NSW Roadside Drug Tests

Drugs make you drive better IMO, BB ;)


NSW magistrates Jeff Linden and David Heilpern are getting jack of the amount of drug driving cases coming before them in the Lismore/ Nimbin areas ..most people that fail are let off with a section 10.

I think this is another reason that behind closed doors, western governments are looking at legalization... So many otherwise law abiding citizens are copping records and court time ever since the introduction of drug testing... I think drug testing is showing the powers that be that it isn't just people in their late teens who smoke pot, or "hippies"....... It's showing a lot of baby boomers who have been smoking since the 1960s, retirees, accountants, managers, small business owners - a total cross section of society.... It has probably surprised the law makers to an extent... So it's sorta funny that the latest "weapon" in the "war on drugs" is contributing to losing the war lol

Great work BB.
It's all about revenue.
6 months first offence even without proof of impairment !
Again, well done mate.
I was just going to whinge about it to people in the car park at the beach ....do you think that would have helped ?

Blowin wrote:Great work BB.
It's all about revenue.
6 months first offence even without proof of impairment !
Again, well done mate.
I was just going to whinge about it to people in the car park at the beach ....do you think that would have helped ?
Lucky it wasn't the caravan Blowin;)
Wow, that would've been intense, well not in tents but incarvinse..

Yeah will sign this is absurd . They don't have it right cos u can smoke but 36hrs later have traces picked up by test . Not even affected at the time

Same BS has been going on in blue collar industry for many years. Mull can be detected in a random urine test at work several days after, or in the case of the sample being sent to the lab, weeks or months.
Thousands of people have lost their jobs because of this crap. None of anybodies business what people do on the weekend.
Partly all a self perpetuating industry, drug testing companies convincing businesses that their staff are all druggies risking everyone's safety. Funny thing is stuff like ice is undetectable within a very short time after use.

wellymon wrote:Blowin wrote:Great work BB.
It's all about revenue.
6 months first offence even without proof of impairment !
Again, well done mate.
I was just going to whinge about it to people in the car park at the beach ....do you think that would have helped ?
Lucky it wasn't the caravan Blowin;)
Wow, that would've been intense, well not in tents but incarvinse..
Aaaaahh, the caravan.
7 weeks Welly.
7 Weeks !
A mountain of that shit.
Still, paid for a winter In the North west and left with a chunk of quality hash the size of a tennis ball.
Good combination that....Bluff and hash.

Not a good test this one. Levels are not defined clearly nor is the level of 'impairment'. Lawyers delight.

chin wrote:None of anybodies business what people do on the weekend.
depends upon the job i would say. if your operating heavy machinery then your employer might care to know any habits that might substantially interfere with healthy sleep patterns.

When I eat sugar rich junk food I go to sleep for hours , even smoked a Indonesian tembacau cigarette with a mate and we both fell asleep . No kidding it was strong bacco from a shop nothing illegal ! So it comes down to more than just illicit drugs that ruin the employees right ?

happyasS wrote:chin wrote:None of anybodies business what people do on the weekend.
.depends upon the job i would say. if your operating heavy machinery then your employer might care to know any habits that might substantially interfere with healthy sleep patterns.
I dunno Happy, operating heavy machinery is no more potentially dangerous than driving a car on a public road. A couple of seconds lapse in attention can be disastrous. Like in all walks of life we just hope everyone we interact with is responsible. Which brings us back to the premise of the thread.

i agree with that chin...it is no more dangerous. in fact with all the controls that modern construction sites have its probably less likely to be disastrous. i guess the only difference is that in the case of the employer is his/her business and his/her livelyhood if something goes wrong. accountability is another term for it. whereas on the road an accident is just another statistic and no-one but the accident causer gets into trouble (normally speaking).
....acting responsible is the key as always like you said. trace amounts of substance shouldnt be cracked down on with legal consequences. its a waste of taxpayers money.

Sign this please

Typical modern day policing, pick the low hanging fruit rather than go catch thieves or ice cookers. Just stand on the side of the road pull over your quota and make people blow in the bag or take a drug swab, busting someone who may not even had a smoke since 2 days ago, too easy, rather than actually work hard or endanger themselves. Pissweak

mikehunt207 wrote:Typical modern day policing, pick the low hanging fruit rather than go catch thieves or ice cookers. Just stand on the side of the road pull over your quota and make people blow in the bag or take a drug swab, busting someone who may not even had a smoke since 2 days ago, too easy, rather than actually work hard or endanger themselves. Pissweak
You wont be affected nor will I , All the criminals who have destroyed a neighborhood or done break ins on business around an area will be found with this policy. Ice dealers and users will be done with this policy. I like it, Do you really think you as a law abiding citizen will be caught up in this,, you wont its only to make it easier to catch scumbags....

And.....Rule 303 has plummeted so low on the respect line that he actually fails to register.
Rule 303 : Pro Gun + Anti marijuana for anyone = ?
Here's a hint .
The answer rhymes with plum front.

blindboy wrote:......apparently there are hundreds of "scumbags" in the Lismore area then.
Gaols are better option than paying welfare and allowing them to exist and destroy our communities
Pot smokers are not the problem choose you side blind

Blowin wrote:And.....Rule 303 has plummeted so low on the respect line that he actually fails to register.
Rule 303 : Pro Gun + Anti marijuana for anyone = ?
Here's a hint .
The answer rhymes with plum front.
WOW I HAVE A HATER BLOWIN My first please more blowin its making me hard please post were im pro gun and anti marijuana just state you plum front .FAIL AS i dont want to decipher or care
BLOWIN IS A PLUM FRONT, whatever that means
Whats "plum front" and i do

Rule 303 , going mad on the piss whilst declaring how marijuana is destroying society.
You go girlfriend.

Blowin wrote:wellymon wrote:Blowin wrote:Great work BB.
It's all about revenue.
6 months first offence even without proof of impairment !
Again, well done mate.
I was just going to whinge about it to people in the car park at the beach ....do you think that would have helped ?
Lucky it wasn't the caravan Blowin;)
Wow, that would've been intense, well not in tents but incarvinse..Aaaaahh, the caravan.
7 weeks Welly.
7 Weeks !
A mountain of that shit.
Still, paid for a winter In the North west and left with a chunk of quality hash the size of a tennis ball.
Good combination that....Bluff and hash.

Blowin wrote:Rule 303 , going mad on the piss whilst declaring how marijuana is destroying society.
You go girlfriend.
Never said marijuana was destroying society, and never realized until the go girlfriend that blowin was a gen y chick, makes sense when i review previous comments. In the spirit of feminism and equality You go Blowin. Gen y woman should have a platform to speak and i will support you as best i can, unless you continue with comments based on nothing

Careful blowy .
It's late on a Saturday , but I've only had one . Not a chartreuse either .
The rule'r was pretty clear , maybe there was a paranoia of the reader . God only knows .
An ampidextrous young man is a big target for a man with a decent rifle .
And even large things like caravans can go missing in the vast space that is up NW . Jokes
But any civil liberty that protects glass BBQ dealers has to be questioned . Sobering . ( yes I've had one )
Given the comments that appear here from time to time