There’s no sign of any Tradewinds into and through next week with tiny/flat surf expected right into next weekend.
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Not much on the horizon with weak pressure gradients and no tradewinds in the Coral Sea next week, a flat spell is expected.
The current synoptic situation has a Groundhog Day feel to it, with another very weak high pressure cell in the Tasman (1019hPa), directing a mod SE’ly flow along the CQ coastline, with a weakening Tradewind flow in the Coral Sea contracting northwards.
With high pressure moving NE into the Tasman we’ll see winds increase as a SE surge builds up the Fraser/Burnett coast.
By the weekend we’ll see a new high pressure cell in the Tasman and a persistent E/SE trade flow developing off the top of the high.
Trades looks to develop later in the weekend and early next week, although major models are still divergent over how strong they are. Under an optimistic scenario we should start to see small E’ly tradeswell build in this weekend and persist at low levels next week.
Weak high pressure is seeing tiny surf across CQ and that pattern lingers into and over the weekend and right through New Years Day.
Central QLD Forecaster Notes by Steve Shearer (updated on Wed Dec 25th)
This week and next week (Dec25-Jan3)
Central QLD: Tiny/flat for a while
Small waves today and tomorrow, easing back to tiny into the new year.
A weak monsoonal low in the Coral Sea is drifting towards New Caledonia and weakening.
Over the weekend the monsoonal low moves out into the Coral Sea with a weak fetch of winds along the southern flank. That fetch shield be enough to generate some small E’ly swell later Sun into Mon.