Free Speech, comments and the recent High Court decision

thermalben's picture
thermalben started the topic in Friday, 10 Sep 2021 at 6:28am

Michael West has produced a great explainer of the recent High Court decision regarding free speech on Social Media platforms. 

Michael and his team have done some incredible investigative journalism over the years, check out his site and please subscribe if you like his work.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 6:54pm

Seeya Ads
Classic poster on these threads. Taught me a lot. Your humanity shines through always.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 6:59pm

...legendary ;)


indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 7:16pm
Optimist wrote:

Dear swellnetters, I felt this was the forum to say goodbye to you and even though it’s been a pretty rough ride sometimes, I have enjoyed the banter and love some of the ideas and points of view. So many good commentaries….some not so good.
I personally have learnt a lot about the world in general as well as a lot about myself in this life journey.
It saddens me that free speech is often crushed by the trolls of this world….the loud….the abusive …the bully’s …the ones who insist no one else should have a point of view different to theirs.
It’s why people and governments compromise themselves and their values…our freedoms ….to silence a noisy few.
I have to thank Stu and Ben for running such a good show…..I know Stu sees me as ‘ some entity’ but I’m a real person with solid beliefs honed after years of incredible experiences and a really incredible and full life.
I’ve been a hardcore surfer since age 13 and built my entire life around the waves and the sea.
One day, I had an encounter with Jesus….too real to deny and so then the quest to check it all out.
45 church years later and still stoked on Christ and life… surfings getting a bit ordinary but now I watch all my grandchildren learning to surf and I think it’s even more a stoke than me doing it.
My hero’s are Jesus and Al Merrick….both have brought me as much joy as you can get….ha ha.
I’ve got a pretty thick skin but I’m a bit tired and the religion forum which could have been so interesting with more genuine input has been buried by the trolls but the time has come I suppose….I've tried to share some ideas and experiences and some may seem out there but time will tell….its nice to try and think outside the matrix ….to observe life and share the free speech.
There is a God, an advanced being so awesome you can’t even begin to fathom His intelligence , power and authority……and He loves us….He wants us to call on Him and be His children.
As this current civilisation comes to a close be encouraged that there is a new world planned….something new and unique…
May God richly bless your walk through life….and find the peace that passes all understanding……..Optimist.

Sad to see you go mate, each to their own but i dont think you should let the haters get the best of you.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 7:33pm

Hey Pop Down, go have a read on the first page on this thread when you were calling yourself hutchy...
How you spoke about Dylan Voller, a kid who since birth never had a chance, was dragged up rather than brought up.
If a dog becomes a problem then it needs to be put down??? Nice analogy there.
Next time you go to have a crack at me about my language or what I say to someone, shut your mouth maybe hey, you insensitive prick.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 8:18pm

Hey Goofy

What a goofy deal , goofy .

As I was acting DH a few years ago , I should not have a crack at U , 4 being a DH with crappy language , now or , in the future .

Goofy , No deal !

I focus's picture
I focus's picture
I focus Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 8:19pm

Men.. what's "seppuku"

Optimist the teachings of Jesus starts with acceptance there will be those that disagree

Adam have a break and come back a new man and enjoy the banter there are no real enemies here just opinions.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 8:25pm



AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 8:44pm
indo-dreaming wrote:
Optimist wrote:

Dear swellnetters, I felt this was the forum to say goodbye to you and even though it’s been a pretty rough ride sometimes, I have enjoyed the banter and love some of the ideas and points of view. So many good commentaries….some not so good.
I personally have learnt a lot about the world in general as well as a lot about myself in this life journey.
It saddens me that free speech is often crushed by the trolls of this world….the loud….the abusive …the bully’s …the ones who insist no one else should have a point of view different to theirs.
It’s why people and governments compromise themselves and their values…our freedoms ….to silence a noisy few.
I have to thank Stu and Ben for running such a good show…..I know Stu sees me as ‘ some entity’ but I’m a real person with solid beliefs honed after years of incredible experiences and a really incredible and full life.
I’ve been a hardcore surfer since age 13 and built my entire life around the waves and the sea.
One day, I had an encounter with Jesus….too real to deny and so then the quest to check it all out.
45 church years later and still stoked on Christ and life… surfings getting a bit ordinary but now I watch all my grandchildren learning to surf and I think it’s even more a stoke than me doing it.
My hero’s are Jesus and Al Merrick….both have brought me as much joy as you can get….ha ha.
I’ve got a pretty thick skin but I’m a bit tired and the religion forum which could have been so interesting with more genuine input has been buried by the trolls but the time has come I suppose….I've tried to share some ideas and experiences and some may seem out there but time will tell….its nice to try and think outside the matrix ….to observe life and share the free speech.
There is a God, an advanced being so awesome you can’t even begin to fathom His intelligence , power and authority……and He loves us….He wants us to call on Him and be His children.
As this current civilisation comes to a close be encouraged that there is a new world planned….something new and unique…
May God richly bless your walk through life….and find the peace that passes all understanding……..Optimist.

Sad to see you go mate, each to their own but i dont think you should let the haters get the best of you.

It’s a pity Optimist has moved on to another life.

I was wondering what type of boards Jesus shaped. Quads, Twin fins, Thrusters ? AW

mattlock's picture
mattlock's picture
mattlock Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 8:55pm

Has Opti gone to that other planet where heaven is?

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 9:15pm

^ he's been before. I think it just means inland for a bit.
(physically, metaphysically, literally, metaphorically, not sure, I lose track..)

interesting, finding an unattended front-page political thread to announce the latest retirement, now the 'all-religions-thread' isn't prominent. I was raised to think the best of people and to assume people aren't agenda driven, so I assume this isn't a religio-politico protest.. I do appreciate how Opti says nice things to what he clearly sees as 'the fray' each time he fades off. See you soon Opti, you are definitely a part of the swellnet fabric : ) xx

Sprout's picture
Sprout's picture
Sprout Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 9:04pm

Purple shroud, Nike Decades...

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 9:19pm

Optimist has Buzzed a few Lightyears and gone to ‘infinity and beyond’. AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 9:26pm

- "One day, I had an encounter with Jesus….too real to deny and so then the quest to check it all out."


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 9:38pm
AlfredWallace wrote:

Optimist has Buzzed a few Lightyears and gone to ‘infinity and beyond’. AW

he might ponder that tonight, Buzz Lightyear's faith, Woody's optimism, voiced by Tom Hanks, Forrest (his fave movie), life's journey, the Jenny's that told him to run (faith), the Bubbas he met through structured protocols where darkies play by the rules (communion), where order is dictated, drifting off, nothing left behind, life pre-determined and rounded off with a sleep.. sounds pretty nice, probably.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 9:45pm

"...some may seem out there but time will tell….its nice to try and think outside the matrix" ;)

- pls say hello to king david



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 10:03pm

..."As this current civilisation comes to a close be encouraged that there is a new world planned…"



basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 10:18pm

I remember reading a thing from some 60s muso, who only realised in their 40s that the beatles was a play on beetles vs. beat culture.

I really liked the us telly show, and have seen Flight of the Conchords live, but till @stu's raygun post, had never thought about the spelling, plays on words and things... clever in a bunch of opaque ways, i'm assuming..?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 10:37pm

- subtlety ;)


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 10:44pm

that's the space @jelly. in idea, contextual reference, execution. for me, anyway : )

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 10:53pm
Island Bay wrote:

You're free when you learn true humility and realise you're not the centre of the universe.

Optimist, I'm sad to see you go.

And fwiw, I miss Blowin.

respect , IB, couldn't agree more re bloated self-importance, whether that be through individual ego, or being humble within a planetary exclusive club..

I'm sad to see him go, too, as I said last time he went.  But the old chestnut of 'something bigger than yourself'.. really?  we have all seen preachy, pious, martyr behaviour in our Christian upbringings.  And assume that all religious societies have as well, and they have had enough, too.

It simply doesn't wash that we need organised religion to have 'the oath', once you have met people that believe in the natural, timeless, evolving, ever moving, transient, impossibly insignificant yet exquisitely significant place we live in.  Just a billion-year old thing, on an older-thing, that simply doesn't need or care about us. Do you think that doesn't make us think 'our children are the most precious gift of oblivion that could possibly have been a part of our split-second'?

(beyond clay-pot wisdom and deserts and imagined-edens and churches and mosques and statues and dolmen and standing stones and really big pointy graves for ancient megalomaniacs.)

time for everyone to grow up..?  Not yet?  scared that 'they' aren't ready?  Aren't  'they' already not listening to funny old pot-wisdom.. here at least.  In the US they are, I guess why it appeals to some...

Can't we respect tradition, understand that others do too, encourage wonder, engage in findings by specialists who study things, keep a healthy scepticism, greet each sunrise with a smile, encourage wonder, tell sci fi and fairy tale stories that help articulate the human condition, and let @Optis be who they choose to be, without, fawning to their dogmatic ideas of their very small universe?

People who think they are humble as a lamb, within a 'centre of the universe sect', think they are the centre of the universe.

Again, all power, @Opti, and I hope you can share self-buy-build ideas here in the future.  I really dug that stuff.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 10:57pm




Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 10:58pm



basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Friday, 16 Aug 2024 at 11:11pm
Jelly Flater wrote:

was digging that, but, deus ex machina!!

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 7:21am

Opti could have said Bon Voyage , on the Religion Thread , but chose this One .

I can't Imagine how painful it would B , 4 a passionately religious person , 2 C the Thread bombarded with Crap , every day !

Soul destroying , perhaps .

SN turned the Religion Thread , into a " Conveyor Belt " of Abuse and Arguments , from people that just HAD 2 have a crack , at someone .

Much of worst abuse coming from people who say Trump , is abusive , OMG .

" Good Faith " discussion lol :((( !

I don't like the SN Flock , loosing any fledglings !

Every Fledging , has something they can Bring 2 the Table .

Maybe we don't realise something is , pretty cool sometimes , until it's GONE !

Opti has a Right 2 Free Speech , without receiving the torrents , of constant and often , vile abuse .

Talk about shooting , the bloody nice , Messenger !

So many of Opti's SN Brothers , loved taking SHOTS and had HIM in their Daily Sights , dying 2 pull their Triggers .

The Slander Opti's Religion Game , was such Fun , they thought .

Well they won , as NO one will take Opti's place , why would THEY ?

Not so free speech imho !

Opti was made 2 pay a Price , 4 every comment he posted .

Go Opti , with my best wishes !

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 7:39am
Jelly Flater wrote:

- subtlety ;)

Watership Down... Such a good book and lovely film....
Remember being young watching that scene, has really stuck with me...

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 7:40am



Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 7:51am

thanks Andy-mac

The Clip reminded me of my lovely old dog , wanting 2 B by herself , at the very end .

Opti , is unfortunately , One of a Kind !

SN has killed a species , the habitat was just too Harsh !

Maybe Opti is like , Puff the Magic Dragon ?

We stopped believing in the Good Stuff , Opti was trying 2 share .

Like Puff , Opti needs 2 go off into a Cave and we will Never see the Like of him , again .

Quite a sad story imho !

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 7:54am
Pop Down wrote:

Opti could have said Bon Voyage , on the Religion Thread , but chose this One .

I can't Imagine how painful it would B , 4 a passionately religious person , 2 C the Thread bombarded with Crap , every day !

Soul destroying , perhaps .

SN turned the Religion Thread , into a " Conveyor Belt " of Abuse and Arguments , from people that just HAD 2 have a crack , at someone .

Much of worst abuse coming from people who say Trump , is abusive , OMG .

" Good Faith " discussion lol :((( !

I don't like the SN Flock , loosing any fledglings !

Every Fledging , has something they can Bring 2 the Table .

Maybe we don't realise something is , pretty cool sometimes , until it's GONE !

Opti has a Right 2 Free Speech , without receiving the torrents , of constant and often , vile abuse .

Talk about shooting , the bloody nice , Messenger !

So many of Opti's SN Brothers , loved taking SHOTS and had HIM in their Daily Sights , dying 2 pull their Triggers .

The Slander Opti's Religion Game , was such Fun , they thought .

Well they won , as NO one will take Opti's place , why would THEY ?

Not so free speech imho !

Opti was made 2 pay a Price , 4 every comment he posted .

Go Opti , with my best wishes !

Bang on the dude clearly Opti just wanted to talk about his religion and faith in a thread that was created exactly for that, but sadly the fascist trolls/haters just hounded him trying to break him trying to silence him. (if his beliefs were Islamic or indigenous, even Buddhist or Hindu they would never dare)

With the thread being on the back page Opti's thread of interest is now in a waste land, which means him posting there is pointless and if he talks about his beliefs elsewhere he will get labeled a bible basher.

Hard position for Opti, stay strong Opti.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 9:15am

oh, relax @indo & @Pop.. i'm sure @Opti, if he's half the man he aspires to be, wouldn't want to be a martyr or the centre of attention. I have been 'trolled' by Jelly, AW, seeds, etc. for talking nice to Opti, and saying admiring things re his resilience, etc. and am now swellnet-fwends with several of those 'trolls' cos they talk to me. Opti never did. So, not really a man of the people, our Opti, but I respect that, I generally struggle to like people too (prefer humanity). fyi, @Opti, now the all-religion thread isn't prominent, I'll post some stuff from my time in Mainz studying the wulfilabibel, singing in cathedrals across europe, and stuff that would seem weird to put on the front page..

see you in the SN vestry, I have about a dozen books on small-church design in scotland.. very strict rules which I find fascinating (i.e. in the sanctuary, NO altar, just a simple table that may have a plain white tablecloth, i.e. communion NOT sacrifice representation; any side doors must avoid alluding to being a transept.. unreal how Protestantism separated itself from Anglicism/Catholicism through Jacobean-esque aesthetics.) Always wanted to build one on my block about the size of the original star-of-the-sea in Robe. great recording acoustics. never got round to it.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 9:41am

hello base 6

Opiti's comments seem 2 have already been " The Centre of Attention " for SO many "trolls" .

The SN Habitat , for His Christian Belief's , has been way 2 harsh , it put him on a Cross imho .

Way too harsh , if I was a Christian , I would not have the Thick Skin required , 2 comeback .

U know the history of SN , far better than I do and think Opti will , make a comeback .

As "not one of our People " , maybe not .

I hope you are right , but why would he ?

He sure seems to have given SN a crack but , He is discriminated , due to his views , by the Thundering Herd .

I think he might be that old dragon , Puff .

Another one , bites the dust .

And another one's gone .......


Hutchy19 regrets being a DH 2 Brutus and says Sorry !

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 9:30am

IMHO the departure of Brutus was a real loss when it comes to the religion thread, i think he kept things in a kind of check, because most have a lot of respect for him and he also holds Christian beliefs, so while there was criticism and debate that did get heated at times, it wasn't out of control pointless mocking or as much pointless trolling.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 9:38am
Pop Down wrote:

U know the history of SN , far better than I do and think Opti will , make a comeback .

Like rise from the dead and be born again?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 9:39am


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 9:46am

yup. expect a Butterflopti to emerge from the Christalis in late spring.
I'll welcome it. @seeds missed him too, last time.
(let's see if final-evolution Opti is non-judgmental and apolitical).

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:05am
indo-dreaming wrote:
Pop Down wrote:

Opti could have said Bon Voyage , on the Religion Thread , but chose this One .

I can't Imagine how painful it would B , 4 a passionately religious person , 2 C the Thread bombarded with Crap , every day !

Soul destroying , perhaps .

SN turned the Religion Thread , into a " Conveyor Belt " of Abuse and Arguments , from people that just HAD 2 have a crack , at someone .

Much of worst abuse coming from people who say Trump , is abusive , OMG .

" Good Faith " discussion lol :((( !

I don't like the SN Flock , loosing any fledglings !

Every Fledging , has something they can Bring 2 the Table .

Maybe we don't realise something is , pretty cool sometimes , until it's GONE !

Opti has a Right 2 Free Speech , without receiving the torrents , of constant and often , vile abuse .

Talk about shooting , the bloody nice , Messenger !

