The United States(!) of A

factotum's picture
factotum started the topic in Thursday, 27 Aug 2020 at 11:12am

Septic Tanks are going to Septic Tank

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 16 Aug 2023 at 10:12am


'plausable deniability'

is still a thing


(adam, you're better than that)

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Wednesday, 16 Aug 2023 at 2:34pm

Nah, not defending anyone, just my view of the facts and the law.
Not talking about us being dragged into conflict by any Biden/US warmongering either Soggydog, that's a whole other issue.
The laptop is inadmissible, the chain of custody severely flawed and compromised, it can't prove anything. Two Republican Senate Committees and an investigation by the Republican House Oversight Committee couldn't uncover any corruption by Joe Biden in it's contents. They tried their hardest to find it. Despite the fact it went through people like Giuliani and Bannon's hands and evidence was found that someone other than Hunter Biden had created new files and had accessed it and copied files it doesn't show corruption by Joe. It's Hunter's laptop, that much is true, but most of its data can't be verified. It's a dud in terms of admissibility at law.
We will see what David Weiss uncovers about the Bidens. My view is there's not much more that will come out in terms of prosecutable offending or material to support any impeachment. There's plenty of speculation and accusation, maybe some fire in amongst all the smoke and "plausible deniability", but it's small beer in comparison to the Trumps. Time will tell and the law will be applied equally to the Bidens, despite the rancid politics and how things may appear to some. The US Justice system has flaws and has been found wanting of late but it still works.
Sypkan "(adam, you're better than that), yeah, possibly, but just between you and me, I probably wasn't that good to begin with.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Wednesday, 16 Aug 2023 at 6:33pm

Trump is silenced forever by 91 serving 717yrs as US President in a Hubble Prison Cube.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Wednesday, 16 Aug 2023 at 7:07pm

Bigly trouble for Trumpy. Time for a 5 D or even 6 D chess move from the reknown Snakes and Ladders Grand Master? Or a private submarine to Saudi Arabia?

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 17 Aug 2023 at 8:27am

One could say trump is just a pawn in the game…
He served his ‘purpose’ as such, and will probly pay the ultimate price for challenging the deep state.
Overreach, narcissism and a pathetic life of cheating his way to the top and never having to be accountable for it, then denying any personal responsibility for his own self implosions, are a recipe for ruin…

This was pretty good, though…
- from the latest maga rally ;)



seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 17 Aug 2023 at 9:42pm

AI isn’t all bad.
Images may relate to first posts on this thread. Funny YouTube channel

ps. JF I was laughing uncontrollably on a public bench in a busy place today watching that Mexican one. Words were gold but that laugh had me in stitches

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 18 Aug 2023 at 12:43pm

Happy ALP Aukus Day...(Live borg assimilation!)
Qldurrz are proud Americans...
All hail Prez Albo...USA! USA! USA!

Goldie Celebration of US Military Might...

Team USA rebranding Oz Playground > Oz Battleground
Operation Sabre blowing up our beaches flying hourly above our homes on our tellies.

Goldie Invasion Voted best ever USA Jock PROMO
see: Biggest fuckin' Deal ever...

*Not just the biggest Event Gold Coast has ever seen
*Largest Maritime Event on Oz east Coastline (No biggie!...yep! He says that in cool undertone!)
*Things that make you turn yer head & scratch it at the same time!
*Everything under the sun & we're just gettin' started!
*It's the kind of Airshow you can have yer Top Gun Volleyball moment with beers & yer best friends...
...and take it all in...
*Surf to the Shock Waves of 30,000 lbs of Thrust racing across yer chest! (re: Surf action)
*You don't have to like aeroplanes to know it's bitchin'

*Pay only $50 to be banned from surfing yer local beach > $400 for Shade.

Check swellnet Surfers South Cam...Crowds > Buoys > Low flyovers

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Friday, 18 Aug 2023 at 3:11pm

Worth a listen. Sachs comments on:

- why countries, presidents, political leaders etc find it hard to say "no" to the US .
He tells an anecdote to illustrate of the fate of a charasmatic, intelligent, new leader in the Belgian Congo years ago who offered promise to be able to lead the country to a better future post colonialism.

