New Years Resolutions?

I'll bite. Kinda. Re-read Orwell's Homage to Catalonia recently. Found a contact. Should I get my PGP key or not?
Am I too old for this shit? Or is that an excuse? Maybe I should just get a Harley and/or 10'6?!

Another mistress?

I'm gonna ramp up my consumerism.
PS and resume drinking.
And get my dyslexia at looked.

...again, Zen

Not really a resolution but in 2017 I'm not going to Indo and my wife still will, so i will have to stay home work and mind the dog.
It's going to suck, it's going to hurt and it's going to be a long long year, but I'm going to work hard because I'm focused on helping a Indo local mate get a place built over looking a wave in offshore Sumatra, timbers been delivered and paid for and building should start soon.
But I'm going to reward myself in 2018 with a much longer Indo trip maybe 2 months, and I'm even going to splurge and do ten days in the Banyaks because I've never been there, I've been saying i will camp out there for years, but after hitting the reef and breaking three ribs and puncturing my lung, it kind scares me to camp out in such a remote spot.

Drink less. Same as every year.

Let's see how I go this time



Stuxnet, ask not for whom the Kurd tolls, it tolls for thee...

better backside tube-riding
Be present.

Fucking huge changes for myself.
Walking away from ludicrous amounts of money just as the wheels fall off the world in a big way.
But.....who gives a fuck.
Enough is enough, I've become a bitter , unhealthy fuck and I'm done.
2017 is all about surfing, fishing, surfing, getting away from humanity - getting away from the cocks at least, surfing, rediscovering the joy, explore, expand my mind and sphere of exposure to influence.
Read more books. Surf more.
Spend time with family and friends. Surf.
Meet new , interesting people and reacquaint myself with the same fuckwits I've enjoyed throwing my time on Earth away at up till now.
Live more.
Move onto the next stage of my life.

have a clear conscience. stand up for everything that is right. engage in less talking and more doing. tell everyone i dont like to just fuck off, and be more sharing towards those i care about.

After watching Hell's Angel's 69 last night 2017 's plan is set.

Snuffy, I'll join ya.

Actually, I'm pretty sorted but if I resolve to do anything it's to get out and surf more marginal conditions.
Quite a few times this year I've had to be talked into paddling out in less than stellar conditions and ended up having a ball. I suppose it all boils down to perspective.

How about you do your first Indo trip zen.

Stu how about for your New Year Resolution you ride a twin, get a little loose like I know you can, get barrelled on said twin and report both on Swellnet and in your diary how good it was.
Have a great Xmas and Happy New Year to all!!

True Udo. Just a matter of getting the time.
But, was thinking of doing RLZ for my half century in 2018- something a little special.

Not particularly into resolutions.
But I read more books in 2016 than I probably ever have, so would be good to do that again, just need the material. Will have to head back to the 7 books thread and make a list.
Have a batch of Cormac McCarthy books somewhere, among the few books in the shelves that I haven't read yet. Have tried and started a few times but couldn't find the groove of his writing, may have to give it a proper go.
More surfing. May not go overseas 2017, but am looking at doing a proper week or more up or down the coast, just have to find the waves. Alternatively, thinking about a New Zealand trip, but I think that would have to be the summer and autumn months, so maybe that will be 2018.
Improve my surfing, and really nail some quality design principles into my head. Have learned a lot over the past few years to find out what works for me and what doesn't, and why. Contact that shaper that a mate put me onto and get a genuine custom made just for me and what I want it to do, this time with some more knowledgeable input from me.
Would love to clear lots of stuff out of the house, would love to sell lots of stuff or give it away, hate having 'stuff' around that isn't useful or meaningful, but the other half determines how successful I am at that.
Some woodwork projects with my son, some house projects that are on the drawing board.
Try to enjoy work more. Take it for what it is, do it, and then get out of there. Start using up some of the wads of long service leave and have a good break regularly.
My daughter's HSC year next year, then no more schoolkids at home. Can start to plan holidays outside school holiday times, so 2017 will involve making plans for 2018, getting to places and spending time at places that I haven't been able to but often wanted to. Not overseas, local, coastal, quiet.
Get healthier, stronger, fitter.
Yeah, I don't make resolutions, but I do think about where I want to be going.

