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truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 14 Sep 2024 at 3:34am

WSL ( 10 Year Review )
(Part 2 b) Fashions in the Field
Introductory Competitive Aquacade Timeline

Olympic sized Surf Event Forecasts another Ocean Comp Cancellation
1st April 1896 Storm swell whipped up Violent Surf as Olympic Rowers pulled out > Event Cancelled
Crew see Mother Nature shit over Olympic Surfing's two recent comeback displays 2021 + 2024.
In the Lap of Olympic Godz....1st last & Always rains on Surfing's paraded cheapest seats...that's us!

First / Last / Only Natural (No assist)
11th April 1896 Olympics > King & 20,000 spectators cheer swim athletes ashore in Bay of Zea
Cold & Windy Air 18* Water 13* Several swimmers were rescued from the rough seas.
Zero $pend but for a few Utility Pop Ups + Green themed hollowed out Pumpkin Buoys.
(Lowest cost epic 100% Naturally Wild Oceanic Olympic Ideal)

2024 Olympic Surfing Cost $60m for endless random Delays for Final of 200 VIPs waiting for 3 waves
2 surfers get chained to End of the Road furniture for secretly pinging WOTD on their sponsor's app.
200 Yuppies wound back Surfing 60,000 yrs BC to some notion of pre motion in the Ocean period.
This exotic place is called 'End of the Road'...(Name gets lost on Ideal Olympic Experts!)...Say Wot!

Ocean Assist Tech Craft in International / Olympic Competitions
1896 Olympics Rowing 1900 Rescue Boards '24 Kayak 56'Surfboard '84 Windsurf '24 Kite foil

Natural Ocean switch > Engineered Aquatic Comp Arenas
1904 Swimming / Water Polo + 1936 Rowing 1970 Surfboard Riding 1972 Kayaking

Natural Hand Crafted > Synthetic assisted Fibre/glass Aquatic Comp Contraptions
1924 Shark Cages '56 Surfboards '68 Kayaks '69 Jetboats '72 Row '76 Sail '84 Sailboards '24 Kitefoil

Natural Watermen (vs) Pop out combos of fashionably assisted aquatic sports tech
[Deemed Not in the sportsmanlike spirit of Olympic Ideal]
Mixed : 1900 Water Polo Caps '52 Nose Clips '62 Ear Plugs Silicone +'72 Foam
Swim :1927 Watches 1951 Fins 1970 Caps / Goggles /1972 Nylon > [Yuppie Corp Swimwear Cheats]
Bodysurf : 1960's Handplanes + 1971 Pipe Classic Bodysurfing 'Fins' = 3x Craft > [Not Bodysurfing]
Boards : 1900 Rescue Fins '35 Boards > '70's Leashes > '78 Helmets > [Pipe is for Lazy Beach Bums]
Rowing : 1976 Carbon Fibreglass Oars / Cox Box : Life Vest /Metronome / GPS / Mike & Sound System
Rowing is Deemed the Whitest Yuppie Elite Sport > Same Crews lock in medals for next 100 years.

Sporty Spy wear
1912 Electro Swim Timing '68 Touch Pads '76 Real time Scores 2000 RFID Bands 2011 Sharkshield
Helmets 1942 MK2 '56 NFL '77 u/w 84 Dive Sports '94 Nascar / F1 / Cycling + Surfing Tour
Smart Watchers 2012 Kayaker Jess Fox > 2023 WSL Tower of Power mandate

Broadcast 1900 Swim Film '24 Radio v Tickets '36 Torch TV-Aerial '60 TV Global 1998 u/w '15 Drone
Comp/Rescues 1896 Boats 1900 Boards '35 Tubes '73 Chopper '91 Jetski 2017 Drone

Think we covered a good portion of Tech Progress...likely twice as much & again.
We can cover further weird variations as it's exampled on the Tour.

Following Parts will explore which of this Tech drives WSL Tour / Gaming / Winners / Boycotts.
Also examine why Tech is exempted, experimented, layered, hidden and boycotted at key Venues.
The reason of exampling being we're now seeing mandated tech back off...
But we ever see the Robot haves winning (vs) Deprived Have nots under performing or Tanking.
We'll have a crack at what might be reason for permitting tech to certain competitors & not others!
Even more weird to see a have not...totally humiliate snooty haves for a laugh..."Let's do the professor!"

