Looking for my old boards

Halibut's picture
Halibut started the topic in Friday, 25 Aug 2017 at 11:03am

In 2015, I was forced to sell my collection of custom made surfboards. These were boards that I shaped for myself between 2008-2014. At the time I had no choice due to onset of a chronic illness and subsequent unemployment. They were all single-fins or bonzers of various shapes and sizes ranging from 9' Mals, 8' mini-mals and all kinds of hotdog boards. Some of them had the "Camel" logo on them, others just had my name G. Ballard written on the bottom of the board.
They were all heavily glassed 7oz jobs and were hand- shaped and finally sold when I was living at Crescent Head.
I am no longer able to shape boards and rarely surf due to my health & location but I would love to get at least one of these back to give to my child.
I was wondering if anyone may have one of these boards laying around that they would like to re-sell and if anyone has had any success with finding old boards themselves and how they went about it.
I can post some pics of some of these boards. Would appreciate any input.
Thanks for your time,
Keep on truckin'

Clam's picture
Clam's picture
Clam Sunday, 12 Aug 2018 at 6:54pm

Halibut your article come up in my search for a lost board .
inadvertently bumping your thread sorry . Off topic article but cool story

Quoted from link :
A chance sighting online has led to a surfer being reunited with a board that had been stolen from his mother's garage 40 years ago.

Peter Gilson was gifted the board by his mother, who had secretly scrimped and saved the equivalent of approximatley $1,800 in the late '70s from a store in Newcastle.

"I only had it for about a year and it got pinched from the garage with a bunch of other things," Mr Gilson said.
