Surfing Royalty

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher started the topic in Sunday, 26 Jan 2020 at 10:17am

Royal institution of Surfing & Surf Rescues

Kings & Queens + (Appointed)
Governors - General + Prime Ministers + Presidents
Patrons + Ambassadors + Supporters
Ceremonies + Awards + Medals

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 27 Jan 2020 at 10:16am

Australia Day Surfing Commemorative exclusive to swellnet

(History) Royal Surf Bathing
1700's Sea Bathing

1762 The Royal Magazine encourages a salty dip.
7th of July 1789 King George III surfed at Weymouth
King's Surf stickered Bathing Machine also dipped 4 Princesses into the Surf

Note: Surf Machines required a (Surf Coach/Life saver) for heavy wave wipeouts

1783-1820 The Prince Regent - (King George IV) surfed at Brighton
Royals have continually patronised & engaged in Surfing & Surf Lifesaving
1970's Prince Charles bodysurfed often in Australia & crewed Surf Boats.
Today Princess Zara Surfs her Horse on Gold Coast annual beach visits

*Royal Surf Rescue Institutions

1774 'Royal Humane Society' for the recovery of persons apparently drowned.
1794 King George III (Above surfer) Built 1st RHS Rescue Centres on the Thames.
1874 RHS expanded to Australia / 1894 Canada / 1898 New Zealand
Patron- Her Majesty The Queen
President - Princess Alexandra of Kent (1959 Oz was denied surfing GC beaches)
Awards / Medals
1775 Silver - for those risking life for another (eg: Wild Seas Rescue)
1837 Bronze - for those going the extra to save some one (eg: Solo Rescue)
1873 Stanhope - Most Gallant Rescue (Annual award of finest medal winners)
2000 Gold - Police Heroism (Chosen by former Medallists)
The Presidents Award (Under 18's)
Certificates + Parchments see also (National Service Awards 5/10/15/20 yrs etc)
eg: 1847 Aborigines rescued 10 from Sovereign wreck in wild, shark infested seas.
1911 Aboriginal Surf rescuer Camoi's son Churaki was honoured for a Surf Rescue.

1886 Prince Albert Gold Medal for Life Saving
1886 Gold Medal - (At Sea ) > 1949 (George Cross)
1887 Bronze Medal (On land) > 1971 (George Cross)
Eg: 1911 Aborigine named Neighbour was Charged & chained by Constable Johns.
During flood all 4 prisoners crossed the river but mounted Johns was caught in a whirlpool & was kicked unconscious by his horse. Neighbour, still chained dived into the Whirlpool to recover the very same policeman who chained him, then ran 3 miles for help...Neighbour was also later set free of charges.

1888 Order of Saint John (Ambulance Brigade) / 1823 France / 1648 Canada
Patron Saint John
Sovereign Head - Her Majesty The Queen
Countess of Wessex-Grand President + Duchess of Gloucester Commandant
Australian Prior - Governor General David Hurley
1874 Life Saving Medal (Gold / Silver / Bronze) risking own life to save another.
eg: A surf rescue by first aid means is awarded

1891 'Swimmer's Life Saving Society' aims to prevent drowning (1892 Bronze)
1893 Duke of York > (King George V) - President -
1904 'Royal Life Saving Society'
UK / Patron Her Majesty The Queen
President Prince Michael of Kent (Certificates)
1894 Canada + Australia / Patron Governor General David Hurley
1924 Australia - (RLSSA > Stillwater & Pools + SLSA Surf beaches)
Note: Of late "Wave pool Patrols" are trained by both
Medals- (1882 Bronze Medallion ) (Entry Level achievement)
Thanks / Service / Merit .
Commendation : Attempted Rescue
Rescue : Under extreme difficulty
Bravery Cross : Rescue that endanger ones life (See below Oz Honours)

Note: Australian Aboriginal Surf Lifesaving is 'Royally Awarded' prior to SLSA.
Waves of Seafarers :(Aboriginal East Coast Rescues are honoured in Town Plaques)

1907 Surf Life Saving Australia (Note 2019 'Chief' Role > Vice role added for PM)
Chief Patron - Prince Philip
Patron - Sir Peter Cosgrove ret. GG
2019 'Vice' Patron PM Scott Morrison (re: background soon)
2010-20 President - G Ford
Club, Volunteers, Lifeguard, Lifesaver, Programs, Trainer, Athlete, Official..
Life Members + Merit based .
Bravery award as below Oz Honours