- how The Narrative has become the main non-stop reality show we all are forced to watch with a carefully orchestrated life of its own that can exist with often only tenuous connections to real world events.

Not a dose of hopium I am afraid.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Friday, 18 Aug 2023 at 4:09pm
frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Friday, 18 Aug 2023 at 4:59pm

Good visual of relative influence. Plus the US has the reserve currency and vast ownerships of assets outside the US which would magnify their slice of the economic influence pie hugely - to dwarf China still.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Friday, 18 Aug 2023 at 5:44pm
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Friday, 18 Aug 2023 at 11:07pm

Overpaid, oversexed & over here!
There was another mini US Marines brawl in Brisbane...think it was around 15-20 years back.
Possibly involved o/s Rugby Team from memory...pretty heavy as US Govt wanted charges dropped.

Rag Doll link for vj...US Marines reckon they have a heightened sensitivity to XXXX.
Turns 'em into homicidal maniacs...No biggie!

Surely the US Marines can handle a Darwin Stubbie.

Young Aussie Sheila : "This is the 2nd time I've been groped by US Marine!"

Warning...These Vidz are heavy shit...very shocking! Just saying they come with advisory!

US Marine : "I could kill you, I'm a trained Killer!"
Oz Bouncer : "Kappow!"
One hit & one hole in the head later!
Albo : "We're committed to locating a Mid Strength Port for our US rotational force!"
Oz Bouncers : "They can rotate on this!"

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 7:57am

We’re in good hands ;)


frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 9:23am

; )

Sums it up nicely

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 12:26pm

… and the response :


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 4:40pm

"Despite the shock and awe of the four indictments against former president Donald Trump, the Democrats are more vulnerable than they’ve been in decades. It isn’t just the Afghanistan exit, the economy, or the cancer growing inside the presidency, it’s also the radical policies the Democrats have embraced since Biden took office in 2021.

They are hemorrhaging working-class voters, especially among groups they believe belong to them, like those in the Black and Hispanic communities. They refuse to face their own failings, and why should they? With no legacy media to hold them to account, they can pretend nothing to see here, move along, move along.

The Democrats present a front of normalcy, but something has eaten away at their foundation. The more they go after Trump, the more weak they appear. Most Americans are left wondering why they can’t just trust the voters.

They aren’t defending Democracy, as they keep insisting they are. What they mean is their power. If they can convince the public that Trump is a criminal and a felon, they can deflect from everything they did to essentially rig the 2020 election, not to mention the many ways they are failing the American people now.

They call those who questioned their methods in 2020 “conspiracy theorists,” or they think are too dumb to know any better. But I was a Democrat heading into the election. I not only voted for Biden, I actively supported him. I thought the election would have been fair, but what I saw them do to drag Biden over the finish line shocked me. Left the Democratic Party thinking we’d never have a fair election again in this country.

I was surprised Trump fought as hard as he did. The legitimate complaints about their “well-funded cabal” were drowned out by easily recognizable fabricated ones by Sidney Powell. I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I wasn’t even a Republican. But I was watching the election very closely and I know that if they hadn’t intervened, Trump would have won.

How do I know this? Because Trump was doing five rallies a day to make his pitch to the public that the Left had lost their minds (they had) and he was the better alternative (he was). But it didn’t matter because operatives picked up the votes long before Election Day.

The Democrats have always had an enthusiasm gap. They can’t get their supporters to turn out at the polls. This has plagued them as long as I’ve been a Democrat with the exception of Obama. This was what hurt Hillary Clinton in 2016. Her voters didn’t bother showing up because they assumed she had it in the bag.

But now, as I watch them pretend nothing happened, that they didn’t go to extraordinary lengths to remove any possibility that Trump might win, that they even funded the protests to make things seem as out of control as possible, that they spent $1 billion just to reclaim power left me feeling disgusted and disillusioned.