So many of Opti's SN Brothers , loved taking SHOTS and had HIM in their Daily Sights , dying 2 pull their Triggers .

The Slander Opti's Religion Game , was such Fun , they thought .

Well they won , as NO one will take Opti's place , why would THEY ?

Not so free speech imho !

Opti was made 2 pay a Price , 4 every comment he posted .

Go Opti , with my best wishes !

Bang on the dude clearly Opti just wanted to talk about his religion and faith in a thread that was created exactly for that, but sadly the fascist trolls/haters just hounded him trying to break him trying to silence him. (if his beliefs were Islamic or indigenous, even Buddhist or Hindu they would never dare)

With the thread being on the back page Opti's thread of interest is now in a waste land, which means him posting there is pointless and if he talks about his beliefs elsewhere he will get labeled a bible basher.

Hard position for Opti, stay strong Opti.

Indo. Hi.

Please, give Opti more credit, he could definitely handle himself. It’s now proven he’s way smarter than all of us, he’s gone, we are still here, resolving our ‘own’ issues.

Without, malice or prejudice.

I’d suggest you reread your second last paragraph .

Travel back near on a decade, look at all your posts and responses, there is no more of a fast and immediate troll than yourself.

You have intelligence, but you dislike anyone else who may be a micron more intelligent than you.

Periodic self reflection is not only healthy, but good for you.

Take care of yourself, you don’t want to mentally twist yourself into a tight ball of yarn that you can’t unwind.

My opinion , not a criticism. AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:11am

"There will be an intervention soon though….you can count on it and people like you will be running for cover but you won’t find it.
Everything else in the text has come true, so I don’t see why that would be any different…..more bad times to come first though……real bad unfortunately for the world….but we reap what we sow."

^ flopti is legit, it's end of times (if you can make believe it haha)

"... clearly Opti just wanted to talk about his religion and faith"

- ummmmm, yep of course, sure thing ay gerbs :

"The green room dude who probably works in some homeland security situation somewhere blew the whistle on the jelly, guy, basesix Alfred, adam etc etc and his other multiple personalities a while ago and I wasn’t sure at first but he’s obviously used his resources to track the ip address..." & "... so give it up mate….or a least make up some fresh ones cause your multiple demons have run their race."

^ paranoid & delusional flopti, spewing false accusations and straight up bullshit ;)
(on the same fruitless nofacto finding missions as gerbs haha)

...intervention for himself can't come quick enough ;)

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:12am

Pretty poor form @Indo taking no responsibility for the end of the thread.
You brought your wargasms to the thread kickstarting its demise.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:32am
AlfredWallace wrote:
indo-dreaming wrote:
Pop Down wrote:

Opti could have said Bon Voyage , on the Religion Thread , but chose this One .

I can't Imagine how painful it would B , 4 a passionately religious person , 2 C the Thread bombarded with Crap , every day !

Soul destroying , perhaps .

SN turned the Religion Thread , into a " Conveyor Belt " of Abuse and Arguments , from people that just HAD 2 have a crack , at someone .

Much of worst abuse coming from people who say Trump , is abusive , OMG .

" Good Faith " discussion lol :((( !

I don't like the SN Flock , loosing any fledglings !

Every Fledging , has something they can Bring 2 the Table .

Maybe we don't realise something is , pretty cool sometimes , until it's GONE !

Opti has a Right 2 Free Speech , without receiving the torrents , of constant and often , vile abuse .

Talk about shooting , the bloody nice , Messenger !

So many of Opti's SN Brothers , loved taking SHOTS and had HIM in their Daily Sights , dying 2 pull their Triggers .

The Slander Opti's Religion Game , was such Fun , they thought .

Well they won , as NO one will take Opti's place , why would THEY ?

Not so free speech imho !

Opti was made 2 pay a Price , 4 every comment he posted .

Go Opti , with my best wishes !

Bang on the dude clearly Opti just wanted to talk about his religion and faith in a thread that was created exactly for that, but sadly the fascist trolls/haters just hounded him trying to break him trying to silence him. (if his beliefs were Islamic or indigenous, even Buddhist or Hindu they would never dare)

With the thread being on the back page Opti's thread of interest is now in a waste land, which means him posting there is pointless and if he talks about his beliefs elsewhere he will get labeled a bible basher.

