penong localism

victor's picture
victor started the topic in Friday, 2 Mar 2012 at 11:04am

any stories on penong so called locals,no fucking cameras, surf harassment, shottie pointing, tents being driven over, lotsa shit went down in the 1990s, any one got a story to tell.......remember reading that rabbit and some pros got told to leave, as well may have been told to f ck off.......i'm ---d.c. who CUNT.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012 at 2:17pm

thanks shaun but its just observational humour, its not hard to get a laugh with the antics over here mate. So i guess i will stick around and poke the bear a bit if you guys don't mind.
p.s. by poke the bear i don't mean the big scary grizzly type, more the cuddly, wobbly near extinct chinese panda type with a bit of growl but with no confirmed reports of a bite.
sorry almost forgot - peace and love to everyone as long as you agree with me

By: "the-real-smukka"

the real smukka comes outa the woodwork and guess who it is?? "the king of waitpinga himself" Mr Glenn tonkin!!! well well go get him Glenn...ring me up and tell me to leave you alone???? i'm thinkn you wanna be part of the three ringed circus on the westcoast coz the 2 ringed circus on the flurieu wasnt big enough?....peace n love tho

the-real-smukka's picture
the-real-smukka's picture
the-real-smukka Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012 at 2:50pm

mate i don't want you to leave me alone i want you to come tow thru me. thought i would stand up to you and then line up for the great back-pedalling head job you give to those who you can't bully you spineless prick. just like the one your trying to give to the mayor of port lincoln now after he called you to the beach at a certain island, remember that one bully boy?

tripod's picture
tripod's picture
tripod Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012 at 4:58pm

His bullying days are over,seen a few crew hang a heap of shit all over him and he wont walk the walk.Think hed rather cut anchor ropes of 70 year old pensioners coz their fishin too close than mix it with the new breed,pussy

blackhawk's picture
blackhawk's picture
blackhawk Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012 at 5:38pm

@ the real smukka, Glen Tonkin!! from the big smoke?? (aka Glenda or Glen 20 or skunk because your shoes always stunk) do you remember??? Now the i wannabe a heavy local on the west coast, i remember you from school and you were a tool then seems nothing changed, you were always looking for another episode of Total Drama Action then, this forum makes for a laugh great entertainment boys!! @ the real reel real Jeff Schmucker, i believe these boys seem to secretly admire you or something a little obsessive dont you think? wont be long and these guys will have your name and number stored in their phones.!!

the-real-smukka's picture
the-real-smukka's picture
the-real-smukka Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012 at 6:32pm

hey blachhawk yeah i do remember you, how did the operation end up. Was it you that inspired peter drouyn? maybe you should come for a trip over here it gets so cold and lonely the boys will look past the adams apple maybe you can try out your new equipment.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012 at 7:05pm

haha funny stuff...tonx i juz got off the phone to ya for an hour and you're back on here?? i thought you said you were off the internet banter?? as far as the mayor goes i think ya got the wires crossed there...i remember the mayor asking me if i can dance and i assured him i can and then there was some barrels and the next thing i know i'm havn tea with him in the streaky pub with a few of the lads havn a dramas there as far as i know and none since the last 2 times i spoke to him in the last 3 weeks.... far as i go cuttn anchors off ...the last time i tried it i ended up in alaska for 3 months and havnt had trouble since from that guy as a matter o fact i had a beer with him recently....bully?? i'm not tryin to bully anyone....bang heads with the tough guys like glenn and king but bully?? no!!....pussy? well you know what i'm talkn bout but you will work it out one day. put your name up here and you no longer a pussy....and dont fret coz you wont get bullied!

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012 at 7:07pm

blackhawk!!!! wow now thats an attack from a pussy from the schoolyard!!! go the pussys i'm so glad for ya that you can have a blast on here without fear of reprisal.

reecen's picture
reecen's picture
reecen Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012 at 10:09pm

How did you end up in Alaska for three months from trying to cut somones anchor rope?