1975 Australian Honours System
Bravery Medal Category...befits Surf Rescues / Surf Bodies of late.

APOLA Australian Professional Ocean Lifeguard Association
1937 Beach & Pool Officers Association
1974 APSLA Australian Professional Surf Lifeguards Association
1984 APOLA Highest level Life Guard Training
Patron - Hayden Kenny
Community Salutes & small gifts from bodysurfers & beachgoers.
Usually not allowed to accept awards, so shout them a drink on a hot day!
Council based merit awar

1878 "International Life Saving Federation" from 1st World Congress
1971 - OZ formed WLS (OZ / NZ / UK / US / SA)
1993 World Life Saving + FIS (France) to form ( ILS )
1993 Founding Patron PM Bob Hawke {R.I.P}
(Other World Patrons other PM's,Presidents, King + an Astronaut)
ILS partner with ISA (International Surfing Association.)
LWC event sees over 5,000 competitors from 50 countries.
Service, Merit, Rescue

2013 Saint Peter Statue erected on Fraser Coast for Fishers Lost at Sea.

2014 Surfers Rescue 24/7
Govt / SA / SLSA - Certified Rescue Courses for surfers
Supporters - K Slater / B Lynch / M Richards / L Hamilton / S Garcia.
Awards re: Australian Bravery Class Medals!

Continues with Surfing Organisations...

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 26 Jan 2020 at 8:33pm

Australian Surfing Patrons
Dedicated to swellnet crewmate Andrew McKinnon "National spirit of Surfing"

1963 Surfing Australia
2010- Patron Wayne Bartholomew AM
Also Patron of SAND,GASP, KEPT, National ocean care day
ASP (Director 1977-88 +1992 > )+(CEO 1999-2003) +(President 1999-2009)

1964 ISA (See above) ILS
Australian Life Members
Alan Atkins
Rod Brooks

1978' Christian Surfers formed in Cronulla < > Gold Coast
Old Salt - (Australia) Mike Croft

1986 -The Disabled Surfers Association of Australia inc.
Patrons - Barton Lynch / Tom Carroll / Taj Burrow

1991 Surfrider Foundation Australia (1984-US)
Patron- Wayne Bartholomew AM + Oz Pro Ambassadors / Identities

1993 Australian National Surfing Museum
*Request for Patron/s of National Museum?

2003 Academy of Surf Instructors
Founders - President + CEO

2005 National Surfing Reserves + 2009 WSR 's + 2016 GC WSR
Patron- Wayne Bartholomew AM (* All 3...Welcome any extra info!)

2009 Gold Coast Surf World
2009 Patron - Joe Larkin {R.I.P}
2019 Patron - Peter Harris (Excellent Choice)

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 27 Jan 2020 at 12:08am

U.S. Surfing Ambassadors

1848 United States Life -Saving Service
1874 Lifesaving Medals >1st awarded by Treasury > Home Security > Coast Guard.
Gold (100% cast Gold cast- 1st Class) Rescue by daring ones life.
Silver(100% cast Silver -2nd Class) Rescue by extraordinary effort
Certificate of Valour may else be considered.
1915 Coast Guard
1942 Navy & Marine Corps medal was introduced for sea rescues during duty.
1949 Coast Guard Medal was introduced for sea rescues during duty.
Outside of Marine Duty all are awarded the Lifesaver Medal.

1956 - SLS Australia invited US to compete in 2nd Lifesaving Olympics (1st-1900)

1956 (SLSA) Surf Life Saving Association of (America + Hawaii) was formed.
Chairman : Duke Paoa Kahanamoku
Hawaii agreed to surf for Team USA in Melbourne Olympics (As 2020 Tokyo)
Oz gained Rescue Tube / Bouy + Malibus - (US gained the Clubbie Comp Ethic).
1964/5 (National) NSLSA (Next decade saw OZ/NZ/US visits)
1979 USLA Removed "SURF" to cover all waters / re: (1924- RLSSA vs SLSA)
1987 Awards
Medal of Valour -At risk rescue brings Lifeguards on par with emergency services.
Heroic Acts Award (On Patrolled Beaches) Salutes at risk rescue by any other.

