High Intensity Training

blindboy's picture
blindboy started the topic in Tuesday, 29 Oct 2013 at 6:01pm

If you missed "The Truth About Exercise" on SBS last night it is well worth a look and can be accessed through their web site. It was more concerned with the health aspects than high levels of fitness but if you haven't caught up with the research on the benefits of high intensity, short duration exercise, then most of what you think you know is probably wrong ( no,no no, not you uplift!). Also good on individual differences.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Friday, 8 Nov 2013 at 12:37pm

No it wont, only changing the way they eat will. The minute you barf sugar you release insulin. Save millions in the health budget... how did you draw that 'scientific' conclusion from the data. The cost of the whole exercise will add more, and do nothing to quell the manic consumption of sugar, which is the cause of the epidemic, amongst many other health issues. Its simple... eat properly, no problem. Zillions of resources saved on all levels. Even the relentless tide of round the clock semi loads of sugar will stop. Ok... as long as you just keep open the bottle shops... wouldn't be able to save Doily's without them.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 8 Nov 2013 at 1:44pm

So uplift are you maintaining that the technique doesn't work? If so I refer you here (there are many other related papers if you are interested)


...or that spending on diabetes is not significant...if so read here


Sugar in the diet is a problem but I suspect that it is easier to get people at risk of diabetes to do a few minutes exercise a week than it is to get them to totally change their diet.

sidthefish's picture
sidthefish's picture
sidthefish Friday, 8 Nov 2013 at 2:43pm

All this talk about diet and excercise , fark. I'm now 4 weeks into a naturopathic prescribed eating program that I started up in Cairns, No Sugar, No Dairy, No Carbs, No Oil, No Grog. Another 4 weeks to go. Ah yeah Uppo, you'd be happy to hear eggs are OK, but personally, I can only eat so many chickens periods in one week. Actually, finding it easy enough and quite enjoyable.

Fark, diet, excercise, yabba yabba yabba, makes me want a big nite on the piss and a stonkin' suvlaki .

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Friday, 8 Nov 2013 at 3:39pm

Blindboy, its easy to cause a response through exercise, but as any trainer will tell you, that is not the most important bit. The recovery, which is fueled by nutrition is crucial. The desired response can be totally undone, nullified or reversed in no time, leaving the training session as an almost useless event. An addict won't have any trouble reversing those insulin levels immediately.

It is paramount that our culture change its diet and habits to overcome the rampant, ever burgeoning obesity epidemic, which is now spreading through Asia and India, as they model our unbridled, uncontrolled consumerism lifestyle, and unrivalled, uncontrollable consumption of resources. Experience with numerous clients over 40 years has made that crystal clear. Its akin to the Ben Cousins, or any addicts scenario. A bandaid won't stop them being at the mercy of the addiction. Only a total change, taking control of thinking will. The addict, in this case sugar/food addict, deciding enough is enough, I have to change. And plenty won't, no matter what expertise is thrown at them. Plus, if you think that they will all suddenly start exercising intensely a few times a week, and stick at it for usefull periods, without major resources being engaged to motivate them, no matter how short a time frame, you are fooling yourself. Oprah Winfrey is the ultimate example. An avalanche of diets and studies, and exercise methodologies and experts from all fields have been unsuccessful. It may not be easy to change dietry habits, but it can be done. Look at smoking today, compared to smoking 30 - 40 years ago. Eventually it will be gone, and only then will the problems associated with it be gone too.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 8 Nov 2013 at 3:50pm

Fair enough uplift but I think the data is conclusive that if you stick with the program the levels are sustainable. Also what you say about exercise is just as true of diet; if you start eating junk again your metabolism will relapse to its unhealthy state. Sanity is to do your best in both directions and maintain it but I still think you have a better chance of people following a simple quick exercise program than changing their diet. My logic is based on the fact that it is easier to exert self control briefly and exercise a couple of times a week than it is to have to constantly exert it to resist the temptation of the junk food that surrounds us. Personally I am not attracted to that sort of food at all so it is not a problem for me, but it clearly is for a significant part of the population.

grog-an's picture
grog-an's picture
grog-an Friday, 8 Nov 2013 at 6:23pm

Uppity, you are so full of shit. You contradict yourself during your incomprehensible rants. No credibility.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Friday, 8 Nov 2013 at 8:18pm

Have another snort groges.

