?
Asking because our labradoodle is on his last legs and we're considering other breeds.
Adopt don’t shop stunet!

Dogs all over Oz

goofyfoot wrote:stunet wrote:durutti wrote:Good. This joint is home to the highest concentration of entitled cavoodle-owning fuckwits in the world.
Are they fuckwits because they own cavoodles, or were they fuckwits before the cavoodles came along?
Asking because our labradoodle is on his last legs and we're considering other breeds.
Adopt don’t shop stunet!
Current doggo is adopted even though he's a so-called designer breed.
He's the bimbo of the canine world: good looking fucker but dumb as a post. He's got bad habits and he won't learn new ones.
I just want a dog that I can trust with an open gate without losing half the afternoon driving all over the neighbourhood looking for him.

Did 5 years of house sitting, all types of doggoes and Cats.
Can confirm that Cavoodles are one of the sweetest and happiest dogs of the lot. And damn good at catching too!! (admittedly the housesit was in the burbs section of Margs).

Our rescue kelpie is a legend.
Great with the kids, great with other animals (mostly - doesn’t like greyhounds for some reason). Has really calmed down from about 4yo onwards. Now 5 and super chill. Mostly.
Doesn’t try and escape, but she has gotten out when the gate blew open in high winds. Wandered over to the local school (300m away) and played with the kids until the ranger came.
Can trail run off lead with her.

I reckon there is something to be said for the greyhound option. Both our dogs are rescues. The first one was easy from the get go, the 2nd, like the difficult second child, was a grower. Three years of hard work and he can now be left alone without howling until the neighbour complains or shitting or pissing on the good rug. He got mentions on the local Facebook page for escaping on one occasion, tried to follow our son to work, cept he was driving.....Well worth it in the long run.
As for the 'oodles, dumbest creatures on the planet, anxious and as irritating as Indo D.
For all those that read this post. Yeah Im phucken angry. If you own a dog and take it to the beach then yeah Im talking to you! If you travel up and down the coast and free camp - then yeah Im talking to you too! Sadly, 1% of you lot have truly fucked the place.
Surfed North Shore Mudjumba (outside bank river mouth) Sunday Am early. 4.30 am in the car park. 5 cars. On entry to the place I found this. Within the first 10 metres of the access track not less than 8 poo bags of dog shit either tied to the fence or sitting on the edge of the track. On returning post surf the place was a zoo. Cars people and dogs fucken everywhere. Behind my car...yep human shit with toilet paper on the edge of the road. I get it, its legal to have a dog and walk it on the beach, but since COVID the lack of respect, decency and care factor to ALL who use the beach has literally gone down the dunny. By 830 the pace just was swarming with me me me's and Im entitled too's but no one gave a flying fuck about the SHIT PISS and FILTH they were all a party too and seemingly turn than blind brown eye at it! There's plenty who have issues with house prices, work opportunities and just the general busyness of the SUNNY COAST but fair dinkum you dont give a fucks can go back to fuck off wherever.
I live north of this beach but fan dinkum if this was like this at my local I'd fair dinkum vigilantie the fuck out of the place. Why do the locals that live here (mudgy/Surfair etc) put up with this shit....I'm never going back. Fucken filth ridden piss smelling flogs.