Climate Change

blowfly's picture
blowfly started the topic in Wednesday, 1 Jul 2020 at 9:40am


Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 6:05pm

Hey Blackers

Do you read what you link ?

I did and it said 2022 was a hard year 4 the reef but it did well despite a Cyclone , extreme heated water and with Crown of thorns Star fish .

That the summer of 2023 caused NO deterioration of the Reef .

Despite ALL the dire predictions , the Reefs coverage is at World record levels , a Government produced FACT !

What % of Cooks Uni funding goes to people who don't agree with their Group Think lol ?

These people don't make a Mint , but they are the ONLY ones who get funding from the Institutions .

It's naturally in their interests to paint a gloomy picture .

The Government wants papers printed that supports it's View .

Maybe U can explain to me what Outcomes occur after spending $US250 Trillion ?

No one else seems to want to have a Crack .

In all Science ( it's never settled ) , opposing views should be sought .

We need Devil's advocates !

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 6:50pm
Pop Down wrote:

Thanks Spidermonkey .

I always listen to those at the Coal Face !

Hopefully the data released includes the effects of the recent boom in water temps .

If not , we will see the results next year .

The Reef does have numerous threats , as you have mentioned .

If coverage of Healthy Reef is at all time highs , it must be coping much better than Chin's Doomsters have predicted .

Chin wagger , come on , I always ignore hysterical people , who wouldn't ?

Investment in our hospitals is desperately needed , as Covid showed !

Same with Education and Housing .

If the Solution is to reduce CO2 by adopting Kyoto targets , WHEN will the Solution START to have effect ?

Come on , anything that costs $US 250 Trillion , MUST have easily defined Outcomes , surely ffs !

If we go down the path and MEET the targets , what do we GET and WHEN ?

If it's 100 years , it's too late for a Clock that is at 11.50pm .

Anyone , got ANY idea about this ???

Or do we just spend $250 TRILLION and see what happens , because some Doom sayers say so ?

Where is YOUR data , mate , on this Vital question ?

What outcomes do we get for 250 T ?

To assume the GBR is at its best coral coverage maxima is a folly.

A reef is not static, it doesn’t sit there at its best for too long, way too many mitigating circumstances can change its status quo, environment , human induced damage in all contexts, people report on it when it’s in good nick but in reality, most of the time it’s not.
It was in way better condition before we decided to take tourism ownership of the place. AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 7:23pm

Hello AW

I am not assuming anything , it's the Dept of Marine Science that put out the figures .

The figures have been continuous for 30 plus years , no cherry picking .

Imagine if the Coverage went down , instead of Up .

Chiny's scaremongers would be going berserk lol !

So , despite what's been thrown at it , including Tourism , the GBR is doing MUCH better than the Dire predictions .

Surely , that's good news ?

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 7:31pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hello AW

I am not assuming anything , it's the Dept of Marine Science that put out the figures .

The figures have been continuous for 30 plus years , no cherry picking .

Imagine if the Coverage went down , instead of Up .

Chiny's scaremongers would be going berserk lol !

So , despite what's been thrown at it , including Tourism , the GBR is doing MUCH better than the Dire predictions .

Surely , that's good news ?

Pop Down. Hi mate ., not aimed at you.

Just a general statement, yes it is encouraging that the coral has rebounded but we are always having to be vigilant.

I’m very pleased you are interested, engaged and willing to put your ideas on the table.
In essence, that’s good scientific discussion amongst us, any dialogue amongst friends is good dialogue, it intimates that we care, and so we should.
It’s an ecological gem.
Hope you are enjoying your holiday with your family. . AW

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 11:03pm
Pop Down wrote:

What outcomes do we get for 250 T ?

This is a very good question when looking at CC mitigation.

chin's picture
chin's picture
chin Monday, 8 Jul 2024 at 11:09pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hello AW

I am not assuming anything , it's the Dept of Marine Science that put out the figures .

The figures have been continuous for 30 plus years , no cherry picking .

Imagine if the Coverage went down , instead of Up .

Chiny's scaremongers would be going berserk lol !

So , despite what's been thrown at it , including Tourism , the GBR is doing MUCH better than the Dire predictions .

Surely , that's good news ?

