Fortunately, winds will tend light variable across all regions so conditions will be clean.
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We’re still looking at a very significant groundswell arriving throughout Thursday, peaking in the late afternoon before easing slowly through Friday.
While all of this is going on, a much more significant system will have been tracking eastwards through the Southern Indian Ocean, generating a large groundswell that’s due to arrive Thursday.
Easing SW groundswell tomorrow with favourable winds for Perth and Mandurah, with lighter winds Friday across the South West and a new SW swell for the afternoon. Larger SW groundswell Saturday morning with good winds before lunch, deteriorating into Sunday with more large surf.
Average conditions across the South West until late week, with windows to the north from Wednesday, best Saturday morning with a new SW groundswell before winds go onshore.
Poor building W/NW windswell tomorrow with strong NW winds, with a larger W/SW groundswell for Sunday as winds swing SW through the afternoon. Easing swell with light winds (offshore across Mandurah and Perth) Monday morning. Good long-period SW groundswell building Wednesday afternoon, cleanest and easing Thursday.
Easing W/SW swells tomorrow with light winds around Mandurah and Perth, cleaner around Margs dawn Friday with a new S/SW groundswell ahead of freshening NW winds. Onshore winds all weekend with a large W/SW groundswell filling in Sunday, cleaner and easing Monday.
Poor conditions over the coming days with a severe and 'bombing low' due to bring gale-force onshore winds and stormy swells, possibly clean early Thursday and Friday mornings in Perth and Mandurah before going back onshore on the weekend.
New pulse of SW groundswell building through tomorrow, easing Sunday with generally favourable winds, and then clean Monday morning before winds go onshore with a vigorous approaching front Tuesday.
Onshore building surf tomorrow with a mix of stronger S/SW groundswell Friday as winds improve around Mandurah and Perth (possibly the South West). Better conditions over the weekend across the South West with a good new SW groundswell.