Just as the impeachment of Trump now appears to have been an overreaction to Biden’s corrupt business dealings in Ukraine, so too was Trump’s fight against an extraordinary election met with a January 6th riot wildly out of character for MAGA and certainly not part of Trump’s plan on that day, not to mention how Trump supporters were now demonized as terrorists attacking the country they love.

Just as we were gaslighted all through 2020, with the Democrats outright lying to all of us about the protests, about COVID, about social distancing, after the election, we were all gaslighted when we dared to object to how the election was hijacked by wealthy and powerful people who apparently run this country. What other option did Trump or his supporters have but to fight back and protest?

Watching the fourth indictment roll out, yet another imagined charge against a version of Trump that doesn’t exist, it’s hard not to see that this is the end of the Democratic Party one way or another. Maybe they can eke out another victory in 2024 as long as they have Trump to scare voters to the polls. But they have nothing to offer the American people by now.

And here they are again, setting us all up for another psy-op wherein they pretend Trump is an emergency but also need him to raise money and manipulate the media narrative to silence dissent.

They gave away the game when they spent $60 million pushing MAGA candidates in the primaries because they were easier to beat..."

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 4:46pm

"It's Fake News"

"So What?"

"But Trump"



and again...

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 6:36pm

“What other option did Trump and his supporters have but to fight back”

Well, they did try the legal option. Which failed because, y’know, the votes and stuff. So… just because they felt like they should have won, the relevant State electors felt otherwise - including in “GOP” states.

“Everything they did to rig the election”…
Like what? Surely something so blatant as ‘rigging’ would have been identified and the complaint upheld in one of the 42 (ish?) cases that have been brought in front of various courts by Trump / MAGA aligned attorneys.

That article above is a word salad of BS.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 7:50pm

Amazing. A US presidential candidate who is very intelligent, has strong opinions he can defend through arguement and can think on his feet.

Prepared and able to navigate the minefield of modern far left language traps and "isms" What an intellect.

Quite a contrast with feeble carefully propped up and protected Biden and bigly cunning but just a bit dumb Trump.

Worth a listen.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 7:50pm

The quicker we banish ‘woke’ as a pejorative the better.

It makes even less sense as an insult than it does as a quality.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 8:03pm

Replace it with what then? There is definitely a need for some short cut descriptor of what the word attempts to describe as they form one of the most influential narrative trends in the past decade. They are not random unrelated concepts that should not be be grouped in some way. Describing them in sentence form would take 10 minutes.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 8:05pm

So, what exactly is it that it’s supposed to represent? There’s a clip going around where they ask people at a rally what it means. The answers are hilarious.

It’s become a lazy catch-all for any mildly ‘progressive’* cause, policy or position that people (often conservative-leaning) don’t like.

*I also don’t really like ‘progressive’ that much, but at least it is on the same spectrum as ‘conservative’.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 8:16pm

Most labels are lazy and imprecise.

Far Right is a big label of the same ilk these days.

But if you listen to Vivek he is actually arguing against labels and shutting down viewpoints and for open debate.

He is worth listening to and ignore the attention grabbing "W" word in the headline.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 8:28pm

Etarip "That article above is a word salad of BS. "
Totally agree, sorry Sypkan, just a bunch of skewered opinion, unsupported accusation and "feels".
" a January 6th riot wildly out of character for MAGA and certainly not part of Trump’s plan on that day"
You're fucking kidding.
", but what I saw them do to drag Biden over the finish line shocked me. "
So what was it that "they" did? Evidence?
"Watching the fourth indictment roll out, yet another imagined charge against a version of Trump that doesn’t exist"
So who made the "perfect phone call" to Raffenspurger? Donald Duck? I heard what was said, I didn't imagine it. Who were the 16 fake electoral college electors that Trump sent to Georgia? Ghosts?
" how the election was hijacked by wealthy and powerful people who apparently run this country."
How? What people? Evidence?
And this "I voted Democrat but..." bullshit. Where are the facts and evidence to back all this spurious speculation. , "that they even funded the protests to make things seem as out of control as possible, that they spent $1 billion just to reclaim power left me feeling disgusted and disillusioned."
Who is "they"? Name them or shut the fuck up, show some proof or shut the fuck up. He talks about "gaslighting", well look in the mirror bud.
As you said to me recently "I thought you were smarter than that". You are down a substack rabbit hole here mate. It's a shit opinion piece, detached from reality, ignorant of the facts.
I'm not even going to bother reading the Newsweek opinion. Hunter Biden is not running for President, there is an independent special prosecutor looking at Burisma and the Bidens with full power to compel witnesses and discover evidence, let's see what is uncovered by him, not opinion pieces and internet "experts" with partisan axes to grind.
I'm not boosting for Biden or the Democrats, plenty to be critical of there, but this guy is just pissing in your pocket. Your bullshit detector needs a tune up there Sypkan. Thought you had sharper skills mate.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 9:24pm

