Extended run out of the E/NE, with a large embedded pulse

Ben Matson picture
Ben Matson (thermalben)

South-east Queensland and Northern NSW Surf Forecast by Ben Matson (issued Wednesday 30th June)

SE Qld Forecast Summary (tl;dr)

  • Extended period of trade swells, building from Thurs
  • Strong, sizeable peak late Sun/Mon
  • Easing from Tues but holding through until next weekend
  • Tricky winds late Thurs/early Fri and maybe Sat, otherwise favourable 

Northern NSW Forecast Summary (tl;dr)

  • Long period S/SE swell across south facing beaches south of Byron on Thurs
  • Extended period of trade swells, building from Thurs
  • Large peak in size late Sun/Mon
  • Easing from Tues but holding through until next weekend
  • Tricky winds late Thurs/early Fri and maybe Sat, otherwise favourable 


Conditions were mixed on Tuesday with moderate to fresh SW tending S/SE winds in some parts, even E/SE breezes across the Northern Rivers. A solid south swell produced 4-5ft sets at south swell magnets south of Byron but was much smaller elsewhere, especially SE Qld. However, trade swells built through the day and have reached 3-4ft this afternoon (smaller south from Ballina), with variable winds creating pockets of fun, if slightly lumpy surf at many regions. The Sunshine Coast is the outlier, and has seen a little more strength in the regional synoptic onshore flow, with ordinary conditions away from sheltered spots. A new long period S/SE groundswell (tp up to 19 seconds!) is pushing up the Southern NSW coast and should reach Northern NSW overnight. 

Byron Bay picking up some fun waves Wednesday morning

Late Wednesday lines at Snapper

This week (July 1 - 2)

Our incoming S/SE groundswell should plateau across Northern NSW on Thursday.

Because of the source of the swell - south of New Zealand on Monday - this afternoon’s size across Southern NSW provides a useful proxy for Northern NSW, so expect set waves between 3ft and 5ft at locations with good southerly exposure. 

However, the good news is that there’s a building E/NE trade swell in the water and this will compensate for those locations not picking up the S/SE swell. In fact, the trade swell will be a similar size throughout SE Qld on Thursday (3-5ft most open beaches and outer points), pushing a smidge higher on Friday - though I’m still not sold on the prospect of solid 6ft sets. Maybe the odd bomb set at a couple of exposed locations, but certainly not a broad representation of regional surf heights. 

As for conditions, we’ve got a broad high straddling New Zealand, and it’s expected to create a few issues for us as it butts up against a coastal trough of low pressure. 

The position of the trough is paramount as to how surface conditions will play out, as it'll be moving slowly west to east, pushing offshore into the weekend. The general feeling is that over the next two days, we’ll probably be under the effects of N/NE breezes, though the riskiest time will be Thursday afternoon overnight into Friday morning, and the riskiest location (for adverse conditions) will be south from Byron to about Coffs Harbour. 

Either side of this - i.e. Thursday morning and Friday afternoon - we stand a better chance for periods of light variable winds, and thus cleaner conditions, though potentially wobbly. And SE Qld coasts will probably see a little less strength in the wind overall, compared to its southern brethren. 

Of course, low pressure troughs are notoriously difficult to have confidence in and it’s likely there’ll be a broad range of conditions across the region (compared to trade swell size, which should remain relatively uniform). However, early Thursday and Friday afternoon are worth your attention. And we might get lucky at other times too. 

This weekend (July 3 - 4)

The weekend looks really good.

The coastal trough should create light variable winds across most regions on Saturday, though northerlies remain a risk (particularly SE Qld and Far Northern NSW).

A developing low pressure system within the trough line (by Saturday, sitting well off the coast) will slide to the south, and bring about a southerly wind change across the region on Sunday, initially the Mid North Coast before dawn, then Northern NSW by mid-morning and SE Qld by lunchtime. 

A stationary ridge across the Northern Tasman Sea should maintain punchy 4-5ft+ surf across most coasts on Saturday, however the developing low along the trough line will strengthen the head of the easterly fetch (feeding into the trough), and bring about a bigger pulse of E/NE swell for Sunday and Monday. 

This is expected to reach a peak in and around the 6-8ft+, probably concentrated across Northern NSW (especially the Mid North Coast) with a little less size into SE Qld, specifically the Sunshine Coast. But only a bit… wave heights will be very solid, everywhere.

I really need a few more days to firm up the wind outlook, as confidence is pretty high in the surf department. Regardless, Sunday’s shaping up to be only suitable for sheltered spots and points; Saturday looks tricky as wave heights will probably be at the upper end of the size threshold for the open beaches. 

Either way.. good times!

Next week (July 5 onwards)

Monday’s peak in E/NE swell (source below) will be biggest across the Mid North Coast (6-8ft+), with smaller but still-strong 5-6ft+ surf at exposed beaches in SE Qld. Size will trend down slowly through the day.

Even better, Sunday’s fresh southerly flow will quickly abate as the low (within the trough line) moves quickly to the south. So, expect light winds all ‘round.

Despite the easing trend, the ridge across the Northern Tasman Sea - stretching out into the South Pacific - will remain active until next Wednesday or Thursday. That’s the same fetch already in place, which means it’ll remain a swell generating machine for more than a week. And thus, will pump out swell into next weekend (albeit smaller in size). 

Ball park size range for most open coasts is 5-6ft+ early Tuesday, 4-5ft Wednesday, 3-4ft Thursday and then holding 2-3ft+ from Friday into Saturday. 

At the same time, we'll see southerly swells build across the region early next week, initially from the fetch related to Sunday's change, and then from several small low pressure centres embedded at the bottom of the trough line. However this will mainly favour Northern NSW and not SE Qld. 

Conditions look pretty good all week with no major strength expected in the wind throughout Northern NSW. We may see a brief period of S’ly winds in SE Qld around Tuesday as a weak ridge sets up through the Coral Sea but this will be great for the points anyway. 

All in all, a pretty fantastic run of surf coming up for the region.

See you Friday!


Izzyduff's picture
Izzyduff's picture
Izzyduff Wednesday, 30 Jun 2021 at 6:51pm

Thanks for another detailed report!!!

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Wednesday, 30 Jun 2021 at 7:01pm

When should I expect my phone call?

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 7:42am

Shortly after launching into Surf City by the Ramones, you swore at me, and then hung up.

Then I got a phone call from the Australia Department of Communications advising that if any more prank calls were reported from my number, they'd deport me to Christmas Island. 

So, I checked the forecast for Kiribati, and begun dialing again.

Donweather, you're up next.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Wednesday, 30 Jun 2021 at 7:01pm

Touch wood

Rockethut's picture
Rockethut's picture
Rockethut Wednesday, 30 Jun 2021 at 7:13pm

Good report

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Wednesday, 30 Jun 2021 at 8:41pm

I’m waiting for my song!!

bluediamond's picture
bluediamond's picture
bluediamond Wednesday, 30 Jun 2021 at 9:15pm

que sera sera Don!

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 7:28am

WTF are blue bottles doing here in Winter!!! All over the beach this morning.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 8:44am

Didn't find waves yesterday and now Blueys, haha. Having a rough trot Don ;)

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 11:56am

It's been a very tough few weeks/month here with the banks and now wind situation.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 8:59am

real mess out there this morning which is a shame as there's plenty of swell.

some very strong E'ly, NE'ly squalls through the night/early morning.

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 11:55am

Yep heard them also throughout the night here too Steve.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 12:25pm

Long range S/SE groundswell showing really well on the Tweed buoy. Spectral data shows clear separation between it and the trade swell too (also shows up yesterday's S'ly groundswell too, at lower periods than today's S/SE groundswell).

Smorto's picture
Smorto's picture
Smorto Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 1:03pm

Hey Ben any update on when the Burleigh cams might be back in service? Assume they're all located on the same building?

EDIT - Just saw that I can view the replays from earlier this morning but not the live cams. Is there an issue or is it just me?

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 1:48pm

Power outage, we're visiting this arvo to fix. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Smorto's picture
Smorto's picture
Smorto Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 1:49pm

All good, thanks for the reply.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 2:14pm

Back now.

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 12:48pm

First of July and long tail tuna going nuts in the lineup. Is that normal East coast stuff? Always good to see a few silver/ black barrels smashing into the bait and spearing through the air.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 1:23pm

I've got long tails in July before, also August.

over-wintering fish I presume.

Damn shame the wind is caca, that SSE groundy is really strong here.

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 1:36pm

Xmas in July with this wind/weather!!!

dawnperiscope's picture
dawnperiscope's picture
dawnperiscope Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 1:48pm

I was watching that system on the Ascat and there was quite a captured fetch of 50kt winds from 27th -28th. Still some strong S wind down there on the 29th. SSE might hang around for a bit, but as you say, shame about the conditions.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 1:50pm

I'd say a helluva Teahupoo swell from the wind under NZ and extending up NE into the South Pac.

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 8:46am

Been solid over here the last few days. Very grunty long-period swell.

That W/SW fetch now extends halfway to South America. Punta de Lobos, anyone?

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 9:46am

Its been O.K. lately

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 9:57am


crg's picture
crg's picture
crg Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 1:56pm

Frustratingly yeah...nah down here

Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67's picture
Surfalot67 Thursday, 1 Jul 2021 at 6:10pm

Swell! Total garbage though, even though the winds stayed mostly light WSW to calm all day other than a brief NW puff around 830-900. Weird. NE on it now - game over for a few days sadly.

thermalben's picture
thermalben's picture
thermalben Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 6:21am

Impressive, unseasonable rainfall totals across the Tweed Coast and southern Gold Coast since 9am yesterday:

Cudgera Creek (Pottsville) - 123mm
Yelgun Creek - 92mm
Crabbes Creek - 86mm
Hastings - 80mm
Currumbin Ck - 65mm
Tallebudgera Ck Rd - 48mm
Burleigh Waters - 42mm

donweather's picture
donweather's picture
donweather Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 10:52am

As I wrote above. Xmas in July!!!

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 6:55am

Since Craig wrote his article it's been close to wall to wall textbook La Nina set-ups.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 7:06am

Thought the same Steve, very Niña like.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 8:24am

Incredibly June 2021 has been a record dry June for Ballina.

July will not be.

spookypt's picture
spookypt's picture
spookypt Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 9:53am

8 weeks down since my shoulder reco. 16 weeks to go. Havent looked at my local. Just cant. Sorry fellas I wish you good waves just dont tell me about it. Should I cancel my membership to ease my pain.!

Blowin's picture
Blowin's picture
Blowin Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 10:59am

You’re not missing anything. It’s been dead East gales, tepid bluebottle riddled windslop and white shark feeding frenzies since you last paddled out. Get better.

freeride76's picture
freeride76's picture
freeride76 Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 10:58am

nah, you ain't missing much mate.

very ordinary winter so far compared to 2020.

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Friday, 2 Jul 2021 at 7:17pm

Autumn/winter 2020 is starting to feel like a long time ago.