Surf Art Painting for Sale.

Nice work there Dave.

Great stuff Dave, very versatile artwork!
Not sure what the visibility is like where you are but do/have you incorporated a mask and snorkel into your afternoon swims?
The meditation of breathing up and pushing your time underwater is a great routine and challenge, plus you usually get to see some great stuff, even if it's just checking out some shells, sand patterns or just sun rays through the water.
And of course you can do this most places, surf or not.
Just don't do it in a public pool in Innsbruck, they get really weird when they see you swimming along the bottom. Actually, same in London. Maybe stick to the ocean!

By the way, would love those fish as stained glass.

Like the variety in your work.
If the surf isn't doing it for you, have you thought about moving?

Fair enough DavyWB, wouldn't mind going for a look over East as well.

I think I get it DavyWB.., you're in WA?
I don't have to check the SA surf on You Tube.., I live there.

You've got some skills there Dave.
Ever been inspired to splash down some turquoise like those south coast beaches you described ?

There are many surf zones in SA, Davy. Could send you To West Beach caravan park, but that would be cruel... I'm pretty scarred from that 'surf' zone.
Think I can guess the zone you want to go, and you are going to want a car.., no houses or caravan parks near the waves (not walking distance anyway), most towns tucked away in sheltered bays.
There are exceptions to this, but I'll let you work that one out.

Maybe try again Dave.

If you make it to 'Yorkes' Davy, check out Studio surf in Marion Bay.
Miff has set up a gallery with his own & other artist work for sale, all surf/ocean related.
It's a pretty cool set up.

Surf artist Jason 'Miff' Swales new art gallery Studio Surf is really cool and has some interesting stuff in there.

I use a website called imgur(google it) on my iPhone to upload pics. On a desktop computer the process might be different but here goes. On the main screen you click on the little cloud shaped icon in the top right of the page. It then prompts you to get the phone app but I just ignore it and close that message as I found it harder to use.
An 'upload from device' icon then appears which allows you to choose a picture from your phones photo library or album. You choose the picture that you want and hit 'done'. This leads to a screen with a blue 'upload' icon. Once you hit this the picture you've chosen uploads and will appear on the screen.
Now on the left hand side of the page you will see a pill shaped icon with the green arrow pointing down that will give you different options when you hit it. One of them is called the 'bb code'. Pick this one. It basically changes the codes that appear next to it(eg. [img] so it will work when you add it onto your comment on Swellnet.
Now you pick this code and hit copy. When you get back to the Swellnet message box you paste this code where you want the image to be. It won't appear as an image until you post the comment but the image will appear where you paste the code.
Sorry if this is confusing but I've done my best to explain it. If your doing it on your home computer see if you can follow a similar process and get it too work? Good luck!

Heres davy's image. Not sure what went wrong dave but it looks like the (img) should be [img]. When you select the 'bb code' imgur should automatically do this for you? Anyway........

Hows the rolling slabs of granite ...???? off the hill in the back ground. "Coastal Creations"!
What an awesome little bay ;)
BTW cool art Davey, keep it up.

davywayback wrote:yorkessurfer wrote:Heres davy's image. Not sure what went wrong dave but it looks like the (img) should be [img]. When you select the 'bb code' imgur should automatically do this for you? Anyway........
yorkessurffer . Thanks. Your and Graig's help greatly appreciated. Yes you're right , I didn't think I had those symbols on my keyboard, but just found them silly me. I'll have another go at a couple of favourite photos of mine now and this time I'll use the right symbols.
Don't use them all up in a hurry Davey, save them for a special time;)
Extra special price for Swellnet members. Here's the link to view my painting and all my works :