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Saturday, 9 Nov 2013 at 8:39am

yeah boys your righton about the sugar thing in the diet possibly the worse drug ever.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Saturday, 9 Nov 2013 at 2:37pm

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Saturday, 9 Nov 2013 at 5:46pm

Ha ha Uppo,

That looked like blubber guts Unwellyman coming up out of the water scaring the Zebroguts.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Sunday, 10 Nov 2013 at 6:48pm

@BB This is off the subject of high intensity reading, I mean training.
I watched an interesting doco on the flight from Brisbane to Perth, the presenter being Michael Mosley? The doco's focal point was on fasting for 3 days regularly during a year, which is now appreciated in the scientific arena for living longer as well as resetting various chemical levels in the body like insulin etc, was an interesting doco. Excuse the English :)

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Sunday, 10 Nov 2013 at 6:51pm

Yeh welly there is also this thing of eating really lightly on a couple of days a week that a lot of research supports. Not sure I want to go to a three day fast but I might try the light eating days.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Sunday, 10 Nov 2013 at 7:55pm

Thats the road I've been going down, especially at work where everything is laid on for you 5 times a day. I eat light every 2nd or 3rd day, 600 calories, salads and tuna/fish. Its helped heaps, tend not to stuff me big fat blubber guts full of shit.
Happy health.

SurfORdie's picture
SurfORdie's picture
SurfORdie Friday, 15 Nov 2013 at 6:17pm

I go to crossfitbrookvale, it has got me so insanely fit but I hurt my quad so out for two weeks, put on a bit back on. Best way lose blubber stop drinking beers

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 15 Nov 2013 at 6:25pm

One of the hazards of strength training SurfORdie is the risk of straining a muscle in the days after a hard workout. I did a workout on Monday and strained an adductor in the surf Tuesday. Nothing serious but enough to keep me out of the water for a week or so, mainly as a precaution. I don't know that there is much you can do to avoid it. Stretching after the workout and before the surf help but if the muscles are tight there is still a risk. No doubt uplift will correct me on this.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Friday, 15 Nov 2013 at 6:57pm

Coach, he's insanely fit, lets put him on. Na can't, he's overweight and his quads fucked.

Rule one, training should prevent injury, and protect from it, not, never cause it.

Rule two, training should enhance performance, not, never hinder it.

Rule three, see below:

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Friday, 15 Nov 2013 at 6:56pm

Extremely, sorry, legitimately nicely.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 15 Nov 2013 at 7:05pm

Easy said uplift but how do you avoid it? Ideally I would have had an easy day Tuesday, maybe a short run or a paddle but the waves got good; one and a half overhead, not much wind, peaks all over the shop and most of the crowd drifting around in the rip......so I went surfing, got cleaned up right on the edge of the bank duck diving and ping! Whoops I know what that was! Nothing serious as I said, no sudden movements for 48 hours, RICE and a bit of Voltaren. Gentle stretching back to normal range of motion and build back to normal over however long it takes. In this case I would think another week. Yeh muscle takes longer than that to fully heal but the risk of recurrence should be pretty low by then.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Friday, 15 Nov 2013 at 8:03pm

I am going to answer, but heading out. In the meantime, this is what I remind my clients of regularly, relentlessly. When they were fitter, playing on monkey bars was playing, fun. Now, just hanging off a bar is like asking them to jump in front of a truck... because they are ridiculously unfit. On one extreme people pull trucks, planes, trains, lift cars, as fast and as often as they can. That's the top extreme of strength, knowing full well injury could occur. The other extreme, where the majority of adults are positioned, is rolling over in bed and 'doin' me back', or getting the weetbix to the car, felt a 'ping'. Somewhere in the middlle is realistic. Average is looked upon as fanatical, by a disallusioned culture. In my wife's culture, men do all the hard work, like harvesting coconuts. Kids are not expected to be up to it. In general, our culture has reversed that situation. A weak structure tires easily, recovers slowly, if it actually does. A strong one will handle the same scenario with ease:

Choose, believe, expect, focus, technique, choose, believe, expect, focus, technique...relentless.

You have to expect to be, to accept to be, much stronger. In the nicest way I can say it, you should be demonstrating to that girl I posted doing the pushups, not visa versa. Its entirely possible, in fact the most probable scenario. You can and should be much fitter and stronger. How... how to blend it to enhance surfing? Obviously, not the way you are.

