Champagne Glass: Callum and Sparrow
It’s the day after Snapper wrapped and Adam ‘Sparrow’ Fletcher gingerly answers the phone.
“Hello. Who’s this..?”
I explain who I am and why I’m calling and there’s a tangible lift in his voice. For five days, Sparrow watched team rider Callum Robson ride his luck with multiple buzzer beater victories on his way to a popular win at Snapper Rocks. And all the while Sparrow was there with him…yeah, he was tucked up in the marquee, but in spirit he sat shoulder to shoulder keenly feeling the stress of competition, and then when the hooter went and all that emotion was released, well, what can a shaper do but raise the glass and celebrate?
A lot of work went into Callum’s winning board, and we’ll shortly get to that, but the victory was especially sweet for Sparrow.
“I'm a local here, born in Tweed,” explains Sparrow, “so for him to get a win out at Snapper, it's kind of huge for me. Right now, I’m just trying to soak it all in; make sense of what happened yesterday.”
Callum and the clean white Sparrow (Dunbar/WSL)
To explain it we first have to back up a bit. Despite coming from Evans Head, two hours south of the Gold Coast, Callum has been riding Sparrow’s boards for almost six years. Back then he was beginning to collect modest results on the Junior Tour and select QS comps, though nothing that elevated him above the hordes.
That changed in 2018 when he placed a close second on the end of year rankings for the Junior Tour. A pro career was far from certain - that’s if he even wanted it - but Sparrow saw a bright future whatever path was chosen.
“I think it was last year,” says Sparrow, “that he told me he really wanted to make the tour.” The two put their heads together to make a board suited to Cabarita as the Oakberry Pro Tweed Coast was the nearest thing to a local contest and it offered good ranking points.
“That board was slightly flatter and fuller than others he was riding, a semi-groveller but still high performance,” says Sparrow. “It came off the machine a little thicker. I chopped a bit of the nose and tail and made it look like a fish thing.”
The records show Callum won that contest and then backed it up with other placings, including a 17th at the Volcom Pipe Pro, which put him onto the Challenger Series through the second half of 2021 where he again pulled a string of good results, ultimately finishing eighth, well inside promotion to the Championship Tour.
Callum winning the Tweed Coast Pro (Dunbar/WSL)
If last year he caught fire, this year he burnt white hot, I need not remind you of that, and all his success - outside of Hawaii - was on that original Cabarita board or others very similar to it.
“It all just happened so quick,” says Sparrow with a laugh. “It feels like we’re behind the 8 ball a bit.” Despite the success, they know they haven’t quite got the designs where they want them.
Says Sparrow, “Callum’s told me his boards are solid but not magic. But if he can win events on solid boards that aren't the magic ones…well, I reckon we're on track.”
The board he rode at Snapper was 5'11" x 19" x 2 5/8", and checked in at 30 litres - Callum weighs about 80 kilos. The design was a mix of two models, the SS - a specialist small wave board - and the Black Pearl which is a more regular daily driver.
Because of Callum’s weight and surefootedness they’re a little thicker through the middle than is usual and they taper to medium-full rails, a single to double runs down the bottom, and a clean, break-free outline offsets the package. In fact, all of Sparrow’s planshapes feature Dahlberg-level refinement, though for that he’d perhaps tip his hat to Murray Bourton who he worked underneath many years ago.
The winning formula (Dunbar/WSL)
Callum’s seen what comes from secure, long term surf/shaper relationships - think Mick and Darren, Parko and JS, John and Jon - and has expressed a desire to turn their already six year partnership into something more substantial. Sparrow is willing to reciprocate. While watching Callum compete at Snapper he had other Goldy shapers jokingly begin horse trading - "I'll swap you XYZ for Callum" - but Sparrow is going all in on this stallion.
To that end, the two have a model planned - to be called the CR6 - though it probably won’t be out until at least September. “We’re in no rush,” admits Sparrow. “Callum wants to get it just right and I do too.” They’d also like it if Callum had a sponsor by the time the CR6 comes out, but that’s a whole ‘nother conversation.
Right now, the two are focussed on G’Land and beyond. Sparrow thinks he’ll put together a 6’2” and 6’4” both similar to the board Callum rode at Pipe, but, says Sparrow, “He probably won’t take the 6’4”. You know what they’re like: We’d be on a 6’4” or 6’6” and those guys are sitting deeper on 6’2”s.”
With an incredible long range forecast, I ask Sparrow about Callum’s chances at Grajagan. “You know, he qualified in small beachbreaks, he’s got a great air game, yet I think he’s really in his wheelhouse when there’s size - the bigger it gets, the better he is. That’s his advantage and he also sees it that way.”
Champagne Glass: The Desert Storm
Champagne Glass: Simon Jones 7'2" Twin Fin
Champagne Glass: The #77 by Sharpeye
Someone sponsor the man! Ranked #8 in the world and was killing it at the GC Pro
And for those who thought he was a rail surfer with no air game, get a load of this:
Good to see he's got that card to play in case he's up against Italo etc in a small beachbreak heat.
Mad Hueys ...mad for letting him go
Did him a favour I reckon.
If he does ok in G-Land I reckon he'll be fielding offers.
Hate to say it but he needs a manager if he doesn't already have one. Someone to handle sponsorship and all that other stuff.
Wow, he charges and has a repertoire.
World Champ?
Team Sparrow
No 8 on the CT and no 1 on the CS.
