Cruisin across the south australian continent..

Gday erikb.
Looks like no one wants to give you any clues.
SA (around Adelaide) is fickle in summer due to our dreaded SE winds and smaller swells (mostly).
That said plenty of options down from Cactus to Pt Lincoln (noahs here, but being from WA not that worse).
Innes National Park on Yorke peninsular (and surrounds).
South coast from Robe to Pt Mac will give options on easterly winds and picks up most SW swell.
Plenty of good spear fishing over on the west coast and our Sth East.
There, I dont think I gave too much away. Enjoy your trip, sounds awesome.

I reckon if the surf is no good, a game of bare foot bowls right on the beach at port Elliot and a feed of fishn chips would be good value :) Very pretty spot....

Sheepie. I made an effort not to name names.
Now you went and spoilt it.
The fish + chips is our secret spot!!!

Qantas flies over that coast a bit, from Sydney to Perth, never been there but it looks amazing.

They used to do deep fried Mars Bars at the Port Elliot Fish and Chip Shop. Not sure if they still do them but they're tasty little suckers!
You should probably follow the Eyre Peninsula coast along the Flinders Highway to Port Lincoln stopping in at all the little coastal towns along the way. Check out Murphy's Haystacks south of Streaky Bay which has an awesome 'wave rock' formation.
If you come back on the more direct route through the middle of the E.P along the Eyre Highway there's a great free little campground at a place called Pildappa Rock near Minnipa. They call the area Granite Country with all sorts of rock formations dotted around the place.
As for surf seek and ye shall find. It really isn't that hard to find most of the waves and if your cool the locals are mostly friendly and will help you out. My local surrounds on the Yorke Peninsula are pretty good too if you can put up with the Xmas holiday crowds. Good Luck!!!

Cocklebiddy bird lookout in the old telegraph station is worth a look.
Need a fourby, but good to break up that part of the drive.

Ceduna foreshore is a nice secluded spot to eat some King George and quaff some SA SSB.

oldman wrote:Sheepie. I made an effort not to name names.
Now you went and spoilt it.
The fish + chips is our secret spot!!!
Sorry, old man..... Couldn't help myself. ;)

If you're a surfer, you obliviously have lucky legs, lucky they don't snap and jamb up your arse;)
Call in and see Uplift so he can put yourself through a full on leg regime, so it works for your bottom turns down the coast.
Have a good journey and say hi to Mr Bourne for me ;)

Two words .
Flys & seabreezes .
Make sure your car likes it hot , your esky is full and your water bottleS are n't filled with the local water ;-)
Don't worry the Beer is cleaner .
Heading East : surf all morning , drive all arvo's . Sleep some of the nights ..... ( 3rd wheel !?! ) ;-)
Say hello to a retired surfer in Pt Lincoln , don't tailgate a man going by the Name Zephalien .
If a guy named schmux treats you like a king , try to cover your tracks .
If you get to Victoria ..... I here the casino is open 24/7 ...... Odds are better than colours !
Good Luck

Gold stuff Southey:)

Yeah the flys can get friendly.
Try 'rosemary & cedarwood' its the ducks nuts.

I was at cactus in March a couple of years ago and I could not have believed that there were that many flies alive on the earth! The little fuckers were EVERYWHERE!!
Got some classic photos of people smiling and there teeth look completely black from all the flies swarming all over them cleaning out the bits of mie goreng.
And yes the water tastes like shit.
Streaky bay was awesome. Good pub to have a few beers and look at the water.

If the surf looks too heavy, try these couple of lines (well, thats if the powdered ones haven't worked) from SW Vicco.
'Faaaark, nah, no good me going out in that shit... I'll farkin charge too farkin 'ard I will!!!!! Can somebody 'elp me lift me faaarkin 'ighchair back orn the the faaarkin roof?
Fark this, that's shit, I'm '' oorff to a faaarkin 'uge, real 'eavy right up the faaarkin coaast. Can somebody 'elp me lift me faaarkin 'ighchair back orn the the faaarkin roof?
They should really lift your status, and go down well around the globe.

Ah skirtlift, you've obviously used those quotes before.

