Filmed over two days, last Friday and Saturday, the clip features Mick Fanning, Occy, Damon Harvey, Brent Dorrington, Shaun Harrington, Troy Brooks, Carter Cook, plus 500 others enjoying lockdown sessions at the Superbank.
what an absolute shit fight. seriously looks like those vids of the chinese wave pools (the swimming ones - not the surfing ones). no thanks
Halfscousehalfc...Monday, 18 May 2020 at 1:01pm
You’d near sell your soul for a 3 footer by yourself. Lord Mick fanning must have sold his soul cause he got a heap.....
NigeisblessedMonday, 18 May 2020 at 1:18pm
Ha! Just worked out the appeal of "The Right." NO crowd, that would just piss me off no end trying to surf that.
Bob SacamanoMonday, 18 May 2020 at 1:26pm
500 others? I counted 600.
bipolaMonday, 18 May 2020 at 1:51pm
back in the day ?????
zenagainMonday, 18 May 2020 at 2:37pm
Back in the day you could get Snapper mid-winter, mid-week, mid-day with only a handful out. No Superbank of course but still pretty good. Kirra same.
mr mickMonday, 18 May 2020 at 3:53pm
Back in the day....1977, I was 16,lived Nth end G.C. , hitched to Cooly mid week, end of April with board & sleeping bag, camped out under an old wooden boat in back yard of old fibro flats & surfed my nuts off for 5 days, 3-5 ft with around 20 others I’m guessing, ohh the good ol’ days. Of course never gave a thought about the numbers in the future!
lostMonday, 18 May 2020 at 1:56pm
Stuffed in I can work out how more people don’t seriously injured out there.
JustasurfbumTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 8:15am
Plenty do!
I don't usually surf it when it was that size because of the hordes but last time I did I saw 3 bad collisions and managed to run over people paddling out or hanging in a cluster on the inside, twice!
SolitudeMonday, 18 May 2020 at 2:25pm
No one's in a real hurry to get out of the way hey? Lurking on the shoulder.....'fall off'
PlasticspasticMonday, 18 May 2020 at 5:09pm
honestly, it has always been crowded but you used to be able to sift through the crowd or get the odd day here and there. but now it's toast.. early 2000's when the bank had just formed there were heaps of days - till about 2010 really..
But now, last 10 years.. completely unsurfable. Also, there ARE lots of injuries, Tweed hospital gets heaps of cuts, breaks, and head injuries... about 7 years ago I got clipped by a fin and went to the tweed for some stitches and had to wait while they got more stitches and local anesthtic as they had run out... I was the 15th surfing njury that the ER had stitched up that afternoon. ...
pigmanMonday, 18 May 2020 at 6:10pm
it looks like a seal colony
frogMonday, 18 May 2020 at 6:30pm
On a day like that a few years ago I made the "mistake" of catching a bigger set wave and spent the whole ride threading between the throng scrambling to get out of my way. It was like crossing a four lane highway.
Getting the wave of the day was oddly a losing strategy.
Bob SacamanoTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 1:41pm
like a game of frogger? haha. Ive had surfs where you get 3 good waves instantly, your near the Kirra groyne and you just go in, cause thats as good as its gonna get. Other days you get a wave an hour....
spitti handshapesTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 7:25am
i sadly stay at home.... knowing the best waves on offer are being pumped by someone else,,, but if i were a rich man diddle diddle diddle dum,,,
mowgliTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 10:15am
"it looks like a seal colony" - pigman
perfect line.
"On a day like that a few years ago I made the "mistake" of catching a bigger set wave and spent the whole ride threading between the throng scrambling to get out of my way." - frog
Fucken A mate, Noosa is the same. But with a 50/50 split of longboards/shortboards and a helluva lot more novices since it's so easy to get out and looks "just so fresh, Dieter!". Park 2km away. Walk. Dodge all the gawkers with prams on the path. Stand in line on the jump off rock. Jump in. Have guy just before you fail the duckdive and crash into you. Paddle to shoulder. Spend next half hour trying to stay in position while jockeying for a wave. Then hit that decision intersection. Do I stick to the plan and get that set, or do I sneak to the inside and pick off the small ones between sets that most avoid for fear of mis-timing it and copping a set/avalanche of boards as 8 people take off on same wave only 1.5ft between them, or do I surreptitiously (great word) paddle to the outside and wait for the 2 bombs that come through every 15minutes or so and hope that (a) that cunt who sees it early starts racing out from the pack to attempt so low-hope late takeoff that he maybe makes but gets stuck behind foam but it's too late for me because I didn't want to drop-in; and (b) the hordes don't make it to open space just in time to fuck up my take-off/have me spend the first 100m trying to avoid sending someone to hospital.
