Pre-season with Jordy Smith - video
The best surfer in the world gets our hopes soaring with a fine pre-season clip.
The best surfer in the world gets our hopes soaring with a fine pre-season clip.
From Rhythm comes a surf documentary that blends surf, art, travel, craftsmanship, and music.
The Earth's most wave-rich islands are also some of the most seismically active. Is there a relationship between the two?
Chris Buykx examines the case.
"The surf was uncrowded, there was only 100 people out."
Welcome to the age of the hypercrowd.
There are 1,000 perfect waves in the Maldives yet 90% of local surfing happens at just one beach, Raalhugandu on the southeast tip of Malé. Recently the authorities closed Raalhugandu and the local surfers are at a loss.
The Laguna Real Estate Noosa Festival of Surfing is back at First Point from March 5th to 12th. We'll be streaming every heat live, every day of the competition.
Winston lights up a semi-rare rock ledge. A wave that, if it was surfed more regularly, would surely raise the probablity of injury into dangerous territory.