Lorne-Otways Help

Sounds like a blast Dave. Hope you have fun.

The tourist information office at Lorne should have good free maps of the major walks in the Lorne area. There are bush walking books you can buy that are very detailed. The walkable areas of the Otways start at Anglesea and go well beyond Apollo Bay, its a massive area and unlike FNQ there are 100's of trails to choose from and lots of places where you can get seriously lost so care is needed. Lots of waterfalls, mainly small, in the Otways and the biggest behind Lorne is walkable from town, just upstream about 6 km from memory. The maps and books will show their locations.
There are camping grounds at Anglesea, Airleys Inlet, Lorne, Cumberland River, Wye River, Kennet River and Apollo Bay to name just a few. All these places are on the Great Ocean Road and there is a connecting bus. Food is available at all those places except maybe not at Cumberland River but that camping ground is nice and quiet and a great base for many walks.
Best and cheapest food will be found at Anglesea, Lorne and Apollo Bay.
In the non-summer months the Otways is at its best IMO for surf and walking but it can be very wet and cold in winter (the wettest place in Victoria is behind Apollo Bay) so if you are unlucky and get lots of rain living in a tent will be miserable. That being said weather in the Otways plays games, it can be sunny say in Lorne and raining cats and dogs down the road a few kms.
This area is now a "major events" destination so if leaving the crowd behind is important time your visit accordingly.
If you are travelling down this way Dave maybe think about Wilsons Prom and the Grampians. The Grampians really are unique, lots of indigenous history and so many walks directly from a Halls Gap base. The McKenzie's Falls/Zumsteins area are fall of waterfalls too.
Happy to help if you have any specific questions.
You mentioned you were on a budget, Lorne is one of those towns that employees lots of back packers so it maybe possible to get work in town (and possible accommodation) to extend your visit if that's of interest.

I did the great ocean walk a few years ago and loved it, apart from getting belted by an electric fence half way through.

Hey Dave
The Otways are excellent. Blanket bay in the otways,. is good to camp at. Good rock pools to sit in around there. closer to lorne there are some free camping sites in the bush , national parks , state parks services will have info.
The Grampians is one of the most amazing places. Very spiritual place, great walks. One of the best spots in vicco i reckon.

I know what you mean with a waterfall recharge, there are some beauties around this area. There's also quite a strong spiritual community, some people will be at the waterfalls to channel energy (if you believe in this sort of thing).
Having done extensive work in remote Tassie, there are some absolutely magnificent waterfall/stream/river/mountain/coast setups for walking that are off the beaten track. A highlight was the kids swimming in a beautiful cool stream and having a full adult size platypus swim by and check them out.

Be cool to spend some time where Lynchy hid out Dodging Conscription .

hey dave, meant to mention the glow worms behind kennet river. me and the mates used to freak ourselves there out big time after a few numbers.
little off your destination but we've bush walked all our lives in victoria but only recently in the blue mountains but it has such a pull on us we have been there walking every year for the last three linking it with a trip into the kangaroo valley, also spectacular, and then down the south coast. there is so much walking there and lots and lots of water falls. easy train from sydney or bus. yes there are lots of tourists there but they mostly hang around the disney attractions. cheers.
Happy Surfing Swellnutters.
Thinking of coming down to Lorne to go bushwalking and waterfall therapy. Can get from Coolie to Avalon for $65 in October. Initial investigations show then I get bus to Geelong Station than local bus to Lorne. Remember I am on foot carrying tent and sleeping bag and on Budget. Does this sound right?
Any good tips, camping spots near where I can get water, food and toilets etc without walking for miles.
Body bash would be good but walking in bush and sitting in waterfalls or rapids is where I am now stoked on.
Any help will do and just thought I would throw this out there cause I have just spent great couple of weeks up Far North Qld in rainforest and waterfalls and Otways looks good, plus I want to go and see the MCG.I know it will be after the Hawks win the flag, but hey, it's the spirit that counts.
If Sheepdog is still out there, you would not recognize the beach at Yorkey's mate, they have paved the groyne and the Cove had more sand than I had ever seen. JImmy Biscuit would be filthy as Biscuits totally covered by sand and no more joiners mate as waves can no longer bounce off headland unless spring tide I would say.
Good surfing and happy living
davethe rave