All of the above sounds pretty damn good to me BF.

I just want 2016 to end. Too many good people gone. And now Mick Jagger! RIP. Here's hoping you're somewhere with Dave whooping it up as we speak. Geniuses.

TalkingTurkey, you might want to let Mick know that he's dead. Not sure he knows yet.

That weirded me out too

My tribute to 'post truthiness'. And to all a good night.

Hello friends.
Sorry for giving late wishes for the new year. Happy new year to all of you.
Have a good year ahead. God bless you all.

Aw, get fucked

Well theres another year done.
Was a real hard winter to get through with No Indo trip as all money in a new build.
2023 Highlights include:
1. Pies winning the grand final
2. Filipe winning the world tittle (rather prefer JJF but still)
3. The Voice getting smashed and Jacinta Price becoming a national hero
And FK if feels good not to be hung over.

Mine was to stick to the old “if you can’t say anything nice about someone don’t say anything at all”
Then I go and read that one of Indos 3 highlights for the year is the Voice “getting smashed”
Fuck it’s gunna be a long year…

Looking at the next 7 days I'm thinking of some form of sacrificial act to try and ease the pain in Victoria.
Any suggestions?

I think U are on to something !
As I think the new year should start positively I will not recommend sacrificing any particular person ( an old and tested ceremony ) .
I have an old board and can get a can of petroleum .
A Big Bonfire ( of the Vanities ) , perhaps .
We can get dressed up as Druids and chant some stuff .
Maybe Ben and Stu can Pop Down , pretend to be Grand Master Druids , lead the sacraments and light the Fire of Change ?

Hey Pop,
Like your thinking.
Might as well burn most of my boards as they aren't getting used.

I don't think that kind of environmental pollution will please Huey.

lol Vic
Now U are talking .
I might keep one board , just in case .
I have 2 Mal’s and , fuck it , ALL my wetsuits and leg ropes to add , then .
The Fire of Change will be seen from the Moon !!!
Huey will realise how desperate we are lost doggy and Mother Earth will think it’s a little volcano !
She has seen a million of them and won’t even notice :)
Edit 2
Mother Earth loves fire and molten stuff .
Her Insides are full of it .
She is a little hottie imho !

My sentiments exactly, but then I remembered this.
To everyone, enjoy the waves and what nature has provided, and always share the experience: it never hurts to let a couple go past for others.

Lovely video Salty
I really think Mother Earth loves humans .
She loves that we think about her ( I bet she wishes we didn’t worry about her so much ) and will miss us when we are gone .
She loves that we have fun and have a crack !!!
Edit 2
Guessing she likes SN and reads the forecasts with interest , to :)
Edit 3
She also reads SN to see what’s going on in Stony Creek .
So, anyone still do this shit or has old age and wisdom got the better of you?
Me, I'm being badgered into a 'buy nothing for a year' program. Yeah, I can see the benefits of it: sever the cord of rampant consumerism, rise above retail therapy, become resourceful....but the problem is I've got a bad board addiction. Not sure what I'll do there and I don't want to start lying. Also, I planned to give both a Geoblank and X-Core Reactor blank a go next year. Maybe I'll have to buy 'em before the new year?
I'll also buy a 2017 diary and make plans to write in it every night: brilliant storylines, fantastic article ideas, clever turns of phrase, you know how it goes. The well will run dry around January 5th and then I'll use it for doodling whilst on the phone and reminders to buy the milk. I know this because I've had the same resolution since 1994 with the same outcome every year.
Anyone else plan to change their life for the better come midnight on the 31st?