Hard position for Opti, stay strong Opti.

Indo. Hi.

Please, give Opti more credit, he could definitely handle himself. It’s now proven he’s way smarter than all of us, he’s gone, we are still here, resolving our ‘own’ issues.

Without, malice or prejudice.

I’d suggest you reread your second last paragraph .

Travel back near on a decade, look at all your posts and responses, there is no more of a fast and immediate troll than yourself.

You have intelligence, but you dislike anyone else who may be a micron more intelligent than you.

Periodic self reflection is not only healthy, but good for you.

Take care of yourself, you don’t want to mentally twist yourself into a tight ball of yarn that you can’t unwind.

My opinion , not a criticism. AW

A troll is not somebody that shares a different view to you, people dont share different views, thats just called life.

In this case there was people posting in the thread that had zero interest in religion or debating religious beliefs, but just didn't like that Opti had these beliefs, so they would mock him and try to belittle him and just try to get under his skin, all they were trying to do was piss him off or break his spirit in the hope that he would just not post.

Like i said they wouldnt to this Brutus because they respect him, so he helped keep things in check

seeds wrote:

Pretty poor form @Indo taking no responsibility for the end of the thread.
You brought your wargasms to the thread kickstarting its demise.

Look while I dont think posting a video on the temple mount that triggered many was exactly an issue, im happy to take some responsibility, as i didn't ease up once it started.

But the trolls had already been attacking and mocking Opti and his beliefs for months, they had no interest in the thread, i was there because i have a genuine interest in the historical aspect's of things.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:18am


"... clearly Opti just wanted to talk about his religion and faith"

- ummmmm, yep of course, sure thing ay gerbs :

"The green room dude who probably works in some homeland security situation somewhere blew the whistle on the jelly, guy, basesix Alfred, adam etc etc and his other multiple personalities a while ago and I wasn’t sure at first but he’s obviously used his resources to track the ip address..." & "... so give it up mate….or a least make up some fresh ones cause your multiple demons have run their race."

^ paranoid & delusional flopti, spewing false accusations and straight up bullshit ;)
(on the same fruitless nofacto finding missions as gerbs haha)


basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:24am
andy-mac wrote:
Jelly Flater wrote:

- subtlety ;)

Watership Down... Such a good book and lovely film....
Remember being young watching that scene, has really stuck with me...

yeh, @Jelly's was a beautiful rendering with an honest piano. for this less-is-more day and age. tots my alley.
the original conjures memories of my mum as a 35 year-old, hard-working, earl-grey drinking legend tho.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:24am

Oh please, you are talking about a person who was no humble man of god. His stridently held political and religious beliefs were rightfully questioned here. The role of missionaries destroying indigenous culture, the questioning of Brittney Higgins motives, unquestioned support for the corrupt Morrison government, his view that it was only his god and none other would provide eternal salvation, support for Trump and his gleeful support for Israel and how that genocidal war might (would?) bring about the end of the world and return of his god are all there on the SN archives.

goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot's picture
goofyfoot Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:32am
GuySmiley wrote:

Oh please, you are talking about a person who was no humble man of god. His stridently held political and religious beliefs were rightfully questioned here. The role of missionaries destroying indigenous culture, the questioning of Brittney Higgins motives, unquestioned support for the corrupt Morrison government, his view that it was only his god and none other would provide eternal salvation, support for Trump and his gleeful support for Israel and how that genocidal war might (would?) bring about the end of the world and return of his god are all there on the SN archives.

Ay, jog on opti.
Probably room for two more on his ark too Indo and PopD if you’re so upset at his departure.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:34am

- the floptiverse and the book of gerbils :

..."accuse the other side of that which you are guilty" ;);)

Hypocrisy. Idiocy. Arrogance.
- flopti and the noinfo gerbil... both just delusional messengers of lies ;)



Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:45am

Hello GuySmiley

SN commentators " rightfully questioned " Opti's views ?

Many gave his " stridently help political and religious beliefs " , Relentless abuse .

Especially and mainly , the Christian Religious views , whenever I look at the Thread .

Sounds like the Thread will get some nice stories , that will be good !

Spring is coming soon , 2 .

U never know , what might Spring UP !

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:43am

- when flopti exclaimed this holy gem :

"...take heed Australia. Islamic Block voting is how you lose your country."

^ he was obviously appealing to the indigenous inhabitants ;);)

- good ol 'christian' views ay hahaha



soggydog's picture
soggydog's picture
soggydog Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:49am
indo-dreaming wrote:
Pop Down wrote:

Opti could have said Bon Voyage , on the Religion Thread , but chose this One .

I can't Imagine how painful it would B , 4 a passionately religious person , 2 C the Thread bombarded with Crap , every day !

Soul destroying , perhaps .

SN turned the Religion Thread , into a " Conveyor Belt " of Abuse and Arguments , from people that just HAD 2 have a crack , at someone .

Much of worst abuse coming from people who say Trump , is abusive , OMG .

" Good Faith " discussion lol :((( !

I don't like the SN Flock , loosing any fledglings !

Every Fledging , has something they can Bring 2 the Table .

Maybe we don't realise something is , pretty cool sometimes , until it's GONE !

Opti has a Right 2 Free Speech , without receiving the torrents , of constant and often , vile abuse .

Talk about shooting , the bloody nice , Messenger !

So many of Opti's SN Brothers , loved taking SHOTS and had HIM in their Daily Sights , dying 2 pull their Triggers .

The Slander Opti's Religion Game , was such Fun , they thought .

Well they won , as NO one will take Opti's place , why would THEY ?

Not so free speech imho !

Opti was made 2 pay a Price , 4 every comment he posted .

Go Opti , with my best wishes !

Bang on the dude clearly Opti just wanted to talk about his religion and faith in a thread that was created exactly for that, but sadly the fascist trolls/haters just hounded him trying to break him trying to silence him. (if his beliefs were Islamic or indigenous, even Buddhist or Hindu they would never dare)

With the thread being on the back page Opti's thread of interest is now in a waste land, which means him posting there is pointless and if he talks about his beliefs elsewhere he will get labeled a bible basher.

Hard position for Opti, stay strong Opti.

Hang on, the last round of vitriol that Opti received on here was using his Christian values to justify mass killing and then giving us some reds under the beds, the musies are coming to get you line.
I could read a bit of what Opti wrote. That stuff is a death spiral with no end, Historical links and especially religion, it would seem they are the only group who are able to exercise that rite. The rest of us live with the situation we’re born to.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 10:56am

Hey Jelly

As we are in a bloody Optigone , I will have a crack at a "gem" .

Perhaps it means that our PM and government , might have to pander to another ,Voting Block .

Like the Greens .

Then our Country , looses It's Way , 4 a while .

ps I have no idea how Opti thinks :)

pss Also thanks for posting the nice link , I saw later , u posted it :) !

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 11:09am

- IB : "And fwiw, I miss Blowin." ;)

...yep, somethin bout hysterical bullshit merchants who work off incorrect assumptions and falsehoods (like flopti and the gerbil)
- especially when they actually use different pseudonyms and even create new profiles of imaginary american contributors ('free speech' haha) way of finding the green room, if you're a farkn idiot - that is :

- Slackjawedyokal :

"Hmmm…mass murder at Bondi Junction in Sydney.

Chances it’s related to the Israel/ Gaza deal seems to be an obvious thing ? Lots of Jewish crew live in that area."

^ hmmm, indeed ;)



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 11:10am

- "Optimist, I'm sad to see you go." hahaha

Yep. It's a tragedy ;);)

" ..Jesus brought dead people back to life, cleansed untold lepers , healed all the sick people, told off the priests who were supposed to represent Him ( God the son the visible one) and fed thousands of people with a kids lunch, turned water into gallons of the best wine for a wedding .. walked across the sea…etc etc etc.
These are the things that kinda got peoples attention and made Him famous in just over 3 years……the worlds solution……he's too out there let’s kill Him…
…..but that didn’t work either."

^ weddy good hahaha



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Saturday, 17 Aug 2024 at 1:46pm

