Website access problems Nov 2024

Hey team, getting random instances of blank white, site not loading on latest Chrome on PC, and "Content Encoding Error" site not loading on latest FF on PC. Cleared cache etc. and it's still happening randomly. Managed to load on both Chrome and FF just now, but clicking links it sometimes errors again. Closed and opened on FF, same error, CTRL+F5 it then loads... then happens again. Started happening yesterday I think. No ad-blockers enabled for the site.
Google browser on latest Android 15 on phone is just blank white screen can't get it load at all, cleared everything, refresh, clicking in from google search etc, no dice on phone.
Content Encoding Error
An error occurred during a connection to
- Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

Same here, intermittent problem.
Info below via the ! icon on address bar when it happens, usually has the security shield and padlock when everything is fine
In the Security section of the FireFox info panel - " Technical Details - Connection Not Encrypted and does not support encryption for page you are viewing. No ownership information supplied. "

I’ve had those two, cannot decode raw data, website not available and a few days ago it was something else but I forget what. Something like ‘too many reloads’ or something.
Only Swellnet, all other sites were working. Tried computer through tpg wifi, phone through same wifi and phone through Telstra 4g plus phone off and on again.
I figured it was site maintenance.

I just use a bookmark so should always be the same

I haven't changed anything and it's working everywhere now, cheers lads.
(Also BOM is the opposite, http not https. It wouldn't work on FF for me a few weeks ago, but would on Chrome, now works on both *shrug*)

this is how it begins.

Had the same issue this am working of mobile data but now appears resolved. BOM issue noted above happens intermittently. No other sites seem affected.

Telstra 5g Phone / Telstra NBN Home, had the issues for me this weekend (all good now). Send Jono's OT bill to AWS.

Also working for me now after around 3 days of issues.

basesix wrote:this is how it begins.

Nick Bone wrote:Skynet?
yep. start bottling water. your own if necessary.

I have had the same blank page problem, but it is back to normal this afternoon.

had minor issues , started yesterday, mainly when checking cams,
would take ages to load then if i went to check another cam , would just go full white screen.

seems to have sorted itself out now though

Yesterday on phone or iPad I was getting ‘ Content Encoding Error’.
Alas, in Victoria and particularly west and east of Port Phillip Bay
Over the last three weeks Telstra have been working on the NBN system.
Our internet provider (Mate) alerted us weeks ago that there would be disruption to services intermittently.
Apparently the work was about increasing the speed of the NBN.
Had bugger all internet during the day for those weeks, but come evening each day it was back on.
I use Aldi Mobile which uses Telstra’s network, since the works have ceased, I’ve noticed an increase in speed.
That’s my two bobs worth. AW

Hiya Ben. Was having issues also.
Seems to be working fine now...since this arvo.
I did try all sorts of things, different browsers, different Gs.
Swellnet was the only page that wasn't loading, although occasionally it would. Was both on phone and lappy. Was only over last 24-48 hours and got progressively worse so much so that it was unloadable this morning. Just a blank page with the SN logo in the search bar at the top.
Anyway seems to be back on track now. Keep ya posted if anything changes.
Cheers for being on top of it. Legend.

basesix wrote:this is how it begins.
It's all FatCats fault!

yep. and the commonwealth bank.

Strange, I had this problem a week ago for a couple of days, and only with SN.
It's been fine the last few days though.

just remembered i also had an error code message on the BOM website this morning too. Refreshed it and it was fine.

Been having issues this arvo loading
And also other weird shit wrote a longer post.
Then posted and it came up as "clear as mud"
Trippy as all fk
Maybe i have some crazy malware or something, first time ive ever had that happen.

yeh, I figured either @stunet had pulled the plug, or elon had bought cloudflare..
(haha, and this post I had to rewrite, cos it made the post into one of @jef's earlier one..)
haha, happened again to you below @indo... fun game...?

Argh you guys look like you have some serious issues in the system., post now appearing in wrong threads

It said site maintenance on mine when it was down.

Ha ha....some serious issues, it only post what i write when edit.
Otherwise it comes up as weird random shit
i took a screen shot before incase it helps.

Took my lad out for a few laps at the Pass, water was crystal clear.
lol wtf
I didn’t write the above or the post attributed to me before it

Ben, re lostdoggy's post, this is happening to me now on my posts.
You've been hacked

happening to all of us @thermal, old posts from others are taking the place of what we intend to post.. (didn't happen that time, but we've been having to edit, then rewrite, for our intended message to be accepted and posted)

the is from @basesix, and was written at 3:34, no edits, to see what happens

Ok thanks Ben, just sent you an sms

Seems to working again thanks

Now those post have gone?
Some of the post coming up weren't human generated either.

Something is up. I kept getting sent to a Japanese porn site when I tried to open the homepage.

Mine said site maintenance
Be back soon
Or something of the like

I’ve obviously gotta google Japanese porn more than site maintenance more often.

Hah, nothing from my browsing history. Working properly now but would cause issues on the work laptop.
We've received some reports of users unable to access the website, so please detail your issues in this thread so we can collate all of the info in one spot.
So far we have been unable to produce this locally, and current thinking is that it may be ISP related - one user was having problems when accessing via Telstra and Optus NBN services, but everything was normal when on Optus 4G.
Other people are reporting issues with 4G services.
Error messages received are “web page not available” or “cannot decode raw data”, I.e.
nsurlerrordomain 1015 cannot decode raw data
Apologies for the inconvenience, we will work to get this issue resolved quickly.
(Ironically, if you can read this forum thread, then you aren't having problems...)