its a she...

an oh so typical, staunch democrat, child of hippy parents, california dreaming chicky... a democrat to the day they die, type style she...

and she said...

"...essentially rig the election..."

important word in there

and, she spelt it out pretty clearly really... the hows...

weaponisation of the fbi for seven years is pretty much common knowledge - or should be... as is the cia and doj too

weaponisation of twitter and facebook

weaponisation of the blm chaos, the stoking of, and the funding of the defence of ' peaceful protestors'

gaslighting the public about the 'peaceful protests' ... for three fucking months!!!

...until - and only until - the polling told them that the public weren't buying it, and it was doing them real political damage... so they then wound back on the bullshit machine...

weaponisation of covid, stoking fear, pushing lockdowns, stoking vaccine hesitancy... until the day biden got in... then they became absolutely nutty vaccine zealots! ... absolutely nutty big pharma advocate vaccine zealots!!! ... history hasn't served that too well...

suppresion of the hunter biden story

more blatant fbi 'misinformation' (blatent bullshit that is...) regarding it being a supposed russian dis/misinformation campaign

yeh, trumps 'perfect phone call' was pretty damning... probably totallly impeachable... if - and only if - the democrats didn't need to bumper bowls the impeachment process so much to save biden's arse...

'they' is dark money - where the democrats are (now) leagues ahead of the republicans...

'they' is big tech

'they' is billionaire donors

'they' is basically the whole globalist apparatus that is so anti trump they cannot see the forest for the trees...

the billionaires, the eu, and the wef types that were / are so committed to the china peasant factory model, they are still finding it difficult to pull away... still!

anyway, the main point of the article is she is a staunch democrat, definitely not MAGA, and she voted biden...

but now is experiencing some serious buyers remorse

and, that, if the democrats don't get their shit together... they'll be a heap of people like her, that possibly cannot bare to hold their noses and do it all again...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 9:06pm

and, just an observation... but anybody who uses 'word salad' as some form of rebuttal is usually because of two things...

1. they've got nothing...

2. they are so triggered by the content, they cannot even digest what is being said...

you... both?

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 9:09pm

and, just an observation... but anybody who uses 'word salad' as some form of rebuttal, it is usually because of two things...

1. they've got nothing...

2. they are so triggered by the content, they cannot even digest what is being said...



etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 9:36pm

No mate, it means that the article in question really failed to make a coherent argument, and assembled a bunch of non-sequiturs, statements and barely connected issues into a form that resembled an opinion piece but was so disjointed and based on a range of emotive statements that the reader is left feeling somewhat… unfulfilled. Like, eating a side salad. Of words.

Anyway, I engaged with just two of the ‘issues’. It’s all BS.
‘They’ ‘rigged’ ‘the election’
Who? How? Which part?

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 9:49pm


This is the Senate intelligence report on Russian interference in the 2016 election.
From 2020. When the GOP had the senate majority.


etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Monday, 21 Aug 2023 at 9:46pm

The globalist elites? Dark money funding the dems? You’ve got your knickers in an absolute knot about Hunter Biden using his fathers name to gain commercial advantage, and you’ve not commented on any of the recent bombshells that have fizzled - especially the whistleblower that said ‘I saw nothing illegal’. Now, maybe something more will come out - I guess the Special Counsel might be the best way to expose that. But - you’ve said not a goddamn thing about the Saudis underwriting Jared Kushner to the tune of $2bn. Which seems, I don’t know, somewhat inconsistent.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 12:22am
sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 12:23am

you to a tee...

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 5:05am

Knickers knotted. It just ain’t the scandal you want it to be. Sorry mate. At least be consistent with influence peddling scandals.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 7:26am

the scandal isn't hunter and the big guy...

the scandal is the fbi, the whole of intelligence, the whole legacy media, and a heap of othrrs, all running cover for biden inc. for seven years!

i think it is highly likely the big guy hasn't done anything technically illegal - technically...

and as to kushner and the $2 bil... you tell me why so many articles on it are running with the theme...

'why isn't jared kushner and $2 billiion of saudi money a big deal?'

in a disbelief tone - not a justification tone

you tell me why you think that is?

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 8:06am

7 years of weaponised fbi / doj, 4 of which were under the Trump admin, and the last 45+ years of fbi directors being registered republicans? Makes zero sense.

So the scandal isn’t Hunter, or the big guy and it’s likely that he’s down nothing technically wrong? What’s being covered up then?

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 8:20am

If you watch at least the first 20 minutes of this you will realise that a significant portion of the legal action against Trump regarding how he contested the election are a major overreach in terms of law, posing dangers for US democracy.

The Democrats are attacking the right to contest an election in almost any manner - a right that has been exercised many times in US and UK history without prosecutions of the questioners.

They are also attacking the nature of the long accepted relationship between lawyer and client in terms of their ability to advise their client without being themselves attacked legally for requested advice with precidents going back to Henry VIII.

They are suggesting that the Democrats seem to have no boundaries in how far they will go to achieve their aim of stopping Trump. Nor any consideration of the importance of precident or care for the future of democracy in that if this succeeds on the scale being made, questioning any election in any form (letter, tweet, ask questions, seek legal opinion on possible remedies) will be very dangerous. It has been labelled racketeering.

Maybe there are valid legal actions in the spiderweb that has been woven to trap Trump in a way that leaves no escape But, by seemingly using a strategy of weaving in every potentialy sticky thread they can think of to catch him somewhere, somehow, a massive overreach seems to be occurring.

Trump history from day one of his Presidency has proven one thing. If you are an outsider to the the established order and propose changes that threaten major vested interest, you will be in for hell.

This sets the country on railway tracks that favour the established vested interests with very limited means of adjustment or redirection.

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 8:19am

Trump has no regard for legal process. Like it or not, the checks and balances and legal process exists for a reason. Trump tried to overturn an election that he lost. Period. The vast majority of the legal apparatus that is taking him down is GOP aligned. The Georgia state governor is a republican. The Georgia SOS is a republican. Almost all the witnesses in the documents case are GOP, members of his admin or his lawyers.

He’s no hero. He’s a self-serving conman that is being found out. All of these indictments have been before a grand jury - not a political decision maker. The quicker the US moves on from this flirtation the better.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 8:35am

Not supporting Trump actions or Trump. He was Captain Chaos as a President He created his own threats for Democracy in various ways and has used the law poorly to get his way many times in his career.

But the Democrats and others have responded in ways that compound such risks by throwing legal mud at the wall with many unintended legal and constitutional ramifications for the law and wider trust in it rather than doing fewer precise strongly based legal actions.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 9:31am

On Hunter and Joe, somehow all roads seem to lead back to the Ukraine. Follow the money. Why that particular country was so important to the Bidens then and now one wonders.

Jared's $2 billion from the Saudis was super dodgy but it did not follow through with events that led to hundreds of billions, with seemingly no end, going to the Saudis with limited accountabiliy for a war.

Why might the President's wayward son and (Joe maybe) being deeply involved in personal for-profit business dealings in the Ukraine generating incomes way over his real world pay grade creating potential for a POTUS being compromised not be a concern? Who knows what embarrassing, or worse, videos or other material exist, ready to be released, if the money and military support stops? Maybe nothing there but party boy Hunter would not have held back in the reknown "wild west" Ukraine nightlife. Opportunity, motive and means for anyone wanting to compromise Biden aplenty one would suspect.

Major unwise risk taking by any assessment.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 9:45am



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 10:00am

^^ at least sleepy joe could actually string a sentence together…
- and this, trumpy sounding like he can actually make sense of things


adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 12:44pm

Sypkan, my apologies, he was a she, I read the post and just saw "substack', not the author. So he is a she, makes no difference but I concede I was mistaken as to the author's gender. The rest I stand by.
The ridiculous reasoning and dubious conspiracies continue however, The "weaponisations" of twitter, facebook, the FBI, the CIA, DoJ, covid, dark money, big tech, billionaire donors, EU, WEF, BLM, can throw in Mickey Mouse and Barbie too.
It was a democratically conducted election that Trump attempted to overthrow. That is it, the rest is all just partisan political bullshit and slung mud that can't find something to stick to. The same arguments you and substack Sahsa make can be made by the other side. Projection.
Twitter- owned by Musk, a right wing big tech billionaire, weaponized against the Democrats, tried to block access to Trumps data, meetings with Jim Jordan. Do you read twitter? Full of right wing conspiracy and misinformation. Facebook, same.
Dark money, billionaire donors - ever heard of the Koch brothers?
The FBI, CIA, DoJ - who appointed Merrick Garland? who appointed Christopher Wray? Trump. Who stacked the Supreme Court with right wing idiots? Trump. Overturned Roe v Wade FFS. But yeah, "weaponized" by the left. Pfft.
"the whole globalist apparatus that is so anti trump they cannot see the forest for the trees..."
Maybe that is because Trump is a fucking idiot with the temperament and understanding of history and geopolitics of a 10 year old, a dangerous wanna be autocrat grifter that has no respect or understanding for democratic institutions, diplomacy, world order, international law.
If you can't see what a fucking disaster he is then maybe you are the one not seeing forest.
As for how you rig an election with these things, or BLM or Covid or vaccination or any of it is incredulous. It is a voting system, and a pretty solid one. People vote, it's counted, the count is scrutinised by both sides, disputes as to it's veracity are tested, were tested, in the Courts.
All of Trumps accusations that the vote was rigged, dozens of them, failed. Biden won legitimately and that fat orange fuck couldn't deal with it. He launched an insurrection, fired up his base and they attacked Congress, went there to hang Trump's VP because he wouldn't agree to the illegal request not to certify, would have if they had got hold of him. Mike Pence, the whitest, rightest, Republican you could find. That's what I would call trying to "rig" an election, by sedition, by "perfect phone calls" to the Georgia Sec. of State, a Republican by the way, asking him to "find" votes, by sending fake electoral college voters.
But you can keep accusing the Democrats with all this shadow bullshit and ignore what happened on Jan. 6. before all our eyes, no shadowy dark forces, a straight up insurrection complete with gallows. Something I never thought I would see in the USA, something that only happened because of Trump. Now, justice and the rule of law in the USA is catching up with him, it may be slow, it has it's flaws, but it is coming and he will pay for his crimes. Just like it will catch the Bidens if they have committed any crimes. More indictments are coming, we are at four now, it will be seven eventually, and he is going to be convicted.
Finally, "suppression of the hunter biden story".
You are kidding. Do you watch Fox News? Do you watch any news? What are you reading? Suppression? I've heard nothing but the Hunter Biden story, it's the most publicised "suppressed" story in history. All based on a stolen laptop from a blind repairman that can't say Hunter gave it too him, because he's fucking blind, with data that has been manipulated by third parties, that can't be verified, that came to light in the hands of Rudy Guiliani, that had been in the hands of people like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone and in my suspicions Russian FSB, that was handed to Murdoch's New York Post, not the DoJ, or the FBI or the CIA, but Rupert Murdoch, and it is now finally in the hands of a DoJ special prosecutor appointed during Biden's presidency. It is the flimsiest, most dubious, most inadmissible, compromised shit piece of evidence of crime you could ask for and it would have made no difference to the 2020 election result even if it was legitimate and had been exposed then, which the "story" was. Biden didn't win the election because the "Hunter Biden story" was "suppressed", the story was out there then, the accusations were out there then. Again I make the point that Hunter Biden is not and was not running for President, he's just a fuck up son of a President that it is alleged tried to enrich himself off his father's position. Trump's got two of them, and a daughter and son in law that did enrich themselves. It's just fluff, fluff that is now in the hands of a "Biden appointed" special prosecutor with a Grand Jury to determine any crime.
Amongst my family, I have often been accused of worrying too much, of foreseeing negative outcomes or possibilities or not trusting things. My father's favorite expression is that I am always "jumping at shadows". They are right of course, usually, but I guess that is my nature, stung into me by having my trust broken by people and life in general at times over the years. Leaves you paranoid and deluded.
When I read your stuff sometimes Sypkan, I think you are just, as my old man says, "jumping at shadows". There are plenty of them out there, I'll admit that, but even paranoid and deluded me can't see any worth jumping at.
I don't see any grand conspiracy by any of the forces you describe other than the usual hyperventilated partisan political bullshit that the USA does so well. Let justice take it's course and let history decide the truth. Biden is too old, he has his baggage, he's made mistakes, he won't be judged as the greatest President by any stretch, but I guarantee Trump will be judged as the worst. The "Big Lie" was Trumps, not the Democrats or the forces on the left.

GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley's picture
GuySmiley Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 1:28pm

“ …. It was a democratically conducted election ….”

But it wasn’t …. With no AEC like electoral agency ensuring properly conducted “democratic elections” what you get is the land of the gerrymander!

Googled it and you get 100s of links but here’s two below. I’ve seen it argued that if US gerrymandering ended the Republican Party would essentially be relegated to the fringes.

adam12's picture
adam12's picture
adam12 Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 9:47pm

Yes Guy, quite true, perhaps should have chosen my words more correctly. Serious issues with gerrymandering and disenfranchisement in some states. My point was that is was legally conducted, there was no evidence of missing votes or fake votes being dumped as Trump and his cohort of shyster lawyers have alleged, no tampering with vote machines, it was not rigged in the manner alleged in the numerous court challenges, all were rejected. But you are quite right, the system has some glaring , undemocratic flaws, usually in GOP jurisdictions as far as I can tell. I did describe it a "quite solid" not "rock solid". But the 2020 vote was legal, under the system as it stands. Trump was not "robbed" and did not win as he tries to convince his base, and himself. He is not the great martyr he portrays himself as. He is the loser, but a bit like Fonzie could never say "sorry" in Happy Days, the word can't just pass his lips.

truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher's picture
truebluebasher Tuesday, 22 Aug 2023 at 9:53pm

Trump is planning to overturn the overturned 2024 election to overturn the overturned 2020 Election!

Get Smart : "Not the old Overturned Overturning Overturned Overturning Election Trick!"
"That's the 2nd time I've fallen for it this week!"
99 : "Of course! It's the old Overturned Overturning Overturned Overturning Election Trick!"
Chief : "That's it!...What is the old Overturned Overturning Overturned Overturning Election Trick!"

Kaos : No you stupids! Not the old Overturned Overturning Overturned Overturning Election Trick!"
"It's the old Overturning Overturned Overturning Overturned Election Trick!"


sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Wednesday, 23 Aug 2023 at 1:08pm

adam12, dude, seriously... twitter was not owned by musk at the time, and the twitter files have shown the extent of influence the fbi and co. had over them

the fbi have had a copy of the hard drive for same length of time as guliani, they knew it was authentic, yet they put out their bogus letter with 50 odd agents signatures saying it was russian misinformation

the author of the nyp story was banned from twitter, and any links or references to the story were censored for months around the 2020 election

jack dorcy even has admitted this, and said it was a 'mistake'

'suppresion' is being polite and kind...

do you watch any news?