1961-67 USSA United States Surfing Association (Splits)
1961 US Western Surfing Association
1967 US Eastern Surfing Association

1964 (ISA) International Surfing Association
Patron : Bruce Hopping {R.I.P}
2017 Patron of ISA France Games : Tom Curren (ISA Champ- Junior/Open/Senior)
Sands of the World Ceremony led to creating the Trophy > WSL Goblet (Same)
ISA + WSL + ( ILS ) Push for Olympic Inclusion.

1960's Patron of US Surfing -
Saint Christopher Medal (see Christian Surfers)

1976 IPS > OZ (Ian Cairns) 1983 ASP - re: > Wayne Bartholomew AM (Above)
2013 US - WSL World Surf League
Pros are Ambassadors for Sponsors (Humiliating)
Stoke & Leisure Ambassador ...A video like contest for online hams... (Sickening!)
Grom Ambassador is run by Pros brother... see: (*Girl Toy of 2020)
CEO : Awards the WSL Trophy (re: ISA Sands of Competitors Beaches)

WSL surfers spend more time on rescue craft than their own, more than any athlete
Alarmingly no Awards or penalties are given in these highly dangerous situations.
WSL know it's an issue & such photos vanish from mainstream Surf Media.
WSL really don't care for Surfing tradition, rather TV game shows + Hero docs!

1978 (OZ) > US Christian Surfers (NZ-J. Green / UK- A. Swift / SA- C. Cuff)
Surfers Bible : Testimonies by - Hobgoods / Beth / Al Merrick + many more...

1984 Surfrider Foundation (Coastline & Surf Community Action Group)
Ambassadors : (Pro surfers) Shaun Tomson / Carissa Moore / Greg Long

2000 Surf Aid (Tri- Nation) US / OZ / NZ
Charity run Tag Team rebel Tour (4 fund raisers + 1 pro)
2020 (4-US/ 2-OZ venues) Features several current & past Pro surfers +The Ranch!

2009 WSR from (NSR/OZ + ISA)
Vision Council has Global reps.

Pupkin's picture
Pupkin's picture
Pupkin Monday, 27 Jan 2020 at 10:19am

Nice research, Basho. Funny, I lived in Weymouth for a time (my ex's hometown). Also worked for the RNLI up the road in Poole. Sneaky surf spot near there too called Kimmeridge. Not bad.

Is this bloke worth a mention?

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 27 Jan 2020 at 1:34pm

Wave of the day ~~~~^~~~~/(`~~~~/(C......../(C`.......[Pupkin)

tbb gifted GC Library works on early East Coast Saltwater Rescues...
Monumental Idol ~ 'Waves of Seafarers' records countless/awarded Surf Rescues
Highlights organised surf rescues by teams of Saltwater crew, long before SLSA.

Aborigines led most expeditions.
Retrieved bodies from Shipwrecks, put fish on the line for landlubber statesmen.
Discovered America & rafted trade to several lands (China) for thousands of years.
Never once needing a Sail Boat...Greatest Ocean Surfers ever without a doubt!
Even stories of Aboriginal stowaways arriving on return trips to UK & outposts.

Published histories of Surfing & Lifesaving sticker over the top of Saltwater Surfers.

tbb gifted Bne libraries '1791 Discovery of Moreton Bay' Study Paper + Artwork.
First record of Oz 'set waves' surfing into 'White Bay' & Saltwater camp of 3 days.
Bryant's open boat voyage escape is still the longest recorded by any family.
When captured..4 E/C Charts + Logs, one of 200 pages were passed to M. Flinders.
Pause: Bryant's party assembled the finest able Sea crew (Mary included).
This crew stole Oz finest ever cutter before & never since...The best of the best.
The logs kept were not random notes but an Encyclopedia of inshore East Coast.

Convict's Logs & Maps shout Flinders a ticket for a free ride half the way round Oz !
Charts held a lot of sway & as Bligh argued over them & UK access to them.
Flinders keeps & retraces E/C logs & renames White Bay > 1799 Morton Bay.
Prior to Break-thru, Cook had earlier named, the then ocean side cove Morton Bay.
Duplicitous renaming of White Bay secretly honours Bryant's navigator 'Morton'!