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 8:07am

morning reecen....nice to get a query from ya instead of a payout,thanx. hope ya dont run me into the ground when you know the answer. After the dileama on the water and severing some anchor ropes in vying for a fishing spot with someone equally as aggressive whom now we have sorted our differences. I went through the long arm of the law and lost my fishing license for 3 months hence a trip to alaska working in the salmon fishery in bristol bay.. i might add i have learnt my lesson from that.

reecen's picture
reecen's picture
reecen Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 8:47am

That is pretty funny.
I wish you were as protective of your waves as you were of your fishing spots.
As far as the little cry about payouts, come on mate i reckon you have been dishing your fair share around no need to get precious about it.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 9:55am

i'm protective of them and have every confidence the'll look after themselves any crying bout payouts from me...juz good to know you are a real human too...precious? nah...still work all day in bare feet. yeeeow hav a good day nak!

reecen's picture
reecen's picture
reecen Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 10:11am

I disagree with you about the waves. But you know that already.
It's good to know i am a real human? What?
You work al day in bare feet? that just means you have thick skin on your feet? plenty of shoeless drunken bums that have thick skin on their feet.
And Nak?

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 10:32am

real as in you dnt need to be payin out all the time;;;;;;yeah thik skin i guess....easy on the drunken bumsmate they are people too!;;;;;;;;nak is westcoast jarg for mate...short for nakerz
...heres a q for you think the educated the wealthy and the modern people are greater than the drunk/homeless/downtrodden or are we all equal?........penong style localism says equality is a myth!

reecen's picture
reecen's picture
reecen Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 10:39am

I think you get what you are given some people know how to make the most with it some people dont.
Doesnt matter if you are a silver spooner or born into a family of 10 kids with alco parents, the cream rises and the lumps sink to the bottom.
Are you saying that on the Penong if you are wealthy and modern you get less of a go then the drunk/homeless/downtrodden or the other way around?
Where do you see yourself in the mix?

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 12:17pm

well the lumps are important too brother...the arm doesnt say to the toe.."because your a toe you aint important around here" seeing where i am in the mix?? "penong localism".i dont like injustice and in saying that i can/have and will be hypocritical in my life.. "but he who hasnt sinned cast the first stone" so i think i have been pivotal on the westcoast of SA in stickn up for the bodyboarders/cameras/goatboats/SUPS and anything else that may be considered as a"lump"
ps. i think the downtrodden dont get enough of a go and one thing i like about jetskis is the most unnassuming of characters can get the wave of the day and the greedy prick thats always sittn on the inside paddling can watch for a change.....have you ever seen that "greedy prick" in the surf?? well i know what he's like because i was him afew years ago,it done my head in in the end and i never surfed for 5 years,now i like towing coz the love is shared between the toe and the arm!

reecen's picture
reecen's picture
reecen Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 12:31pm

Far out man, what a trip.
You stopped surfing for 5 years because you didnt like being the guy on the inside catching all the waves and getting barrleled the most? but now you like towing because it is easier to be the greedy prick??

Is this really Rasta? do you not talk on tuesdays?
What time does the congregation of schmucks sit in for their sermons? i would like to see that bunch of knee boarders, boogs, camera men, goat boaters and all manner of lumps in general taking lessons from the new messiah.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 12:42pm

you look with your eyes closed and hear fuk does being a greedy prick have anything to do with havn 2-3-4-5 guys on the rope and givn them waves? if this makes me greedy the you be your own judge. you ask a question then you sit back to take the run so fast you trip over, my friend

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 12:44pm

i can see that you think you are not a "lump" and i hope you can see the forest thru the trees one day champ!

reecen's picture
reecen's picture
reecen Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 12:46pm

i just dont understand what you are talking about. You contradict evrything you say and it is quite humerous.
Why do you think that anyone has the right to be flung int a wave by you when they havent done the hard yards and taken the "bull by the horns" and got over the ledge by themselves?
Its a bit like the fishing why do you deserve to fish a spot anymore then anyone else? I am sure with all the new fishing equipment available these days that you would be more then happy to have new comers roll into the industry and just follow you with Arpa and take all your spots?
Whats the difference and why do you play so high and mighty on the surfing?