You seem to be focusing on the coverage of the reef pops, the general health of it is another matter.
This is what the WWF say….
“ Sadly, the health of the Reef has significantly declined over the past three decades. Coastal developments, pollution and human interference all pose major threats, disrupting wildlife and destroying habitat. The Reef has also suffered multiple mass coral bleaching events as a result of global warming.”

caj's picture
caj's picture
caj Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 6:51am
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 11:38am

Hey Chin

Mate , the coverage of the Reef is what was reported .

Surely , that is a good start .

Some general comment by the WWF that the Health of the reef ( they do have Their View to spruik ) , just means f all .

What specific Health problems are coming out in the Data .

Despite the predictions our Mighty GBR is coping with Crown of Thorns , Cyclones , Runoff from Mining and Ag and recovers from bleaching MUCH quicker than we were first told .

Give our beautiful reef some credit ffs !

In my recent travels I see NO action by humans anywhere , that shows me that Humans want to take a backward step in Standards of Living to reduce CO2 output !!!

All I see is a few Tesla's on the roads .

Those things that have 60kg of Lithium , cobalt sourced from dubious sources and rare earths ( also with a Lead battery ffs ) .

No wonder , the Solution to reach Kyoto 2050 targets won't reduce CO2 for hundreds of years ffs .

Gosh , imagine proposing to spend $US250 TRILLION , and NO one knows when our Normal Climate change will resume .

What a Lemon !!!

I am a Glass half full type .

I will pray that my Grand kids ( none on the way ) can experience what I have with my children .

Swimming , snorkelling and scuba diving on our Magnificent GBR .

It's proved itself MUCH more resilient to the threats . you guys keep saying will destroy IT .

It's grown over a few thousand years , I believe it will keep on growing .

It will adapt , so will change , due to Climate Change .

Humans should do the same imho .

It's what its done , all its life , its much better at it than U scaremongers predicted !!


The ONLY thing we can do to help it , is to keep ensuring Human created Runoff is as Reef friendly as possible .

I am MORE than happy , to Pay 4 that !

It won't cost trillions !

chin's picture
chin's picture
chin Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 12:11pm

Keep your shirt on pop. What’s changed over the last few years is the type of corals that are growing on the reef. Yes in general it recovers, but things are generally getting out of balance. Soft fast growing corals are now growing in places that were previously inhabited by slow growing hard corals, which changes the habitat for other living creatures on the reef.
It’s such a huge reef, different areas suffer and recover from different things, there’s no hard and fast one size fits all.

“ you guys keep saying will destroy IT .”

I didn’t say that. I (and people who study these things) are saying that the balance is changing, which you seem to think is OK. We’ve done this on land all over Australia, upset the balance. There’s no going back now I guess, so hey if you’re happy to see it happening out on the reef as well, no worries. Money is just money, it comes and goes. Not so much the environment.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 12:36pm

Hey Chin

Sorry , you didn't say the Reef is cactus , but so many others have .

You are right that the Reef is adapting and changing .

I am NOT happy We are causing it Stress , but Humans ARE taking over the World ATM .

The Environment is changing because of US and it's really hurting some Things , which is a terrible shame .

But that's Life !

99.9% of Species that have lived on this Planet , have become Extinct .

Humans will disappear , eventually , then the Environment can adapt without our influence and the Planet will go ON , regardless .

We are the Super Species , that dominates for the present , only .

Mother Earth thinks we are so Cool imho !

Money doesn't grow on trees , Chin !

I am a Conservationist , with Money .

Let's not waste $250 Trillion on something like trying to turn a tide , that won't help in the next 100 years .

Spend some of it on adapting , to the tide changes .

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 6:59pm

Pop, you asked if I read what I linked? Yes I did. What part of "the reefs of the GBR continue to face cumulative stressors. Even without causing mass mortality, bleaching events can hinder hard coral growth. The future is forecasted to bring more frequent, intense and enduring marine heatwaves, alongside the persistent threat of crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks and tropical cyclones" suggests it's all hunky dory? Without the research you would not have anything to support your claims. Regarding Peter Ridd,
I'm all for contrary options but it's the myopic and moronic who grasp at those "contrary opinions" only because they fit with their world view. There is a reason he is an outlier, most scientists do not agree with his conclusions.
You bleat about cost, but support uncosted nuclear power. You shout "chicken little" and squeal "don't scare the children", yet it's the next generation who are the ones that will have to live with what is left behind when you and I are dead and buried. It ain't about "turning a tide", it's about making changes while it is still possible. Perhaps a little bit less self interest is called for?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Tuesday, 9 Jul 2024 at 8:03pm

Hey Blackers

The main points in your link , at the very start , said what I quoted .