All this talk about intensity. What is it? How do you measure it, improve it, increase it... safely and productively. Again nicely, what does 3 x 20 have to do with intensity?

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Friday, 15 Nov 2013 at 9:35pm

I don't know that fitness as such had much to do with it uplift. If you are training you need to keep increasing the resistance or the reps and that inevitably leads to some post training muscular tightness. Combine that with an open activity like surfing with its unpredictable demands and it probably has a lot more to do with coordination than fitness per se. It wasn't over stretch or over load it was an eccentric contraction. Anyway, for all my failings I am still out there and as I look around there aren't many of our generation still doing it with any degree of competency...so I keep training, keep surfing and see what happens.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Friday, 15 Nov 2013 at 11:22pm

Classic stuff. There's your answer, set in stone, you've constructed it, now you have it. Its as much a part of you as your arms, whether its any good to you or not. Not even surgery could remove it. Do you believe its easy for you to be much fitter than the girl doing the pushups demonstration, even though you are presently no where near that level? Failings, why think like that? Who said that? Also, even that level is still very basic, to what is entirely possible.

A while ago, I gave you some advice, for genuine reasons, for real reasons, that I have much experience in, much, much more than you, including at the highest level, and with top athletes from many fields, much as you might find it difficult to accept. You chose to ignore it. To do the exact opposite. Surfing. So hard core compared to those other sports! When the best surfer I've seen at black's was advised to have surgery on both knees, and was about to head home and do so, I advised the opposite. Because his legs/glutes/lower back were pitifully weak. Yet, at 6'5" any surfer that knows or met him was impressed with his ability, and impressive build (well, nearly everyone, camster used to order him around, and slap him around, and Pete was always a deadlifting prodigy)... boardies forever! That was really confrontational for him, but we'd surfed together, and got to know each other, and he decided to take up a challenge I gave him, mainly to prove, no mainly to come and kick my arse. That scenario... surfing legends, if only I'd recorded all those moments of hilarity over the years, surfers in the gym, hilarious. However he quickly saw, he was pitifully weak... but that guy is impressively strong where it counts, its why he is such an impressive charger. So, he decided to be really strong, build up and get fitter, and see what happened to his knees. No surgery. His surfing went to another level. And the sessions were intense beyond what he had any idea of. I endured all the usual Professer Heidey Flurgenderble maxitronic stretching pre stretches, Sri Chimney pluriometric laser contractile balancing, SCSIRO neural releasing fartlektric demonstrations and blurb for a few weeks, = yes sir, we'll put you on the waiting list, what's your medicare card number... while you are waiting, have you tried 3 x 20. Its peer reviewed you know?

Yet he surfed day in day out multiple sessions at... well ok, you've got me there, it was just at the shitty little washthrough, but still its not far behind Sydney beachies. Whilst simultaneously getting much, much fitter and much, much stronger, and no surgery. At an age most would consider on the way out... Southy time, a half past Southy. And despite having a pretty impressive rep at some of the hallowed halls of surfing, and with his new knees, claims he caught the best wave of his live, a ludicrous pit, which some of us witnessed, ok, again, it was only the shitty little washthrough.

So there ya go.

The exact opposite, ping.

blindboy's picture
blindboy's picture
blindboy Saturday, 16 Nov 2013 at 11:12am

I don't know where to start with that uppity. For a start I didn't ignore your advice and continue to use the techniques you suggested, and they work really well. I would probably do much better under your personal supervision and you never know I might just turn up at your gym one day but for the time being things are going pretty well. "My failings" was a reference to your perceptions of me rather than how I actually feel.
At no stage of my life have I aspired to be an elite athlete, surfing and training have only ever been recreations for me. My main concern has always been to maintain the health and fitness I need to enjoy my surfing and live an active life. I'm not planning to compete in Master's events, surf seriously heavy waves or complete a triathlon. I do intend to keep training and surfing the waves I enjoy.......though I have done so much surfing in my life it's quite possible I will find something more interesting to do at some stage.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Saturday, 20 Aug 2016 at 12:23am


zenagain's picture
zenagain's picture
zenagain Saturday, 16 Nov 2013 at 1:01pm

Uppity. you should try these bad boys, a dozen of these a day and you'll grow webbed feet.


yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Saturday, 16 Nov 2013 at 5:54pm

At the Daly's Party we'd love you to run a Zumba class Uplift. We will set up a spot in the shearing shed and you can do your thang!

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Saturday, 16 Nov 2013 at 7:59pm

A while ago, I gave you some advice, for genuine reasons, for real reasons, that I have much experience in, much, much more than you, including at the highest level, and with top trainies from many different scales and track widths, much as you might find it difficult to accept. You chose to ignore it. To do the exact opposite. Scalectrix. So hard core compared to model trains! When the best trainy I've seen was advised to sell his Thomas set, and was about to head home and do so, I advised the opposite. Buy another one. The biggest one. The one with Gordon, and Jack, and Dwane the Happy Train. But, noooo, he knew best didn't he? Went home, didn't even kiss me goodbye, then next thing you know, took up with that skank Narelle. Now I've got no one to play trains with.


Another omelette anyone?


Is anyone out there?

Chooooooo choooo wooo

simba's picture
simba's picture
simba Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 9:05am

stray-gator ? ??? you o.k?

grog-an's picture
grog-an's picture
grog-an Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 9:56am

I just had an omelette with spinach, cheese and tomato after some very high intensity training with a couple of ladies I met last night, in the bedroom, if you know what I mean ;)

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 6:26pm

Gidday Simba. Yeh, all good here, thanks for asking. I know you all think I'm a self-obsessed, moronic small-town nobody who just dishes out gratuitous advice that no one listens to, but that's not the half of it. I get no respeck at home too. I'm buggered if I know why. It's like people don't believe me, the way they ask for real proof that what I know is the Troof, despite fact that I'm the best train driver in the world, have a Cert IV in Trains, and the biggest train set in Pt Lincoln. Even though I know its true and tell em it's true and chuck eggs at em when they question me, they still want actual live proof. Science? Bah. We all know trains run by magic. Electricity is just some concept invented by people with PhDs to justify government handouts. What would they know that I've missed? Eh? I'm the one with the train set.

And the Cert IV.

In Trains.

Dwayne, if you're reading this, all is forgiven, just come home. Remember who's your daddy?

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 6:19pm

Good work grog-an, the word "couple" sounds interesting!
Sounds like you had Stray-gator's "Hornby" train set going at full speed.

grog-an's picture
grog-an's picture
grog-an Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 8:03pm

Yes it was very interesting, and that is exactly what I meant. We were playing trains in the bedroom. Every one knows I'm heaps better at playing trains than gay-strator. He wouldn't even know a 3801 from a 3820 or a 3 x 20! I play high-intensity trains and then go and charge the heaviest 3 footers I can find then eat a dozen boiled eggs.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 8:24pm

Nice try unwelly, sorry not interested. That talk might work out on the rig, and I've no doubt you are super successful as the rig bayot,, but again not interested. Each to their own though, and now I realise why you favour the chubby, blubber flaps look.

Poor gateso, another big home alone saturday night for the gimp. Unwelly's away, literally getting the shit pounded out of him on the rig. On top of that, distraught at unwelly's flogging, groges has had one snort too many, used all the kittens blood and feathers, and been unfaithfull with a couple of ring in lady boy's, its all too much for the scrawny little fucker.

Yorko, with your condition, all the revived mental anguish and all that, I honestly and professionally feel that at this stage, Zumba is just too much for you. We have trainers that do kids classes though, and although you are probably medically unfit and too overweight to take part, maybe you could cope with them. At the 'save the doily's day' (from weasel's hut), I think you will be extremely busy polishing that gleaming 7'8", or was it 6'8" 'gun' and rhino chaser, and banning fourby's from the area.

Anyway blinder, unless you did something other than you said you were doing, after I offered that work out advice, you did do the opposite to what was suggested. And again with the addition of the 3 x 20. And that's really common. Because in the average persons workout, there is no real goal, or target.

Its becoming ridiculous, the gap between what the dissallusioned, misled, general public in our culture conceive of as athletic, or fanatical and what is seen as normal. Years ago, it used to be the out of the ordinary situation to be training people with endless injuries, conditions, and obesity. Now its the other way around, people accept being chubby and injured or sick as normal. Athletes, or even 'fit' people are seen as some sort of fanatical freak (enter the 3 x 20 infomercial team... 'well that looks normal and doable, not like those crazy fitness fanatics').

Yet not one of us would be here if we weren't meant to be 'athletic', or capable of it. In fact even the numbskull that needs to be lifted by a crane from their apartment comes from the 'elite', or they wouldn't even be here. 'Elite' athletes are that, because thats what we, what humans are capable of. All of our structure is there, because its meant to be, because it has a function. Our culture ignores that, and so is the fattest, sickest culture ever. I work with the schools, and now its rare to find even a kid that isn't overweight, or that isn't injured, or that can even just hang from a bar.

Its actually easier for guys like you blindboy to be super fit than it is for elite athletes. You don't have to compete when injured, compete just because sponsors demand it, train too much, worry about losing your income, etc, etc. You can design the perfect program.

However, the big difference is, the athletes, like many 'stars' have a goal, a serious one, a reason. The average person is doomed fitness wise. 'Just wanna lose a bit of blubber, just wanna maintain, just wanna tone up, just wanna look good for the wedding'. All feeble goals, which will soon be over ruled. Like they already are, before they were concocted.

Getting caught inside on the bank shouldn't cause injury.

So, what were the contradictions that you adopted in your program. What was a/the main goal (that I had in mind) of your progam's design.

And that leads to the biggy, nutrition.

If you are over this way, no worries. I'll even risk death (wouldnt wanna fuck with gateso) and put you onto some surf.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 8:12pm

You can have those fuck'n things zeno, I've seen plenty of them being chowed down, too much for me.

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 8:57pm



stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 8:59pm

Rule one, training should prevent injury, and protect from it, not, never cause it.

Rule two, training should enhance performance, not, never hinder it.

Rule three, see below:



uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 9:16pm

Poor gateso, the village gimp. All these years of pent up anguish, pent up wondering, pent up panicking, skulking, pent up terror and pain and dissallusionment can end in a nano second gateso. As you know, and have always clearly understood, I can easily and quickly help you. Finally after all the years of anguish, rise up, psyche yourself up, practise in the mirror, whatever, puff up, stand up, and you know where I am, I can help you.

'Uuuuu... Uuuuu... Mr Uuuuupppp, MR Upppppppllllllll... I, I, I... excuse me, Mr Uplift, sir, I am gateso! Finally after all these years and years and years and years, and years and years, the never ending pain will be gone in a mere nano second.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 9:18pm

But, once a gimp, always a gimp, poor little gateso.

stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2's picture
stray-gator_2 Sunday, 17 Nov 2013 at 9:37pm

Playing with trains is about mental focus. I aim to give you something that you can keep for life (although they're working on a cure). My unwavering focus and attention to detail is supported by 40 plus years of model training, I have been lucky enough to learn techniques unavailable in any comic book. I get inside your pan..... head and do strange things with you from the start until well after the finish of your session with me.

But, once a loser without a sense of humour, friends, qualifications or social skills, always a trainer.

yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Monday, 18 Nov 2013 at 5:06am

You could have your own float at the next Tunarama showcasing your training methods to a wider audience? There would be other parades I'm sure that would have such a fine physical specimen as yourself on show? It's time you brought your techniques to the world Uplift!

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 18 Nov 2013 at 9:54am

Gidday Yorko!

That Tunarama thing's already been done Yorko!

When we won business of the Year!

Don't worry about me maaayyyte, concentrate on getting rid of your blubber and coping with the years of pent up grief of people's lives been severely jeapordised!

Plus you need to save the planet by using tanker loads of fuel, internet time, laptops, phones, fourby's, accomodation, piss, gleaming 'guns' that look nice etc, etc, etc, etc to have a piss up and save 'doily's, from the hordes of guys like you using tanker loads of fuel, internet time, laptops, phones, fourby's, accomodation, surfboards, piss, etc, etc, etc, etc!

Then you need to get that gleaming 6' 8" 'gun' degleamed and reglassed!



yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer's picture
yorkessurfer Monday, 18 Nov 2013 at 12:05pm

Congratulations on your award that's great to hear Uplift! However by calling those you have never met obese and unfit you sound like a cop who's been in it too long and think everyone's a crim.
I really don't mind though, you can continue to pre-judge myself and blubberboy and jellyman as if we are like those pathetic individuals you deal with on a daily basis at your gym.

Hope to meet you one day, you would get quite a shock. I am not a blubber guts and am quite fit, don't drink, smoke or take drugs and eat a balanced diet. Having a health crisis as I did in my early thirties tends to jolt you into living a more sensible lifestyle. Indeed one of the reasons I moved close to the waves was for lifestyle reasons and so I wasn't burning heaps of fuel to go surfing(how far is Lincoln to Blacks?).

