There's an upgrade in the coming swell this week as a low 'bombs' south-west of Western Australia today.
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A mix of swells for the weekend though winds will get into the strongest part of it. There's a fun reinforcing W/SW swell for next week and more possibilities for late week.
There are a couple of decent W/SW swells on the way this period but finding a clean wave with size will be an issue.
Easing surf ahead of a mix of westerly swells later week but winds will be an issue. Tricky more distant swells to follow.
Lots of swell on the way, with winds from all directions. There'll be windows of great waves for both regions over the coming week.
Not the best winds for the South Coast this period until next week. The Mid will be OK but the swell direction isn't ideal.
Plenty of swell on the way after it bottoms out the next two days, but winds will initially limit surfing options.
Good swells over the period but winds will limit surfing options to much smaller, less consistent and slow regions.
A tricky end to the week with a good new W/SW groundswell but winds will come from all 360 degrees of the compass. Fun swell later next week.
Not the best outlook for the South Coast with better options in the gulf, but it'll be inconsistent.