Then you post what the Future might , probably will , bring , more stress .

Exactly the Stuff the Reef is now dealing with and it's producing Maximum coverage atm .

You need to read my comments more carefully .

I have consistently said I don't think Australia needs Nuclear , we have abundant Gas .

To spend $US250 Trillion and get no results for over a hundred years is to me , fn Crazy .

We STILL have to spend more money , adapting to the bloody changes .

So the urgent Changes to save the Environment that's @ 11.50pm , will work in 150 years WTF !

Anyone , PLEASE correct me if my sources were wrong ( umpth time I have asked ) on this outcome .

How can this course be considered SERIOUS ?

Kyoto targets were a compromise that ALL countries could Pretend are serious action , surely . They are useless imo .

There is NOT 1 country that has forecasted a reduction in GDP , to reduce CO2 !

All the big spruikers of Climate change , like Kerry and Gore , own Jets and fly around in them ffs !

A parent ( or anyone else ) telling a young child the World could End , That it Is Burning Up , is such a nasty view to share .

Why scare kids ffs !

Chicken Littles !

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 7:39am
blackers wrote:

There is a reason he is an outlier, most scientists do not agree with his conclusions.

Blackers, Peter was sacked for breach of contract, ie, breach of code of conduct. Not because of his views. No more, no less. Your above statement is a stretch at best. It is more likely that "most scientists" won't speak up for him as they would find themselves in the same situation.

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 8:00am
fitzroy-21 wrote:
blackers wrote:

There is a reason he is an outlier, most scientists do not agree with his conclusions.

Blackers, Peter was sacked for breach of contract, ie, breach of code of conduct. Not because of his views. No more, no less. Your above statement is a stretch at best. It is more likely that "most scientists" won't speak up for him as they would find themselves in the same situation.

Fitzroy-21 & Blackers.

Fitzroy- 21. No criticism to you, I enjoy your opinions as well as all others on Swellnet.

My ex I spoke to her last night, who has worked out of JCU and is no slouch and definitely calls a spade a spade. Her words Peter Ridd, shit stirrer and a dickhead.

The GBR will never be permanently as it is at present with its reported cover and regrowth. Its coverage is transient.

How could it be ?

This system has impacts from human intervention and activities from all angles.
Whilst people live near it, farm near it, live on it, motor over it, dive in it, swim over it , take shellfish, corals, fish and all manner of aquatic organisms it will be forever impacted by us.

Other meteorological and climatological factors have a mitigating affect also.

It’s only when Aboriginal people lived here before us that it had a low human impact, even then I’m sure they utilised it to their advantage. AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 9:33am

Morning A Genes W

All species that come to find the GBR , utilise it 4 their advantage :) .

Some , like the Crown of Thorns and humans , cause the Reef a bit of a head ache .

Imho , Peter was sacked 4 his views .

A big smart Institution can't sack , it's not a good look , a Shit Stirring employee for a View .

It's how U kill a Whistleblower .

It's so much easier to get them on a Technicality , as I found out .

I am so glad you will be hanging around 4 a few eons , keeping bastards like ME , honest and on our toes .

You are a blessing .

fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21's picture
fitzroy-21 Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 9:40am

Cheers for your feedback AW.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 9:50am
Pop Down wrote:

Morning A Genes W

All species that come to find the GBR , utilise it 4 their advantage :) .

Some , like the Crown of Thorns and humans , cause the Reef a bit of a head ache .

Imho , Peter was sacked 4 his views .

A big smart Institution can't sack , it's not a good look , a Shit Stirring employee for a View .

It's how U kill a Whistleblower .

It's so much easier to get them on a Technicality , as I found out .

I am so glad you will be hanging around 4 a few eons , keeping bastards like ME , honest and on our toes .

You are a blessing .

Ridd was sacked for disclosing confidential information in contravention of his employment agreement.

Ridd's initial case, the decision from which was overturned on appeal, was heard by Judge Salvatore Rasta. Rasta was involved in another case where he was sued by a man he was found to have wrongfully jailed.

