Sunshine Coast

Not So Sunny Coast

Here, Jack puts his imune system to the test, while also baiting himself in the bush to those sneaky blood suckers, all to capture these grey but moody images from the not so Sunny Coast.

Not So Sunny Coast

Here, Jack puts his imune system to the test, while also baiting himself in the bush to those sneaky blood suckers, all to capture these grey but moody images from the not so Sunny Coast.

Last Rays of Sunshine

As the storm drifted south, skies cleared and winds shifted offshore, with one late afternoon on the Sunny Coast providing some standout waves for those keeping a close eye on the beach.

Last Rays of Sunshine

As the storm drifted south, skies cleared and winds shifted offshore, with one late afternoon on the Sunny Coast providing some standout waves for those keeping a close eye on the beach.

Time in the sun

Two weeks of fun-sized waves matched with great weather has seen local surfers getting their fill before the winter hibernation begins. All photos by Jack Dekort.

Time in the sun

Two weeks of fun-sized waves matched with great weather has seen local surfers getting their fill before the winter hibernation begins. All photos by Jack Dekort.

Waves of Sunshine

For the last two weeks it's been consistently head high or larger with clear weather and offshore winds. Due to the amount of waves the photos have been pouring in, however I'm running out of puns when it comes to referencing the Sunshine Coast.

Waves of Sunshine

For the last two weeks it's been consistently head high or larger with clear weather and offshore winds. Due to the amount of waves the photos have been pouring in, however I'm running out of puns when it comes to referencing the Sunshine Coast.

Footloose And Fancy Free

After a surprisingly productive springtime of surf in Southeast Queensland, the kids are geeing up for a big summer of water action. Their equipment's fine-tuned, the banks are stable and the water temperature's enticing all and sundry into the lineup.

Footloose And Fancy Free

After a surprisingly productive springtime of surf in Southeast Queensland, the kids are geeing up for a big summer of water action. Their equipment's fine-tuned, the banks are stable and the water temperature's enticing all and sundry into the lineup.