Can't promise how that plays out as it's gotta tell it's own story...tbb commits to being objective.
Coz some of these upcoming Comp examples are well suss...leave it at that for now!
Well until tbb finds a way to deal with that...easing us into it with Tech background softens the blow!
Good example being Kayaker's Watches tuning into same Gate wavelengths...that's shocking! Buzz!
How do Officials allow that & keep integrity...way too many VIP winners waving smart watches.

From there...might see how this drives which Nations can be on the Tour & which get dumped & why!
Again it seems obvious...but we gotta humour them! Keep it all above board...Tally Ho!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Monday, 16 Sep 2024 at 12:47am

WSL ( 10 Year Review )
(Part 3a) Foamie Tony's Ideal Olympic Recolonization of Googlepoo

Fashions of the uneven Playing Field

Defence dominates design & patented Sports Tech & infiltrates Sport for Propaganda, intel & missions!
Tahiti is the Key Security Hub of East vs West and whatever Sport will be a grossly exploited exercise.
Govts bank off expanding premium Grog / Gaming Licencing Empire Revenue = WSL is a Space Ghost.
Universally covertly exploited by all parties...Way of the World spins whoever's precious coin. Mine!

Just before we continue...this review may challenge beliefs of Olympic Ideal Sportsmanship.
Please understand tbb is not in favour of tarnishing Olympic details links, more if ya like!
What you read below is nothing more than closely related evolving events played out by calendar.
tbb is not advocating any Ideal conspiracy > see tbb's swellnet Olympic dedications 2020/24/28/32.
Just saying ya won't find more dedication to detail as this WSL Olympic review cuts no corners...

(Pause!) tbb might add it was the main driver for 10 Year tbb pretended to be shocked first!
Crew will get the whole show...for better or worse...many will read WSL at the forefront of!
Review is open & honest...crew are free to read into it what they like...Happy to share the hard yards!
Only know that the timeline needs to play out bigger than most because it is a grand scale IOC rort!
Possibly no different to any of our Hodad's era, nor anymore surprising or shocking...maybe less evil!
Disclaimer: tbb Competed + judged Local Surf Comps/National Skateboard Title.(Salute Comp crew!)

Starts where it should & all Power Players in this game are known to crew & mission is transparent!
2017-June 2019 China < Tahiti > Chile (Pac Cable is the Vital Missing Link that Divides our Worlds)
3 June 2019 US Govt intervenes and Bans entire West World from cabling China < Tahiti > S.America.

26 June 2019 Chinese deploy IOC (Olympic Broadcast/Security) Exempting Tahiti Tower of Power
Tahiti bids for Olympic Venue to legitimately mandate China's Googly Pacific backdoor.

Western Rewards...France + Google recolonize Tahitian Golden Hub as their own for 70 years

The Ultimate unsportsmanlike sure bet golden formula to Colonize the World (Slow-mo Replay!)
First to rig up the exotic Theatre then to test the theory...

Teahupoo Arena is different & included on Tour as a Test Lab to trial WSL tech and formats.
* Artificial excised channels unnaturally drain Lagoons generating surreal ocean outfall wave volume.
* Pressure Escape Valve cracks the reef whereupon a stilted AI Judging Tower pilots the Beastie.
* [1:34] IOC laid uncovered cable thru artificial Lagoon cuttings to hot wire Google Tower of Power
* Coaches, Caddies, Drones & often enough spectators drift into Judges sight line of Comp Arena.
* Subjective Sport rewards infinite logistical live tech interplay for Safety, Media or Cold War Games

Untold inhouse certified corruptly Sponsored > Gaming > Seeding > Judging > Coaching of Caddies.
Add ingredients & exotic Teahupoo can cook it up, cough it up & spit it out winner on Field of Dreams.

IOC Foamie Tony won Olympic Medals wearing Helmets/senor oars/smart watches + on penalties!
He designs & Hotwires steep fast 200m Whitewater Circuits with 1km wire / 50x sensors/poles/cams.
He mandated, restricts, inspects $5m Teahupoo Tower of Power in $50m hot wired Teahupoo arena.

