Difficulty logging in to website - IP address temporarily blocked
Happened to me a couple of times now. Only takes a minute to reset though.
Theres just one problem for me to reset my password I have set an old redundant email address ( that I forgot password for ) to my account becos if I use my real email I get lots / hundreds of email from swellnet every time someone comment after my comment . Its impossible to stop them emails even though im turning the comment notifications off .no matter how I try I cant stop them . Whats the go with that ?
Yeah Camel, below on the comments click off the notifications for all comments and replies to my comments.
It's happened twice in 4 days.... At first I thought I was hacked lol
But what im saying is no matter how many times ( ie 50 ) that I do that its not stopping em . BUT will try again as you say & try again . Thanks for your advice anyhow
Ok experiment underway again craig . Changed back to modern email address & we"ll see .Thanks bro
I have the same problem as Caml. I unclick the box but still get email notifications. The box seems to reset once I leave the site. And I continue getting notifications.
I just got a email . Im just going to replace the old one then
zenagain wrote:Happened to me a couple of times now. Only takes a minute to reset though.
Just a pita ... the e-mail to reset and login has failed to show at least 3 times so far too ...
No one is dying, no blood, but just a PIA.
caml wrote:I just got a email . Im just going to replace the old one then
Check BOTH you user profile settings for "notifications" and ALSO the last comment you made - options there too to be notified of any reply or comments. Either one or both might be driving the influx of e-mails to ya inbox.
thermalben wrote:Just a quick forum thread to acknowledge that we're aware of this issue, where some people are seeing an error:
"Sorry, too many failed login attempts from your IP address. This IP address is temporarily blocked. Try again later or request a new password".
We're working on getting this resolved ASAP. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Well, c'mon the winds been onshore since yesterday, no excuse from the surf.
Just not good enough - FREE BEER for all those affected!
Hahahaaaa ...
Well I find it easier to put old redundant address in becos I have spent a few years trying to master it . I have tried both ways of sorting it but I'm stupid . Fixed thanks for help couldnt do it but my account login is stopping & starting a few times but on mostly it seems . The swellnet pro is on high loop from indo to nz today . It really is a great site thanks ben & craig
Cool, thanks Ben, worked for me.
First time I've been able to login in 4-5 days.
Ol' Gaz has had his number blocked a few times in the past and thought it was happening again. I'm relieved that you guys value our relationship as much as I do.
Woohoo, login this morning without having to the e-mail password reset thing !!!
Yeah Ben, it worked ... most of the time.
I had a couple which never arrived in my e-mail (checked junk folder too) ... so, in about 8 tries, 2 failed.
FYI, what happened for me was:
- login as per usual
- get weird IP address message,
- click link in that message for password reset,
- new page comes up asking for e-mail address,
- enter e-mail address, hit send ... then wait
-login into my e-mail (hotmail / live)
- sometimes, a few minutes, others a bit longer, swellnet e-mail would arrive,
- I'd click the link in the e-mail, login would happen,
- I'd then enter a new password, click save,
- then browse, use site as per 'normal', except I could not start a new thread in the IT section the other day, could post comments OK, browse OK, etc ...
Had to do that everytime while the weird message was coming up. Tad tiresome, but no one died ;)
A few times in the last couple of days I've tried to open SN and the process looks to be going ok then the home page flashes on for a split second then reverts to a blank screen. Refreshing doesn't work, I have to re-open SN again.
It's happened on my lap-top at home as well my other lap-top at work, but doesn't happen to my phone.
Ben, are you aware of this or has it happened to any others?
No biggy, just seems a little strange.
Don't worry zenagain, it's just the matrix making adjustments to your part of the code.
Either that or Border Farce are onto you!
I knew it Brauds!
Maybe I should have just googled Swellnet instead of Swell kill the president net?
All the pieces seem to fall into place:)
Just a quick forum thread to acknowledge that we're aware of this issue, where some people are seeing an error:
"Sorry, too many failed login attempts from your IP address. This IP address is temporarily blocked. Try again later or request a new password".
We're working on getting this resolved ASAP. Apologies for any inconvenience.