A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog's picture
A Salty Dog Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 9:52am
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 9:56am
Pop Down wrote:

Morning A Genes W

All species that come to find the GBR , utilise it 4 their advantage :) .

Some , like the Crown of Thorns and humans , cause the Reef a bit of a head ache .

Imho , Peter was sacked 4 his views .

A big smart Institution can't sack , it's not a good look , a Shit Stirring employee for a View .

It's how U kill a Whistleblower .

It's so much easier to get them on a Technicality , as I found out .

I am so glad you will be hanging around 4 a few eons , keeping bastards like ME , honest and on our toes .

You are a blessing .

Pop Down. Hi mate.

I agree. It was very poorly handled by JCU, there’s no doubting that.

Sometimes universities think they are bigger than your average Joe Citizen, in reality it’s citizens who prop them up, taxes.

I’m feeling very bereft of tropical news today. PD, to date, no number on surf checks or no number on surfs for the day.

You know the golden rule of surf travel, you must report in to tell us how really fantastic it is ( so as to piss us off) whilst we sit back home partially shivering or just plain freezing our nuts off, depending upon which state you’re from.

I’ll expect that scoreboard to start ticking over.AW

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024 at 11:29am

Gday Genus Unbelievableness Guru Devine Teeth

Bali is a wonderful spot to get an Old body back in ( some sort of ) shape .

After 4 weeks out of the Water , Pop Downs were coming back .

9 surfs have now got me to the stage were I don't have to think , before doing .

Doing is now , just happening naturally .

Been letting the masses enjoy the first 3 hours of the high tide .

The late sessions are much more Mellow .

My Macca Beast ( left the 8'2 Lynchie home ) gets lots of comments ( Orange , Blue and White vertical strips ant 9'1 ) , I paddle way out past the crowd and wait .

Sets are usually , 4-5 waves ( why are there Big sets and small sets ? ) and I wait .

When I GO , I usually have a clear runway .

Great knowing the wind is always off shore , less to worry about .

I caught a Runner Knee , walking in Bhutan ( I haven't run in 20 years ffs ) , but don't feel it in the water .

The first half dozen surfs really hurt my body , aching shoulders and a stiff lower back . I wake up thinking , shit can I do it again ?

Then , something subtly , changes .

My Organism Genes , have started adapting :) !

Ice is helping , but I am "acclimatising" to my new environment .

Bhutan showed me I can DO a lot more , cope with a lot more , than I realised .

Maybe I am a bit like the GBR , much tougher and more resilient , than I though possible .

Waiting for my late session this afternoon ( Ground Hog Day ) and have organised a Boat Trip 4 Friday ( biggest waves ) to surf a Reef or 2 .

My goal is to back to Sunset in October and surf it properly lol .

Gents , keep your surfing fitness Up , it's hard , especially at 64 , to keep Popping , back Up .

But nothing is Impossible , if U are willing to put up with some Pain .

The Madman !

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 9:33pm

Bonza. Hi mate.

Something of interest.

It’s not over until it’s over.

In fact it’ll never be over. AW

bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:46pm

Hey AW. Thanks for posting.
Nothing new in those figures or reporting. Tragic yes for the few that died. But entirely inconsequential when it comes to protecting humans, flora and fauna from the use and extraction of fossil fuels and rare earth minerals let alone land clearing on a landscape balancing on the precipice when it comes to habitat availability for our special critters.

See the Styx forest article today AW? Note the Greater Glider numbers decline last 20 years by almost half! One of my favs.,


The data is there AW. NE is a bees dick shy of solar as the safest energy source available. More so than wind.

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 24 Jul 2024 at 11:00pm

- seen the size of bees dicks around chernobyl tho faaark!
..... a quagmire of a quandary for the atomic queen ;)



bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:20am

Ok jelly

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:36am

... the toxic avenger of safety ;);)



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Thursday, 25 Jul 2024 at 9:51am


- cpl of safety demos ;);)



AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:31pm
bonza wrote:

Hey AW. Thanks for posting.
Nothing new in those figures or reporting. Tragic yes for the few that died. But entirely inconsequential when it comes to protecting humans, flora and fauna from the use and extraction of fossil fuels and rare earth minerals let alone land clearing on a landscape balancing on the precipice when it comes to habitat availability for our special critters.

See the Styx forest article today AW? Note the Greater Glider numbers decline last 20 years by almost half! One of my favs.,


The data is there AW. NE is a bees dick shy of solar as the safest energy source available. More so than wind.

