The United States(!) of A

haha. klingon to it! from now on, the shortcomings of BD/SR is a severe lack of opinions!

haha. I'm just a vanilla icecream pretty much circling the SN drain.
The end is nigh!

ha! fuck you've been good. I thought you were gonna implode at the end of whatever you had due at the end of that far off time... 2024, I think.. was that what it was called..?


mm. it's our particular overseer-condoned lubricant, we all hafta drink much more water, have a full belly, and make a time of day that deviantism is civil. and have hobbies and the sea. if we can't manage it, @burleigh and the Muslims win.
(and perhaps they should win. I've long though FNP Islamicism should be encouraged, Jesus having failed them, health-wise. And the non-religious couldn't give a rat's, as we've seen).

haha nailed it! Hilarious.
Yeah shit happens. Would be boring if we were perfect.
Live and learn.

southernraw wrote:basesix wrote:southernraw wrote:Was meant to be a compliment.
you dance with a klingon, you shatner the bed..
I'm just aghast that i've been labelled opinionless!!
My opinions are the thing that have caused me so much grief on this website!! hahaha. Opinionless. Pah!! I'm off Jeffy now.
I knew you had a soft spot for jeffy and when he attacked you like he has everyone else , even those that bag the shit out of trump , I thought, fark it must be a tough gig, hating the whole world and everyone in it , all because of a orange man in a country far far away .

Yep, can't recall ever saying a bad word to Jeffy actually Supa.
Hope you're well legend.

It's honestly so bizare to watch.
SR was rooting for Kamala hating on Trump before the election.
SR gives Jeffy a bit of friendly encouragement
But Jeffy still turns around and attacks SR saying he has no opinion's (such a weird call)
Jeffy is a very strange boy.

The forums are funny places indeed Indo.

burleigh wrote:5 days and the western worlds wokeness will begin to be corrected.
Can’t wait
labor had to squeeze one more in
(I wish that's all it was...)

sypkan wrote:burleigh wrote:5 days and the western worlds wokeness will begin to be corrected.
Can’t wait
labor had to squeeze one more in
(I wish that's all it was...)
That'll will Albo the election! :/

sypkan wrote:burleigh wrote:5 days and the western worlds wokeness will begin to be corrected.
Can’t wait
labor had to squeeze one more in
(I wish that's all it was...)
One more daily outrage from you, eh Sypkan? For a self-identified clever commenter you're one hell of a patsy.

If Trump can see this through, that's a great start to his presidency.
Shows how impotent the Biden admin were... blood on their hands.
Edit: and would add Profeessor Jeffery Sachs to whom Trump tweeted his speech for helping the process.
May the cease fire hold and peace achieved....

andy-mac wrote:If Trump can see this through, that's a great start to his presidency.
Shows how impotent the Biden admin were... blood on their hands.Edit: and would add Profeessor Jeffery Sachs to whom Trump tweeted his speech for helping the process.
May the cease fire hold and peace achieved....
It’s incredible isn’t it.
Going to be interesting into watch what happens once he’s in.

goofyfoot wrote:andy-mac wrote:If Trump can see this through, that's a great start to his presidency.
Shows how impotent the Biden admin were... blood on their hands.Edit: and would add Profeessor Jeffery Sachs to whom Trump tweeted his speech for helping the process.
May the cease fire hold and peace achieved....
It’s incredible isn’t it.
Going to be interesting into watch what happens once he’s in.
Yep indeed.
Maybe he is going to be more concerned with keeping his house in order.
This clip has some interesting points.
Don't know much about speaker, but seems to simplify what many are saying what is going on in the USA and to a lesser extent Australia.
Title a little melodramatic.

Thank-you stu for getting rid (I think) of juliang at long last. Why it took this long is a question only you can answer (family member?).

