Mansfield Magnitude 6 Earthquake


"A Seismologist tells @abcmelbourne it’s the biggest earthquake Victoria has experienced since European settlement and there will be aftershocks, potentially one magnitude lower"
Would love to learn how they know if ones gonna come or not

No aftershocks felt since the initial quake down long after are they usually felt?

I couldn't even begin to speak with any authority on quakes but I reckon I've sat through hundreds as they're such a regular occurrence here in Japan. What I can say is no two are ever exactly alike. Some are slow building and kinda wobble, some are short and sharp, some just hit with a bang and scare the shit out of you, some go in waves and build to a crescendo then taper off again, some are barely discernible while others you hear them coming like rolling thunder.
And of course the 2011 quake was indescribable. I can't even begin to tell you what that was like. Felt like the world was coming to an end.

Usually my pool is like a lake in the morning when filter not running. This morning about 9am i thought something had fallen in....checked the filter box but nothing. I am in Adelaide - must have got some after shocks here too

Craig wrote:Hopefully there was no one out in the snow/mountains and caught in an avalanche..
saw footage of little buller spur just then on TV, 3 going down it in the quake
edit: you've got that above

Alright, let's go mental
Dutchsinse: Major Seismic Unrest Worldwide -- La Palma Volcano to Australia M6.0 near Melbourne

My clothesline was doing sine waves.
Next up, if it's major activity worldwide, maybe we will need The Rock:
I love The Rock movies where he's driving all sorts of heroic vehicles (light aircraft, helicopters, power launches etc) and saving people.

Just read up on the 2011 Japan quake. Went for 6 mins. That must’ve been terrifying. 10 seconds feels like a minute in heightened situations like that. 6 minutes must’ve been a lifetime

zenagain wrote:I couldn't even begin to speak with any authority on quakes but I reckon I've sat through hundreds as they're such a regular occurrence here in Japan. What I can say is no two are ever exactly alike. Some are slow building and kinda wobble, some are short and sharp, some just hit with a bang and scare the shit out of you, some go in waves and build to a crescendo then taper off again, some are barely discernible while others you hear them coming like rolling thunder.
And of course the 2011 quake was indescribable. I can't even begin to tell you what that was like. Felt like the world was coming to an end.
That must have been incredible and scary. Hey Zen, I've got a question for you - do you feel weird before a quake, or is it so common you are used to it? My son and I did feel weird at this time, and we noticed internet had a fit about 5-10mins before (electromagnetic component??)

velocityjohnno wrote:zenagain wrote:I couldn't even begin to speak with any authority on quakes but I reckon I've sat through hundreds as they're such a regular occurrence here in Japan. What I can say is no two are ever exactly alike. Some are slow building and kinda wobble, some are short and sharp, some just hit with a bang and scare the shit out of you, some go in waves and build to a crescendo then taper off again, some are barely discernible while others you hear them coming like rolling thunder.
And of course the 2011 quake was indescribable. I can't even begin to tell you what that was like. Felt like the world was coming to an end.
That must have been incredible and scary. Hey Zen, I've got a question for you - do you feel weird before a quake, or is it so common you are used to it? My son and I did feel weird at this time, and we noticed internet had a fit about 5-10mins before (electromagnetic component??)
Animals are by far the most dialled into precursor signals of earthquakes. Ask those people in Sumatra what the animals did before the big one up there.

Strange you should say that VJ, not me personally but our cats seem to predict them. They might be sound asleep then sit bolt upright or do a runner. Not saying it happens all the time but too many times to be coincidence imo.
And Kaiser, the big one was nuts, I wrote about it in detail years ago on here when it actually happened.

Oh man, I'd love to read that post now, did we do a March 2011 earthquake thread. I was thinking you could fit GPS to your cats and any erratic movement might be a good online quake predictor, but then thought, yeah, cats...

Our dogs get nervous before an earthquake. For a day or two before the 2011 quake in Japan, they wouldn't leave our sides. Bloody kiwis and probably Jacinda played a part.

No roady, wouldn’t be Jacinda’s fault….but Dan…Im pretty sure God doesn’t like Dan.

Dan Andreas Fault.

Craig, I'm pretty sure they sense tiny tremors. There was a dramatic increase in the number of tremors in the lead up to the quake.

hahahaha. Very good Adam12. Very good!

Hey VJ, google Swellnet Japan Tsunami and you should find the original from 2011.
It's kind of a running commentary and I'm a bit all over the shop but you can kinda get a glimpse of what life was here at the time. Last page there's a good screenshot comparing the 2011 quake with another solid one we had a few years back.
I was a week from opening my little English school at the time and thought we were toast- happy to say we survived and are doing ok (except bloody corona has set us back a bit).

adam12 ….Dan Andreas Fault…that was perfect…please notify the media of the new name for the event.

zenagain wrote:Hey VJ, google Swellnet Japan Tsunami and you should find the original from 2011.
It's kind of a running commentary and I'm a bit all over the shop but you can kinda get a glimpse of what life was here at the time. Last page there's a good screenshot comparing the 2011 quake with another solid one we had a few years back.
I was a week from opening my little English school at the time and thought we were toast- happy to say we survived and are doing ok (except bloody corona has set us back a bit).
Cheers for the heads up Zen. Fascinating read of your experiences at that time. Thanks for sharing. All the best.