No sponsor.
Well Done Aus surfing industry.
Well Done.
Just imagine if he won the whole thing without a sponsor.....what a middle finger to shove up the surf industry. Having said that, I hope he gets sponsored and looked after.
I get the feeling that he is way more relatable to the surfing masses than a lot of the others..
Any reason why we cant put a Big Swellnet logo on Cal's board
We Crowdfund him for 6mths - Zero cost to Swellnet just get the Free Advertising...
After 6 mths and because he still Ripping the farkn bag ...he will be even Hotter poperty for a Sponsor...$$$$$
Or maybe, just maybe he’s chasing a real sponsor, with a contract for winning etc. not just a bunch a weirdos throwing in 5 dollars a month
Perhaps Bega Cheese could sponsor Callum... now its back in Australian hands (in 2020) ?
( BCheese now owns Vegemite, Pura Milk, Bega peanut butter, Dare Ice Coffee & contracts alot of Oz farmers)
Throw $5 their way in the shopping trolley, esp. if they sponsor him.....
Weirdos, proletariat & Oz shareholders may appreciate the gesture.
Great idea.
Really smooth looking rockers and outlines and not skimping on volume.
I like.
Can I just ask - Does Callum pay 'Sparrow' for his boards ?
Or is this sponsorship / promotion trade off ?
(thats a lot of boards)
Is he marketable? Brands don’t have much money to spend right now, and I don’t know if he will be on the radar unfortunately.
Should have stuck with the mad Huey’s.
Swellnet at its best. Well done, Stu. And go get 'em, Callum!
Speaking of Bourton refinement - 6'6 Reef Swallow:

Great pic IB.. how thick?
2 3/4, but rails feel like it's a 2 1/4. Super domed deck, very fine rails, ultra foiled. And 2 7/8" of tail rocker - It's no blunt mid length!
Sometimes I won't ride it for a while, and it'll sit there and almost taunt me. Like there's no way my ageing carcass could ride that. But then I do, and it feels magic, and i send fond and grateful thoughts to Muzz.
side by side to a 6'6 ds that thing would look anorexic
Yeah, noticed the tail rocker. That pic hides the thickness too, must paddle good with the benefits of a low rail especially in good waves
For those of you that were curious, here's what Muzz sent me. I swear the rails are a good deal finer than this, though (much, much slimmer than on my Ghost). Will take a pic when I can.
It catches waves well, but it's not one of those boards that just motor around a big lineup.
For those interested, here's a list of nose/major sponsors for men inside the top 20 (in order of appearance e.g. highest rated athlete/sponsor first):
Hurley - Toledo, O'Leary
Florence Marine X - Florence
Robinson - Volcom
Billabong - Ewwwwing, Ferreira, Colapinto, Moniz
Quicksilver - Igarashi
RVCA - Mamiya
N/A - Robson
Born to Build (who?!)/Sharpeye - Pupo
Rusty - Ibelli
O'Neill - Smith, Andino
Outerknown - Slater
Red Bull - Andino (also sponsored by O'Neill)
Buell - Young
Rip Curl - Pupo, McGillivray, Marshall
Based on the amount of time I spend scrolling Instagram, I would say Robson probably fits into the Rip Curl stable/demographic most comfortably. Their highest rated athlete is Pupo (17th). McGillivray and Marshall are on the fringe of the top 20 but then they are pretty heavy from 20-30 (Coffin, Wright, Cibilic).
Well if he goes with Quiksilver, he better brush up on his acting skills
That clip astounds me. With a massive alleyoop and full rotation in his arsenal the future could be anything for Callum.
He absolutely charges as was shown at pipe and an elite railed game as per everywhere this year.
I’m not thinking losing ‘Mad Hueys’ would be any great loss.
The underground nature of Callum might lend himself to RVCA or Volcom. I’m sure he’d fit in nicely on the North Shore. Humble, charges.
Good luck for the rest of the year mate.
Also let’s hope Sparrow gets a lot of new interest secondary to Callum’s success.
Maybe the seafood industry could sponsor home …
Go the Mari !
He's in the form now. Good on him, we'll see how he recovers once he goes through a few injuries, pressure, and mental issues. That's where true champions are created in any sport. I wish him the best.
On sponsorship - it's weird. I don't really understand what's going on. I didn't study the surfing industry much. But as an individual, I spend $0 in the industry other than wetsuits, wax, surfboards, and leggies. I'll pay top dollar for a quality wetsuit, I won't save on it. But the rest like clothing and overall fashion are really bad design and quality. I'm really not into it. But then again neither my wife nor I am in my early 20s anymore. Maybe this is where the issue is; the product favors teens and early 20s but that demographics is always broke.
The black pearl is the best ‘all rounder’ style shape I’ve ever ridden. Great to see some of the more unheralded blokes taste success at that level.
Black Pearl looks great!
Callums a trueblue Ozzie weetbix kid, would be tops to see a big Sanitarium logo on the nose at G-land.
Seventh Day Adventists...They can afford it
I saw Callum live in the MR heat (against Connor Coffin?) when the ocean peaked; he looked totally at ease in the line-up, an unruly 10ft Main Break which is pretty scary IMO; so yep can imagine him fearlessly ripping up the remaining big/gnarly waves on the tour
Great to watch. He's really provided the difference that was lost when Wade Carmichael dropped off... and then some. His ocean sense and clutch surfing are phenomenal, every heat seems to go to golden point.