Where is everyone that called me out when I said trump will stop the wars? 1 down, 1 to go,

I haven't listened to the dozen reports and media opinions needed yet to get a proper view and understanding of the deal
But from what ive seen it sounds like a terrible deal
33 hostages released but 9 or 10 are dead bodies so really it's only 23-24 hostages released.
And two are women IDF soldiers in exchange for releasing over 120 Hamas or Palestine Islamic Jihad prisoners
I guess it's all politics though, im sure Bibi has done deals with Trump behind the scenes, (hopefully in support of dealing with Iran) Trump get's to look good coming into power, Bibi keeps Israeli public a bit more happy seeing some progress on hostages released.
Going to be interesting, i cant see how Israel can ever give up a certain amount of control of the Egypt/Gaza border or even just a degree of presence in Gaza and definitely cant allow Hamas to govern again.
Even if the war stops in Gaza its really just a pause until Hamas break the ceasefire, and the focus will probably shift to Iran and the Houthi's.
Any ceasefire really means little in the long term scheme of things, it's not going to change Iran and it's proxies goal of destroying Israel and turning the land back to Islamic control, sadly that desire will never end, the best we can hope for is a regime change in Iran and a change of government in Gaza one that focusses on the people's future and needs rather than tunnels and rockets and destroying Israel.
BTW. something to note if the Biba's baby taken at 9 months as a hostage now 2 years old isn't released in this group, then that will mean he is sadly dead.

Truce in Gaza, crypto is booming, US CPI data came better than expected last night...What a time to be alive!

...not to mention a week of south and east swell incoming.

I must admit I’ve never taken much notice of what this woke phenomenon is. I’m pretty anti woke, I guess, regularly using “what a load of shit” but can’t understand why anyone would get upset by all the wokeness. Live and let live.
If it doesn’t affect me I don’t give a rat’s other than an eye roll maybe.

stunet wrote:...not to mention a week of south and east swell incoming.
Jeez, that's true. I haven't surfed in ages. Just some small sessions here and there. On the other hand, wingfoiling is going strong. We had some good winds this season.

people care because it's repugnant
and aside from all the non productive resources it chews up, as the institutionalised grift it has become...
its a vote loser
almost undoubtedly... and yet, certain strange forces soldier on with it...
which was my main point here
totally tone deaf, dumb, and defiant
in this particular case, decidedly autistic...
in that it undermines the original acknowledgement of country purpose
and essentially means nothing... an acknowledgement of autistic people... in a document about autistic people?
errr... ok...
absolute mindless gibberish
isolating and stupid whichever angle you come at it
labor clearly literally need an advisor to point out such ridiculous own goals
which is the real problem here...

Well it’s all a matter of perspective I guess. Your railing as opposed to my eye rolling achieves exactly the same. Applies to the Labor party also.

sypkan wrote:people care because it's repugnant
and aside from all the non productive resources it chews up, as the institutionalised grift it has become...
its a vote loser
almost undoubtedly... and yet, certain strange forces soldier on with it...
which was my main point here
totally tone deaf, dumb, and defiant
in this particular case, decidedly autistic...
in that it undermines the original acknowledgement of country purpose
and essentially means nothing... an acknowledgement of autistic people... in a document about autistic people?
errr... ok...
absolute mindless gibberish
isolating and stupid whichever angle you come at it
labor clearly literally need an advisor to point out such ridiculous own goals
which is the real problem here...
Nah mate, it's just a hysterical non-story that you, the so-called media shaman, have fallen for.
You've said before how the conservative media doesn't set the agenda anymore, yet here you are perpetuating a story that is so pathetically pissant that it has only been run in the Daily Mail. And did you notice the DM's logical inconsistencies in slamming the acknowledgement? No, in your haste to cut and paste and echo a controversy that you so want to be true, I'll bet you missed that.
That acknowledgement...or thank you, or dedication, or whatever you want to call it, to the people who assisted is standard fare. It's not govt protocol across all the departments, you're not about to hear it in RSL clubs, it's just the written gratitude of a bunch of people who've worked on a detailed report.
I note they've worked on it for two years, so one hell of a project, yet the MSM and its associated agenda-following idiots haven't said anything about the actual content of the report. Is it good, is it bad? No, the only mention is to damn the pleasantries written as an afterthought to the whole thing.
But carry on. Tomorrow there'll be a whole other outrage.