June 2019 China > Tahiti Cable Ban > IOC exempt China via Tahiti Iti -Teahupoo cable Upgrade shown.

Sept 2019 WSL Teahupoo First Tower Rort Test is considered a 2018 Quid Pro Quo reverse win. crew may have felt a deserved winner given the previous years' biggie!
Ht 1 (3 man) O.W. No Cap / No Watch > Only strange because similar formula repeats in 2022!
Meaning a loss in the First round > proves any Helmet may serve better as diversion or progression.
Ht 2 (2 man) onto > Final O.W wears Cap + WOTD Watch to score a Last minute pay back Comp Win!
*1 minute to go > O.W. paddles quick to isolate himself > Discretely removes WOTD watch & hides it!

All Comp Vids show Watch > Hooter Sounds (Magic smart watch has disappeared...Where & Why!)
Explain : Normally Removes Helmet > None ever risk losing a Watch with 1 minute to go...Insane!
First Olympic Tower of Power WOTD Buzz Watch Test (Tick!) Works a Treat! IOC gaming rort Tick!
Can now Guarantee Olympic Winner to bankroll China's Cable Hook Up.

Dec 2019 IOC are happy with Watch Scam...give Teahupoo the nod to bid!

Feb 2020 Tahiti / Fiji ( Submissions / Ratification ) Fair Play Anti Doping + Online Match Fixing
Pacific Nations mandatory Olympic / Pro Fair Play ratification by Swiss online Gaming Syndicate.
Basically another Ubiquitous Conventional EU Council Rort to exempt Fair Play money laundering

3 March IOC accepts Tahiti's online real time credit Gaming certification to green Light Teahupoo!

23 July WSL certifies Chix to step up to Ideal Olympic Tower of Power gaming compliance.
Meaning the real reason to sacrifice Chix into a pit of less said, but most desperate for IOC!
Can read more on Page 1 (Part 2 a) It's the real reason why Chix are paid premium to surf Teahupoo.
IOC were supa desperate to lock in Chix for Olympics > re: Jan 2022 Helmet requirements.

23 Sept IOC funds Tahiti Bank to sponsor Winner / OPT Tower sponsors French Coach/Team watches.

2021 WSL Tour Covid Rules
Tech Mandate for Competitors > WSL can require tech for any reason or Forfeit Points!

Jan 2022 1st Women = Venue Pipeline intro Standard Gath Simba Helmet Swaps (Pick'n'mix)
I.N. is required to trial the Apple Watch

11-21 Aug 2022 : Teahupoo 1st Women Tech Trial 2 US Women target Steph to Tag Team the Final 5
CC trials & hides Tower WOTD Watch > Knocks out Steph to tag LP > CC naturally Wins Comp.
However...Either or by trial only 1 WOTD Watch + 1 Wired Helmet
R1 LP no helmet bombs needs to win Elimination > Custom fits bizarre wire flanged WOTD helmet.
LP Survives elimination > Again wears the RC helmet but beaten in QF by Red Hot R/U Brisa
US Tech Team finish 7 CC 6 LP 5 Steph

17 Aug 2022 Tokyo (wsl priority seed) m10/20 w 8/20 Paris (ISA priority seed) m14/24 w 16/24
Paris Olympics relegated WSL priority Seeding to stack WSG #1-5 m/w French / Latin run to Medals

Jan 2023 WSL Tour + Corp (Sponsor/Bookie) can & do mandate Slave Athletes to wear Apple Watch
Steph is disgusted at 3rd party Gaming choosing winners > refuses to ever wear one...ever!
tbb will detail more tanking + Finals Fashions in Part 2.

11 April WSL / IOC Teahupoo Venue Gaming Contract signed to recoup IOC $50m Teahupoo Venue
May : WSL secretly rescind inhouse Apple Watch mandate to allow Sportsbook Bookie combos.

20-30 April WA Margs Hand Waving Watch Trial Triangulates Jetskis-Boats to Apple Watches
Possibly fine tuning Teahupoo Olympic Arena Watch Buzzing.

