Woe is Mick

Stu Nettle picture
Stu Nettle (stunet)

Stuart Nettle April 21, 2010

Being the serious journalist that I am I naturally subscribe to the view that real journalism isn't sourced from Facebook. That said, I've got a friend that told me about an interesting development on a website he visits.

Said friend pointed out a group of very disgruntled bodyboarders who were uniting in protest against the makers of Snickers snack bars. Their show of solidarity stems from a marketing campaign by Snickers that features Mick Fanning making mildly disparaging remarks about lid riders.

"When I'm hungry, I boogie board" says a smiling Mick from high on the big billboard. Followed by the tagline "You're not you when you're hungry"

Such disrespect for our prone-riding brethren! No wonder they are upset!

My friend told me about long lists of bodyboarders manning the online picket lines, committing themselves to twenty seconds of fury between playing Mafia Wars and viewing Hamish's photos from Saturday night.

What company wouldn't bow to the onslaught? One group, going by the name 'Anti-Snickers' and boasting 1423 members worldwide, made the defiant, and slightly humorous, proclamation: we shall not bend to the stand up surfing industry!

The 'Anti-Snickers' group has a member, Thomas Dettlinger, who echoes the sentiments of many in the bodyboarding community. Writes Thomas: "Hay snickers! u take ur fat ass suns of bitches and go shove snickers bars up each others assess! BOOGIE NATION!!"

Another group, perhaps following Thomas' lead for snack bar buggery, call themselves: 'Mick Fanning can burn in hell with his Snickers bar up his ring hole'

Besides the 'boogie board' sign the campaign by Snickers includes another where Mick says he 'forgets his underwear' when he's hungry. Yet another way of showing that Mick 'isn't himself' when he's got an empty tum-tum.

A quick search by my friend brought up at least five online groups proclaiming solidarity among folk who shun underwear (including the paramilitary group 'Going Commando!'). As yet, none have begun protesting against Snickers.


the-yub's picture
the-yub's picture
the-yub Wednesday, 21 Apr 2010 at 11:00pm

Anyone that has these thoughts is a serious racist. There is absolutely no difference to that than him saying "When I'm Hungry, I feel gay!"

Surfers (and bodyboarders) that vilify another waverider because of his/her choice of surfcraft are narrow minded racists......no matter how they try to justify it.

a360's picture
a360's picture
a360 Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 1:42am

Don't know about being racist (A term used by many with a weak argument)

But I do know that my local boardriding club you get double points for your wave if a lid drops in and you mange to run over him.

spongebob's picture
spongebob's picture
spongebob Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 1:56am

Snack bar buggery LMAO!

patty's picture
patty's picture
patty Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 2:21am

there are kids starving in Africa who can't even afford Snickers bars. has anybody thought about them?

no, I didn't think so.

trotsky-s-icepick's picture
trotsky-s-icepick's picture
trotsky-s-icepick Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 2:51am

Do they have a Facebook page I can log into?

stuz's picture
stuz's picture
stuz Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 3:12am

How come you rarely see older blokes out riding lids?

lifestooshorttobodyboard's picture
lifestooshorttobodyboard's picture
lifestooshortto... Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 6:12am


dork's picture
dork's picture
dork Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 6:17am

Because the sport is not very old. Those that are pioneers of the sport like mike stewart are still riding and approaching 50.Unlike surfing bodyboarding doesnt have many people that have been riding for 40 years as the sport hasnt really been popular or established for all that long. Give it a decade and you'll see more older dudes ripping on the lid. proportionally there arent that many older blokes or chicks that ride stand up either. they are almost always outnumbered by younger folk.
And besides, good bodyboarding is harder on your body than standup, thats why many lidders go to stand up when they get older :)

woodchopper's picture
woodchopper's picture
woodchopper Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 6:42am

Oh come on Dork! I rode a lid 15 years ago when Mike Stewart was in his prime. I gave it up because it was boring and I realised tubes on your feet were so much better. I would suggest there are no older guys riding lids because they all came to their senses and stood up.

18secperiods's picture
18secperiods's picture
18secperiods Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 8:39am

wood chopper you are a kook, you will always be a kook and i strongly doubt that you have ever stood up in a tube... people that claim things "are boring" usually cant do them.. I would say the same to any booger that rekons stand up is boring or whatever.. any booger that has half a clue (you didnt or you wouldnt of switched) will be able to get a tube on a stand up in no time- I know as I switched from surfing to bodyboarding, not because I was bored but because i prefer heavy intense waves and big barrells..so anytime its not heavy or bowly or whatever i stand up..sometimes i swap with my mates who have never owned a surf board and they take to it alot easier than a standup to bodyboarding.. actually they are usually miles ahead of kooks like you.. people that can acually surf- surf good, heavy waves- where there are good, heavy waves- boogers are there and those stand ups come to respect mofo!!!

woodchopper's picture
woodchopper's picture
woodchopper Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 11:41am

18Periods......that was all quite presumptuous of you. Here's a parting word of advice for you to help you stop writing about how much respect you get.......just stand up in those big round heavy barrels and show us all that your balls are bigger than your mouth.

