'The world's biggest slaughterhouse' for whale sharks found in China

Fucking great how we treat our world. A new era uplifted in light has begun. No more of this killing our lands. seas and our creatures in it. F---ing Fuck.

I love whale sharks.....But I couldn’t eat a whole one .

Heard last week China consumes 60% of the world's fish catch each year and is spending its mega trawlers deeper into the Pacific. How's that going to end for all of us?, that's right we flog our best farming land off to them as quick as we can.

..unless we vote for a mob who won't flog off our best farming land, that's a start.
As for the whale sharks, that is absolutely tragic. It seems they just don't care at all - so so far away from a buddhist view of the natural world around us. Any link to more white sharks inshore? On reunion island the fish factory ships strip mined the offshore environment, the bull sharks came in, ate the reef sharks, ate people.

I guess you could say at least they're wild caught, instead of farmed.
Anyway, we're all part of the problem. Had the 'pleasure' of reading this little article the other day
'farmed poultry today makes up 70% of all birds on the planet, with just 30% being wild. The picture is even more stark for mammals – 60% of all mammals on Earth are livestock, mostly cattle and pigs, 36% are human and just 4% are wild animals'

Ink pink missing link don't blink Whale Shark extinct

Like killing a mockingbird. If you swim with one you know how innocent they are.

Coming from a country that rounds up then slaughters and tortures dogs for a “festival” this doesn’t surprise me one little bit. Fucking filthy vermin

In the late 80's we used to pull up abalone the size of dinner plates along the south eastern seaboard of South Africa. Today there is nothing left, not a thing, nada - thanks to organised crime supplying the insatiable appetite of the asian markets. To this day unfortunately the suppliers just keep plundering more and more ocean species elsewhere around the globe with impunity - just ask the "original" Somali pirates!!! Whale sharks and other delicacies aside we probably need to work out how the fuck this planet is expected to continue to feed 7.6 billion people and growing.

Crikey how are your shark stories?!

It is unbelievable seeing the exotic animal parts on sale for consumption in the market places. It does seem like a lack of empathy. The sound of two stroke motors drive me insane after awhile.
That is a very good question over population need to be addressed.
A factory which processes around 600 whale sharks annually has been found in southern China. The whales were all slaughtered "for the sake of non-essential lifestyle props such as lipsticks, face creams, health supplements and shark fin soup."