Escapees in Governor's vessel were the pioneers who Charted inshore East Coast.
Again, none will read original united Women & children greet, in any Qld History.
Flinders' bloody M Bay rediscovery is re-enacted annually as it suits both parties.

Children & Saltwater People are denied the truth of Qld's sharing founding nature.
Sure! A million more excuses & lies to bury any true & meaningful reconciliation.
Banks records Capt' Cook bullying crew on UK fake land claims...All say Aye!
Extremely rare to happen upon truthful Oz itself the only true Chapter!

Pupkin...Is Weymouth Royal Bathing Machine a fixed or mobile exhibit?
Request for Pupkin's insider RNLI history... as that companions this page perfectly...

Thanx so much for unearthing & sharing ocean shore piloting & awareness.
We're slowly learning that pioneering saltwater pilots doubled as crew's lifesavers.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 18 Oct 2024 at 3:22am

{ Royal Realm and Australian Entry } Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla Procession

{ Royal Realm Proclamation } Autumn Tour 18-26 October 2024

18 October 2024 swellnet welcomes our King and our {King & Queen}

{ Joyous Royal Entries to Australia } Commemorative Realm Entry Souvenir courtesy #1 swellnet

Entry Monarch/s Country + Visits / Prince & Princess / {R.I.P K/Q Australia}

1853 King of Tonga + 1979/2008/2010/2016
1867 Prince of Australia (Would be Assassin Hanged + Drowning) + (P&P) Family Years Following
1954 Queen of Australia +1963/70/73/74/77/80/81/82/86/88/92/2000/02/06/2011 {R.I.P} 2022
1976 King & Queen of Jordon + 2016
1982 King & Queen of Belgium + 2018 + (2012 Prince 2023 Princess)
1987 Queen of Denmark (2010 Princess + 2013/2019 P & P) + 2023 x 2 Queen + P&P (Xmas)
1988 King & Queen of Spain + 1990 Crown Prince
2005 Emir of Dubai {R.I.P} 2006 Gold Coast
2015 King & Queen of Norway
2016 King & Queen of Netherlands
2017 Prince of Cambodia
2018 Prince of Monaco
2023 Prince of Saudi Arabia
2023 Royal Sultan of Brunei + 2024 x 2
2024 King of Bhutan
2024 King of Australia + {King & Queen of Australia}

Footnote :
* Visit is the First for an Australian King + The First Realm as King
* Visit is the first in Australia + The World for King & Queen of Australia or (England)
This exclusive World event seems to pass unnoticed by our Monarchists / Pollies / Media

Sharing today's exclusive swellnet Entry welcome was equally a last minute salvage of Australian Pride!
Embellished nature of this presentation is to record that at least here...we Aussies gave a Damn!
We celebrate with Australia ~ Our King & Queen of Australia's Worldly Realm Entry Procession

Whatever make tbb is, matters not...the fact we paid respect to a monumental moment matters!
Are we too blind to notice our own King chose us as his Entry onto his World stage...Salute!
Please Read here : (Royal Entry) This is Oz ~ Here & Now! So why are we not enacting Oz Entry?
This is our actual real Right Royal Welcoming of our Elder to Country (Realm)
Oz queries First Nation Welcome! (vs) Right now we refuse to validate our Elder's Realm?
That is super the hell did we end up we zero pride of Place & none notice...Huh!
Not today! Not on our watch! Do try to give a Damn to respect what little worth in Oz we pride.

You're about to Read our King notate "Realm" being a reward of note to Australia! Got it!
So how is that lost on us the hell does a surf blogger pay respect above our Leaders!
tbb saw this turning to shit & hobbled this 'Realm Entry' dedication together on the fly...Sorted!

Royal 'Realm' ~ Australian 'Entry' { Announcement }

Royal 'Realm' ~ Australian 'Entry' { Procession / Itinerary }

Royal Family Entry to Australia

Surfing Royalty
Vale Patron of SLSA
10 April 2021

King of the Waves

King Charles III The British Royal Surfer

The King's Quiver
First Nation Board
Royal Surfboard
Royal Bellyboard
The Grom Prince Board

Prince Harry (Royal Chamber) @ The Ranch

King's Stamp

King's Coin Set

Royal Realm Australian Entry Concert presented by #1swellnet