Cool Zen, I will look it up. Well done on the success of your school btw, always a good story and certainly in the face of that to start off. Wonder how you'd go if you got a Zoom link for students straight to Swellnet commentators, haha, there'd be some interesting lexicon taught! Repeat after me class, "Don't snake me you cnuts!"
Adam 12, gold, got a lol there. Anyone else feel we are in a movie in Vic? Godzilla rising out of Pt Philip bay inbound... except it's a platypus

Cheers VJ- we're online too via Microsoft Teams and actually that's helping us through these covid times. Back then, I'd sunk everything I had and borrowed more into starting it then a week to the day before the scheduled opening, everything came crashing down (pun intended). But perseverance is the key I guess.

Great thread that Zen, I lived in Iwate Ken for quite a few years. It was and still is a disaster. I knew a couple of families that were lost. Japan is such a beautiful country with amazing people. I usually go every year but covid has put a stop to that…really looking forward to getting back soon.

Hey Zen, just been reading through that thread. Pretty chilling. Amazing to have it archived from your perspective on here. Glad you came out of it ok and hopefully you never have to see another one of those in your lifetime. Amazing how you thought it was a windline on the water. Can imagine it would be so confusing when you've never seen anything like it.
Loved Ben''s comment on there too about carrying Craigs calculations for the speed of a Tsunami in a waterproof wallet because 'you never know when you'll need it'. haha.
VJ keep an eye on those fairy penguins. What have they been up to with all this down time and no bus loads of tourists?? I reckon thats where the next real threat may come from ;-)

All the best to our Aussie cousins. We're so used to NZ being knocked around, but not Aus.
A little aside to the March 2011 Tsunami: My wife and I got married on the beach, and there were tsunami warnings earlier that afternoon and sirens going, but thankfully nothing came of it.

Penguins probably swimming, eating and rooting as soon as they get out of the water (that was my tourist experience anyway) :)
Zen I'm reading the thread as well and it is chilling, thank you for recording it here as it happened. I guess you never expect something like a quake, that was our experience this morning. The Ms noticed it first and spent a little while working out exactly what it was.
*Bonus penguin story. I'd been contracted to survey sites on King Island and hired a 4wd ute for access. When not working, I tried to survey the whole coast for my own satisfaction. I got to the very SW tip of the island, but just east came across a bay about mid morning. There was a walkway in the foredune to the beach cluttered with footprints, millions of them. Not a human footprint around either, it was just evidence of the daily Penguin Commute. It truly spun me out.
To this day, it's one of the fondest memories at work I've had.

Ahh they're amazing little buggers VJ. Would have been epic being able to cruise around King Island. Lucky bugger!

Cheers BD, you know you have a cool job when you get back to head office and everyone has your fieldwork photos as their saved desktops :)

Interesting to note that Barometric pressure change was minus 3.0 the last 24 hours at Mansfield. Felt nothing here but was doing a Pranayama yoga when I heard the birds going off, especially the Butcher birds. Thought it was a dog getting walked or a snake near a nest, but nothing. Same thing happened when I was in Newy and a wave picked me up and moved me across the floor whilst watching the footy. The birds did the same thing then. Maybe it's that connection to their sense of direction beacon that gets set off by big pressure shifts? Whatever, but they sense it.

Unreal VJ! That's awesome.
Great line of thinking Davetherave and interesting observations from your past experiences. Love seeing this sort of shit shared. We don't even know half of it hey. I wonder if they communicate over great distances and spread the word around their whole community of something up. Thought provoking.

Yeah I was there for the Newy quake . A bang and some pretty violent shaking. Whole joint was in absolute chaos after it. I went to the beach after it , as you do , and with all the traffic lights out it was just a total free for all on the road. Footy fields , parks etc became temporary bypasses. Looking back it was irresponsible of me to go out unnecessarily and add more chaos to the road network for emergency services etc , and the surf was small and shit anyway , so in hindsight it wasn't smart. I was young , shoot me.
But just on the bird thing ,I was chilling outside in my yard surrounded by thick bushland about a year or so ago when a minor tremor hit , just enough to feel it . Oddly enough about a minute before it happened I noticed all the birds went silent , eerily so. Even the cicadas too. I also vividly remembering when the birds started back up it was as davetherave describes , more alarm type calls.

Yep and the depth = 10km. We’ve been on this topic before @thermal

bluediamond wrote:Unreal VJ! That's awesome.
Great line of thinking Davetherave and interesting observations from your past experiences. Love seeing this sort of shit shared. We don't even know half of it hey. I wonder if they communicate over great distances and spread the word around their whole community of something up. Thought provoking.
Some confused animals in the zoo today

Just riffing for the hell of it Udo. Not everyday Oz has a 6.0 earthquake. Great to see crews pure expression coming out of it all. Happy to be an animal in the zoo for the cause.


The confused zoo animals vid and some other assorted animal earthquake reactions from today.

I'm definitely confused now! haha
That's the biggest and only third earthquake I've felt.
In Sydney it was a slow wobble for 15s or maybe 20s and the feeling from the desk was like being wobbly and dizzy before fainting. After about 10s I checked the water on the desk and saw it moving and it clicked.
I had reports of it felt very strong on the peninsula down in Melbourne, Adelaide and even Tasmania.