The Sound of Change Experience - video
From Rhythm comes a surf documentary "that blends surf, art, travel, craftsmanship, and music from the creative folk we call our friends. It's all about giving an entire experience of not only their lives but also the creation of this film."
Ok Dudes--gotta admit--pretty cool vid--just some cats riding waves--having fun--that's what's its all about..........
I enjoyed it too. I was ready to hold it in thinly disguised contempt but in essence, it's what you say FR, a few blokes having fun set to some cool tracks.
This format has been done a million times but for the most part it works.
it was a bit so hipster it hurts but that soundtrack was amazing- and the whole psychedelic ambience was sweet too.
Watching that it's easy to see how far ahead of everyone else Derek Hynd is at finless surfing.
Never get sick of seeing NP Jnr surf.
Loved this. I could watch this style of surfing all day long. The best part was there was not one air reverse!!
Maybe I'm just a 50 something grumpy old bugger - but these guys are trying so hard to be hip they're just NOT. We lived through through the 60's and 70's once - do we have to do it all over again ? Eyes forward, not in the rear view mirror. Please.
PS: FR76 - I don't think Derek is ahead of anyone - just on a different path.
Love the soundtrack.