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 11:00pm

are you serious?

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Thursday, 22 Apr 2010 at 11:01pm

Mate you are such a whimp! Get a Jetski and see where you can go with it ya little sook.

t-diddy's picture
t-diddy's picture
t-diddy Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 12:32am

when did bodyboarders become a race?!

stuz's picture
stuz's picture
stuz Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 12:58am

I love these new swellnet forums they are very entertaining.

the-yub's picture
the-yub's picture
the-yub Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 1:19am

Woodchopper.....by your reckoning the most hardcore surfers must be the SUP-ers as they stand up all the time!

It's a bit hypocritical to say pull in standing up, but paddle lying down! Make your choice and stick with it!

patty's picture
patty's picture
patty Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 1:47am

gonna be a bit hard to paddle drop-knee, eh Yubba?

spongebob's picture
spongebob's picture
spongebob Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 2:01am

What about poor Mick burning away there in hell?Wont someone at least take a piss on him & end the suffering?

lloydo's picture
lloydo's picture
lloydo Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 2:20am

Mick Fanning is a good bloke when he is pulling into barrels on a bodyboard and not eating Snickers.
As soon as he eats Snicker's he becomes a racist standup surfer...held in similar respect to Carl Williams and look what happened to him.....

woodchopper's picture
woodchopper's picture
woodchopper Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 2:39am

'Hardcore' and 'Racist' and very loosely used terms these days.......Are any of you lidders old enough to vote?

keegz's picture
keegz's picture
keegz Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 2:46am

There's too much political correctness in the world right now, this is refreshing and fun.

spongebob's picture
spongebob's picture
spongebob Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 3:00am

Imagine what Mick's like when you give him a glass of red cordial!

davo1991's picture
davo1991's picture
davo1991 Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 3:05am

fuck boggie boarders are lame.

atticus's picture
atticus's picture
atticus Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 3:28am

A stupid ad campaign.

A ridiculous protest.

An ordinary article.

Followed by inane commentary.

Lowest common denominator the lot of it.

And the next comment is the worst.

herman-the-bear's picture
herman-the-bear's picture
herman-the-bear Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 3:43am

*Can someone else please comment? I've got something terribly important to say and don't want it tainted by the above remark*

raven's picture
raven's picture
raven Friday, 23 Apr 2010 at 3:52am

Get over it!!!! its funny, surfers pay out bodyboarders all the time. plus your not a race retards you guys who thinks its racist are retarded.

i am sure if a surfer pulls up to a known bodyboarding spot they would get paid out and so forth so who cares.

If you rip on a bodyboard i am sure no 1 cares if you are out but there are a shit load of kooks on bodyboards because its a lot easier then surfing in general say basic surf. in heavy surf both are very hard. soo yea get over it

jabc's picture
jabc's picture
jabc Tuesday, 27 Apr 2010 at 2:17pm

An interesting further development to this debacle: Snickers has officially withdrawn the advert along with a letter of apology to the bodyboarding commumity. If I'm not mistaken this renders your article null and void?

Social Media Protesters - 556481 | Out of touch Surf Journalists - 0

antifroth's picture
antifroth's picture
antifroth Tuesday, 27 Apr 2010 at 9:36pm

Snickers are as soft as the bodyboards they support.
And NO you silly guttards, you are not a race!
By the way I am yet to see a guttard out at Jaws!

sunny's picture
sunny's picture
sunny Wednesday, 28 Apr 2010 at 5:19am

In ledgy reef barrels lidders are better to surf with than most short boarders. There seems to a mutual respect amongst lids and surfers charging heavy or tricky rocky outposts. Surfers tend to get a bit to mucho and arrogant when the conditions get heavy where as lids tend to blend.
Mars a day....

sandspit's picture
sandspit's picture
sandspit Wednesday, 28 Apr 2010 at 10:53pm

Not a good run for Mick! wonder if he'll decide to lay off the promo train for a while

stred's picture
stred's picture
stred Friday, 30 Apr 2010 at 12:56pm

ifn you dont like it stand up whingers

jjb's picture
jjb's picture
jjb Sunday, 2 May 2010 at 10:47pm

haha listen to you all acting like a bunch of women trying to out do each other in who is more man with what they do in there spare time. to start with ive bodyboarded for 14 years, why? because its my right to choose what i do with my life, we are all different thats why we look different. ive got no problem with the add at all cause i can see where there coming from. mick fanning is not a bodyboarder plane and simple. as for the remarks of your got more balls if you stand up? well i dont really need to make comment on that do i, usally i found the people ripping off bodyboarding are surfers that cant really surf at all, im mates with alot of pros and i have never been disrepected in my life, they are two completly different sports so get over it and just enjoy why your doing it, end of story. p.s i f..king love snickers

dork's picture
dork's picture
dork Monday, 3 May 2010 at 5:30am

@ antifroth
Mike stewart getting barreled at Jaws

No BB's are not a race, I think yub up the top there was highlighting the issue that negative attitudes/predjudice towards people who ride a different craft takes the same sort of mentality as racism or any other form of discrimination for that matter. Its very poor form