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 1:06pm

wow lot of questions for someone who is not interested in what i'm saying....please, i am not trying to contradict, maybe you are reading it with a preconceived view?
"why the right to be flung....." well my friend in this modern age where there is a fast food store on every corner in the city which the kids grow up with, they are the ones that dont see the need to "paddle b4 you tow" now my colleagues and i have "done the hard yards" and now choose to go fast food yamaha!! now i know you hate this concept but we like it...the only difference being, I'm not telln you to stop doing something but youare telling me that i'm wrong in what i do! are you not??
as far as the fishing goes...well yeah as ive already explained to you, I have learnt my lesson there too...pull up next to me now in all honesty you will just get a wave and a smile. Be a parasite and yeah i'll let you know too.We are just steaming out now and have all the electronic gear available to find someone and smoke em but theres not that much fun or skill in that....we havnt seen another boat in 6 trips...
as far as "playing high n mighty in surfing" dunno what to say about that really...perhaps thats just your observation and you are entitled to it for sure.....gv me a buzz 0428261884 if you got time for a gasbag about it?

victor's picture
victor's picture
victor Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 4:17pm

G'DAY NAK.........can hear sabby wright saying it.....jeff how is old sabby doin ?

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 5:01pm

haha...he's good...livn right in front of the three great daughters in streaky and semi enjoyin the read on here victor?

victor's picture
victor's picture
victor Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 6:12pm

yeh jeff its been an interesting read. i wonder how many people commenting have actually spent a decent amount of time surfing the waters between lincoln and fowlers? can you give a bit of info on the noah situation.....seeing more ? while towing any sightings out the bombie or spilsby ? can you post that pic of you in the tinnie hand feeding that beast.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 7:19pm

ha good onya...funny since i put my phone number on here iknow who more people are on this forum than ben matson..plenty noah around...4-8 sharks at neptunes regularly...plenty on the farms near spilz...too many for my liking but thats what the greens want and i'm afraid they gunna get their way!! as for the pointer photo well the last time it was on the net i had a visit from the fisheries and was told to take it down...its on facey if ya wanna check it out again...i have never seen a pointer while surfing ever. I agree with ya bout some of the critics never been here b4 but oh well they are welcome too.oh by the way blacks/bommi were pumpn today...swell was too south for Vic bitter this moning on the offshore.

reecen's picture
reecen's picture
reecen Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 8:13pm

Have i got this right jeff?
You were cream but decided to be a lump? And now after carefull consideration and much inner contemplation you have decided that you are lumpy cream? that way you can have the best of all worlds?

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 8:35pm

nah you aint got it right cobb...dunno if i like your analogy of lumpy cream....sounds too much like if you think you're cream then you may juz think your shit dont stink but your farts give u right away? next time you see someone in need give them a hand-lump or cream doesnt matter!! thats what i think.....oh and if someone flicks a stone at ya turn the other cheek but i'm still workn on that one!!

reecen's picture
reecen's picture
reecen Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 9:08pm

you are right i dont get it at all, i just am glad i am not at a spot when you have 5 lumps on the rope.
I am sure it makes you feel closer to god though all of these good deeds.
Yes i have towed, it is fun but easy to wreck someone elses stoke so you have got to be carefull to practice what you preach, and no i have never been to South Australia but hope to get there soon it looks awesome.
Hopefully before i get there you give me more directions to the good waves so my trip is easier and i dont have to work for an epic wave. Hopefully it isnt booked with lumps though, but apparently SA will sort itself out so that should be fine.
And good on you for not worrying about other people bombing you out, i would have thought that would have riled you up seeing as it is only going to hurt you in your hip pocket and make it harder to keep the fast food mobiles thirst satisfied.

tripod's picture
tripod's picture
tripod Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 at 9:09pm

I heard you started up a sorta christian cult thing up years ago,is that the book of prophesies your reading from coz it sounds a lot like wanko texas to me-no wonder member numbers are waning!Rather walk to the beat of my own drum i reckon...

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Friday, 20 Apr 2012 at 3:28am

good luck walkn to the beat of your own drum there tripod we all learning along the way...its the quality of the life we lead thats important i guess thats how i got on this forum...i disagreed with some of the stuff written so here we are....guess you juz did the same...touche"

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Tuesday, 24 Apr 2012 at 1:20pm

roof....what is it about localism that you like? or are you an instigator of it yourself?? have you been on the receiving end of some ill treatment in a foriegn land?...tell us why you think its good/neccesary/bad???

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Tuesday, 24 Apr 2012 at 3:16pm

""""Re localsim. I dont like localism, Yes i have been on the recieving end, I have been dropped in on all over this country, but i know most locals feel a sense of entitlement and I let them go, I dont even say anything most of the time, im getting waves anyway. But when it comes to WC I understand those guys have done the cold hard winters with months of onshores and I understand how they feel when "blowins" (i hate that term) turn up on the one good day of the month.