stunet wrote:sypkan wrote:people care because it's repugnant
and aside from all the non productive resources it chews up, as the institutionalised grift it has become...
its a vote loser
almost undoubtedly... and yet, certain strange forces soldier on with it...
which was my main point here
totally tone deaf, dumb, and defiant
in this particular case, decidedly autistic...
in that it undermines the original acknowledgement of country purpose
and essentially means nothing... an acknowledgement of autistic people... in a document about autistic people?
errr... ok...
absolute mindless gibberish
isolating and stupid whichever angle you come at it
labor clearly literally need an advisor to point out such ridiculous own goals
which is the real problem here...
Nah mate, it's just a hysterical non-story that you, the so-called media shaman, have fallen for.
You've said before how the conservative media doesn't set the agenda anymore, yet here you are perpetuating a story that is so pathetically pissant that it has only been run in the Daily Mail. And did you notice the DM's logical inconsistencies in slamming the acknowledgement? No, in your haste to cut and paste and echo a controversy that you so want to be true, I'll bet you missed that.
That acknowledgement...or thank you, or dedication, or whatever you want to call it, to the people who assisted is standard fare. It's not govt protocol across all the departments, you're not about to hear it in RSL clubs, it's just the written gratitude of a bunch of people who've worked on a detailed report.
I note they've worked on it for two years, so one hell of a project, yet the MSM and its associated agenda-following idiots haven't said anything about the actual content of the report. Is it good, is it bad? No, the only mention is to damn the pleasantries written as an afterthought to the whole thing.
But carry on. Tomorrow there'll be a whole other outrage.
Brilliantly expressed Stu.

Just had a read. Acknowledging Austistic people in a report about autistic people seems legit.
It’s the governments way of trying to cut NDIS cost. Basically change in assessments of disability and one would assume the cutting of services and therapies.
There are already well established assessments and therapies that work. New assessments skewed towards knocking legitimate people off the scheme is repugnant in my view.
Cost cutting should be focused on catching those that rort the system.

How would you categorise this:
Virtue Signalling??
Or just plain unadulterated Vanity?

A Salty Dog wrote:sypkan,
How would you categorise this:
Virtue Signalling??
Or just plain unadulterated Vanity?
I like an IPA, but not Gina's .....

well that's one take
another one is the autistic comedian guy in the article that saw it like I did...
it's the language, placement, and formatting that's a bit curious and seemingly thoughtless
which make it comedic fodder to make a point...
it's a laugh
as the whole thing has become...
no railing really seeds
lotsa eye rolling...

I'd call it nauseating propaganda saltydog
the labor party has it's own friendly and supposedly 'independent' think tanks, that do exactly the same...
just in an equal and opposite direction

^^ the first thing I do before deciding the veracity … or not … of the latest outrage that @sypkan posts is to check the bona fides of the person that he presents as his proof that things are as he suggests. Invariably his expert, like today’s, posts on X and has a long online presence triggered by the imaginary threats from the left mixed with a routine and flagrant disregard of the truth … now that is repugnant behaviour in any person’s book.

sypkan wrote:well that's one take
another one is the autistic comedian guy in the article that saw it like I did...
it's the language, placement, and formatting that's a bit curious and seemingly thoughtless
which make it comedic fodder to make a point...
it's a laugh
as the whole thing has become...
no railing really seeds
lotsa eye rolling...
Take the L

you keep doing you frownyman...
the article is there if you want to read it, sure dismiss the mail too... (I do... I literally never look at it unless directed to it...) but it doesn't change the context and content...
dismiss all you like...
and make assumptions of my motivations all you like...
but none of that 'fixes' anything
clearly you guys think there's nothing to fix...
but here's my prediction for the next election
- labor is going to reflexively make it all about climate change (...again... sigh...)
because they've got nothing else to spruik really...
- and dutto's gonna consciously make it all about cost of living, energy, possibly immigration, and woke stuff...
everything labor desperately don't wanna talk about!
so ignore it all you want, but labor have a pending problem...
and a glaringly obvious ideological blind spot
they display it seemingly proudly
as do you...