Gaming Comps begin...
May : WSL secretly mix'n'match inhouse Apple Watch mandate...some go without or trial new bling!
Same time the scores go lose their shit > but Gaming Companies are not gonna pay out...
Few realise that the new Gaming Mobsters are bank rolling the outcomes...crew go mental!
Very reason why Steph is holdin' out & tappin' sisters on...just a fuckin' circus...Bookies decide!

22-31 Aug Teahupoo Pro > CM trials new Ring / White snug buzzy Final's Day watch & Wins.
CM wears the same new Lucky Ring / White Watch to win Finals Day ( Possibly a Bookies Buzz Ring)
US Chick Champs white round watches resemble Team France Black round Olympic WOTD watches.
As said tbb will detail Finals Day soon enough! re : Near Reef Towers trial tech for Olympics / Finals.

11 Oct WSL replace head Oz with Ideal Olympic Latin Judge + Olympic lay Days Oz judge sacked!
Le Tower of Power Officials / Judges (French-Latin =8 / US =4 / NZ =2 / Japan =1 / Oz =0 )

Jan 2024 : 3x Champs tell WSL to shove Gamer Watches up yer Arses...not a Pimp's Slave...See ya!
The notion being the Gamer Watches would be optional after IOC get their money back.
Pipe SF trials personalised Custom Helmet + Bio neckless for Olympics ( Similar to 2024 Finals)

22-31 May Teahupoo now allows Custom Helmets / Watches or None...
Mostly coz French Black Watch Team Blokes were not point fine tuning losers.
Plus Tower needed to Fine Tune New IOC Olympic Judge Drones + Channel + Live Logistics!

10 July Foamie Tony Inspects his $5m Tower Of Power > We get locked out! Restricted!
We can assume Tony Himself Surfed his Foamie on the The Reef to lock in Watch Tower WOTD.
Not being silly...that's his Gig...Hot wires the Whole Swiftwater Arena! That's why him & not others!

19 July ( 11th hour Google extort control of Tahiti Land Banks & Ocean access for next 70 years )
Googlepoo will run 5 new cables on 'their' Olympic Island connecting Asia < Tahiti > Chile by 2026.
Recapping Tahiti were banned from doing the same > China > IOC > WSL > ISA sell Tahiti to Google!
Google has not and may not decide to pay Royalties & Tahiti never asked! (Larry loves Olympic Surfing!)

28 July -2 Aug 2024 France Tower Sponsored Coach & Team all wear same watches when competing
Ht 1 Result Oz 1st > R3 (Head Judge late overscore impossibly awards Ht to France > Proceed to R3)
Screen Scores + Commentators had long awarded heat to Oz > All surprised by Overrule...Stands!
IOC / ISA / WSG seeded #1-5 French / Latin Surfers or Medal Results m 1/3/4/=5 w 2/3/4/=5

Crew can see Google / China / Tahiti / France / IOC / ISA all won by kicking surfing to the curb.
But what did WSL get apart from the Tower...

Wash Up > Recaps Larry hot wired the exact same Gaming Cloudbank Arena for Fiji to reward WSL.
Hire a Goofy Gurl to trip over herself to ramp 18 to 1 odds...(Larry buzzes his $Gazillionaires...54321!)
Wrap her wrist with WOTD buzzer & Larry / WSL are surfing Cloud Nine & Corona brew Teen Hops!

All cry with all the World's Evil Bastards win a rare Happy ending ....but tbb reminds...
Please do not tip off World Stock market on sure bet WC Teen Girl or use gromz to sell oceans of beer.
Child slavery is unsporteenlike & immoral + Highly illegal...
Think that's their game plan tbb...that's how they roll & why Govts shower them with Golden Sand.

Think we do 3 (Part b) mop up WSL tour Divas & Finals Day wardrobe malfunctions!
Sure...Why not a bonus Part 4...that's on the boil'n'all..happy to share the real deal by name & nature!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 27 Sep 2024 at 7:58pm

[Green] Surf Abu Dhabi WSL Longboard Classic ( Live )

Heat Draw

swellnet pre comp news

Just click : Should Play Ok!

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Saturday, 28 Sep 2024 at 11:11pm

[Green] Day 2 Abu Dhabi Longboard Classic (Live)

swellnet site...