I remember being there a couple of years ago goofy and had the same experience. I went to the local store at Penong and low and behold they had one of those hat connected anti-fly should have seen the jealous looks I got cruising back into camp. I think there were only 2 more in stock!

All this fly talk reminds me of these Dutch backpackers I met down here who were doing a round Australia trip. The March Fly's had been biting them hard and the conversation moved on to Mosquitos, Ticks, the Southern Hemisphere's most painful Wasp, Scorpions, Snakes and Sharks that all frequent the southern coastline of Australia.
One of them says with a thick European accent " Zats da sing aboot Ozdralia, everysing baites yoo".....
I pissed myself laughing but he was right, at least it's true in this part of the country!

Ah skirtlift, you've obviously used those quotes before.
No fizzleroy, but I heard another beauty, some geek, you, in indo heard there was a swell, and went missing in action, claiming his boat broke down. Naturally, when the swell fizzled, the boat was quickly fixed, and the geek, you, was all over it, squealin' and squawking and flappin around.

stanfrance wrote:I remember being there a couple of years ago goofy and had the same experience. I went to the local store at Penong and low and behold they had one of those hat connected anti-fly should have seen the jealous looks I got cruising back into camp. I think there were only 2 more in stock!
Yep I did the same thing and bought one from there too! And you had to lift it up as quick as you could and have a sip of beer and then close it again without it filling up with flies.. Hahaha

I like this line, -"i didnt know there were rocks out here! im going in". At places like pipeline it would work a treat, or in this case most SA reefbreaks.

Classic, as unbelievably ludicrous as it sounds, that is actually, commonly heard over here from the NE NSW/SE Qlders.

mothart wrote:Yeah the flys can get friendly.
Try 'rosemary & cedarwood' its the ducks nuts.
i wish i had known this when i was in kalbarri, i wrote a poem called windscreen wiper walker as i walked out to a....surfspot. didnt need to eat for my stay.

@groundswell-A goatboater used that line when he saw me standing knee deep on a rock 100 metres from shore at one of the reefs down here. He paddled straight in and I don't blame him. Strapped to the seat like he was the rock would of knocked his head clean off his shoulders if he attempted one of those egg rolls in the wrong spot!

uplift wrote:Classic, as unbelievably ludicrous as it sounds, that is actually, commonly heard over here from the NE NSW/SE Qlders.
yeah... I heard Mick Fanning, Kong, Rabbit, and Parko waffle these lines often......
There are 2 types of reef surfers..... Those that quietly and modestly get the job done, blowing minds and gaining underground respect , and those that need words to bolster their inept performances.....

@ shirtlifter, you got no idea, clueless. Wonder what the tender is for, besides towing a busted boat....... Clueless goose. Stick to squatting in pink lycra.

Most surfing areas have at least one relatively heavy local spot.
And, I suppose, every relatively heavy local spot has at least one blinkered wanker who goes on and on about it.

'There are 2 types of reef surfers'
There are actually more. Many more. There are those that live in the other states, but always have a South Oz story up their sleeve (where there is lots of room I might add), to bolster things up in the front bar, or around the campfire, or in the car park, or when gazing out to see on the point. There are those that 'know' 'select' people. There are those that don't surf heavy reefs so that they won't charge too hard, those that get lost trying, those that get washed away, those that never lived at black's, so basically are at the bottom of the pile in the story claims, forever clawing at the ladder.
And then there are those rare ones, that are 'pristine', totally unmarked and untouched so to speak... big, raw boned, good looking, athletic, uninjured types... that unite others, that lifty the useless gumbies, the swillnuts, up into a frenetic, clammering unison, screeching and squwarking and flapping in unison, without knowing why, when, where, or how... swillnutters as one.
I seek no reward, its just what I do.

