Entity Pin

Just ordered one from Gary last week, a 6'3" ! Should arrive in time for the Autumn / winter swells here in Vic :) Cannot wait...

Entity Pin is an excellent choice. I’ve had a couple in a quad set up and also a four channel twin set up. Some of my sons mates have got the Entity done in the Treetech Flax and travelled O/S and they’ve been impressed.

I just had a look at the Entity Pin. I have a similar board on order with my local fella Jade Robinson, DSN Surfboards. Mine will be 6'8, being 85kg and pushing 50, and for nice clean days at 3-6' on the local beaches and for a trip to Fiji.
I have ordered with a single concave into a double and a narrower pin. I was originally thinking a 2+1 fin set up, but have landed on the quad for extra drive. The last two years I have mostly been riding a 9'1 and 9'6 old school log and I'm looking forward to getting in to it.

I’ve had a couple of the Gary’s old Alien’s (same as an Entity under the brand Formula Energy) and they were the best boards I’d ridden. One was a standard 6’0 swallow all rounder- stringerless with carbon rails. So lovely.
Other was a 6’4 step up that went well in anything of size, surfed it in 10’ plus Ujung Bocur. I loved surfing it at 6 foot or so down the line points like Lennox. Alas it succumbed to a trip to the North Shore, was a sad day.
I replaced it with another Entity round pin step up. Loves the quad set up. For one reason or another it didn’t get the best run last year but really came
alive on a few gems at Kirra this past swell.
Have just ordered a CV2 as my all rounder on Gary’s advice.
Can’t wait to see how it goes.

I have had a 5 10" GM entity pin quad fin in the stringerless carbon construction for about 3.5yrs now. Lovely board, very adaptable in everything from 2-3 foot beachies to 4-6 foot indo. It was a bit of a one board quiver killer for a while.
Last year I ordered a RTT in the same construction from Gary which is quite possibly one of the best boards I have ridden. Its relegated the Entity in a lot of situations. I'm a fan of Garys boards so I think you will enjoy the Entity should you decide on it.

Trav were you a Twinnie fan before getting your RTT?

I've got an entity swallow thruster/quad at 5'10", stringerless with carbon rails. Great board. Have surfed it all over South and West Oz, as well as a few Indo trips. Could probably use just a touch more rocker for my liking but a good around board.
I have also had an RTT and it didn't do as much for me, especially when I compared it to my Banks Magic Carpet (exact same dims give or take 1/8th of an inch).
I've surfed a number of Gary's boards through friends and they always seem to be very well shaped, and they travel very well with the carbon rail and hemp inlay constructions.

The joys of surfing! Its such a personal feeling riding a surfboard.
Solitude I hadn't owned any twins prior to the RTT but had two other qaud's one of which as a FW baked potato. Fair to say I was a quad fan but was concerned about how loose a twin might be. That's why was so blown away with the RTT from Gary as to me it felt as stable and drivey as any of my other boards but just seemed to have an extra level of after burn the others didn't.
Moral of the story is that surfing is fun and Gary makes good boards.

Hey leniam...I've got both a RTT, with the Rasta keels, and an Entity Pin set up as a quad, both 6'0", both ride completely differently. Love them both, but my favourite is definitely the RTT...I haven't found anywhere yet that it's not super fun to ride. As far as I'm concerned, Gary is a genius!

I think the stability / hold is attributed to the long channel running most of the length of the board. Rasta describes it as a 'twin with teeth'.

Just picked up one of Gary's CV2 models. Absolutely beautifully crafted thing. Cannot wait to give it a burl next pulse of swell.

Hi Solitude, What material did you get ? PU / EPS ? I just ordered a Pu and curious as to what people were ordering and which conditions they were intending to surf there CV2's, Entitys or RTT's in?
Cheers !

This CV2 is PU stringerless carbon rails,
Quad setup.
This will likely be my everyday board. Gary reckons goes well from 1-6’. He’s reckons they even go well with a set of keel twins when it’s small.
He says the entity get going better 3-6’ and often better in good waves. In saying that I used to have an alien (same thing) and it was great in anything.
My step up entity is PU normal stringer.
The stringerless carbon rails definitely feel different, has this kind of ‘fling’ and ‘flex’. Gary assures that they are just as strong but I’m undecided about that yet.

Leniam how you go with your entity order?

Got my new entity pin. Flat spell.

Yew, dims? Is it a allrounder or step up? What you aiming to surf it in?

Step up. 6'6x21.5x3, got it for 4ft plus Vic waves.

What coast you on Ardi?

Bellarine, but I surf the Surfcoast a fair bit.

Bugger, you got it a week too late...
Won’t be long though till something pops up

True, I should've ordered it earlier!

First surf in decent waves. Very happy with the entity.

Hi Ardi. 6'6x21.5x3. That sounds like a fair bit of volume. Would you mind letting me know what your weight is? I'm thinking of buying an Entity and I'm trying to decide on dimensions.

How heavy are you? Are you after a step up or stand shorty?