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Sunday, 29 Sep 2024 at 7:31pm

Surf Abu Dhabi WSL Longboard Classic ~ Finals Day (Live) [GREEN]


swellnet comp site > Comments / Heat Draws

southernraw's picture
southernraw's picture
southernraw Sunday, 29 Sep 2024 at 7:41pm

Cheers TBB!
Are the waves any better than yesterday?? :-P

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024 at 2:08pm

(Live) Look up and see King Size Sydney > Samoa Boeing 737 Contrail

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024 at 6:29pm

Didn’t know where to post this so I’ve dropped in on TBBs notice board . I was recently on a surf adventure in eastern indo and this boat charter turned up with a very wave hungry surf guide . I would’ve been spewing if this dude was my surf guide as he wanted the best set wave that came through everytime . He was friendly enough but fark me he lacked etiquette at a break that 20 people were trying to enjoy . I laughed when I saw this post on Facebook and thought that having cokey as a surf guide would be a nightmare. He would probably be apologising each evening over sunset beers but be back at it burning everyone next day . IMG-9292

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024 at 7:39pm
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024 at 8:37pm
Fliplid wrote:

coming to a Dominos near you

Fliplid. Hi mate.

Now that’s what I call service. Going out of your way to please your customers.

Pizzas and Coke, my favourite. Classic.

Obviously someone told someone about Number 40, and opened their mouth.
The less people know the better, but in this case, more and more people knew everytime they purchase Number 40, ultimately they were going to get caught.
Somebody always blurts. AW

tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter's picture
tubeshooter Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024 at 9:02pm

Sounds like he had customers lining up. ;)

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024 at 9:28pm
tubeshooter wrote:

Sounds like he had customers lining up. ;)

Boom ! Boom !

The Pizza shop owner Charlie was a bit cut up about getting busted, he was a bit of a raconteur. AW

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024 at 9:59pm

Lived in Margrets for a few months in 82 . A californian fella ran the pizza shop . If you asked for the special, ya got an ounce of green with the pizza , good value for $30 .

Fliplid's picture
Fliplid's picture
Fliplid Thursday, 24 Oct 2024 at 7:25am

Similar thing on the Northern Beaches Supa. I read in an old Tracks mag that you could go into a particular takeaway shop and ask for a special Chiko Roll and get a Chiko wrapper with a "stick" in it. Reading this as a naive teenager I had no idea what the 'stick' was and thought it was all a rip off and couldn't work out why anyone would let the shop keeper get away with charging 20 bucks for an empty wrapper

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Thursday, 24 Oct 2024 at 7:51am

'Green weed for the black fish' was the code for a side order from the local tackle shop.

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Friday, 25 Oct 2024 at 7:49pm

Feet up in Pottsville! Better yet, keep your feet on land.

Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Saturday, 26 Oct 2024 at 12:45am

Real news no bullshit …..interesting name …… never heard of them before is this AI ? Speaking during Thursday's session, which included countries that consider joining the grouping, Putin said they all "share similar aspirations and values and a vision of new democratic global order.”………….The summit was attended by 36 countries, highlighting the failure of U.S.-led efforts to isolate Russia over its actions in Ukraine. The Kremlin touted the summit as “the largest foreign policy event ever held” by Russia.

Russia has specifically pushed for the creation of a new payment system that would offer an alternative to the global bank messaging network SWIFT and allow Moscow to dodge Western sanctions and trade with partners.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 26 Oct 2024 at 9:40am

Hey Supafreaky

The US pulled a SWIFTY and cancelled Russian Mums and Dads accounts on SWIFT , after Putin invaded Ukraine .

The World was freaked out that Citizens of ANY Country could have their Money taken , due to actions of Their Leaders .

As you pointed out BRICS are now getting Stronger and imho make the UN look like a House Built of Straw .

Russia is not isolated but the US friends are jumping from the dangerous Ship .

The US is $US35 trillion in debt with Mandated Spending putting it up another 20T .

Europe has Debt up 2 it's Eyeballs , worse than the US .

All Major World Contracts done by Wall St's Robbers , will be in $US for a While .

The US Empire is falling , dragging down its Friends .

Another Empire will take its place , naturally .