I just dont see the need to gloat about waves/sessions, photos are fine but why name places, i dont think this falls under "localism""""

.....please sir.. its not the majority that think this of the "Blowins"i assure you!...most of the kids love the pros and the good surfers come as it inspires them. There are some guys that seem to let the visitors spoil "their day"which is sad but i'm of the mind that its their problem not the blowins problem...

as for naming places...if you think it brings more crowds well you are wrong...if anything its the photos and we have been dealing with that for a very long time now. Dont underestimate the surfers nature to chase waves around this country and the visitors like yourself have been coming for a long time...i dont think you should have to put up with the crap that you say you have experienced either.

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Tuesday, 24 Apr 2012 at 3:18pm

"""""" by roolf""""

mozzie's picture
mozzie's picture
mozzie Tuesday, 24 Apr 2012 at 7:48pm

Fortunately this beautiful state has many spots, sharks & people who are shit scared of both. Jeff i understand your reasons (believe it or not everyone else) and i also see other peoples point of view. If we search a little bit further, study swell maps, coastal geography, etc, we are still able to find solo waves on a regular basis. Keep the spirit alive people, please don't become a pack of haters despite Mr Schmuckers sins and keep searchin for the elusive wave in serenity...

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Wednesday, 25 Apr 2012 at 9:27am

aaaaw mozz....sins?? against who? the selfish silver surfers? lest we forget bruz!! i woulda jumped on that boat with a tin o spam and a 303....stop whingn lads...lfes pretty sik thanx to our forefathers who put their lives in for us!!

the-pharmer's picture
the-pharmer's picture
the-pharmer Monday, 30 Apr 2012 at 7:15pm

Hey guys, reading these threads the past few months has been quite entertaining, and pretty self defining of the types of people you are.... Jeff is the sort of bloke who speaks his mind when given the opportunity, i commend him for that, right or wrong, id do the same if im passionate enough about something. All you haters are giving Smucks the best publicity ever if it is true that he want to run surf charters in S.A.
Simple and plain..
Almost all surfers,australia wide/ worldwide, know south oz recieves the full brunt of the roaring 40's southern ocean groundswell, you only have to look at a map of Australia??? Most surfers worldwide also have seen Jaws (the movie) and are aware our waters are alive with marine life, especially the men in grey suits..I saw a very large one yesterday while surfing alone a long way off shore, I know the risks.
Now that they are protected, (which i am a supporter of), i imagine they will keep the crowds to a minimum.
Also ive read surfing magazine, heard and seen sick photos of waves on an island mentioned in these threads, My questions to you haters is this, Have you surfed there?? and if not why?? I havn't, because i cant get out there, now at least i could call Jeff, probably at short notice and he could provide me the opportunity to get amongst it...and probably more spots that HE HASNT EXPOSED
I wish you all the best with your venture Jeff, and hope one day i can jump onboard and take advantage of your local knowledge learnt from a lifetime of being a waterman/ fisherman/surfer. We all know S.A is notoriously fickle and good days are rare and short lived so Jeff will still have to work hard, diversify to make a go of it and earn a living, like the rest of us, well most of us anyway..
Over and out!

jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker's picture
jeff-schmucker Tuesday, 1 May 2012 at 8:37pm

hey pharmer...even if a charter operation doesnt get goin i'm sure myself and a bunch of likeminded folk will keep doin what we're doin and getn shacked and chasing new waves and new days at old know its amazing that for years a lot of the waves we surfed we juz thought they broke at a certain size and conditions/tides/etc....only to find out that there is another stack of days that these reefs and others turn on the gas with no one there... all good stuff and takes a certain level of committment and searching to work this all out....i remind the readers that this information is not for these pages and is not for sale.

BkSouthOz's picture
BkSouthOz's picture
BkSouthOz Wednesday, 2 May 2012 at 7:45pm

How good was the latest installment from Mr Bonython last weekend, what a year for chasing swells around the globe. Not much of the WC which was good to see. Tim really gives a personal experience when you get to a show. SLAB feast!

SurfDJ's picture
SurfDJ's picture
SurfDJ Wednesday, 16 Oct 2024 at 5:59am
funpeeler wrote:

I have a copy (digitised from VHS) of a classic film made in the 90's - The Desert Surfers. All about Cactus and the locals. Interviews with Moose. Its absolute gold. I should check copyright and put it on youTube.

Hi. Any chance of getting a copy of this film?
