AB Byrning Spears

Sold one recently a 6,3 for 1k dont sell it.

Moondoggie how many years old is it ?
If its a caved in wafer i can't imagine its worth much .
Or is it new and not dented all over ?

Post some pics moondoggie

If it's plain white and in used but good surfing condition can fetch between $350-$600.
Custom colours/art sprays, gloss coats and perfect condition ones ususually in the $600-$900 range.

Where abouts are you , Moondoggie ?
Let's see some photos.
What dimensions is it ?

Wilson jet insta...fuck me putting channels in a blank with a sander...no room for error !
And maybe a comment directed at you Stuart...he he

Ha ha...yeah I've spoken to Rod since then. I gotta get and update that article, include a few more names that deserve recognition.
I've got an old Byrning Spears shaped by AB. Can anyone tell me what it's worth? channel bottom, 6'2 reasonable condition