No more need for a visa when visiting Indonesia

Interesting. Just a short time after they raised it from US$25 to $35 too.

Jokowi starting to turn the rusty old wheels maybe.

Cool :D

Looks like Australians may still have to buy a Visa on arrival in indo $35 US. - Jakarta post.
1 million Aussies visited Indonesia last year @$25US some $35 US per head -Big $$$$

Yeah…I read about that the other day..they didn't say why, but did say it was political motivated?
Im happy to pay about a dollar a day anyway.

Yes it might be ok if your 1 person but if there is 5 like me (family) its very expensive. Typical Indo greed
I think they should step back and have a look at Bali over crowded, overdeveloped, filthy dirty, dangerous, insane traffic, corrupt cops, health issues, polluted ocean the list is endless not to mention its still basically a third world country. No not a fan of the increase but hey still got perfect waves.

Typical Indo greed
Ever considered what they pay to come to oz?
$130 absolute minimum.
Should they let us in free because we're all white and stuff?

re: evosurfer, good call sypkan.
evosurfer, might want to check typical Aussie greed too. Just cause they changed it's name and hid it in ya airfare doesn't mean we haven't still got a tax just to leave! A$55 each. BTW an Australian ETA for all but Europeans will set you back A$20 as well.
evosurfer wrote:... over crowded, overdeveloped, filthy dirty, dangerous, insane traffic, corrupt cops, health issues, polluted ocean the list is endless not to mention its still basically a third world country.
Mate, if that's what you're after in a holiday why not hit the Goldy?

No thanks I go to Hawaii if not Bali. I might also add that I go to Bali at least 3 times a year usually twice with family and once to meet swell so believe it or not im not against Bali I still luv Bali just giving a realistic
summary of the place after around 70 trips there in the last 23 years. If it has not got any of what ive stated
feel free to educate me.
Right now just discussing with family late Hawaii or early Bali for our next holiday.

On the contrary evosurfer, it's got all you stated and more in spades!! Which (despite loving the place, surf and people) is why I haven't been back since the late '90s. Plenty of other parts of Indonesia to explore.

sypkan wrote:Typical Indo greed
Ever considered what they pay to come to oz?
$130 absolute minimum.
Should they let us in free because we're all white and stuff?
Yes Its not easy for many Indonesians to come to Australia, we sponsored my Indo wife's parents to come here for a few weeks and it cost us a few hundred dollars, her parent even had to get full medicals including chest X-rays, they even warned us we may have to pay a bond of AUD 10K, we applied in December hoping to get it approved for February, and after heaps of fucking around we finally got the visa in May and then they had to be used them by i think it was August.
We did it direct online, but i did learn latter from others that its much easier to just let them apply through a travel agent in Indonesia and friend applications done this way have only taken a few weeks.

evosurfer wrote:No thanks I go to Hawaii if not Bali. I might also add that I go to Bali at least 3 times a year usually twice with family and once to meet swell so believe it or not im not against Bali I still luv Bali just giving a realistic
summary of the place after around 70 trips there in the last 23 years. If it has not got any of what ive stated
feel free to educate me.
Right now just discussing with family late Hawaii or early Bali for our next holiday.
Bugger me dead, richie rich evosurfer complains about paying a fee, then says I'll take the family to the most expensive place to surf on earth, more about bragging how much money he has.

No mate airline benefits and just to piss you off even more, here is another honest statement Hawaii is by far my favourite surfing destination in the world. North shore you relax with the overall atmosphere so cruisy and enjoy the aloha. You cant tell me Bali is relaxed and cruisy.

You're right mate. I can't think of many things more hectic than getting a dirt cheap massage under a palm tree at Nusa dua after riding long walls in crystal clear bath temp water all morning. Fuck that.

Palm massage = Happy ending ... ;-)

Sorry evosurfer, walked into aldi the other day and bought a six pack of red for 12.99 and things go down hill from happy our round here at the moment cant help stirring the pot sometimes.
True the north shore is miles ahead of bali, but even with discounted airfares your wallet is still going to cop a hiding, don't think there would be to many hotels on the north shore giving airline staff discounts.
I'm actually luvin indo being the honey pot of surfing, all roads lead to bali and beyond, it has taken the pressure off the rest of the worlds surfing meccas.

southey wrote:Palm massage = Happy ending ... ;-)
Make banana cry

Free visas again for Aussies.
And Israeli's .

Aust and NZ citizens now able to use Auto gate passport entry when landing in Bali
35 -65 second process...should speed your arrival up a bit.

Also use it on the way out. Lots of people lining up that don't need to.
"This morning, Indonesia’s ministers’ meeting in Jakarta announced that the visa on arrival scheme will be scrapped early next year for tourists from Australia."
Not too sure what it means for the long term visitors - will they still have to do visa runs? - but there'll be a few people happy not having to hand over coin after checking in.