Shark Attack at Mona...

from the look of his leg it looked like he stepped on an angry wobby rather than getting bitten by a 2 meter great white as he is claiming.

Mixed reports to the Manly Daily and Police as well...

i got bitten by a march fly the other day.. i wonder if i can sell the rights to that, it bloody hurt.

Where did I put my strap on shark fin???

^^^nice PR stunt then!!!

I Hear he`s talking to channel nine about a movie deal, Roberta Williams is playing the shark.

didn't look like much of a wound to me! I've had bigger injuries jumping off the back of Currumbin

Sharks in the ocean, cougars on the land, white pointers on the beach, stingers travelling south . . . man I'm staying indoors.
Now was that aluminium ceiling insulation I just had installed phzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sh . . . t

Seems like the guy should of toughened up like this pretty little red head from NZ,

welshi is know to me, lucky the shark bit him first,

So, it was a wobby. Fearsome beasts there are too! We used to grab them for a tow snorkeling around Catherine Hill Bay when we were young tuckers (on the flat days). There also used to be a resident population of Gray Nurses there around the pier. We saw them regularly, but never worried about them. Sadly, they have since disappeared. A sign of the times, I guess. It was very amusing hearing that shark jock giving his big rap about white pointers and how it came up from underneath and smashed him and it turned out to be a wobby. Classic!

you have got to be kidding me.
this guy is an absolute girl. ive had worse injuries falling off my bike!
the only reason it looks bad is cause of all the water thats made the blood look so much worse its a little scratch.
dead set now we can all thank the media for blowing a stupid situation out of proportion once again and making it look as though every day someone gets bitten by a shark.
this guy needs a glass of concrete to harden up.

Had bigger shaving cuts, Pa realy showed the little'un , this is how you make money!

Pussys like ol Shark bite only fuel the media frenzy which keep the mass's perpetually in fear of sticking there big toe in the ocean.
Less toes in the ocean=less surfers...
Let sharks live they do a great job of making the ocean an interesting and formidiable challenge.

Liking it plenty Stu, not liking how the coast looks 30 years on though, six days from av to suffo and it's buggered for mine - except for Woodburn and a couple of streets in Macksville -

Camry? What kind of surf wagon is that?

Steady Ben, those days are in the past - these days, if it rolls .. it's good enough

Sure Pete.. anything that'll get me down the coast is fine. Spent a couple of years on the Goldy without a car at all, the pushie was fine most of the time but I longed for the early dawn patrol south of the border to escape the crush.
Just could never imagine doing it in a Camry, that's all.

How did we go from White Pointer to Camry in two and a half pages? Jeez :D

haven't started on your valentine day hoody yet matey, ... you beast !

Wobbegong plague? Next comes the media attack on commercial fishing restrictions being responsible for the 'recent spate' of attacks on the East Coast.

Camry's are the best! Had one for a good 3 years or so and it went everywhere from Victor twice a week, Yorkes every month to the South East and Falls 3 times.
The car that keeps on going! Love the Camry Wagon!
A fella was attacked by a small shark this morning at Mona Vale. Happened at 8 o'clock. By 11 he'd signed an exclusive deal with Channel Nine.
Anyone got a small, well-trained shark they can lend me?