All those 'a cup of tea with God' pictures. Bloody Boomers just had it so good. Makes it all the more frustrating when they whine about the crowds (...and property prices/tax changes/regulation/other generations)
zenagainTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 10:45am
I don't think 3-4ft Noosa point sesh could have been explained more perfectly.
It's like I'm amost there.
lostdoggyTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 10:50am
You're thinking too much, just go then think later.
Well, that's what everyone else seems to do haha
ringmasterTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 12:38pm
I'd choose option 'F'.
Go to the nearest bankless beachy with no surfers in sight. Roll a joint, smoke it and then have a relaxing body surf.
*but then again that's just me and I live over 2000k south of that crowdfest
GODS QUADTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 1:17pm
that sounds like pure hell, haha! And I thought surfing in Sydney was a mess...
mowgliWednesday, 20 May 2020 at 12:36pm
That's what I do now ringmaster. I've skipped the last few swells out there as it's just such a shitshow. Oma was the last time you got to actually see kilo of wheat separated from the 20 tonnes of chaff normally floating out there.
It's like certain places in Bali, the number of backpackers and part-timers in the water cast a big pall on the session. Yeah ya get half a dozen waves, but it took 90 minutes and half of those were cocked up at some point by someone else.
I've lived on GC and in Sydney, and can assure you Noosa (Nationals and TeaTree) is worse. Granite and Little Cove tend be more mellow. I think in large part it's because there's not often much exciting happening between sets, allowing the pack to re-set it's position/the novices aren't being pushed way down the bottom.
In my obviously-haven't-surfed-everywhere experience The Pass is probably the mirror image. The drop ins at Noosa can be so blatant sometimes I just laugh, almost always dangerous though. I've taken to acting like a train crazy sometimes when people down the line just look and decide to start making a go of it anyway. I think it's a combination of higher % of people longboards, Boomers (often angry) who feel they've paid their dues and are entitled to waves, backpackers without a clue and often literally in over their heads, and hipster millenials fucks riding mid-lengths and longboards without leashes because they wanna be like Harrison Roach or Torren Martyn.
Hopefully with all these organisations getting used to remote working my dream of working part time from my little hectare of land somewhere in the general vicinity of Batemans Bay can come true sooner rather than later....fuck me land is expensive down there (for a place seemingly ages from everything that normally drives prices that high?)
deepinthegreenroomSaturday, 23 May 2020 at 10:29am
bang on! I haven't surfed Noosa or Cooly since at least 2011, not worth the pain. Spend most of the time checking down the line to make sure you got a clear take off and then manoeuvring left right trying to keep some space between the sharks either side of you....
tomlecerfTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 10:24am
F..... that
minoTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 12:26pm
Long distance shots.....Bbbeautiful. Anything else?*?** not much out of the ordinary surfing wise...
hoodyTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 7:59pm
Don't tell anyone that there's only 20 guys really going for it and the bulk of the crowd is jus tea bagging.
Surfalot67Wednesday, 20 May 2020 at 5:40pm
Mate - shhhsssh. Don't spoil the "fuck that" narrative for all the whingers here. Locals always get their share...
donweatherTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 8:36pm
What a Fcking zoo!!
tubeshooterTuesday, 19 May 2020 at 8:53pm
Lack of social distancing aside ,,the 'nautical' border between Qld and Nsw actually extends at 60 degrees from Snapper Rocks for a few miles before tracking to 90 degrees east.
Basically,, those taking off behind the rock were in violation of Covid19 state health regulations regarding transiting the border. shameful.
shanecgriffoWednesday, 20 May 2020 at 7:51am
There were half a dozen out at a certain location Sunday morning here.. I thought it was crowded
ryderWednesday, 20 May 2020 at 8:13am
Surely there's more to this wave than the first 40 metres at the top of the point? Repeat, repeat, repeat...
roondogFriday, 22 May 2020 at 11:29am
jackspratWednesday, 20 May 2020 at 10:06am
It would appear that almost every surfer on the Gold Coast is employed in a non essential workplace.
juegasiempreWednesday, 20 May 2020 at 10:48am
Seems that way.
The same stretch of beach where I surf before work, if it was a day like today, 3ft, shifty, bit sweepy and high tide. There would be a 20 people spread out pre-COVID, max. Today would've been 80+.
I'm thinking that this is the new normal sadly enough. I hope I'm wrong!
surfstarvedWednesday, 20 May 2020 at 11:31am
I surfed nice 3-4ft cold water beachies yesterday with only 5 others within 100m and I still managed to get dropped in on by some muppet who didn't think to look to the inside before taking off. Just goes to show that there are idiots everywhere, not just in the crowded lineups.
SpuddupsWednesday, 20 May 2020 at 4:33pm
Snapper may as well not exist as far as I can tell. Take 15’ off the water temp, add a bit of sleet and wind and it’d be a different story.