doesn't matter if you do... all this information is still suppressed, and the behaviour of 'our abc' is disgraceful for not coming clean on such things

you seem to be overlooking / ignoring / totally averse to, the key word i pointed out in that article 'essentially'

one can think the machine did everything in their power to sway the election without buying into the nuttyness of sidney powell and friends

the media are 'the fourth estate', ...that is supposed to hold power and politics to account, ALL powers... not to sway the public discourse of what they think is right and appropriate

glen greenwald and matt taibbi have written extensively about these things - they are literally two of the very few who even remotely come close to telling the 'truth'

they are both old school lefty's

glen greenwald writes of this bizarre period we are in where truth and reality are no longer goals of good old, old fashion, objective journalism... and he writes of his 'liberal' friends - in a non disparaging manner - that are educated and engaged, but are literally totally unaware of so many developments and 'facts' that should now be common knpwledge, purely due to their choice of news sources and the blatant misinformation coming from the once trusted legacy media sources....

'the newspaper of record'

it would seem you are in exactly the same position

one doesn't have to support trump to question what the fuck has happened to media and the whole politial landscape...

but you guys keep going back there...

labelling everyone 'far right', 'MAGA'

or the oh so tired and worn out favourite... 'conspiracy theorists'

seriously dude, after covid... anyone on the left of politics should never ever ever utter that phrase again!


ever ever!!!

lay it to rest...


Supafreak's picture
Supafreak's picture
Supafreak Wednesday, 23 Aug 2023 at 7:01pm

I like John Pilger , don’t know if he’s totally correct but he certainly gets ya thinking ………criticism welcome

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 23 Aug 2023 at 7:11pm
Supafreak wrote:

I like John Pilger , don’t know if he’s totally correct but he certainly gets ya thinking ………criticism welcome

Supafreak. Hi. Years ago my brother and I met John Pilger at a talk he gave in Melbourne, what great guy. Nobody in the audience talked at all, totally fixed on what he was saying. You are right, he’s pretty correct on most topics he’s involved with and usually comes up with the most sensible solutions.AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 23 Aug 2023 at 8:59pm

Thanks supa, great article.
Pilger is excellent, as always…

etarip's picture
etarip's picture
etarip Wednesday, 23 Aug 2023 at 9:57pm

Its an interesting article, but it’s a terrible take on Ukraine. Recycles a number of disproven myths and rubbery figures.

Consider this: “According to the United Nations, between 2014 and this year, some 14 000 people have been killed in the Kyiv regime’s civil war on the Donbass. Many of the attacks were carried out by neo-Nazis”

A lot of information left out, a lot of inference.
- what happened in 2014? Russia invaded Donbas, and have been sustaining combat operations through a proxy (and this is technically the correct use of that word) since then. The ‘civil war’ that has resulted in 14000 deaths has been largely generated and sustained by Russia. It’s not a civil war. There was no civil war before 2014. Those 14000 deaths do include some civilians - casualties of actions of both Ukraine and Russian proxies. But the VAST majority of that number are soldiers from Ukraine and Russia or Russian-sponsored forces. Not civilians. I’m not sure that it includes the 298 civilians shot out of the sky on MH17, by a Russian missile. But Pilger’s article kinda leaves all that out, doesn’t it? It would suggest that 14000 people have been killed by Nazis…?

Then consider this:

“In February, Russia invaded Ukraine as a response to almost eight years of killing and criminal destruction in the Russian-speaking region of Donbass on their border.”

Hang on, Russian invaded Ukraine, in response to eight years of killing and criminal destruction…..? that it had been sponsoring, and directly involved in, for those eight years. The ‘little green men’ of 2014 had long ceased to be deniable. Russian troops who fought in Ukraine received campaign medals for their participation. It’s not even hidden. But pilfer just fails to even mention that.
Can you see the logical flaws in these two, almost adjacent, sentences? Surely you can’t have it both ways. My issue with Pilger is that he’s not even-handed at all. His schtick is anti-US, anti-west. Sure. It sells books. It’s a valid perspective - the US has made some truly terrible foreign policy decisions, has wielded its power irresponsibly. But it’s not the root of all evil in this world, and it’s actions don’t give justification to the abomination that’s occurring in Ukraine right now.