Nah.... Just 2 types..... The Ronnie Burns, , Wayne Lynches, Tom Currens, Simon Andersons, Bk's, Vetea Davids.... They just surf, or surfed.... Their actions have spoken louder than any obscure blog thread.... Humble, respected elders, They have nothing to prove, only to themselves... No parochial state chip on their shoulder..... Seen a thousand heavy situations in a thousand heavy locations... Stared at death, honest enough to admit fear.... Wear many reef scars like warrior tattoos... Pushed it to the limit... Don't have to live at a break for years to get it wired.... They just scope a new spot like a sniper, get info from the local commander, prepare for battle, and charge..... No neverending waffle about past glory, 15foot sunset, or 10 foot chopes, or 25 foot mavericks.... They're too busy looking at charts, hunting the next buzz..... Then they retire..... That glow in their eyes... A happy elder.. Complete... At peace... They help the young warriors... Humble till the end....
Then there's the other type..... Loud, always trying to prove, elitist, condescending, Us v them, narcissism..... They get one reef wired, and claim glory..... ;) A bit like one direction, really.... Same style, same music( same wave), same result....... Never a standout..... except on land....Top of the pops for a while.... Then people start to notice the cracks.... But they bravely justify their relevance... And those with no musical knowledge , whoops, I mean surfing knowledge continue to buy it.... lol

Yeh, the tazzie guys come over regularly, started coming and filming and towing and all that stuff years ago. Hook up with them next trip.
All the other stuff sounds real romantic. Noble savages. Reef ridin', nostrils flared and snortin', geetar totin', two fisted', axe weildin', scar and tatt sportin' burly, real life, bad boy mo fuckers. Sounds like another book in the making. The icer on the cake. Maybe even another epic, another celluoid masterpeice that promised so, so, so, so much... even more than so, so much... an epic that shook the world to its core... Driftless 2... the rise of the greatest athletes that ever lived.

There is some real boring bits on that drive.
Maybe you could see if the chick is a good sport, and jump up front for a bit of skiing on those long stretches.

Dont shit in beach carparks or leave rubbish, dont take photos of surf and post it anywhere, good local beer varieties and cheap counter meals at pubs everywhere,beautiful desert and (mostly)friendly people (unless you are loud, hassling, shitting or taking photos in which case you deserve what you get)

ps maybe watch Wake in Fright for a taste of SA desert lifestyle

Sheepdog wrote:Nah.... Just 2 types..... The Ronnie Burns, , Wayne Lynches, Tom Currens, Simon Andersons, Bk's, Vetea Davids.... They just surf, or surfed.... Their actions have spoken louder than any obscure blog thread.... Humble, respected elders, They have nothing to prove, only to themselves... No parochial state chip on their shoulder..... Seen a thousand heavy situations in a thousand heavy locations... Stared at death, honest enough to admit fear.... Wear many reef scars like warrior tattoos... Pushed it to the limit... Don't have to live at a break for years to get it wired.... They just scope a new spot like a sniper, get info from the local commander, prepare for battle, and charge..... No neverending waffle about past glory, 15foot sunset, or 10 foot chopes, or 25 foot mavericks.... They're too busy looking at charts, hunting the next buzz..... Then they retire..... That glow in their eyes... A happy elder.. Complete... At peace... They help the young warriors... Humble till the end....
Then there's the other type..... Loud, always trying to prove, elitist, condescending, Us v them, narcissism..... They get one reef wired, and claim glory..... ;) A bit like one direction, really.... Same style, same music( same wave), same result....... Never a standout..... except on land....Top of the pops for a while.... Then people start to notice the cracks.... But they bravely justify their relevance... And those with no musical knowledge , whoops, I mean surfing knowledge continue to buy it.... lol
Vetea David, ever met him sheepie? I have, many a time. Most self centered arrogant wanker on the tour in his time and believe me as far as he was concerned it was all "his" time
Hi there!
We are two guys and one chick that have arranged a campervan to drive from Perth to Sydney starting 19th december, aiming to return around the 9th of january. 3 Weeks all up.
We're bringing longboards, shortboards, mid-lengths, spear fishing gear and whatever else we can fit in the van.
I was wondering if you fellas would be kind enough to share some tips on epic places to see along the way, both surf and non-surf related locations, for the boys and for the lady (novice surfer). I'm not expecting anyone to give away any secret spots, but some info on what to expect in terms of wind and wave patterns for this time of year would be helpful as well as some cruisy out-of-the way spots that might be worth checking out too :)
Thanks in advance! Excited is an understatement!