GuySmiley wrote:^^ the first thing I do before deciding the veracity … or not … of the latest outrage that @sypkan posts is to check the bona fides of the person that he presents as his proof that things are as he suggests. Invariably his expert, like today’s, posts on X and has a long online presence triggered by the imaginary threats from the left mixed with a routine and flagrant disregard of the truth … now that is repugnant behaviour in any person’s book.
sypkan's twitter reposts are the best, cos not only do you know they'll be complete dross, they'll also give you a good chuckle, even on the grimmest of days.

so we do all see the humour...
(you all come across a bit hostile, considering the frivolity...)

this is all a bit derailing and 'dross'
how is it with that trump guy?
the guy that was supposedly gonna give israel free reign...
reined em in like a bitch
a better question maybe is...
what is it with that biden guy?
it's almost like he was an impotent fool that no one was taking seriously...
a band of impotent fools...
that seem to get just about every big call wrong

Biden-Trump teamwork advanced Gaza ceasefire, says outgoing US ambassador to Israel …………… Summary
Bipartisan cooperation began after Trump's election
Jack Lew emphasizes importance of Saudi-Israel normalization
Urges Israeli security, Palestinian self-governance for peace

Hegseth embarrassing himself badly . Needs to do more than just homework .

Sounds like we live in 'Aukus' now. Let the fun begin.

that hegseth thing is terrifying
that alone should disqualify him
but it won't...

I reckon all the ceasefire claiming and jubilation is a bit premature...
israeli cabinet hasn't even voted yet
and then there's this...
the dual presidents might be walking back from the claims and blaming each other within a few weeks...
maybe it's all part of the plan?

sypkan wrote:I reckon all the ceasefire claiming and jubilation is a bit premature...
israeli cabinet hasn't even voted yet
and then there's this...
the dual presidents might be walking back from the claims and blaming each other within a few weeks...
maybe it's all part of the plan?
Looks like Bibi is already walking away...
From Guardian...
Netanyahu’s office says cabinet won’t meet to approve ceasefire deal until Hamas backs down on 'last minute concessions'
Israel’s security cabinet has delayed a planned meeting to approve a ceasefire and hostage deal with Hamas in Gaza, with Benjamin Netanyahu’s office accusing Hamas of attempting to obtain ‘last minute concessions’ on some aspects of the deal.
Reuters quotes Netanyahu’s office saying “Hamas reneges on parts of the agreement reached with the mediators and Israel in an effort to extort last minute concessions. The Israeli cabinet will not convene until the mediators notify Israel that Hamas has accepted all elements of the agreement.”
Originally scheduled for 11am (9am GMT), the Jerusalem Post had earlier reported the security cabinet delay had been caused because “the hostage deal delegation hasn’t finished its work in Qatar and returned to Israel.”
It reported “When the delegation returns, the security cabinet will convene.”
More details soon …

seeds wrote:Past actions
Reckon tweet Trump shared featuring Professor Sachs appraisal of Bibi is spot on....


Wotz the significance of The Fire
truebluebasher TUESDAY, 5 MAR 2024 at 6:22PM
Can we get Kev O7's Oz Ambassador in to translate this aukus code...
Like wotz this swellnet & how did tbb crack our Aukus Code.
Why does a surf site feel the need to run The US of A blog.
I don't like it...reckon the E harmony envoy should censor it...or ban them...
tbb : Read the fuckin' date & count the happy's an Oz / Asian welcome tribute ya dumb fucks!
What do ya think it says... ASEAN... well durr!
How many multitude of races are represented...11 (Must be a football Team!)

sypkan wrote:I reckon all the ceasefire claiming and jubilation is a bit premature...
israeli cabinet hasn't even voted yet
and then there's this...
the dual presidents might be walking back from the claims and blaming each other within a few weeks...
maybe it's all part of the plan?
The Cabinet vote is being delayed as Hamas is already trying to change details of the deal.
Hamas know they can play Israel because it's all built up now its hard for Israel not to go on with things.
If Israel doesn't go ahead they look like the bad guy and then it just divides people in Israel, divides people in the west, causes friction between Israel & USA etc
Hamas have nothing to lose, if it doesn't go through they create more division and friction and if it does with changes they get an even better deal on an already terrible deal for Israel
Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank