The United States(!) of A

velocityjohnno wrote:17 inspectors general fired on Friday night
Yes apparently illegally fired straight after
the Hegseth nomination for head of Defence Department, was confirmed.
I think the IG s are challenging the firings in court.

burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
By the IDF, yes you are correct Burls. Their kids would be snipered homes bombed and your big orange hero will finally advocate for ethnic cleansing. Only some cooler heads have checked him. I

burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
By the IDF, yes you are correct Burls. Their kids would be snipered homes bombed and your big orange hero will finally advocate for ethnic cleansing. Only some cooler heads have checked him. I

We did say beforehand get the popcorn ready AW
Trying to link the stories as they happen without too much comment
Yes, Jeff, the checks and balances will resist many of the moves
OK I will go in depth on one issue, let's look at Drill Baby Drill, and why Trump would do it. The US is self sufficient in oil anyway, aren't they? Peter Zeihan has done a vid where he outlines they became independent in energy, then downstream chemical production, then they got for self sufficient in tech, then industry....
But it isn't that simple, they still import oil. Why would they do that? And all the international implications/politics
So... a bit like Australia, the oil they produce is light sweet - yet their refineries are optimised to run on heavier grades. Why would you do this? Well, you export your light sweet oil and get higher $$$ for it, then import yuckier more sour, heavy oil cheaper $$$ that you refine domestically, and thus pay relatively less for your oil.
So they are setup to refine a different type of oil to what they produce. At this point, if it were me and I wanted to MAGA - I'd get the refineries set up to refine the light sweet oil produced domestically... whatever the cost. (If it were me, I'd also continue quite a bit of what's in Biden's IRA, with generous terms for renewable energy technologies and recycling of such...)
Thus, maybe quite a bit of the Drill Baby Drill is sourcing heavier oils within CONUS boundaries - or offshore - to feed their refineries the way they are currently set up. All while continuing to export their light sweet crude and natgas. That's my 2c, it could easily be a bit more complex a situation than this.
Edit: postcript - this is why they do it. 10mpg
I love the fact that dinosaurs actually still do exist somewhere. It's like a dreamscape.

Mr Burns Executive order to release 2,000 Killer Tonne Bombs to clean out remaining Palestinian Race.
Other countries will be forced to mop up our 2.5m genocidal minced up waste product
No! Fuck no...Not US of A! I'm not a fucking Monster!
Have a nice Day!

soggydog wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
By the IDF, yes you are correct Burls. Their kids would be snipered homes bombed and your big orange hero will finally advocate for ethnic cleansing. Only some cooler heads have checked him. I
So you don't think strict Islam law would have a problem with hundreds of rainbow they/thems in Gaza? hahahaha Change your name to soggybrain

Apparently when Trump stops producing clean green energy , most of the rest of the world will carry on progressing towards a green energy future,
and China will step up and fill the hole left by the US , and produce more green energy means of production. EG solar panels, batteries etc.

@soggydog“By the IDF, yes you are correct Burls. Their kids would be snipered homes bombed and your big orange hero will finally advocate for ethnic cleansing. Only some cooler heads have checked him. I
@burls”So you don't think strict Islam law would have a problem with hundreds of rainbow they/thems in Gaza? hahahaha Change your name to soggybrain
It’s only low intellects such as yourself and @mosinfo that don’t see the rise of radicalism as a reaction to western hegemonic practices. Hardliners as a reaction to hardliners. Zionist fundamentalism has created Islamic fundamental resistance fighters.
Get it now?

soggydog wrote:@soggydog“By the IDF, yes you are correct Burls. Their kids would be snipered homes bombed and your big orange hero will finally advocate for ethnic cleansing. Only some cooler heads have checked him. I
@burls”So you don't think strict Islam law would have a problem with hundreds of rainbow they/thems in Gaza? hahahaha Change your name to soggybrain
It’s only low intellects such as yourself and @mosinfo that don’t see the rise of radicalism as a reaction to western hegemonic practices. Hardliners as a reaction to hardliners. Zionist fundamentalism has created Islamic fundamental resistance fighters.
Get it now?
OMG surely you're not being serious soggybrain.

Good come back, get your missus to help with that one?
You got nothing because you know history supports my supposition.
As far as your supposition, to paraphrase yourself from earlier”got any proof”

velocityjohnno wrote:DEA rounds up gangbangers in Denver
Texas teacher invites ICE to raid their school!
these crime gangs have got to be one of the dumbest own goals of the democrats party...
written off as 'conspiracy theory', and any debate obfuscated with spurious crime figures
the crime gangs, and the literally 100s of thousands of 'missing' minors...
once again, people belittled and gaslighted for simply answering pertinent obviously concerning questions...
that make you some qanon nutter
it's almost like the dems do support in this trade and exploitation of children!
beggars belief how they so callously didn't show one iota of care...
the politics is bigger?
saving face?
base kept as ignorant as fuck?
it's ugly

Exxotixjeff wrote:Apparently when Trump stops producing clean green energy , most of the rest of the world will carry on progressing towards a green energy future,
and China will step up and fill the hole left by the US , and produce more green energy means of production. EG solar panels, batteries etc.
They probably will, but they are also stepping up on this damning chart, it's them and then daylight on CO2 emissions:

burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:It’s started…labour shortages in multiple states. Citrus, nuts and meat processors are unable to have full production running as the workers are not turning up due to fear of being sent deported. Next up will be old aged homes and care facilities…so no bums will be wiped for old Americans as young Americans won’t do the work.
Crops will start rotting on tress and in fields. Making America Rot Again.
Another well thought out Bizness plan apparently.
Got any proof?
Trump voting farmers warn of devastation,
if Trump does what he says he was going to do ,
What part of der don’t you get?

soggydog wrote:Good come back, get your missus to help with that one?
You got nothing because you know history supports my supposition.
As far as your supposition, to paraphrase yourself from earlier”got any proof”
Oh soggy, you are i are very different. You'r living in a lefttard fantasy land where it's all rainbows, pronouns and vaccines for "health". I'm living in reality.

Exxotixjeff wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:It’s started…labour shortages in multiple states. Citrus, nuts and meat processors are unable to have full production running as the workers are not turning up due to fear of being sent deported. Next up will be old aged homes and care facilities…so no bums will be wiped for old Americans as young Americans won’t do the work.
Crops will start rotting on tress and in fields. Making America Rot Again.
Another well thought out Bizness plan apparently.
Got any proof?
Trump voting farmers warn of devastation,
if Trump does what he says he was going to do ,
What part of der don’t you get?
oh yes, nothing screams proof like a weird bald guy talking on youtube with a grainy tiktok video thrown in for good measure.
no wonder you're methed up watching this rubbish all day.

burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
Hey, berley twisted the "so you hate capitalism, but you still use an iphone" trope. Yuk it up, bro. Do you know why many in the LGBTQI+ community support Palestine, or are you so happy with the most played out "gotcha!" moment levelled at the Pro-Palestine movement that you didn't want to investigate further? Are any women, "straight" or otherwise allowed to oppose Israel's death cult, or should they also get back in their box because females in Palestine are subject to a more oppressive patriarchal society than most of the western world? Maybe do some reading or something. (I know you won't)
I seem to remember a few months ago, you being anti-Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing. What happened? Get even more red-pilled?
I could go on about this, and I probably will at some point, but I've finished my sandwich.

burleigh wrote:Exxotixjeff wrote:burleigh wrote:Roadkill wrote:It’s started…labour shortages in multiple states. Citrus, nuts and meat processors are unable to have full production running as the workers are not turning up due to fear of being sent deported. Next up will be old aged homes and care facilities…so no bums will be wiped for old Americans as young Americans won’t do the work.
Crops will start rotting on tress and in fields. Making America Rot Again.
Another well thought out Bizness plan apparently.
Got any proof?
Trump voting farmers warn of devastation,
if Trump does what he says he was going to do ,
What part of der don’t you get?
oh yes, nothing screams proof like a weird bald guy talking on youtube with a grainy tiktok video thrown in for good measure.
no wonder you're methed up watching this rubbish all day.
Yeah I wouldn’t believe any of it if I was MAGA either,
Except the Trump voting farmer interviewed,
who said he voted for Trump because he didn’t think Trump would be dumb enough to do the things he said he was going to do,
Guess he wasn’t the only MAGA regretting their vote.
Yeah right, they haven’t shown it on Fox
So you’re going to keep your head buried in the sand.

Hiccups wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
Hey, berley twisted the "so you hate capitalism, but you still use an iphone" trope. Yuk it up, bro. Do you know why many in the LGBTQI+ community support Palestine, or are you so happy with the most played out "gotcha!" moment levelled at the Pro-Palestine movement that you didn't want to investigate further? Are any women, "straight" or otherwise allowed to oppose Israel's death cult, or should they also get back in their box because females in Palestine are subject to a more oppressive patriarchal society than most of the western world? Maybe do some reading or something. (I know you won't)
I seem to remember a few months ago, you being anti-Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing. What happened? Get even more red-pilled?
I could go on about this, and I probably will at some point, but I've finished my sandwich.
When did I ever say I’m not against Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing?

burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
Hey, berley twisted the "so you hate capitalism, but you still use an iphone" trope. Yuk it up, bro. Do you know why many in the LGBTQI+ community support Palestine, or are you so happy with the most played out "gotcha!" moment levelled at the Pro-Palestine movement that you didn't want to investigate further? Are any women, "straight" or otherwise allowed to oppose Israel's death cult, or should they also get back in their box because females in Palestine are subject to a more oppressive patriarchal society than most of the western world? Maybe do some reading or something. (I know you won't)
I seem to remember a few months ago, you being anti-Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing. What happened? Get even more red-pilled?
I could go on about this, and I probably will at some point, but I've finished my sandwich.
When did I ever say I’m not against Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing?
Pretty sure you’ve said” they’re all terrorists”. Remember that one. I do. Good try though.

Roadkill wrote:It’s started…labour shortages in multiple states. Citrus, nuts and meat processors are unable to have full production running as the workers are not turning up due to fear of being sent deported. Next up will be old aged homes and care facilities…so no bums will be wiped for old Americans as young Americans won’t do the work.
Crops will start rotting on tress and in fields. Making America Rot Again.
Another well thought out Bizness plan apparently.
trump might end up with a real problem on his hands here...
but really, a massive (misinformation) hysterical fear campaign be the real cause

Tbh…I don’t have a problem with targeted deportations. Obama sent a ton back from they came from. Biden sent a ton back from where they came, Trump is doing the same as other Presidents have done previously.
“ but really, a massive (misinformation) hysterical fear campaign be the real cause” and maga falls for it and think Trump is doing something no other President has done.

soggydog wrote:burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
Hey, berley twisted the "so you hate capitalism, but you still use an iphone" trope. Yuk it up, bro. Do you know why many in the LGBTQI+ community support Palestine, or are you so happy with the most played out "gotcha!" moment levelled at the Pro-Palestine movement that you didn't want to investigate further? Are any women, "straight" or otherwise allowed to oppose Israel's death cult, or should they also get back in their box because females in Palestine are subject to a more oppressive patriarchal society than most of the western world? Maybe do some reading or something. (I know you won't)
I seem to remember a few months ago, you being anti-Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing. What happened? Get even more red-pilled?
I could go on about this, and I probably will at some point, but I've finished my sandwich.
When did I ever say I’m not against Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing?
Pretty sure you’ve said” they’re all terrorists”. Remember that one. I do. Good try though.
Nah, I definitely have not said that soggysao.

burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
Hey, berley twisted the "so you hate capitalism, but you still use an iphone" trope. Yuk it up, bro. Do you know why many in the LGBTQI+ community support Palestine, or are you so happy with the most played out "gotcha!" moment levelled at the Pro-Palestine movement that you didn't want to investigate further? Are any women, "straight" or otherwise allowed to oppose Israel's death cult, or should they also get back in their box because females in Palestine are subject to a more oppressive patriarchal society than most of the western world? Maybe do some reading or something. (I know you won't)
I seem to remember a few months ago, you being anti-Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing. What happened? Get even more red-pilled?
I could go on about this, and I probably will at some point, but I've finished my sandwich.
When did I ever say I’m not against Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing?
Well, chief, if you really were against the IDF killing children by the thousands, then you wouldn't be running down the efforts of anyone that's trying to make a difference, not matter how misguided you may think they are. The fact that you've singled out LGBTQI people to poorly attemt to make a point reeks of homophobia tbh. Do better.

@adam12.. as you know, I have only a marginal-interest in this stuff, but do you have a legal perspective (and personal opinion) on the context of the birth-right citizenship stuff..? @vj?

burleigh wrote:soggydog wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
By the IDF, yes you are correct Burls. Their kids would be snipered homes bombed and your big orange hero will finally advocate for ethnic cleansing. Only some cooler heads have checked him. I
So you don't think strict Islam law would have a problem with hundreds of rainbow they/thems in Gaza? hahahaha Change your name to soggybrain
Yep this is reality. (somethimg SG doesn't have much of grasp on)
Gaza Strip
Scholar Timea Spitka stated that in Gaza, coming out is a "death sentence" because police do not act against queerphobic violence, domestic violence is not criminalized, and civil society organizations, which protect women and children, are reported to be "vulnerable to attack." Spika added, in a related article, that this vulnerability has "been exploited by Israel," noting a connection between the Israeli occupation, lack of security and protection for women and non-heterosexual people, and lack of rule of law.[21][22] In 2019, Haaretz interviewed four gay men and one gay woman living in Gaza, who recounted their experiences: one man recounted his rough treatment by Hamas members, while others said they feared being arrested, outed, then forced into heterosexual marriage by their families. All four said that social media was a "game changer" in meeting other LGBTQ individuals, but some feared catfishing by undercover Hamas or Israeli intelligence agents.[23] Gay men who flirt with Israeli soldiers on dating apps, worry about being catfished by Hamas's security services.[24][8]
Some interpretations of Palestinian law say that it does not outlaw consensual gay sex between adults. Anis. F. Kassim (editor-in-chief of the Palestinian Yearbook of International Law) said that Palestinian law (even in Gaza) could be interpreted as allowing non-commercial sex between consenting adult men.[8]
It has been reported that the hostilities homosexual Palestinians face has led to many seeking refuge in other countries, such as Israel.[25] The Israeli LGBTQ organization The Aguda stated, in 2013, that around 2,000 Palestinian homosexuals live in Tel Aviv "at any one time."[26]
However, the complex legal status of the Palestinian territories results in almost no assistance from most countries. Some have reported that while hundreds of homosexual Palestinians have fled to Israel, they have been subject to house arrest, or deportation, by Israeli authorities.[27] According to +972 Magazine, LGBT+ Palestinians seeking refuge in Israel "are routinely excluded from programs that are meant to secure basic healthcare for other asylum seekers" and that "their access to basic social rights such as shelter is also blocked."[28] In June 2022, Israel began issuing work permits for gay Palestinian refugees, who had been granted asylum, and those "fleeing domestic violence."[29] Prior to the rule change, the Israeli government resisted changing the terms for issuing permits, fearing it would "encourage more Palestinians to flee to Israel and seek asylum."[30]
In mid-2022, the Israeli government told the Israeli High Court that LGBTQ Palestinians from the West Bank who were "fleeing persecution" could work in Israel but that their presence was only temporary "in order to find a permanent solution in the [West Bank] or in another country."[29] A month after the murder, the Times of Israel noted that gay Palestinians who leave the West Bank, with public opinion polls indicating low tolerance for homosexuality, and arrive in Israel are faced with "an existence filled with dizzying uncertainties and life-threatening hazards." The article went on to say that such Palestinians have various escape routes to Israel, but that making them eligible for permanent residency includes "working with Israeli security forces" although those forces have been accused of blackmailing Palestinians into becoming informants for Israeli intelligence services; only "select few who have passed on invaluable knowledge" are granted this kind of permit, which requires the sign-off of the prime minister.[31]
BTW. There is even gay bars in Israel and a yearly Mardi Gra Parade, Same sex marriage isnt legal to be preformed but its recognised if married elsewhere, Israel is the most friendly LGBTQI country in the middle east
Gaza and Israel like most thing's is chalk and cheesse...but yeah you know soggy saw this or that on tik tok.

Hiccups wrote:burleigh wrote:Hiccups wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
Hey, berley twisted the "so you hate capitalism, but you still use an iphone" trope. Yuk it up, bro. Do you know why many in the LGBTQI+ community support Palestine, or are you so happy with the most played out "gotcha!" moment levelled at the Pro-Palestine movement that you didn't want to investigate further? Are any women, "straight" or otherwise allowed to oppose Israel's death cult, or should they also get back in their box because females in Palestine are subject to a more oppressive patriarchal society than most of the western world? Maybe do some reading or something. (I know you won't)
I seem to remember a few months ago, you being anti-Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing. What happened? Get even more red-pilled?
I could go on about this, and I probably will at some point, but I've finished my sandwich.
When did I ever say I’m not against Israel's abominable actions, especially the kid killing?
Well, chief, if you really were against the IDF killing children by the thousands, then you wouldn't be running down the efforts of anyone that's trying to make a difference, not matter how misguided you may think they are. The fact that you've singled out LGBTQI people to poorly attemt to make a point reeks of homophobia tbh. Do better.
Homophobic now? You’re really clutching now son.
I’m pointing it out because you lefties are so blind to the real world.

indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:soggydog wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
By the IDF, yes you are correct Burls. Their kids would be snipered homes bombed and your big orange hero will finally advocate for ethnic cleansing. Only some cooler heads have checked him. I
So you don't think strict Islam law would have a problem with hundreds of rainbow they/thems in Gaza? hahahaha Change your name to soggybrain
Yep this is reality. (somethimg SG doesn't have much of grasp on)
Gaza Strip
Scholar Timea Spitka stated that in Gaza, coming out is a "death sentence" because police do not act against queerphobic violence, domestic violence is not criminalized, and civil society organizations, which protect women and children, are reported to be "vulnerable to attack." Spika added, in a related article, that this vulnerability has "been exploited by Israel," noting a connection between the Israeli occupation, lack of security and protection for women and non-heterosexual people, and lack of rule of law.[21][22] In 2019, Haaretz interviewed four gay men and one gay woman living in Gaza, who recounted their experiences: one man recounted his rough treatment by Hamas members, while others said they feared being arrested, outed, then forced into heterosexual marriage by their families. All four said that social media was a "game changer" in meeting other LGBTQ individuals, but some feared catfishing by undercover Hamas or Israeli intelligence agents.[23] Gay men who flirt with Israeli soldiers on dating apps, worry about being catfished by Hamas's security services.[24][8]
Some interpretations of Palestinian law say that it does not outlaw consensual gay sex between adults. Anis. F. Kassim (editor-in-chief of the Palestinian Yearbook of International Law) said that Palestinian law (even in Gaza) could be interpreted as allowing non-commercial sex between consenting adult men.[8]
It has been reported that the hostilities homosexual Palestinians face has led to many seeking refuge in other countries, such as Israel.[25] The Israeli LGBTQ organization The Aguda stated, in 2013, that around 2,000 Palestinian homosexuals live in Tel Aviv "at any one time."[26]However, the complex legal status of the Palestinian territories results in almost no assistance from most countries. Some have reported that while hundreds of homosexual Palestinians have fled to Israel, they have been subject to house arrest, or deportation, by Israeli authorities.[27] According to +972 Magazine, LGBT+ Palestinians seeking refuge in Israel "are routinely excluded from programs that are meant to secure basic healthcare for other asylum seekers" and that "their access to basic social rights such as shelter is also blocked."[28] In June 2022, Israel began issuing work permits for gay Palestinian refugees, who had been granted asylum, and those "fleeing domestic violence."[29] Prior to the rule change, the Israeli government resisted changing the terms for issuing permits, fearing it would "encourage more Palestinians to flee to Israel and seek asylum."[30]
In mid-2022, the Israeli government told the Israeli High Court that LGBTQ Palestinians from the West Bank who were "fleeing persecution" could work in Israel but that their presence was only temporary "in order to find a permanent solution in the [West Bank] or in another country."[29] A month after the murder, the Times of Israel noted that gay Palestinians who leave the West Bank, with public opinion polls indicating low tolerance for homosexuality, and arrive in Israel are faced with "an existence filled with dizzying uncertainties and life-threatening hazards." The article went on to say that such Palestinians have various escape routes to Israel, but that making them eligible for permanent residency includes "working with Israeli security forces" although those forces have been accused of blackmailing Palestinians into becoming informants for Israeli intelligence services; only "select few who have passed on invaluable knowledge" are granted this kind of permit, which requires the sign-off of the prime minister.[31]
BTW. There is even gay bars in Israel and a yearly Mardi Gra Parade, Same sex marriage isnt legal to be preformed but its recognised if married elsewhere, Israel is the most friendly LGBTQI country in the middle east
Gaza and Israel like most thing's is chalk and cheesse...but yeah you know soggy saw this or that on tik tok.

They just wanted an autograph.

I find the "anti palestine=lgbtiq+" standard (mit- braindead-jocularity) ABSOLUTELY astonishing. It makes no sense to people? just cos gay people are unwelcome there in policy?
(and people laugh when they say it, like it's self evident. haha, fucking wankers.. self-serving wankers).
empathising with oppressed people can't transcend self-interest or personal identity? what farking monkey thinks that?
whether Evelyn Beatrice Hall, Ignazio Silone, George Orwell, Norbert Guterman, S. G. Tallentyre, Douglas Young, H. G. Wells or François-Marie Arouet, or @blackers mining @stu's Albini diatribes..
"You can be whatever you are up the farkin wazoo! Ain't hurtin me directly, I'll frown heavily at those who oppose you. Rather than frown at you." something like that..
or we is JudaoChristian nannies with no hope of freedom.
like, 100% zero hope. ever.
what kinda world thinks we pursue self interest, not the rights of the vulnerable/less-represented to be respected for who they want to be? proper people don't vote for self-interest. waste of space humans do, and should go back where their ancestry stems from. not australian. simply didn't take. at all. go home.
(I had to google the preferred way to say lgbtiq+, sorry to say, don't really interact with people from the community much. but now I've been reminded. might kick back with some walt whitman tonight with a cigar and a scotch, and read a real USA man's views. sweeetnesss...)

sypkan wrote:Roadkill wrote:It’s started…labour shortages in multiple states. Citrus, nuts and meat processors are unable to have full production running as the workers are not turning up due to fear of being sent deported. Next up will be old aged homes and care facilities…so no bums will be wiped for old Americans as young Americans won’t do the work.
Crops will start rotting on tress and in fields. Making America Rot Again.
Another well thought out Bizness plan apparently.
trump might end up with a real problem on his hands here...
but really, a massive (misinformation) hysterical fear campaign be the real cause
The empty shopping centre doesn’t address farm workers not turning up to pick the fruit ,
because , the farmers know a up to 75 percent are undocumented,
And undocumented immigrants are now being rounded up and deported at these workplaces.
So why go to work if you’re going to be deported?

sypkan wrote:Roadkill wrote:It’s started…labour shortages in multiple states. Citrus, nuts and meat processors are unable to have full production running as the workers are not turning up due to fear of being sent deported. Next up will be old aged homes and care facilities…so no bums will be wiped for old Americans as young Americans won’t do the work.
Crops will start rotting on tress and in fields. Making America Rot Again.
Another well thought out Bizness plan apparently.
trump might end up with a real problem on his hands here...
but really, a massive (misinformation) hysterical fear campaign be the real cause
Good to see that someone has the courage to post a Donald J Trump post on Truth Social on X
Trumps not rounding up undocumented immigrants, because he thinks it’s good for the country,
He’s rounding them up, because that’s what he’s MAGA base is crying out for.
He’s only policy is race .

basesix wrote:I find the "anti palestine=lgbtiq+" standard (mit- braindead-jocularity) ABSOLUTELY astonishing. It makes no sense to people? just cos gay people are unwelcome there in policy?
(and people laugh when they say it, like it's self evident. haha, fucking wankers.. self-serving wankers).
empathising with oppressed people can't transcend self-interest or personal identity? what farking monkey thinks that?
whether Evelyn Beatrice Hall, Ignazio Silone, George Orwell, Norbert Guterman, S. G. Tallentyre, Douglas Young, H. G. Wells or François-Marie Arouet, or @blackers mining @stu's Albini diatribes..
"You can be whatever you are up the farkin wazoo! Ain't hurtin me directly, I'll frown heavily at those who oppose you. Rather than frown at you." something like that..
or we is JudaoChristian nannies with no hope of freedom.
like, 100% zero hope. ever.
what kinda world thinks we pursue self interest, not the rights of the vulnerable/less-represented to be respected for who they want to be? proper people don't vote for self-interest. waste of space humans do, and should go back where their ancestry stems from. not australian. simply didn't take. at all. go home.
(I had to google the preferred way to say lgbtiq+, sorry to say, don't really interact with people from the community much. but now I've been reminded. might kick back with some walt whitman tonight with a cigar and a scotch, and read a real USA man's views. sweeetnesss...)
You've lost touch with reality if you can't see the Irony or people protesting for a certain group of people that absolutely hate them and would celebrate their death.
The protesters are called useful idiots by the Palestinians. Pretty funny actually, as majority of the loonie left (like yourself) are useful idiots to minority groups.
Anyway, the world is changing, we're going to find a new (return to) normal where mental illness is just that. Nothing wrong with mental illness, we've all probably got a case of it in one form or another.

andy-mac wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:soggydog wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
By the IDF, yes you are correct Burls. Their kids would be snipered homes bombed and your big orange hero will finally advocate for ethnic cleansing. Only some cooler heads have checked him. I
So you don't think strict Islam law would have a problem with hundreds of rainbow they/thems in Gaza? hahahaha Change your name to soggybrain
Yep this is reality. (somethimg SG doesn't have much of grasp on)
Gaza Strip
Scholar Timea Spitka stated that in Gaza, coming out is a "death sentence" because police do not act against queerphobic violence, domestic violence is not criminalized, and civil society organizations, which protect women and children, are reported to be "vulnerable to attack." Spika added, in a related article, that this vulnerability has "been exploited by Israel," noting a connection between the Israeli occupation, lack of security and protection for women and non-heterosexual people, and lack of rule of law.[21][22] In 2019, Haaretz interviewed four gay men and one gay woman living in Gaza, who recounted their experiences: one man recounted his rough treatment by Hamas members, while others said they feared being arrested, outed, then forced into heterosexual marriage by their families. All four said that social media was a "game changer" in meeting other LGBTQ individuals, but some feared catfishing by undercover Hamas or Israeli intelligence agents.[23] Gay men who flirt with Israeli soldiers on dating apps, worry about being catfished by Hamas's security services.[24][8]
Some interpretations of Palestinian law say that it does not outlaw consensual gay sex between adults. Anis. F. Kassim (editor-in-chief of the Palestinian Yearbook of International Law) said that Palestinian law (even in Gaza) could be interpreted as allowing non-commercial sex between consenting adult men.[8]
It has been reported that the hostilities homosexual Palestinians face has led to many seeking refuge in other countries, such as Israel.[25] The Israeli LGBTQ organization The Aguda stated, in 2013, that around 2,000 Palestinian homosexuals live in Tel Aviv "at any one time."[26]However, the complex legal status of the Palestinian territories results in almost no assistance from most countries. Some have reported that while hundreds of homosexual Palestinians have fled to Israel, they have been subject to house arrest, or deportation, by Israeli authorities.[27] According to +972 Magazine, LGBT+ Palestinians seeking refuge in Israel "are routinely excluded from programs that are meant to secure basic healthcare for other asylum seekers" and that "their access to basic social rights such as shelter is also blocked."[28] In June 2022, Israel began issuing work permits for gay Palestinian refugees, who had been granted asylum, and those "fleeing domestic violence."[29] Prior to the rule change, the Israeli government resisted changing the terms for issuing permits, fearing it would "encourage more Palestinians to flee to Israel and seek asylum."[30]
In mid-2022, the Israeli government told the Israeli High Court that LGBTQ Palestinians from the West Bank who were "fleeing persecution" could work in Israel but that their presence was only temporary "in order to find a permanent solution in the [West Bank] or in another country."[29] A month after the murder, the Times of Israel noted that gay Palestinians who leave the West Bank, with public opinion polls indicating low tolerance for homosexuality, and arrive in Israel are faced with "an existence filled with dizzying uncertainties and life-threatening hazards." The article went on to say that such Palestinians have various escape routes to Israel, but that making them eligible for permanent residency includes "working with Israeli security forces" although those forces have been accused of blackmailing Palestinians into becoming informants for Israeli intelligence services; only "select few who have passed on invaluable knowledge" are granted this kind of permit, which requires the sign-off of the prime minister.[31]
BTW. There is even gay bars in Israel and a yearly Mardi Gra Parade, Same sex marriage isnt legal to be preformed but its recognised if married elsewhere, Israel is the most friendly LGBTQI country in the middle east
Gaza and Israel like most thing's is chalk and cheesse...but yeah you know soggy saw this or that on tik tok.
Im not sure if you are taking the piss or what?
Seems like a set up or just a troll, maybe the reaction is fake maybe it's real, who knows, but let's just assume the reaction is real.
Of course if you taunt and mock a very strict religious group by half dressing in their attire like that most likely in their struct religious neighbourhood, possible outside their religious building most won't react to well not just in Israel but in much of the world.
Lets say this is real, when they caught him he they might have just held him down and threatened him and told him to leave and not return, but he did it because he knew he wasn't going to get beaten to death.
But you can bet NOBODY would ever try this troll in Gaza in Muslim attire no matter the neighbourhood the risk of being beaten to death would be very real and if they survived that and ended up in police presence most likely further beatings and some time in a cell.
And as we all know even in western countries, there is still religious group's or other groups/people that strongly oppose gays, and in some places they are still victims/targets of violence, id expect its no different in Israel, but its very different to what gays face in strict Islamist ruled countries.
PS. I was curious with one of the. comments under your video claiming Tel Avi is one of the most gay friendly cities in the world, a google search confirms this is true.
Tens of thousands participate in Israel's annual gay pride
(Seems video doesn't like to embed but yeah, not much different to Sydney, lot's of colour and skin etc)

I would support SUPs on good waves, if people were dropping car engines on their heads.
maybe that would make me useful to big-SUP, @burleigh.
You know we're all dead in a few minutes right?
what's got you so cornered in life?
you've never bothered to share..
I have asked a number of times.

burleigh wrote:basesix wrote:I find the "anti palestine=lgbtiq+" standard (mit- braindead-jocularity) ABSOLUTELY astonishing. It makes no sense to people? just cos gay people are unwelcome there in policy?
(and people laugh when they say it, like it's self evident. haha, fucking wankers.. self-serving wankers).
empathising with oppressed people can't transcend self-interest or personal identity? what farking monkey thinks that?
whether Evelyn Beatrice Hall, Ignazio Silone, George Orwell, Norbert Guterman, S. G. Tallentyre, Douglas Young, H. G. Wells or François-Marie Arouet, or @blackers mining @stu's Albini diatribes..
"You can be whatever you are up the farkin wazoo! Ain't hurtin me directly, I'll frown heavily at those who oppose you. Rather than frown at you." something like that..
or we is JudaoChristian nannies with no hope of freedom.
like, 100% zero hope. ever.
what kinda world thinks we pursue self interest, not the rights of the vulnerable/less-represented to be respected for who they want to be? proper people don't vote for self-interest. waste of space humans do, and should go back where their ancestry stems from. not australian. simply didn't take. at all. go home.
(I had to google the preferred way to say lgbtiq+, sorry to say, don't really interact with people from the community much. but now I've been reminded. might kick back with some walt whitman tonight with a cigar and a scotch, and read a real USA man's views. sweeetnesss...)
You've lost touch with reality if you can't see the Irony or people protesting for a certain group of people that absolutely hate them and would celebrate their death.
The protesters are called useful idiots by the Palestinians. Pretty funny actually, as majority of the loonie left (like yourself) are useful idiots to minority groups.Anyway, the world is changing, we're going to find a new (return to) normal where mental illness is just that. Nothing wrong with mental illness, we've all probably got a case of it in one form or another.
Similarities to MAGA ,
Cheering for the super rich, who actually despise them because they cost money.

indo-dreaming wrote:andy-mac wrote:indo-dreaming wrote:burleigh wrote:soggydog wrote:burleigh wrote:southernraw wrote:andy-mac wrote:Hedges was warning of this nearly 20 years ago.
Its getting closer... cannot see how liberal states will accept it, so could get ugly.As I mentioned glibly in another post, USA heading towards a combination of Handsmaid Tale and Civil War....
Wokesters vs MAGA
Or critical thinkers vs dumb dumbs?C'mon Southern, there are unlimited examples of the wokesters not thinking critically. A prime example is the LGTBQ+ brigade chanting free Palestine. Yet if they were in Gaza they would be slaughtered.
By the IDF, yes you are correct Burls. Their kids would be snipered homes bombed and your big orange hero will finally advocate for ethnic cleansing. Only some cooler heads have checked him. I
So you don't think strict Islam law would have a problem with hundreds of rainbow they/thems in Gaza? hahahaha Change your name to soggybrain
Yep this is reality. (somethimg SG doesn't have much of grasp on)
Gaza Strip
Scholar Timea Spitka stated that in Gaza, coming out is a "death sentence" because police do not act against queerphobic violence, domestic violence is not criminalized, and civil society organizations, which protect women and children, are reported to be "vulnerable to attack." Spika added, in a related article, that this vulnerability has "been exploited by Israel," noting a connection between the Israeli occupation, lack of security and protection for women and non-heterosexual people, and lack of rule of law.[21][22] In 2019, Haaretz interviewed four gay men and one gay woman living in Gaza, who recounted their experiences: one man recounted his rough treatment by Hamas members, while others said they feared being arrested, outed, then forced into heterosexual marriage by their families. All four said that social media was a "game changer" in meeting other LGBTQ individuals, but some feared catfishing by undercover Hamas or Israeli intelligence agents.[23] Gay men who flirt with Israeli soldiers on dating apps, worry about being catfished by Hamas's security services.[24][8]
Some interpretations of Palestinian law say that it does not outlaw consensual gay sex between adults. Anis. F. Kassim (editor-in-chief of the Palestinian Yearbook of International Law) said that Palestinian law (even in Gaza) could be interpreted as allowing non-commercial sex between consenting adult men.[8]
It has been reported that the hostilities homosexual Palestinians face has led to many seeking refuge in other countries, such as Israel.[25] The Israeli LGBTQ organization The Aguda stated, in 2013, that around 2,000 Palestinian homosexuals live in Tel Aviv "at any one time."[26]However, the complex legal status of the Palestinian territories results in almost no assistance from most countries. Some have reported that while hundreds of homosexual Palestinians have fled to Israel, they have been subject to house arrest, or deportation, by Israeli authorities.[27] According to +972 Magazine, LGBT+ Palestinians seeking refuge in Israel "are routinely excluded from programs that are meant to secure basic healthcare for other asylum seekers" and that "their access to basic social rights such as shelter is also blocked."[28] In June 2022, Israel began issuing work permits for gay Palestinian refugees, who had been granted asylum, and those "fleeing domestic violence."[29] Prior to the rule change, the Israeli government resisted changing the terms for issuing permits, fearing it would "encourage more Palestinians to flee to Israel and seek asylum."[30]
In mid-2022, the Israeli government told the Israeli High Court that LGBTQ Palestinians from the West Bank who were "fleeing persecution" could work in Israel but that their presence was only temporary "in order to find a permanent solution in the [West Bank] or in another country."[29] A month after the murder, the Times of Israel noted that gay Palestinians who leave the West Bank, with public opinion polls indicating low tolerance for homosexuality, and arrive in Israel are faced with "an existence filled with dizzying uncertainties and life-threatening hazards." The article went on to say that such Palestinians have various escape routes to Israel, but that making them eligible for permanent residency includes "working with Israeli security forces" although those forces have been accused of blackmailing Palestinians into becoming informants for Israeli intelligence services; only "select few who have passed on invaluable knowledge" are granted this kind of permit, which requires the sign-off of the prime minister.[31]
BTW. There is even gay bars in Israel and a yearly Mardi Gra Parade, Same sex marriage isnt legal to be preformed but its recognised if married elsewhere, Israel is the most friendly LGBTQI country in the middle east
Gaza and Israel like most thing's is chalk and cheesse...but yeah you know soggy saw this or that on tik tok.
&pp=ygUPYnJ1bm8gaW4gaXNyYWVsIm not sure if you are taking the piss or what?
Seems like a set up or just a troll, maybe the reaction is fake maybe it's real, who knows, but let's just assume the reaction is real.
Of course if you taunt and mock a very strict religious group by dressing in their attire most likely in their area, possible outside their religious building most won't react to well not just in Israel but much of the world.
Lets say this is real, he might have just got held down and threatened and told to leave, but he did it because he knew he wasnt going to get beaten to death.
But you can bet NOBODY would ever try this troll in Gaza in Muslim attire no matter the neighbourhood the risk of being beaten to death would be very real and if they survived that and ended up in police presence most likely further beatings and some time in a cell.
As we all know even in western countries, there is still religious group's that strongly oppose gays, and in some places they are still victims of violence, id expect no different in Israel, but its very different to what gays face in stric Islamist ruled countries
PS. I was curious with one of the. comments under your video claiming Tel Avi is one of the most gay friendly cities in the world, a google search confirms this is true.
Tens of thousands participate in Israel's annual gay pride
(seems video doesn't like to embed but yeah, not much different to Sydney, lot's of colour and skin etc)
Settle down mate, it's a joke.
Have always enjoyed how Sacha Baron pushes humour.
It was real....

Why do Palistinians hate us Burls?
Again “got any proof”
Far out dude you’ve been doing the Tour de France backwards this arvo mate. Only thing is burls we can all see you. Your wearing the yellow jersey.

Hey @info, or @ainfo, or @bot-info, or ??
Whatever source you use for your comments eg ^^ don’t you think you should acknowledge it as a footnote on your post?
It’s the honest thing to do afterall, cheers lil buddy

basesix wrote:I find the "anti palestine=lgbtiq+" standard (mit- braindead-jocularity) ABSOLUTELY astonishing. It makes no sense to people? just cos gay people are unwelcome there in policy?
(and people laugh when they say it, like it's self evident. haha, fucking wankers.. self-serving wankers).
empathising with oppressed people can't transcend self-interest or personal identity? what farking monkey thinks that?
whether Evelyn Beatrice Hall, Ignazio Silone, George Orwell, Norbert Guterman, S. G. Tallentyre, Douglas Young, H. G. Wells or François-Marie Arouet, or @blackers mining @stu's Albini diatribes..
"You can be whatever you are up the farkin wazoo! Ain't hurtin me directly, I'll frown heavily at those who oppose you. Rather than frown at you." something like that..
or we is JudaoChristian nannies with no hope of freedom.
like, 100% zero hope. ever.
what kinda world thinks we pursue self interest, not the rights of the vulnerable/less-represented to be respected for who they want to be? proper people don't vote for self-interest. waste of space humans do, and should go back where their ancestry stems from. not australian. simply didn't take. at all. go home.
(I had to google the preferred way to say lgbtiq+, sorry to say, don't really interact with people from the community much. but now I've been reminded. might kick back with some walt whitman tonight with a cigar and a scotch, and read a real USA man's views. sweeetnesss...)
Well said @basesix and cheers.
I couldn't be fucked replying to it.
And fwiw some of the most vocal voices in my world are doctors. Straight doctors if it matters.

I have always defended your right to be a useful unit @burleigh.
happy you are seeing yourself in me. makes me feel special : )
@jef: kinda consider myself a bit of a control subject, there's a dozen of us here on SN I would rate as aussie controls.. I live on a bush paddock (middle of nothing, not sa, not vic), with internet, but no socials and no phone, and I find people like you and @burlz amazing, you're ABSOLUTELY the same feller. I seem to be told by @burlz my views are city-slicker views, but fuck that! Lonely beachies and manky reefs with fishos is me hood. My personal views were shaped in the 80's (largely by things that I thought were shitty probs) why does @burlz think I'm being sucked into something?
If you don't like how your neighbour smells/acts/prays..
just go home. go. we don't want you. UK, Holland,
leave this place for big-Aus. @burlz.. you need to leave?
Your services are not needed. Go home. Where are you REALLY from?
Go Home.
I have literally never met a new person that wasn't a great human.

GuySmiley wrote:Hey @info, or @ainfo, or @bot-info, or ??
Whatever source you use for your comments eg ^^ don’t you think you should acknowledge it as a footnote on your post?
It’s the honest thing to do afterall, cheers lil buddy
Seems you need an eyes test.
The name clearly says "Indo-dreaming" and there is a clear link under the cut and pasted content.
Nothing else is cut & pasted or AI (that iv'e only ever used once here and noted in my post when i did)

basesix wrote:@adam12.. as you know, I have only a marginal-interest in this stuff, but do you have a legal perspective (and personal opinion) on the context of the birth-right citizenship stuff..? @vj?
Yar good on ya Base,
7 hours in the water today, stinking hot day. I'm fried. Have a quick glance at SN while I eat my bacon and eggs and get exited to flick on the dvd and watch the next episode of the Italian "Breaking Bad" Gammorah, (highly recommend) and here's Base setting me homework assignments on a topic they have whole sections in law libraries devoted to with a complex history going back centuries.
It's a big topic, not just in the US but many countries, including here. I'll be brief. The concept of birthright citizenship goes way back, the Supreme Court established the right in the late 1800's based on English Common Law going back to the 1600's.
Some legal scholars have tied it's origins to colonialism, it was seen as desired and positive to boost populations in countries where the principle was established in centuries past, not so much so in the overpopulated inequitable future we are living in this century.
Not all countries have it, in the 21st century there have been changes and a stepping back from broad rights of birthright citizenship in a number of countries, including Australia. The right is restricted here and other places like the UK and others.
The US is unique in that following the Civil War the right was enshrined in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. They have what is classified as unrestricted rights. Citizenship birthright extends not just to anyone born in the US but also to anyone born anywhere with one parent who is a US citizen.
(They are so woke over there sometimes ay!)
This should mean, and in the past has meant that Trump's executive order is dead in the water.
Trump wants to restrict this enshrined birthright, he particularly focuses on "undocumented" pregnant mothers giving birth in the US.
This is where the complexity arises as there are different standards or qualifications that can be and are used to restrict birthright, both being attempted by Trump and used in different countries that have birthrights.
But really Trump is just using the issue the same way he uses immigration and the border issue, make a lot of noise, trigger the MAGA base, a bit of gesture, fail, then pretend you did it anyway.
Other countries who have changed course this century like us here don't have a constitutional right so changes have only political constraints.
Trump tried this stunt in 2005, a similar executive order, it was challenged as unconstitutional by civil rights groups in the Supreme Court. Trump lost.
I would expect a repeat this time, but these days with the US fuck knows. The US Supreme Court has been knobbled and is making some horrendous decisions, throwing out longstanding settled principles and making up ridiculous legal opinions to justify themselves.
I'm trying to avoid even thinking about this guy or these things tbh, it's a marathon of fuckwittery we have ahead of us, it's only been a week. Serenity now!
What I will say is don't look at the noise and fury of Trump, it's mostly more showbiz than substance, a lot of it on repeat from Trump 1, and if you do it will send you mad, it's the things that don't make the NY Post or get headlines that you should be watching. Trump fired every Inspector General from every government department this week, (except the DoJ). They are the independent auditors. He is replacing them with Trump loyalists. They can steal all the money now, no one will complain or expose it, no one will know.
But just watch and wait as the Trump train derails. There is so much stupid going on it's inevitable.
The truth is that usually every government is basically a disaster, or series of disasters, even good ones. Governing is actually hard, complex and beset by constant crisis, self inflicted or from without.
That's why you don't want idiots running them.
But none of it matters anyway @Base, it's all irrelevant, nonsense, all of me you are just a ghost...driving around a meat-coated skeleton made from stardust...clinging to a watery rock...hurtling through space...fear nothing!

Great question @basesix and great response @Adam12.
The Serenity now Frank Costanza reference really cracked me up.
@adam12 said "Serenity now!
What I will say is don't look at the noise and fury of Trump, it's mostly more showbiz than substance, a lot of it on repeat from Trump 1, and if you do it will send you mad, it's the things that don't make the NY Post or get headlines that you should be watching. Trump fired every Inspector General from every government department this week, (except the DoJ). They are the independent auditors. He is replacing them with Trump loyalists. They can steal all the money now, no one will complain or expose it, no one will know."...
That's the one that really pricked my ears up this week too @adam12. And i had trouble finding too much information on it. Probably because the human headline is creating so many headlines by the minute, everything 8 hours earlier gets buried. Pretty good strategy when you think about it.
The man is definitely not stupid.

(actually wish I had a cigar for the first time in about a decade...)

Now that’s entertainment!! Nice post a12

basesix wrote:I have always defended your right to be a useful unit @burleigh.
happy you are seeing yourself in me. makes me feel special : )@jef: kinda consider myself a bit of a control subject, there's a dozen of us here on SN I would rate as aussie controls.. I live on a bush paddock (middle of nothing, not sa, not vic), with internet, but no socials and no phone, and I find people like you and @burlz amazing, you're ABSOLUTELY the same feller. I seem to be told by @burlz my views are city-slicker views, but fuck that! Lonely beachies and manky reefs with fishos is me hood. My personal views were shaped in the 80's (largely by things that I thought were shitty probs) why does @burlz think I'm being sucked into something?
If you don't like how your neighbour smells/acts/prays..
just go home. go. we don't want you. UK, Holland,
leave this place for big-Aus. @burlz.. you need to leave?
Your services are not needed. Go home. Where are you REALLY from?
Go Home.I have literally never met a new person that wasn't a great human.
burlz? bit lonely out here in the sticks.. any advice? you sticking to your wisdom tumeric bum gland geology schtick..?
cheers, @adam12,
if I lived nearer, I'd be all about convincing @AW that playing bridge was fun, and sneaking into indoor pools in holiday parks was the shit. Hope you're making the right stuff calm, so the fun stuff can have the extra-special-raucous edge.

This whole birth right issue in the USA is a real eye opener.
It's crazy that USA has unrestricted birth right citizenship especially being so close to Mexico and other South American developing countries and having such porous borders.
Im not sure exactly what Trump is proposing but something more similar to Australia at a bare minimum make's sense,. (but seems he has legal issues with the constitution)
Correct me if im wrong: but my understanding is currently anyone born in the USA is regarded legally as an American no matter the status of each parent, so my understanding is if a couple from say South America enter illegal and then have a child, that child will automatically be American?
And im betting that then provides a much stronger path for the parent's to become legally Americans.
Same deal with a couple on a tourist visa or other temporary visas.
That's insane looking at a map of the world it seems unrestricted birth right is something that only really happens from South America up to USA, Canada, Alaska. (apart from two odd African country)
But let's be real nobody or very few want a birth right in south American countries, it's USA and Canada that are the ones they want to get, but Canada has the buffer of USA for illegal immigrants, so its really only USA in this position.
Seems like a no brainer to take that carrot away and go to a more sensible balanced system like Australia has.
(my basic understanding being the baby takes on the visa status of the parents, and even if one parent has a permant visa or is Australian, they get that also, which is fair)

basesix wrote:basesix wrote:I have always defended your right to be a useful unit @burleigh.
happy you are seeing yourself in me. makes me feel special : )@jef: kinda consider myself a bit of a control subject, there's a dozen of us here on SN I would rate as aussie controls.. I live on a bush paddock (middle of nothing, not sa, not vic), with internet, but no socials and no phone, and I find people like you and @burlz amazing, you're ABSOLUTELY the same feller. I seem to be told by @burlz my views are city-slicker views, but fuck that! Lonely beachies and manky reefs with fishos is me hood. My personal views were shaped in the 80's (largely by things that I thought were shitty probs) why does @burlz think I'm being sucked into something?
If you don't like how your neighbour smells/acts/prays..
just go home. go. we don't want you. UK, Holland,
leave this place for big-Aus. @burlz.. you need to leave?
Your services are not needed. Go home. Where are you REALLY from?
Go Home.I have literally never met a new person that wasn't a great human.
burlz? bit lonely out here in the sticks.. any advice? you sticking to your wisdom tumeric bum gland geology schtick..?
cheers, @adam12,
if I lived nearer, I'd be all about convincing @AW that playing bridge was fun, and sneaking into indoor pools in holiday parks was the shit. Hope you're making the right stuff calm, so the fun stuff can have the extra-special-raucous edge.
So lonely you’re replying to yourself. No social media but your woke views show that your TV Chanel is stuck to abc news.
Bush boys for Kamala. You go girl

@misinfo “ Correct me if im wrong”
Fuck me, how often? We’ve got fatigue @misinfo. Some of us just wanna go home!
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank