what ya drinking

Enjoyed a few Speights Old Dark brews on the weekend.. one of the better dark ales I've had in my time.

Been into the scotch and dry a bit lately..
Daz, where do you get these kooky little animations from?

I love an icey cold Crown Lager - better than Mother's Milk! Or a margarita.
Here's one for you to try: ginger beer and milk, equal parts with lots of ice. Really. Very refreshing on a hot day when you don't want a heavy head from alcohol. Tastes a bit like coconut - weird.

Suntory Premium Malts (Awesome Japanese beer and worth the extra coin).

Been drinking and smoking too much lately. I've never been a through-the-week drinker and I've always been a staunch non-smoker. But I recently discovered Monteith's Golden Lager at the bottlo up the road, and at about the same time I discovered the deli next door to the bottlo sells Gudangs.
Now I pass up the late afternoon glass offs to sit on my porch sucking on beer and ciggies.
I hope this phase passes quickly...

Monteith! That's right, I had one of their dark ales over in NZ too. Even better than the Speights.

I'vebeendrinkingcoffeegoodcoffereallyreallystrongcoffeecosit'sreally reallycoldandmyfbombjustisn'tenoughtokeepmewarmwhilstIsurfthesecrazyfrigidwaveshereinthedeepsouthoftassie!!!!!!!!!

Monteiths Gold has been responsible for much sheep-shaggin in NZ.
After a few of them, anythhing looks good.
Hey Dino.
Are they the real INdo gudangs Stu or the Aussie version with less tar?
Those damm things clog your lungs faster than anything.....I love 'em.

The Indo version Steve. Got 40 mg tar which is about three times Winnie Reds. Lovely.
They're not as good as when you smoke 'em in Indo though, and not just cos you can't mix your 'dangs with your 'tangs. The syrup on the butt dries out in transit so it doesn't feel the same on your lips. They don't crackle and pop like they do in Indo either. As you can tell I'm becoming a connoisseur in these matters.

Coopers home brew out of my keg. Icy cold out of the tap after 2 & 1/2 weeks at sea. Aaaaarrrrrrgh

Case of Kirin. $63.00. Worth every last cent.

Sixty three bucks! Actually, I can hardly talk.. that's what I paid for a carton of Cooper Pale when I first moved to the Goldy. Almost twice the price compared to SA.
Have always wanted to do some home brewing Fitzy.. just don't quite have the room right now. You got a tap installed as well?

xxxx gold...... nothing beats it

^^That's disgusting burleigh.
Can't go past good ol' Coopers Green.
Also like the James Squires, oh and Boags, and Asahi, and every beer actually..
Besides VB, xxxx, and westend

Besides VB, xxxx, and westend
By: "craig"
That's it...plus Tooheys Red which may actually be the worst beer in the history of brewing.
And Daz I didn't mind Southwark Lager. They had a dark version that some of you trendy ale/stout/ try hards might wanna check out...totally left field gear that gets them tongues clucking when you sport a sixy on grand entrance to the barbie.

Yeah Ben, easy as and way less hassle than bottling. Works out around $4.50 a carton if you convert the litres to stubby ratio. Home brew is not everyones cup of tea (so to speak) but there is heaps to choose from and when you find one you like (fuck what anyone else thinks, your brewing and drinking it) it's great.
It takes about 20mins to set down your brew, about a week to 10 days to brew, put into a holding container for a couple of weeks (even longer if you want), while you put another brew down and then in the keg on the gas for 24hrs and your drinking it!
Morgans do a 25 litre stainless steel keg which is about 400mm high, fits in the bottom of the beer fridge with room above for all your other drinks. Co2 gas bottle outside with a tap on the door or side of the fridge and drip tray. Schooner glasses above in the freezer!
Cost's a few hundred to set up, but you do the sums. It is so easy and somewhat enjoyable when you get into it! See a good home brew shop and they will set you in the right direction.

Great info Fitzy.. thanks! I can taste them sweet sweet hops already :D

Have always wanted to do some home brewing Fitzy.. just don't quite have the room right now. You got a tap installed as well?
I met a bloke and his missus in north west Australia, he had been traveling for ten years and brewed it as he went in the caravan, so don't let room hold ya back.

mr da , one has a still in ones castle and have given up adding flavouring so now one just drinks the "shine" now with lime and soda or tonic it costs about $12 per litre and one has alcohol content at 40% no preservatives or additives so no hangover well not much of one anyway

mr da , one thinks its the q but could be the k! either way they both are worthy chariots

mr da , ones prefered delivery time is around the 330 am and if one has to come all the way up copperhead road and the "man" was chasing oneself one would have to say pic 1 would be the chariot of choice! and to quote a great man " learnt a thing or two from charlie dont you know you better stay away from copperhead road" sorry mr da for ones ramblings and incohereance but one was on the royal jetfeul last night and am a little cloudy

There is one uber tasty brew I got my hands on. James Squire limited release Scribbly Gum lager. Excellent drop if you can get past the price $77 a case. If you can find some it is well worth the coin. Don't waste it on bad mates though.