Surfalot67Wednesday, 20 May 2020 at 5:46pm
Yeah guys, it's fucked - don't ever come it's too crowded, it's a zoo bla bla. You will never get a wave. Oh, and Dingo has lost his title as the worst drop in on the coast, All hail the new King Burner - Occy. Seriously dude, we love you legend but give it a rest already...everyone is over it.
ArdyWednesday, 20 May 2020 at 6:54pm
To all local Goldie crew whats happening with the young guy missing on top end of the coast?
tubeshooterWednesday, 20 May 2020 at 8:00pm
Forget rules or etiquette at Snapper etc when it's packed.. That ship sailed long ago and won't be back .The world isn't always a fair place , so when you snag a few good ones when it's on consider it a win. If you don't ,, welcome to the club.
roondogFriday, 22 May 2020 at 11:27am
so fucking boring, howz about abit more down the line footage, YAWN
GilliganMonday, 25 May 2020 at 6:34pm
Yep, I'm with roondog from a viewers perspective. You couldn't pay me to deal with that shitshow. life's too short to sell out the joy of regular solitude.
Not too much social distancing going on there.
How good would it be if no one else surfed.
what an absolute shit fight. seriously looks like those vids of the chinese wave pools (the swimming ones - not the surfing ones). no thanks
You’d near sell your soul for a 3 footer by yourself. Lord Mick fanning must have sold his soul cause he got a heap.....
Ha! Just worked out the appeal of "The Right." NO crowd, that would just piss me off no end trying to surf that.
500 others? I counted 600.
back in the day ?????
Back in the day you could get Snapper mid-winter, mid-week, mid-day with only a handful out. No Superbank of course but still pretty good. Kirra same.
Back in the day....1977, I was 16,lived Nth end G.C. , hitched to Cooly mid week, end of April with board & sleeping bag, camped out under an old wooden boat in back yard of old fibro flats & surfed my nuts off for 5 days, 3-5 ft with around 20 others I’m guessing, ohh the good ol’ days. Of course never gave a thought about the numbers in the future!
Stuffed in I can work out how more people don’t seriously injured out there.
Plenty do!
I don't usually surf it when it was that size because of the hordes but last time I did I saw 3 bad collisions and managed to run over people paddling out or hanging in a cluster on the inside, twice!
No one's in a real hurry to get out of the way hey? Lurking on the shoulder.....'fall off'
honestly, it has always been crowded but you used to be able to sift through the crowd or get the odd day here and there. but now it's toast.. early 2000's when the bank had just formed there were heaps of days - till about 2010 really..
But now, last 10 years.. completely unsurfable. Also, there ARE lots of injuries, Tweed hospital gets heaps of cuts, breaks, and head injuries... about 7 years ago I got clipped by a fin and went to the tweed for some stitches and had to wait while they got more stitches and local anesthtic as they had run out... I was the 15th surfing njury that the ER had stitched up that afternoon. ...
it looks like a seal colony
On a day like that a few years ago I made the "mistake" of catching a bigger set wave and spent the whole ride threading between the throng scrambling to get out of my way. It was like crossing a four lane highway.
Getting the wave of the day was oddly a losing strategy.
like a game of frogger? haha. Ive had surfs where you get 3 good waves instantly, your near the Kirra groyne and you just go in, cause thats as good as its gonna get. Other days you get a wave an hour....
i sadly stay at home.... knowing the best waves on offer are being pumped by someone else,,, but if i were a rich man diddle diddle diddle dum,,,
"it looks like a seal colony" - pigman
perfect line.
"On a day like that a few years ago I made the "mistake" of catching a bigger set wave and spent the whole ride threading between the throng scrambling to get out of my way." - frog
Fucken A mate, Noosa is the same. But with a 50/50 split of longboards/shortboards and a helluva lot more novices since it's so easy to get out and looks "just so fresh, Dieter!". Park 2km away. Walk. Dodge all the gawkers with prams on the path. Stand in line on the jump off rock. Jump in. Have guy just before you fail the duckdive and crash into you. Paddle to shoulder. Spend next half hour trying to stay in position while jockeying for a wave. Then hit that decision intersection. Do I stick to the plan and get that set, or do I sneak to the inside and pick off the small ones between sets that most avoid for fear of mis-timing it and copping a set/avalanche of boards as 8 people take off on same wave only 1.5ft between them, or do I surreptitiously (great word) paddle to the outside and wait for the 2 bombs that come through every 15minutes or so and hope that (a) that cunt who sees it early starts racing out from the pack to attempt so low-hope late takeoff that he maybe makes but gets stuck behind foam but it's too late for me because I didn't want to drop-in; and (b) the hordes don't make it to open space just in time to fuck up my take-off/have me spend the first 100m trying to avoid sending someone to hospital.
All those 'a cup of tea with God' pictures. Bloody Boomers just had it so good. Makes it all the more frustrating when they whine about the crowds (...and property prices/tax changes/regulation/other generations)
I don't think 3-4ft Noosa point sesh could have been explained more perfectly.
It's like I'm amost there.
You're thinking too much, just go then think later.
Well, that's what everyone else seems to do haha
I'd choose option 'F'.
Go to the nearest bankless beachy with no surfers in sight. Roll a joint, smoke it and then have a relaxing body surf.
*but then again that's just me and I live over 2000k south of that crowdfest
that sounds like pure hell, haha! And I thought surfing in Sydney was a mess...
That's what I do now ringmaster. I've skipped the last few swells out there as it's just such a shitshow. Oma was the last time you got to actually see kilo of wheat separated from the 20 tonnes of chaff normally floating out there.
It's like certain places in Bali, the number of backpackers and part-timers in the water cast a big pall on the session. Yeah ya get half a dozen waves, but it took 90 minutes and half of those were cocked up at some point by someone else.
I've lived on GC and in Sydney, and can assure you Noosa (Nationals and TeaTree) is worse. Granite and Little Cove tend be more mellow. I think in large part it's because there's not often much exciting happening between sets, allowing the pack to re-set it's position/the novices aren't being pushed way down the bottom.
In my obviously-haven't-surfed-everywhere experience The Pass is probably the mirror image. The drop ins at Noosa can be so blatant sometimes I just laugh, almost always dangerous though. I've taken to acting like a train crazy sometimes when people down the line just look and decide to start making a go of it anyway. I think it's a combination of higher % of people longboards, Boomers (often angry) who feel they've paid their dues and are entitled to waves, backpackers without a clue and often literally in over their heads, and hipster millenials fucks riding mid-lengths and longboards without leashes because they wanna be like Harrison Roach or Torren Martyn.
Hopefully with all these organisations getting used to remote working my dream of working part time from my little hectare of land somewhere in the general vicinity of Batemans Bay can come true sooner rather than later....fuck me land is expensive down there (for a place seemingly ages from everything that normally drives prices that high?)
bang on! I haven't surfed Noosa or Cooly since at least 2011, not worth the pain. Spend most of the time checking down the line to make sure you got a clear take off and then manoeuvring left right trying to keep some space between the sharks either side of you....
F..... that
Long distance shots.....Bbbeautiful. Anything else?*?** not much out of the ordinary surfing wise...
Don't tell anyone that there's only 20 guys really going for it and the bulk of the crowd is jus tea bagging.
Mate - shhhsssh. Don't spoil the "fuck that" narrative for all the whingers here. Locals always get their share...
What a Fcking zoo!!
Lack of social distancing aside ,,the 'nautical' border between Qld and Nsw actually extends at 60 degrees from Snapper Rocks for a few miles before tracking to 90 degrees east.
Basically,, those taking off behind the rock were in violation of Covid19 state health regulations regarding transiting the border. shameful.
There were half a dozen out at a certain location Sunday morning here.. I thought it was crowded
Surely there's more to this wave than the first 40 metres at the top of the point? Repeat, repeat, repeat...
It would appear that almost every surfer on the Gold Coast is employed in a non essential workplace.
Seems that way.
The same stretch of beach where I surf before work, if it was a day like today, 3ft, shifty, bit sweepy and high tide. There would be a 20 people spread out pre-COVID, max. Today would've been 80+.
I'm thinking that this is the new normal sadly enough. I hope I'm wrong!
I surfed nice 3-4ft cold water beachies yesterday with only 5 others within 100m and I still managed to get dropped in on by some muppet who didn't think to look to the inside before taking off. Just goes to show that there are idiots everywhere, not just in the crowded lineups.
Snapper may as well not exist as far as I can tell. Take 15’ off the water temp, add a bit of sleet and wind and it’d be a different story.
Yeah guys, it's fucked - don't ever come it's too crowded, it's a zoo bla bla. You will never get a wave. Oh, and Dingo has lost his title as the worst drop in on the coast, All hail the new King Burner - Occy. Seriously dude, we love you legend but give it a rest already...everyone is over it.
To all local Goldie crew whats happening with the young guy missing on top end of the coast?
Forget rules or etiquette at Snapper etc when it's packed.. That ship sailed long ago and won't be back .The world isn't always a fair place , so when you snag a few good ones when it's on consider it a win. If you don't ,, welcome to the club.
so fucking boring, howz about abit more down the line footage, YAWN
Yep, I'm with roondog from a viewers perspective. You couldn't pay me to deal with that shitshow. life's too short to sell out the joy of regular solitude.