Bonza. Hi, hope you’re well.

I’m really hoping for grand scale solar farms of mass proportions globally.
Especially those vertical curved parabol like rectangular ones that move in concert with the sun.
The Styx has been under threat for ages has you stated.
My opinion is Tassie never makes the right decisions for its natural heritage, it’s always been a state focused on jobs, which I do understand, but it’s all with short term political views.

Before you know it, Tassie will have hardly any of its original forests which attract national and international guests. When it’s gone, it’s gone. AW

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Friday, 26 Jul 2024 at 5:42pm
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 27 Jul 2024 at 1:52pm

Hello AW

I really appreciated the Link and probably can be viewed as a Denier , of Climate Change Views .

Living through the Scariest Drought and fearing 4 Melbourne's existence , did have me freaked out , about Global Warming .

We panicked , raced to build a de sal plant and it Rained .

We have been very lucky since , but have done nothing about Water Security .

The Research confirms CO2 will make Rainfall , quicker bursts and Droughts , more frequent , especially locally ( pop conclusions alert ) , all Over Australia .

It's long term data driven and not too scary reading , or unexpected .

No Planet Burning or Cooking .

Recent Floods in Sydney showed new Water Ways .

Australia needs to learn to Control/Divert and Store , this different Long term Water Flow , now .

Become World Leaders , like the Dutch , in harnessing the Torrents .

We have a Might Murray River , that flows West !

5 other Rivers Flow , into it , ALL will get more Water , like the GDR .

Australia , with NEW Expert Water Design and Management , could a be Major Inland Fresh Water Nature Park , but also the Worlds Largest , Secure Food Growing Region .

Fresh water Aussie Shrimp on BBQ's , everywhere .

Hydro can be built , new mini Snowy's .

The Research said we need to cut CO2 emissions , to reduce the risk of Floods and Droughts .

That won't help for a 100 years and we will have The Inland River Basin , looking like the Garden of Eden , by then .

People like U and Seeds , planting and growing all sorts of Stuff !

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Saturday, 27 Jul 2024 at 6:25pm
Pop Down wrote:

Hello AW

I really appreciated the Link and probably can be viewed as a Denier , of Climate Change Views .

Living through the Scariest Drought and fearing 4 Melbourne's existence , did have me freaked out , about Global Warming .

We panicked , raced to build a de sal plant and it Rained .

We have been very lucky since , but have done nothing about Water Security .

The Research confirms CO2 will make Rainfall , quicker bursts and Droughts , more frequent , especially locally ( pop conclusions alert ) , all Over Australia .

It's long term data driven and not too scary reading , or unexpected .

No Planet Burning or Cooking .

Recent Floods in Sydney showed new Water Ways .

Australia needs to learn to Control/Divert and Store , this different Long term Water Flow , now .

Become World Leaders , like the Dutch , in harnessing the Torrents .

We have a Might Murray River , that flows West !

5 other Rivers Flow , into it , ALL will get more Water , like the GDR .

Australia , with NEW Expert Water Design and Management , could a be Major Inland Fresh Water Nature Park , but also the Worlds Largest , Secure Food Growing Region .

Fresh water Aussie Shrimp on BBQ's , everywhere .

Hydro can be built , new mini Snowy's .

The Research said we need to cut CO2 emissions , to reduce the risk of Floods and Droughts .

That won't help for a 100 years and we will have The Inland River Basin , looking like the Garden of Eden , by then .

People like U and Seeds , planting and growing all sorts of Stuff !

PopDown. Hi mate.

I’ll bring in the late Herald tonight, sadly for us guys, it no longer includes that once great scribe of the past, The Truth, the risqué one, a bit bawdy you may say.

The Truth is, was another cracking day of surf today, very light to no NW wind, 3-4ft, very few out, had a 4 hour session, just got in the door.

What I like about you is that we all have different opinions and views on subject matter, but, we mostly take the time to consider other points of view whether you read it, hear it, or read another post on forums.

Consider this good advice.
I’ve a small farm on five acres in a real dry rain shadow area.
Twenty three years ago when we moved here, it was drought , looked like a desert.
Not one tree on the property, nothing green at all.
My father suggested all that we could possibly grow would be cactus plants.

