Take the Father in law fishing - a Haiku

No more getting wet
No more catching a damn cold
Bream ten bucks a kilo

I can't fish for shit
But I want to teach my son
I will ask his Mum

We know he will show
It's just a matter of time
Till Freeride drops by

Never have I counted
Every fucking syllable
This shit is hard

....yeah yeah yeah, that one's wrong. I'm freeing myself from this haiku prison.

Saturday was bigger
Yesterday was bloody fun
Haiku this sucker

That's very fine Stunet
I'll be down your way tomoz
At the cliff, ten-ish.

Fishing is for summer
Winter begs a fine, cold surf
Put the hooks away

Captcha annoys muchly
Now it's not even asking
Who can know what gives

Argh! Technology
Always getting in the way
Might go back to Fax

Fishing farking sucks
Take him out surfing instead
He'll love you for it
Maybe, maybe not
It maybe the end of him
Good luck there Blowin

On the rocks in the dark
jewfish in the car\
now surf

Nice wave......What are you riding there Mr Nettle...PCC ?

5, 7, 5
"Don't try", Bukowski
said. Yoda: "There is no try!"
This haiku sits where?

Somewhere in the Notchya region? The Gooch Gulch? Twitter-sphere*?
Here ya go, haiku-hipsters:
Stu rides a real wave!
Others only surf Swellnet
Where truth matters not!
(* twitter: in-between the twat and the shitter)

Yep. PCC, 5'9"/5'11" asymm, red.

Udo wrecks the haiku
For he not Japanese man
He just likes talk surf

Ps. I'm real shit at these

Don't like it Shatner? Here you go, dude. Some real poetry from an unnamed 'real' poet. Apparently.
Let's break the parameters. Rage against the dying of the light!
Arse licking-ly grateful for Rupe's slippery polls
Totally enamored of Queen Rinehart's holes
Manfully kissing the ring of George Pell
Tony Abbott is back, baby! Welcome to HELL.

You plagiarising bastard, Cooper!

You forgot Herc, Blowie, you bullshittin', switch-hittin', golden gloves smitten, Garden of Eden hillbilly you.

On mute, mutant
Another damn snag
Tie another fucking rig
I need a cold beer