Sounds just a little on the wank side of things, but I stumbled across a brew by a guy down in the Mclaren Vale. SWELL is his brand and he does a Pale Ale and a Golden Ale, both in 500ml bottles.
Glorious stuff.
Guinness in winter
$20 for 4 Corona's in an ice bucket when in Darwin
Coopers Pale most other times
Almost any McLaren Vale Red when I don't want to drink beer.

Can't say I'm totally surprised.
AUSTRALIA'S TOP 10 BEERS (by volume share)
XXXX Gold 12.4 per cent
VB 12.3 per cent
Carlton Draught 9.3 per cent
Tooheys New 7.1 per cent
Tooheys Extra Dry 4.4 per cent
Carlton Mid 3.8 per cent
Carlton Dry 3.3 per cent
Corona Extra 3.1 per cent
Pure Blonde 2.6 per cent
Hahn Premium Light 2.5 per cent
From this article: http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/restaurants-bars/winning-gold-will-...

From my end, Monteith's Black is getting a reasonable workout at the moment.

yeh all those beers are brewed in 3 states where 3/4 of the population lives(bar carona)even though theyre sold aust wide ppl always tend to buy local, per state per capita would be interesting. Westend or Coopers in S.A., Swan or Emu in W.A., N.T. Draught up there and one of the boags down in tassie. Cant go past a Coopers Sparkling ale for me that brew has me addicted!! also thats the third time ive heard of that bloke down in McLaren Vale brewing Swell must give it a try heard rave reviews!!

BTW and of the alcoholic sub, jst a lil bit of useless information S.A. is the only state in australia where with non alco drinks, Coca-Cola amatil (sprite, fanta, coke etc) gets outsold and thats by the one and only Farmers Union Iced Coffee! Cant beat the stuff!!(unless your talkin beer)

Mad Chook 101.....and bunger. mmmm

wild turkey American Honey.
Tooheys New if stubs, Carlton Draught if tap.
***Lite Beer is for pregnant women.
I like to smash a few bottles of premium Sparkling Burgundy around Xmas.

Back into the Fat Yaks this evening. Another fine drop.

Based on the number of contributions you are making to this topic themalben I would be thinking of checking myself into the local detox centre.

farmers union iced coffee, fuck im dribbling thinking about that stuff.....been a long time since ive skulled some of that....nasty campbell used to drink 3 ltrs a day every day.

Actually I'm somewhat of a lightweight - I'm still only half way through the six pack I bought yesterday. In years gone by I'd stock the fridge with a carton of Coopers Pale but these days I prefer to buy six packs and try a different brand every time.
There goes my credibility!

Tonight I'm drinking a Young's Double Chocolate Stout - its like your morning espresso shot in a pint bottle, fantastic stuff.

I've got a new favourite beer: 'Choc Hops' Chocolate Stout from the Matilda Brewery. Bloody marvelous stuff.

Ben well done completing dry july. An excellent and worthy cause. Normans Holbrooks Road Shiraz (yes thats Underdale in Adelaide's near west) was one of my first drinks post-dry july, and a good one at that. Plus I've been drinking a lot of pear and jasmin tea straight (no milk or sweetener), bloody nice and cleansing tea. Not that I've been in this situation yet, but I reckon it'd be spot on straight from the billy in the middle of the desert...

Thanks Mundies - and congrats to you too! DJ wasn't quite as hard as I thought it might have been. In fact the first beer back (White Rabbit) tasted pretty ordinary! I tells ya what though, this Choc Hops is the dogs bollocks. Not cheap though - $18 for a four pack.

I'm not a drinker, however a stubbie of Cooper's Dark Ale was poored into the slow-cooker on Monday. Some meaty lamb shanks along with a variety of simple ingredients and 8 hours of cooking time was just the ticket for an amazing winter meal.

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it, but tried "Pepper Jack Ale" just recently.. loved it buts its like $16 a six pack. This coming from a Coopers Pale Ale only drinker.
johnnie walker double black for my double birthday yesterday
anyone tried ginger tequila cocktail