It's true though I am a consumer and like buying nice boards etc. but i try and offset that by doing things like charity and conservation work to balance out my human needs and desires. Your wife's from the Philippines right, so I'm sure she appreciates those willing to help out desperate people in need much like you helping those desperate fatties at your gym?

As I've said before, keep up the good work and consider sharing your remarkable views with a wider audience than a bunch of relatively fit surfers who probably don't need your advice? Maybe a fitness version similar to that Tony Robbins "Get The Edge" DVD series could be on the cards? With a handle like Uplift I'm sure there would be no shortage of metaphors you could use for the tittle?

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Saturday, 20 Aug 2016 at 12:24am


wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Monday, 18 Nov 2013 at 3:29pm

I kind of knew you also drove and trained bobcat drivers, again good work Uppitycat.


uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 18 Nov 2013 at 3:42pm

Gidday Yorko!


So any long term cop thinks everyone is a crim?

No, you in fact would get a shock, a rude one. Thats the reality. I've been in that same scenario a zillion times. So many 'hellmen' surfers have been in my gyms over the last 40 years, and are extremely shocked when they actually train hard. Some like it, and decide to improve, some egos are so shattered when they are helpless, they run a mile. Boxing stars, martial artists, tow surfers, runners, chargers, again the list is endless. Surfing well isn't any measure of fitness. Again, MR won world titles with a stuffed back. Shaun Briley ruled pipe. Untrainred kids regularly whip pros butts. You can blame me for those scenarios and more if you like, but, that's just how it is.

I only know what I know because I learned a lot from others. I always seek out spectacular results. So thats how I met my friend that helped Carrol, Meninga, Cash, Waugh etc, when no one else could. When all others failed. When they said it couldn't be done. When I see things like that, I want to learn about it. Same when I learned about eating styles. I eat so many eggs, because I have seen incredible results, where everything, and everyone else failed, so I wanted to learn all about that. People say they train hard, I met people that got spectacular results from training harder than you can dream of. Plus, I learned my own things along the way, just like anyone who is genuinely focused and pours themselves into something. My friend who helped those 'stars' was very stubborn and set, but he also learned some things from me. It suprises me that someone with your fitness 'smarts', and background doesn't know who he is.

Your honestly idiotic judgements about clients lives being in mortal danger is just that, honestly idiotic. A knee jerk.

Yes you are 100% right you are a totally demanding consumer, to the extreme, to the nth degree, just like all in our culture and society. Every minute detail of your life constantly, utterly depends on every aspect of the very things you wish to stop. Of course my wife and people in need are gratefull, how many points do you want? I am no different to you, or anyone in our culture, but I don't delude myself into a trade off situation... gee, donated some money, or some time, now I have balanced out environmental destruction.

As I said before, imagine giving you 10 average clients, including some athletes to train for 3 months. And seeing the whole scenario. It would be hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 18 Nov 2013 at 3:51pm

Unwellymon, you survived the night! Hard core! Anti-inflammatories, and ice, in your case strapped to your butt!

grog-an's picture
grog-an's picture
grog-an Monday, 18 Nov 2013 at 6:56pm

My goal is to be super fit and charge 3ft blacks just like my idol, uplift.

uplift's picture
uplift's picture
uplift Monday, 18 Nov 2013 at 9:27pm

Have another snort groges.

udo's picture
udo's picture
udo Monday, 3 Mar 2014 at 3:05pm

@Uplift, what do you think of Johnny Gannons training of taj ? seems too focus on core strength and flexibility but not bulking up to much, how do you think taj with an extra 5-7 kgs of more muscle would perform ?

grog-an's picture
grog-an's picture
grog-an Monday, 3 Mar 2014 at 3:23pm

forget the 5-7kgs. they all need to be 100kg+ to be elite athlete surfers and then they will all earn millions of dollars each year, because everyone will want to watch surfing on tv. and when they are all 100kg+ no little grommet will ever beat a 100kg+ elite pro surfer athlete.

wellymon's picture
wellymon's picture
wellymon Monday, 3 Mar 2014 at 6:43pm

Just watched the Emerald Night , TGV and the Euro Star train crash again S-G-2,

Just to get things straight strator I think the TGV won...? Or come up better not worse.