Christenson Surfboards - ride reports?

cycd's picture
cycd started the topic in Sunday, 16 Jun 2019 at 4:16pm

Anyone have or ridden a Christenson?

Keen to hear what anyone thought of a few models if they own or have tried - i like the look of the nautilus, the surfer rosa (looks like its a cut down nautilus) and the fish. The carrera step up looks interesting (some seem to be on the thin side)

Any feedback gents?

markxxx's picture
markxxx's picture
markxxx Sunday, 16 Jun 2019 at 8:53pm

Haven’t ridden any of those although the Nautilus has always interested me. I have a 7’ Christenson Flat Tracker mid which is a really fun board. My brother has a little 5’6 Ocean Racer which is all he wants to ride these days. Definitely not your average mini simmons.

Sam Mozaffari's picture
Sam Mozaffari's picture
Sam Mozaffari Monday, 17 Jun 2019 at 12:00pm

I have a Carrera around 6'10 and it goes bloody insane in bigger waves! Can't fault it.

Groover's picture
Groover's picture
Groover Monday, 17 Jun 2019 at 1:10pm

Carrera 6'4. Solid glassing, so heavier than my other PU boards. Good paddler and the extra weight helps when conditions are a little choppy. Fast and stable board, works better for me as a quad than thruster. 'Gunny' shape so needs drawn out turns on a long wall, not so great for short beach break rides. Challenging board to ride, but when you unwind on a long wall...