Ralph, I'm 103 kgs (I think!), 46 yrs old, 6'1.
This board is shorter than my previous short board (6'10) and it holds in tight and grips. Another surf on it this morning in waves that didn't need a step up and it was still great.

Solitude. I am about 84kg. Would be looking to use this board in 3' to 6' waves (from head high to double overhead). I am thinking about an Entity rather than an Entity Pin

Ralphie boy you need no more than 35 ltrs 37 max at those Kgs

Yes that's about what I was thinking but also I'm kind of getting on a bit in age so need to factor that in. Next step is to speak to Gary and try and explain to him what I'm looking for in the board.

Ralph - Gary talks about the standard entity being an excellent board for 2-6’.
He reckons CV2 better in the smaller range.

$745 at Bennys boardroom.

Solitude - I contacted him about a 6'4". He told me that he doesn't really have standard dimensions.
However for my weight he would normally recommend 6'4' . 19 3/4 . 2 5/8 @ 32.5L.
I reckon I need at least 36L.
6'4" . 20 3/4 . 2 3/4 is 35.8L.
6'6" . 20 3/4 . 2 5/8 is 36L.
So I need to decide whether to go with a slightly thicker 6'4' or a longer slightly thinner board.
Also I'm thinking about whether to try the flax tree tech construction because I like epoxy and it should make it a bit lighter and more buoyant with the EPS foam. Having said that I haven't used a EPS board before. Also is more expensive. At some stage I will ring him.

I still don’t own a board that has volume written on it. Am I missing something?

Yeah Gary doesn't write volume on his either

Ralph -
Is your normal short board normally that long? I'm 88kg, these are the dims of my boards:
CV2 (allrounder) - 6'0 x 19.5 x 2.5
Entity step up - 6'6 x 9.75 x 2.75 (I purposely chumped up that board more than I needed though for 6-10' style waves)
I had an old Alien step up (entity) that was 6'4 x 19.5 x 2.5 and went like the clappers.
One thing you'll probably notice is they paddle WELL. I think he pushes a bit of foam up front for this, although I'm not exactly sure how he achieves this. So my current 6'0 paddles like a 6'3 or better of other boards.
Construction - my smaller board is the PU stringerless and carbon rails: has this different kind of 'springy' / 'flexy' feel to it out of turns
Step up is a standard PU and feels great too.
I'd be interested to see what the Flax boards are like, just couldn't justify the cost. He used to do these Hemp/PET inlays prior to the Flax which were pretty good and STRONG.
FWIW - if you're wanting it for 3-6' waves I'd probably go the shorter board.
Hope this helps :)

Solitude. Yeh thanks, it helps. My normal board is a 6'2" performance fish. I am about 6'2". It's probably slightly too much volume but I like the feel of the foam under my chest and it goes well in waves that have a bit of juice in them. Is also good in smaller waves. I'm fit for my age (60) but not compared to younger guys so I want a board that gets me into waves and is fast but also turns well etc.

your idea of the 6'4 sounds perfect. Be interested to know how you go.

Quad? Bet it comes into its own with another foot of swell.

I've surfed mine a few times now. Only once when it was needed but the other surfs have been really fun, too. Looking forward to getting into some bigger waves. The entity went so well in 4ft waves.

Hey Leniam,
I know this is an old thread but I’ve really enjoyed reading it. I’m considering an entity pin step up and since I’m your same ht/wt I’d love to hear how the 6’0 has gone for you two years on and what width/thickness did you go with. Cheers man

Just arrived this Rasta Torus Twin..havent surfed it yet but stoked on how good it looks and feels..I love twin keels.

Nice one groundswell you’ll have to give us some feedback. Looks unreal

Thanks goofy will do..there are a couple of waves around here this board will suit but theres too much wind and swell around at the moment for about a week. 20ft swell next tuesday and not getting below 5ft for a while.

Mint, that's a weapon GS, unreal. Whats the dimensions?
Up in Exy at the mo, devil wind is in and its shit. Maybe next week :)

Mint, that's a weapon GS, unreal. Whats the dimensions?
Up in Exy at the mo, devil wind is in and its shit. Maybe next week :)

Thanks seaslug one of those semi secret big swell lefts should be good up there on Tuesday or Wednesday winds look good for wednesday
dimensions are as far as i can remember 6'0 by 20 by 2 5/8 a lot bigger than the last few fishes ive had custom but im not as fit as i used to be...Cant wait to ride it

Groundy how much is Freight from Goldy to you
Dimensions on the decal between the fins ?
Hi All. Back again. My hunt for a new board is narrowing down. At the suggestion of Solitude I had a look at Gary Mcneill's boards. I'm currently thinking of an Entity Pin at around 5'11 or 6'0. I'm only 5'6 and 70kg (barely).
Anyone had any experience or advice on the Entity Pin? I thinking of it for a Indo trip for anything up to 6-8 ft (I'm not chasing bombs) and a bit of beachie work around the Gold Coast. Not looking for anything super-performance.