A couple of days later, an old farmer ( no kidding his name was John Brown) knocks on our door and introduced himself.

He said , you young folk only need to know one thing living here, it’s not about how little rain falls here annually, he said it’s about your ability to catch it and store it when it does rain.
Very sage advice.
Meaning, every square metre of rooves of all our sheds, every gutter must capably hold and direct water to some form of storage.

Surely society can extrapolate. AW

Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 2:56pm


bonza's picture
bonza's picture
bonza Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 8:56pm


- cpl of safety demos ;);)



Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater's picture
Jelly Flater Wednesday, 7 Aug 2024 at 9:13pm

^ hahaha, like a lockheed mako
- sniffing it out bonza ;);)

...way too predictable gonzo
- climate saving precision bombing ;)


Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 12:49am

Yeah it annoys the f out of me when people think that warm days in winter are wonderful.

Even the channel 9 Brisbane and Gold Coast weather men , are stoked when the temperatures go up in winter, bloody wooses , go move to Cairns if you can’t handle a few months of cool weather!

Juliang's picture
Juliang's picture
Juliang Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 1:08am

37c in Ipswich on Saturday, which is still officially winter!

Island Bay's picture
Island Bay's picture
Island Bay Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 4:41am

The power of the föhn wind (or Chinook, in this case):
"Loma, Montana has the world record for the most extreme temperature change in a 24-hour period. On January 15, 1972, the temperature increased from −54 to 49 °F (−48 to 9 °C), a 103 °F (57 °C) change in temperature."

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 6:15am
velocityjohnno wrote:


Yeah sad state of affairs for the resorts...

They do sit at that perfect height to give the general public a constant reminder that we're living in a warming climate.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 7:02am

Nice to learn a thing or two.
Never heard of a föhn and only knew Chinook as a helicopter and a people.
Seems the Chinook winds take their name from the peoples of those tribes.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 7:08am

Seeds remember this ?
A Chinook Salmon


seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 7:12am

Haha yes I do. No doubt from the north west also.

indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming's picture
indo-dreaming Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 7:21am

I swear i saw 26 degrees recorded in Geelong the other day on the news, but cant find anything online about it.

Up until the last few days August in Vic has been sunny and mild more like spring, when normally its one of the worst months, windy, cold and wet.

Indo was the hottest year ive ever felt too.

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 7:29am

ID, yep 25.8°C on Sunday.. Looks to have equaled the record back in 2007 for August.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 7:31am

you might not have to look for somewhere warmer to move to soon, @indo..

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 8:18am

Interesting observation Base 6 .

Was chatting to the mechanic early this morning , he said it's freezing .

I said its felt like a Cruel Winter haha , but the ski season is closing early and warm in Ipswitch , on the other foot/hand .

I am getting soft with cold .

Some of the cooler places in Australia will become Warmer .

More Liveable :) !

Hotter places may 2 , are usually outback or north and so not much population .

They may get cooler , with more rainfall and hotter ?

Australia , benefits More than other places , from Climate Change .

Becoming even more , Liveable , perhaps .

Tasy could even become , Liveable , really !

Don't Go North Indo and think , South !

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Thursday, 29 Aug 2024 at 11:22am

I observed the southern cross last night.
I see it every night
Unless it’s cloudy

Richard Cheese's picture
Richard Cheese's picture
Richard Cheese Monday, 2 Sep 2024 at 7:06am

The short youtube documentary "Science Of The Pole Shift" is worth a look on the CC subject.. lots of great books regarding the pole shift are available too. Some people get triggered by such speculation but I find it interesting to read. No need to believe it.. its just a different point of view.

"The star is charged with cosmic energy, as to say rarefied radiation which according to scholars will alter human health and behavior; it will provoke incurable epidemics and irritability, bringing wars"

Craig's picture
Craig's picture
Craig Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 11:20am

Hurricane Milton is now the 5th strongest on record for the Atlantic basin..

shoredump's picture
shoredump's picture
shoredump Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 2:05pm

..when do we get to say I told you so?

stunet's picture
stunet's picture
stunet Tuesday, 8 Oct 2024 at 2:49pm
shoredump wrote:

..when do we get to say I told you so?


Firstly, it'll never be overwhelmingly proven, there'll always be an 'out' of some sort, such is the nature of Earth's climate, and secondly, if you want to win the battle of hearts and minds you don't do it by ridiculing people.